用户讨论:Catherine Laurence/存档/2019年/4季度/11月
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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-45
The winner this Translation of the week is en:Jigokudani Monkey Park Please be bold and help to translation this article! Jigokudani Monkey Park is located in Yamanouchi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is part of the Joshinetsu Kogen National Park (locally known as Shigakogen), and is located in the valley of the Yokoyu-River, in the northern part of the prefecture. The name Jigokudani, meaning "Hell's Valley", is due to the steam and boiling water that bubbles out of small crevices in the frozen ground, surrounded by steep cliffs and formidably cold and hostile forests. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年11月4日 (一) 01:16 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #389
- Events
- Past: Wikidata Zurich Training 2019
- Upcoming: Next Wikidata office hour on Tuesday, November 5th at 18:00 Berlin time (UTC+1) on the the Wikidata Telegram channel
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Martin Poulter on Wikidata projects at the University of Oxford, 05, November. Agenda
- Press, articles, blog posts
- ZBW Labs: 20th Century Press Archives: Data donation to Wikidata
- The WikidataCon Card Game, Envel Le Hir
- The Great(er) Bear - using Wikidata to generate better artwork
- Linked (Open) Data for Knowledge Solutions, Artificial Intelligence and more presentation touching amongst others Wikidata and schema.org at Semantics 2019 by Felix Sasaki and Christian Lieske
- Querying the Edit History of Wikidata - Thomas Pellissier Tanon & Fabian Suchanek
- Online Disinformation and the Role of Wikipedia - Diego Saez-Trumper (WMF)
- Tool of the week
- SPARQL RC is showing the recent changes on items that are listed from a specific query. It is very useful to monitor the changes on a specific subset of data, for example data that you recently imported in Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Deutschland is hiring a Product Manager for Wikibase
- Live Wikidata editing videos: Jan Ainali makes videos showing his process while editing Wikidata. Magnus Sälgö also makes videos showing specific features and tools
- {{query page}} is a new template that can be used to store SPARQL queries on a dedicated wiki page, to be transcluded in various styles (announcement)
- New feature on Mix'n'match: job management
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: comorbidity, audio system, election called by, XML namespace
- External identifiers: Austrian Parliament 1848 - 1918 ID, Eu-football.info match ID, playmarkerstats.com match ID, Soccerway match ID, Fussballdaten.de team ID, NZPCN ID, Wolfram Language entity type, Women Film Pioneers ID, Van Wijngaarden quarry ID, Golden ID, Ovrtur Biography ID, Jeugdliteratuur ID, ACL Anthology article ID, Naver Encyclopedia ID, Ben Yehuda author ID, Estonian biographical database ID, doujinshi.org author ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: food composition, landscape architect, charge conjugation quantum number, IP address or range, featured in, Room number, Jabber channel, lighting, Mentioned at
- External identifiers: Sega Retro ID, CA Prop 65 ID, Gaming-History company ID, dp.ru company ID, Filmový přehled film ID, Filmový přehled person ID, SK cinema film ID, SK cinema authority ID, ePSD ID, classicamiga ID, Czech cadastral area ID, MEA Indian Mission ID, Planète Aventure ID, AaRC person ID, fyyd podcast identifer, Encyclopedia of Mathematics wiki ID, fyyd podcast episode ID, UEFA referee ID, Flowers of India ID, Panoptikum podcast episode ID, NBAIR pest ID, Reptiles of India ID, Odonata of India ID, Birds of India ID, Moths of India ID, India Biodiversity Portal species ID, Indian Medicinal Plants Database ID, ZSI author ID, Biodiversity of West Bengal species ID, UK Lakes Portal ID, askArt person ID
