本頁是以往討論的存檔。請勿編輯本頁。若您想發起新討論或重啟現有討論,請在當前討論頁進行。 |
The Signpost: 4 February 2023
- From the editor: New for the Signpost: Author pages, tag pages, and a decent article search function
- News and notes: Foundation update on fundraising, new page patrol, Tides, and Wikipedia blocked in Pakistan
- Disinformation report: Wikipedia on Santos
- Op-Ed: Estonian businessman and political donor brings lawsuit against head of national Wikimedia chapter
- Recent research: Wikipedia's "moderate yet systematic" liberal citation bias
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Organized Labour
- Tips and tricks: XTools: Data analytics for your list of created articles
- Featured content: 20,000 Featureds under the Sea
- Traffic report: Films, deaths and ChatGPT
大家好: 這個月是我正式擔任維基媒體基金會首席執行官的一週年。根據此列表的一些反饋,我嘗試每隔幾個月發送一次定期更新資訊(請參見一月份、四月份、六月份、和九月份的訊息)。今天我想再發一封更新資訊來回顧我的第一年工作,並分享我們在維基媒體基金會所計劃即將開展的工作。
我同時完成了去年一月概述的三個優先事項:(1) 重新構想維基媒體基金會的年度計劃,以更牢固地錨定我們運動的策略方向; (2) 為維基媒體基金會招聘一位有能力的首席產品和技術官; (3) 開始更新維基媒體基金會的組織價值觀,以指導我們彼此合作和與大家合作的方式。
隨著2022年接近尾聲,英語維基百科上發起了一項徵求意見 (RfC),以提議更改年終籌款橫幅的消息傳遞。維基媒體基金會接受了RfC提供的指導,並建立了一個共同創作頁面,以徵求社群成員對橫幅消息的意見。在整個籌款活動中,維基媒體基金會團隊定期更新此共同創建的頁面。簡而言之,在今年的活動中我們測試了450多個橫幅,與最初的3000萬美元目標相比,籌集了2470萬美元(缺口為530萬美元)。在籌款活動最初的幾天,新橫幅帶來的籌款金額與去年同期相比減少了約70%。有關籌款活動結果的更多資訊可以在此處查閱。籌款團隊將在未來一年繼續與所有不同的語言社群就橫幅信息進行合作,我們期待在此次活動中學到的基礎上再接再厲。
我們的首席產品和技術官Selena Deckelmann擁有支援線上社群和與技術貢獻者合作的經驗,她在最初的六個月取得了有意義的進展。她分享了以下更新資訊:
「我們在新頁面巡查員一封公開信中提出的PageTriage問題上取得了進展。在過去的120天裡,通過維基媒體基金會和社群的合作,我們審查了141個修補程式。社群成員和維基媒體基金會工作人員之間也舉行了幾次會議來談論PageTriage的未來和新用戶體驗,現在計劃在第四季度更新擴展。我們會繼續與維基共享資源合作,因為我們正在對社群視為優先的工具進行急需的軟體升級。維基媒體基金會的願望馬拉松(Wishathon)(以啟動2023年的社群願望清單)一共有40名員工在12月的一周內貢獻時間參與,交付了71個修補程式和4個願望。經過三年的開發工作、反饋和與維基媒體社群的持續迭代,我們正與社群合作使Vector 2022成為預設外觀。」
(1) 維基媒體的財務模型和對線上籌款收入流的未來預測(我們預計不會繼續以同樣的速度增長)、維基媒體捐贈基金(Wikimedia Endowment)的下一階段,以及迄今為止我們從維基媒體企業(Wikimedia Enterprise)的第一年運營階段中吸取的經驗。
(2) 通過了解我們貢獻者社群的需求,以及針對新受眾的機器學習、人工智慧和創新等等的新興主題,重新定位維基媒體基金會支援維基媒體運動技術需求的責任。
(3) 開始更聚焦的對話,以建立框架和原則來理解維基媒體基金會的核心角色和職責。這旨在幫助為維基媒體運動憲章審議和更廣泛的運動策略對話提供投入。
在領導力方面,我們在上次社群和自治體選舉後歡迎新的理事會成員加入維基媒體基金會理事會。我同時任命了一些高級職員:Lisa Gruwell被任命為首席執行官副手,同時兼任首席發展官; Anusha Alikhan成為維基媒體基金會的通訊主管; Nadee Gunasena被任命為幕僚長(Chief of Staff); 從本週開始,Stephen LaPorte正式開始擔任下一任總法律顧問。
Maryana Iskander
VChang (WMF)代為轉發 2023年2月6日 (一) 09:52 (UTC)
This Month in Education: January 2023
This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 1 • January 2023
- Educational Projects 2023-1 in Mexico
- Integration of Wikipedia in Ukrainian universities – teacher-led and student-led
- Transitional Justice in Kosovo edit-a-thon and Partnership with Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Prishtina
- Wikidata Citation Hunt Program for secondary school students, Dubai
- Wikipedia edit-a-thon with students from Art Faculty - University of Prishtina
- Тeacher from Belgrade got a reward for using Wikibooks in teaching
Wikidata weekly summary #558
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- BiodiversityBot 3 Task/s: TreatmentBank (Q54857867) is a CC0 resource that contains data on taxonomic treatments, treatment citations, figures, tables, material citations and bibliographic reference. It contains valuables links mapping scholarly articles, taxa and taxonomic treatments. This bot task involves linking research papers on taxa to taxa and related taxonomic treatments.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- Bean49Bot 4 Task/s: Add Springer Nature person ID and Springer Nature article ID by moving from exact match property.