- Deleted properties: P2035 (LinkedIn personal profile URL), P1946 (N6I ID)
- Query examples:
- Map of UK MPs coloured by party (source) - may change in the next few weeks
- Maintenance query: items which have a value of "unknown" (Q24238356) rather than the "unknown" special value (source)
- 100 cities closest to the North pole with more than 200k inhabitants (source)
- Actors with whom Shah Rukh Khan collaborated, in a bubble chart showing how many times it happened (source)
- New Integraality dashboards: Journals by publisher, Theses by institution
- Schema examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Sum of all Podcasts
- Newest database reports:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Made the Lua functions mw.wikibase.getBestStatements and mw.wikibase.getAllStatements faster if called more than once for the same statement on a single page
- Fix a bug on the mobile termbox (phab:T236677)
- Update Wikibase Lua documentation (phab:T225497)
- Highlight individual statements when selecting them in the URL (phab:T234079)
- Add monolingual language code "sa-Sidd", "pi-Sidd", tnq (Taíno), car (Kalinago) and bdr (phab:T230881, phab:T220284, phab:T234330)
- Make it possible to collapse the "All entered languages" section when at the end of the section (phab:T232595)
- Cache php.getEntityStatements in mw.wikibase (phab:T236491)
- Tracking Wikidata Bridge openings by Datatype in Grafana (phab:T231204)
- Not showing Bridge edit pens when the editor cannot edit the article (phab:T235152)
- A bugfix to only show scrollbars where they are supposed to be shown (phab:T235622)
- Enabling/Disabling the Save button depending on the bridge state (phab:T230342)
- More work on tainted references
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 在Special:用户贡献中您可以透过编辑URL来同时查看最多5000笔修改,它已被降为500笔,这是为了阻止破坏站点的请求。 [1]
对IP编辑者设置不同的默认封锁期限。 [2]- MediaWiki新版本将于11月5日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,及于11月6日部署至非维基百科站点及部分维基百科,并于11月7日部署至所有站点,参见日历。
- 欢迎参与在IRC上举行之技术建议会议。会议上,志愿开发人员可以获取建议。会议将于11月6日 15:00 (UTC)举行。参加办法见此。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2019年11月4日 (一) 16:48 (UTC)
- 土耳其政府要延期六周再回答欧洲人权法院的质询
- LGBT+维基人大会将在明年5月于奥地利举办
【北京10月30日电】针对同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者等少数性别和其他性取向的聚会“酷儿维基百科”(Queering Wikipedia)确认已获基金会拨款,预计定于2020年5月21日至24日在奥地利的林茨市举办。奥地利维基分会将负责基金会拨款的管理工作。基金会为本次活动拨款39720欧元,约合31万人民币,其中包括了参加者的食宿等花费。主办者说,本次活动预计将有50人参加。
- WMC将对亚洲月达标用户奖以额外礼品
近期改版后,《求闻》将更专注于短消息报道。站内推送延迟可能提高。欢迎使用telegram(电报)的各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间阅读简讯!
修改订阅 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 读编往来 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年11月8日 (五) 05:44 (UTC)
这file的资料是照搬enwiki的,那里一直也没问题。Sanmosa 灾难固首发于荃湾 2019年11月9日 (六) 00:47 (UTC)
- 已两地更新。Sanmosa 灾难固首发于荃湾 2019年11月9日 (六) 01:01 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-46
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Blautopf (German for Blue pot; "blau" means blue, "Topf" means pot) is a spring that serves as the source of the river Blau in the karst landscape on the Swabian Jura's southern edge, in Southern Germany. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年11月11日 (一) 00:52 (UTC) |
- 2019年维基百科亚洲月编辑松已于2019年11月1日上午8点(UTC+8)正式开始,欢迎各位学生会成员踊跃参加。只要在活动期间,创建3000字节及300汉字以上非列表(特色列表除外)关于亚洲(陆港澳台除外)的新条目,并且符合亚洲月其他规定,透过Fountain工具提交即算完成报名。
- 自2019年9月28日至10月31日止,本会共有7项议案提出,其中有3项已经结案、4项议案仍在讨论中。请诸位成员踊跃参与讨论,以期促进会务运作。
- 自2019年9月28日至10月31日止,本会共有4则入会申请,其中有2则申请已通过。欢迎新成员加入学生会!
Wikidata weekly summary #390
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Wikidata to use data schemas to standardise data structure on a subject
- Events
- Past: Wikidata office hour (notes)
- Past: "Using Wikidata to describe the structure of a book" Webinar by Martin Poulter for LD4P2 project (Video), (Slides), (Notes)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Workshop OpenRefine in Prague on 12 November
- Upcoming: Online editathon in Swedish 17 November
- Tool of the week
- Speedpatrolling is a tool to easily patrol Wikidata recent changes, typically on mobile devices.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikipedia Personality Infobox in Catalan and French display now the Heritage Institution in charge of their archives via P485 (archives at).
- The Discord server Wikimedia Community has now a Wikidata channel.
- @Wikipedia talks about @Wikidata by GerardM
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: landscape architect, charge conjugation quantum number, statement is regarded as spoiler for, room number, scope and content
- External identifiers: startrek.com Database ID, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant ID, Chinese Professional Baseball League player ID, Software Preservation Society ID, Sega Retro ID, classicamiga ID, Filmový přehled film ID, Filmový přehled person ID, Gaming-History company ID, SK cinema authority ID, SK cinema film ID, CA PROP 65 ID, ePSD identifier, Czech cadastral area ID, dp.ru company ID, Fortuna liga player ID, MEA Indian Mission ID, AaRC person ID, MIC market code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: general law, population rank, area rank, population density rank, references, territorial entity ranking context, mentions named entity, plot features event, Jyutping (2)
- External identifiers: National Health Portal hospital ID, IPC ID, Plusliga player ID, Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility's Species List ID, Sinemalar person ID, UVL game ID, WikiTreeCategories, Ahotsak Lexeme, UVL platform ID, Inguma database ID, UVL company ID, UVL group ID, Home of the Underdogs game ID, name-suggestion-index identifier, OGDB game title ID, common exchange code, Memorial Book Bundesarchiv ID, CISCE school code, CBSE Affiliation No., JNAF artist ID, OGDB compilation ID
- Query examples:
- Persons in the genealogy family tree WikiTree were WIkidata has a source from the Swedish National Archives Birth/Death records
- Minimum temperature records on Earth
- Map of districts of India by ratio of illiterate to literate population in 2011 (source)
- List of episodes of Detective Conan's Case Closed, with date and place of publication and series and season number, sorted by date of publication (source)
- Parent and child who both had a governor mandate in the USA (source)
- Belgian artists whose work will be in public domain starting in 2020 (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Wolfram Language, most frequent first names in Poland, Paintings and images of signatures of painters
- Newest properties:
- Development
- In order to decrease the size of what we store in caches we stopped storing the actual EntityUsage objects in ParserOutput and now just store minimal identifier strings (phabricator:T236749)
- Investigated why Termbox broke on an update (phabricator:T235261)
- Removed auto jump of focus from Property field to value field (phabricator:T234322 - thanks to Envlh for the patch)
- Removed non-functional site link groups for other Wikibase installations that don't need them (phabricator:T232248)
- Continued working on the migration of the wb_terms table to address scalability issues
- Continued working on the shortened version of edit summaries for edits made through the mobile termbox (phabricator:T224013)
- For the Wikidata Bridge we are not showing edit pens when the user can not edit the article anymore (phabricator:T235152)
- Working on viewing existing references in the Wikidata Bridge (phabricator:T233397)
- Worked on showing an information popup when clicking the tainted reference icon to tell you what went wrong and how to solve it.