- Cmtqwikibot Task/s: Adds country of origin (P495) Canada (Q16), with qualifier located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Quebec (Q176) and reference stated in (P248) CineTV (Q41001657) to works in Quebec.
- SakuraBot Task/s: interwiki maintenance
- JhsBot 7 Task/s: Change stress markings on Norwegian Bokmål lexeme IPA transcription (P898) statements.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 7, 2023: We thought we'd try something different next week, in honor of Valentine's Day month: What's Your Wikidata Passion? What is your central Wikidata interest right now? It can be a work or personal project or just what you like to edit when you have time. We'd love to have an open mic session, completely informal. Please add yourselves to the list on our agenda here if you would like to talk for 5 minutes or so and share your screen, with no need for formal slides. Or just show up and talk on the spur of the moment. This will be a community session where we welcome all to participate! Agenda
- Wiki for Refugees Editathons on the 4th and 11th of February 2023 (Wikimedia Uganda)
- Black History Month 2023: University of Toronto (February 8th)
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #79, Archaeology (see previous challenges: Random concepts #2, Spices)
- Past
- Wikibase Live Sessions (2023.01.26)
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Diff blog: Summary of the results of a recent survey on Wikimedia content partnerships tools by WMSE. The detailed report is available on meta.wikimedia.org and as a PDF on Wikimedia Commons.
- A Game of Data
- 'wikishootme' Is Like a Real World Version of Pokémon Go
- Turn the AC on, by Magnus Manske
- Papers
- Unsupervised Entity Linking with Guided Summarization and Multiple-Choice Selection (Uses GPT-3 and Wikidata)
- Visibility Matters: Giving Credit Where It's Due in Natural History Collections, Siobhan Leachman, The Linnean, December 2022
- Falcon 2.0: An Entity and Relation Linking Tool over Wikidata
- The URW-KG: a Resource for Tackling the Underrepresentation of non-Western Writers
- From unstructured texts to semantic story maps
- Videos
- Wikimentor Africa - Creating a website based on Wikidata, without development skills day two (in French) - Part1, Part 2
- Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, FOSDEM 2023 - YouTube
- Etymology and Wikidata on OpenStreetMap -YouTube
- LIVE Wikidata editing: #103, #104
- Working with ISBNs (in Italian) - 3 part YouTube playlist
- Round table "Women, Science and Wikidata" (in Catalan) - YouTube
- Managing Wikimedia Projects through Wikidata: Geert Van Pamel- Wikimedia Belgium - YouTube
- SEMIC Talks: Wikibase with Dennis Diefenbach - YouTube
- observablehq
- Garden Phylogeny - NCBI breakdown of common garden foods with photographs by Phytotheca
- other
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Let's Quiz is a game that generates random quizzes to test your knowledge & learn something new every day.
- User:Nikki/AddTermboxLanguage.js - makes it easier to add/edit labels to an item in a language other than the ones shown by default.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Building cool apps and services on top of Wikidata's data but running into ontology issues? We'd love to hear from you in this survey to make things better for you.