- Worked on defining first version of Federation for wikis outside Wikimedia
- Commons search have stopped indexing statements (structured data) since 30 October 2019 (phabricator:T237849)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- MediaWiki2LaTeX可以将维基媒体Wiki的不同页面合并成一个PDF,现在可以合并成一个至多5000页的PDF,之前上限是800页。
- 本周没有MediaWiki的新版本。
- 欢迎参与在IRC上举行之技术建议会议。会议上,志愿开发人员可以获取建议。会议将于11月13日 16:00 (UTC)举行。参加办法见此。
- 维基媒体将会参加Google Code-in,这是给想要帮助开源软件的青年学生参加的,您可以了解更多,有技术经验的维基媒体人可以指导学生。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2019年11月11日 (一) 22:04 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-47
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! A Quonset hut is a lightweight prefabricated structure of corrugated galvanized steel having a semicircular cross-section. The design was developed in the United States, based on the Nissen hut introduced by the British during World War I. Hundreds of thousands were produced during World War II. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年11月18日 (一) 01:57 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #391
- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Recap of WikidataCon and WikiConference North America, 19 November. Agenda
- Tool of the week
- The Mix'n'Match gadget displays on an item all unconfirmed matches on Mix'n'match, allowing to quickly add them.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- There are now over 2.5 million Wikidata Infoboxes in Commons categories.
- OpenRefine is awarded a USD 200,000 grant by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to fund its development in 2020.
- Autojump from a field to another will be removed
- Panandâ, a mobile app powered by Wikidata (and Wikimedia Commons), won the top prize in the App for Social Good category in the Android Masters 2019 competition organized by Google Developer Group Philippines. Eugene, the app's developer, recently gave a lightning talk about the app at WikidataCon 2019.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Commons category for the interior of the item
- External identifiers: Birds of India ID, India Biodiversity Portal species ID, Moths of India ID, NBAIR pest ID, Odonata of India ID, Planète Aventure ID, Reptiles of India ID, ZSI author ID, Indian Medicinal Plants Database ID, askArt person ID, Flowers of India ID, National Health Portal hospital ID, UK Lakes Portal ID, Biodiversity of West Bengal species ID, International Paralympic Committee athlete alphabetical ID, Plusliga player ID, Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility's Species List ID, Sinemalar person ID, Encyclopedia of Mathematics wiki ID, UVL game ID, UVL platform ID, Inguma database ID, Ahotsak Lexeme, UVL company ID, UVL group ID, Home of the Underdogs game ID, OGDB game title ID, CISCE school code, JNAF artist ID, OGDB compilation ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: IAST transliteration, Hunterian transliteration, IFCO rating, stellar age, Wildlife Protection Act 1972 schedule, nominalisated form, date of assent, effective date, valid for, supervisor, Xmodmap keysym, Properties for Indian ragas
- External identifiers: Digital Corpus of Sanskrit ID, OGDB company ID, Sri Granth Punjabi word ID, Broadcast Radio Bearer URI, AboutTheArtists artist ID, Czech city district ID, Prague administrative district ID, NinDB game ID, DUC ID, VideoGameGeek game ID, VideoGameGeek platform ID, Cinepub person ID, Disney+ movie ID, Disney+ series ID, Lutris game ID, Cinept film ID, CinePT person ID, Finnish generals and admirals in the Imperial Russian Army 1809–1917 ID, Biblioteche dei filosofi ID, Lutris platform ID, Beaux-arts ID, Dictionary of Wisconsin History ID, India PlayStation Store ID, Enciclopedia dei Papi ID, The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church ID, SHARE Catalogue work ID, Czech municipality ID, Lutris genre ID
- Query examples:
- Adaptations of The War of the Worlds (source)
- Graves at the Stockholm church Riddarholmskyrkan who use book Riddarholmskyrkan - inventories and graves (Q61765464) as a source, source
- Map of sisterly relationships with cities in India (source)
- Map of the languages without any Wikidata Lexemes yet (source)
- Newest database reports: translations for port/starboard and windward/leeward
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Tainted references: Show warning icon if statement value is changed but reference is not changed in the same edit (phab:T231728)
- Make WikibaseQualityConstraints link using SpecialMyLanguage (phab:T233003)
- Work on the issue of property labels not showing up on some pages (phab:T237984)
- Track Bridge openings by property datatype (phab:T231204)
- Viewing existing references in the Bridge (phab:T233397)
- Attaching the link listener sooner, so the user gets a bit less often wrongly forwarded to wikidata (phab:T235765)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 自11月26日 06:00 (UTC)起至多30分钟内,你将只能阅读而不能编辑部分的维基,你可以查看有哪些维基,影响时间可能会少于30分钟。这也会影响
数据库,而影响例如修改密码、登入到新维基、修改电子邮件和全域重命名。 [3]
- 你将很快能够对社群愿望清单调查的提案进行投票,该调查决定了社群技术团队的工作项目。你可以在在11月20日至12月2日之间对提案投票。今年的愿望清单将重点放在维基教科书、维基词典、维基语录、维基文库、维基学院、维基物种、维基导游和维基新闻上。您可以深入了解今年的规则。
- 本周没有MediaWiki的新版本。
- 欢迎参与在IRC上举行之技术建议会议。会议上,志愿开发人员可以获取建议。会议将于11月20日 16:00 (UTC)举行。参加办法见此。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2019年11月18日 (一) 20:17 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-48
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! An electric match is a device that uses an externally applied electric current to ignite a combustible compound. Electric matches can be used in any application where source of heat is needed at a precisely controlled point in time, typically to ignite a propellant or explosive. Examples include airbags, pyrotechnics, and military or commercial explosives. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年11月25日 (一) 01:47 (UTC) |
- 手机版测试模式将被停用以减少维护,开发人员将专注在改进桌面版计划上。你如果想要看到分类和跳回顶端功能,可以开启手机版进阶贡献模式,跳回顶端功能也可以使用小工具或用户脚本来达成。 [4]
- Parsoid是我们使用于视觉化编辑器、内容翻译、结构式讨论和Android应用程序中的软件。它已被重写,在接下来的两周将逐步部署到维基上,它已经过测试,但仍可能有些差异或预览看起来不正确,如果你发现了问题可以进行报告。 [5]
- MediaWiki新版本将于11月26日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,并在下周部署至其他维基,参见日历,这是因为假期的关系。
- 欢迎参与在IRC上举行之技术建议会议。会议上,志愿开发人员可以获取建议。会议将于11月27日 16:00 (UTC)举行。参加办法见此。
- 你将能够在手机版检视下以新的方式在条目和讨论页之间切换,它透过索引标签来达成,这更接近于桌面版检视。 [6]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2019年11月25日 (一) 16:52 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #392
- Events
- Join the global m:WikiForHumanRights Campaign by participating with WikiProject Human rights. The campaigns is focused on increasing coverage of human rights topics on Wikimedia projects through January 30.
- Upcoming: Online editathon in Swedish 1 December
- Past: ProWD, a tool for PROfiling the multi-dimensional completeness of WikiData, was presented at the K-CAP 2019 conference on Nov 21, 2019 in Marina del Rey, USA. Using ProWD, one may compare, for example, the completeness of computer scientists by nationality and sex. The slides are available by clicking this link. The ProWD developers are welcoming any feedback!
- Past: WikiTechStorm in Amsterdam. See the videos of the sessions, including a lot of Wikidata-related introductions
- Past: Wikidata Zurich Hackathon
- Past: Wikimedia Tech Talk: Wikidata, behind the curtain, by Ladsgroup
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Die Datenlaube launched diedatenlaube.github.io - a collection of blog posts, links and scripts around "wikidatafying" the big German Wikisource project Die Gartenlaube (in German).