- Wikimedia developer satisfaction survey 2023, open until Fri, 17 Feb 2023.
- Maintenance on ElasticSearch. As part of this, some Wikibase.Cloud functionality might be disrupted.
- Reminder that the deadline for the Semantic Web Journal Special Issue on Wikidata is approaching (but extended)! Get your journal papers ready for the 14.02.23
- Wikidata surpassed 1 million Lexemes with the addition of etymologi (L1000000)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Happy Planet Index score (The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is an index of human well-being and environmental impact that was introduced by the New Economics Foundation in 2006), credits URL (URL of an official webpage with a list of credits and roles attributed to various people, organizations or applications that contribute(d) to this item's existence), digital equivalent of (the subject is the digital equivalent of what?)
- External identifiers: Los Angeles County Coroner's Office Case Search person ID, Roblox experience ID, WW1 fallen/missing soldier ID (MHA), RISM siglum, N-Anime anime ID, N-Anime seiyū ID, Livres Hebdo author ID, International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database ID, Artlog institution ID, Barcelona City Council Heritage Catalog identifier, TikTok place ID, Jiddisch-Nederlands Woordenboek ID, Real Academia de Doctores de España ID, AllMovie genre ID, authors.gr ID, Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: precedes/follows various things (this lexeme form appears only when preceding another lexeme form with this phonological feature), footnote (for use in the references section of statements: to state which footnote of the source material supports the claim in question), agent of action (thing that does the action), natural enemy (One of the causes of death of this living creatures referred to in this item, which is eaten by that creature), change of (property this process changes), object of action (thing an action is done to), variety of sense (dialect, variety or register of language that the sense applies to), bust/waist/hip measurements (chest measurement; aliases: bust measurement), usage label (list of sets of context label property (Q116547761) (language style (P6191), field of usage (P9488), has quality (P1552), variety of form (P7481), location of sense usage (P6084)). Other individual context label property (Q116547761) statement will be treated as and with this statement.), thesaurus' properties (primary topic of the subject Wikimedia thesaurus)
- External identifiers: Malaysia Federal Legislation act ID, The Hart Island Project person ID, explain xkcd ID, Iowa legislator ID, Jewish English Lexicon ID, Islam Dusunce Atlasi ID, ForPost persons ID, Crimean virtual necropolis persons ID, Museu Paulista iconography ID, Vintage Fashion Guild Labels, Museu Paulista objects ID, Facebook numeric ID, Qobuz album ID (Feb 2023), Patreon user numeric ID, Kulturenvanteri.com, beniculturali.it place ID, Russian Second League player ID, TVer IDs, NPD field-ID
- Query examples:
- Map of disasters by type (source)
- Maps of museums in Malaysia (source)
- Map with place names that gave names to places in Riga (source)
- Area of sovereign states without a river (source)
- Wikidata properties whose URL format matches some format (source)
- People born in the Vatican (https://twitter.com/slaettaratindur/status/1613861217440866306 source)
- Shortest rail link between Narvik and Singapore (source)
- Memes (source)
- Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (Week 4, 2023) (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- REST API: adding a new GET /entities/items/{item_id}/descriptions endpoint (phab:T327881)
- Lua: added two Lua functions, getDescriptionByLang (phab:T230839) and getBadges (phab:T305378) that make it easier to get this data on Wikipedia and co
- Lexicographical data: added documentation for the WikibaseLexeme JSON structure (phab:T201489)
- Action API: fixed a bug that prevented the wblistentityusage API module from being used as a generator (phab:T254334)
- Dates: working together with Matěj Suchánek to fix date parsing issues in Czech (phab:T221097)
- Constraints: working on showing constraint clarification messages to make it easier to understand why a constraint violation is happening and how to fix it (phab:T219037)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
New details about the Private Incident Reporting System
We have an update about the Private Incident Reporting System (PIRS) development.
We have created an FAQ on the project page to help answer your questions. Please check it, and give feedback, or ask additional questions if you have more.
Best regards, Trust & Safety Tools team.