- Tool of the week
- Cradle enables editors to create a new item by completing a form. You can create a new form on the Cradle help page. Cradle forms can be used as templates to ensure that similar new items are structured the same way. This can be especially helpful for specific WikiProjects or datathons, and is a great timesaver if you are creating many similar items by hand.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- 570k VIAF identifiers have been added to Wikidata items in an effort of synchronisation between the two databases, thanks to Bargioni. In order to report errors in VIAF an apposite page has been created. More information here.
- Query Service lag now affects maxlag. You may need to retry/reset error multiple times when you run QuickStatement or OpenRefine in busy hours.
- Wikidata now documented more than six million people, more than the number of articles in English Wikipedia
- New documentation page: Wikidata:Map data
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Wikimedia page-version URL, IFCO rating, IAST transliteration, Wildlife Protection Act 1972 (India) schedule, age estimated by a dating method, effective date, date of assent, ascending scale, descending scale, primary note, secondary note, CITES Appendix, supervisor, Hunterian transliteration
- External identifiers: CBSE Affiliation No., OGDB company ID, Memorial Book Bundesarchiv ID, Digital Corpus of Sanskrit ID, Swedish Royal Theater Archive, Sri Granth Punjabi word ID, Broadcast Radio Bearer URI, Czech city district ID, DUC ID, Prague administrative district ID, AboutTheArtists artist ID, fyyd podcast ID, NinDB game ID, Cinepub person ID, eFloraSA ID, eBay username, VideoGameGeek game ID, VideoGameGeek platform ID, CinePT film ID, CinePT person ID, Disney+ movie ID, Disney+ series ID, Lutris game ID, Ratingraph MALE person ID, Czech municipality ID, WikiTreeCategories, P7608, SHARE Catalogue work ID, Taiwan Cinema company ID, Taiwan Cinema Film ID, Taiwan Cinema person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: amends, syndicate, corporate domicile, Latvian transcription, implies, stargate-wiki.de article ID
- External identifiers: SciProfiles ID, Scilit journal ID, YVNG ID, TheGamesDB game ID, VLR ID, Archives Portal Europe ID, Church Heritage Cymru ID, NVE Powerplant ID, TheGamesDB platform ID, Artsdata ID, WPI ID, TheGamesDB developer ID, MPPDA Digital Archive person ID, MPPDA Digital Archive film ID, MPPDA Digital Archive organisation ID, Dictionary of Scottish Architects building ID, Czech municipality with authorized municipal office ID, Czech municipality with expanded powers ID, IDU theatre ID, Scienza a due voci ID, TheGamesDB publisher ID, OverDrive publisher ID, RomanianActors person ID, Encyclopedia of Cleveland History ID, Cochrane concept ID, Vectrex Game Database ID, OverDrive creator ID, OverDrive series ID, Hoopla series ID, Speiderhistorisk leksikon article, super-famicom.jp ID, Arolsen ID, Doctrine court decision ID, Juricaf decision ID, Riksdagen person guid, Places of Worship in Scotland ID, Museum of Family History ID, MovieGe person ID, GameFAQs credit ID, IMovies person ID, Ratingraph FEMALE person ID, Scilit publication ID, FMV World ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Human Rights
- Newest database reports: poems by Emily Dickinson
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Add Wikidata query service lag to Wikidata maxlag (phab:T221774)
- More work on tainted references and getting the feature ready to be tested
- Fix a bug with Wikibase test builds (phab:T238575)
- More work on improving the edit summaries (phab:T224013)
- Bridge: Viewing existing references (phab:T233397)
- Preserving native behavior on key+click (phab:T234060)
- Speeding up initialization, by attaching link listeners sooner (phab:T235765) and reducing the size of the init module (phab:T235771)
- Recording metrics for bridge opening performance (phab:T237368)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
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接维基媒体亚洲月国际团队通知,由于伊朗断网一周,亚洲月时长将延长一周,到2019年12月7日23:59 (UTC)。剩余时间提醒已在页面提交工具中修正,可供参考。MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2019年11月30日 (六) 12:45 (UTC)