STei (WMF) 2023年2月6日 (一) 20:51 (UTC)
Global ban for PlanespotterA320/RespectCE
Per the Global bans policy, I'm informing the project of this request for comment: m:Requests for comment/Global ban for PlanespotterA320 (2) about banning a member from your community. Thank you.--Lemonaka (talk) 21:40, 6 February 2023 (UTC) —以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2023年2月7日 (二) 00:14 (UTC)之前加入的。
This Month in GLAM: January 2023
Wikidata weekly summary #559
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- CJMbot (CJMbot lets users upload a CSV file in a certain format. The data inside this file is then validated and processed. New items wil be created based on the data in the CSV file and existing items wil updated by adding statements and references).
- RPI2026F1Bot 5 Task/s: Import dependency and version data from PyPi
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikibase Working Hour February 13, 2023. The February Working Hour will feature a presentation by Steve Baskauf on using VanderBot with Wikibase: The Wikibase API provides a mechanism for programmatic control of uploads, and its behavior is consistent across instances (Wikidata, Structured Data in Commons, and those that are established privately). In this session, Steve will discuss basic interactions with the API and demonstrate using the VanderBot Python application to rapidly upload tabular data to a wikibase.cloud instance. After performing a mass deletion, Steve will conclude by describing how he's used the Wikibase API to facilitate addition of structured data to Commons. Registration link
- Strategically Using Production Photos to Increase Your Online Discoverability, February 22 and 24, 2023. This two-part workshop presented by CAPACOA will explain how to upload performing arts production photos to Wikimedia Commons and how to document credits in Wikidata.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #80, Work
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Social reproduction in the French cinema: evidence from Wikidata: Observable notebook which explores social reproduction by occupation in France.
- Data analytics for your list of created articles in The Signpost, February 4, 2023
- DigAMus goes Wikidata
- Papers
- Transformer Based Geocoding
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #105 - YouTube
- Demo of the Wikibase Export extension - YouTube
- FOSDEM 2023
- Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap (Software for adding links between open data projects)
- Public Transport Data in KDE Itinerary (Querying realtime journey data and dissecting ticket barcodes)
- observablehq
- other
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- User:So9q/openalex-search-link-on-lexemes.js is a userscript that adds a link to Ordia in the Tools section on items.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Graph Builder released a major update, introducing new layouts and visualization ideas. You can read the full changelog here.
- The new Service Level Objective for the Wikidata Query Service has been implemented: the current aim is to maintain a 95% uptime based on a 90 day rolling window. You can read the full announcement here.
- Observablehq.com recently introduced a system of tags. Anyone authoring a notebook using data from Wikidata can add the #Wikidata tag: https://observablehq.com/tag/wikidata?filter=recent.
- a.gup.pe provides group features for Mastodon. @[email protected] is a group about Wikidata in general. @[email protected] is a group about Wikidata queries. Anyone can join those groups simply by following them in Mastodon. Anyone can share a message with all members of those groups by mentioning them in a publication in Mastodon or any other application of the Fediverse.
- The hashtag #Wikidata can be used to tag all publications related to Wikidata in Mastodon. Anyone can find recent publications using this tag using the search feature: https://wikis.world/tags/Wikidata.
- @[email protected] is the official Mastodon account of the Wikidata project.
- You can now vote for your favorite proposals on the Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wikidata. The voting phase is open until February 24th.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: said to be the same as (lexeme) (some source considers this lexeme to be the same lexeme or a spelling variant of another lexeme)
- External identifiers: Base de Dados de Livros de Fotografia profile ID (identifier for each Brazilian educational institution), federal identifier of street, DOSBox Compatibility ID, Internet Game Database franchise ID, Professional shogi player number, Bosworth-Toller's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online ID, Norwegian war prisoner detention camp ID, Qobuz artist numeric ID, Sindhi English Dictionary ID, Dicio ID, Dicionário Aulete ID, GLANSIS ID, Léxico ID, ESPN.com tennis player ID, Encyclopedia of Italian ID, Iowa legislator ID, Rate Your Music film genre ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Zoning symbol (planing zone of the municipality/region/state that applies to the subject), INEP ID, CulturaEduca ID (identifier for each Brazilian educational institution), Manantiales y Fuentes de Andalucia (id for Springs and Fountains of Andalucía)
- External identifiers: Hultschiner Soldaten ID, STS program ID, SACEM ID, IATE entry ID, Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby ID, IRIS UNIPD author ID
- Query examples:
- Number of literary works (Q7725634) by language (P407) in descending order (source)
- Humans that have a 'relationship' with University of Leeds (source)
- Railway stations named after literary works (source)
- Week 6, 2023: Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (source)
- Free software grouped by programming language and instance of (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- [Significant change] Heads-up: Upcoming fixes for date parsing - Thank you Matej for moving this forward!
- Went over the feedback on the first release and deciding on the next routes to add
- Added a new endpoint for getting descriptions (phab:T327881)
- Worked on throwing exceptions when something goes wrong (validation failed, Item not found, etc.) instead of returning an error response object (phab:T327527)
- Entity Schemas: Finished the technical exploration that will unblock the next steps for actual development
- Query Service: Changed URLs with URL-encoded characters to be shown un-encoded for better line-breaks and readability (phab:T327514)
- Query Builder:
- Adding support for a few additional datatypes (phab:T328528)
- Adding a basic language selector to make it easier to switch the language of the page (phab:T328764)
- Constraint checks: Working on showing constraint clarification messages to make it easier to understand how to fix a violation on a statement (phab:T219037)
- Search: Exploring design options for how to make it easier to search for entities other than Items (phab:T327507)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 《申請成為管理人員指引》:修訂〈安全投票暫行規定〉一節內容,確認未來一場管理員選舉之預提名及投票流程。(討論紀錄)
- Ericliu1912經申請通過(支持率85%),就任管理員。
- Koala0090經申請通過(支持率86%),就任管理員。
- 中文維基百科成立二十週年;經社群投票表決通過,以魔琴之方案製作紀念識別標誌,暫時替換一般標誌。
- 方針:《封禁方針》、《模板編輯員方針》、《避免地域中心方針》、《方針與指引》、《共識方針》、《命名常規》、《中立的觀點方針》、《刪除方針》、《維基百科不是什麼》、《傀儡方針》、《不要人身攻擊方針》及《可供查證方針》。
- 指引:《日期和數字格式手冊》、《版面佈局格式手冊》、《捷徑指引》、《連結格式手冊》、《帳戶安全指引》、《格式手冊(不要華而不實)》、《可靠來源指引》、《地區詞處理指引》、《用戶頁指引》、《兩岸四地用語格式手冊》、《列表格式手冊》、《消歧義指引》、《標點符號格式手冊》、《人物關注度指引》、《假定善意指引》、《簽名指引》、《字詞轉換處理指引》、《醫學可靠來源指引》及《序言章節格式手冊》。
- 《格式手冊》:修訂〈空格〉一節中有關在阿拉伯數字與計量單位字母符號之間插入空格之規定。(討論紀錄)
- 經社群討論,就《維基百科不是什麼》方針〈維基百科不是新聞報導〉一節中有關藝人參與節目列表之規定重新確立共識及執行細節;相關說明頁面尚待修訂。(討論紀錄)
- 社群決定取消回退員查看被標記為私密的濫用過濾器(abusefilter-view-private)之權限,並在配套方案通過後一併付諸實施。(討論紀錄)
VChang (WMF) 2023年2月15日 (三) 10:18 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #560
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Cmtqwikibot 2 (Task/s: Add credits (cast and crew) for audiovisual work produced in Quebec based on the Cinémathèque québécoise's catalogue data. Adds reference. Deletes redundant, more general existing statements in certain circumstances.)
- Gabrabot (Bulk upload Maltese lexeme data to wikidata from Gabra.)
- MsynBot 12 (import missing GND ID (P227) identifier based on linked VIAF cluster)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 21, 2023: Jim Hahn and John Mark Ockerbloom will be presenting on Penn Libraries' Linked Data Vision. They will discuss their framework for activities and goals around linked data, which includes both existing standards and new functionality. Additionally, they will share successes and areas where progress has not yet been made. The presentation will cover projects with Wikidata tie-ins, such as the Digital Scriptorium Wikibase project and the Deep Backfile copyright information project. The presenters also plan to have ample time for conversation with those interested in using linked data to bring new functionality to their libraries. Agenda
- Wikidata and Wikibase - SEMIC workshop 2 physical hands-on workshop in Brussels on the 23rd of February (Register here)
- If you are interested in organizing or joining the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 satellite events, you can apply for funds by March 20 via the Rapid Grants maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Call for papers for the 10th Wiki Workshop in 2023 is out. Submit your 2-page abstracts by March 23.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #81, Eye
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog posts
- Videos
- Notebooks
- Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/DisplayColourSwatches.js is a userscript that adds color swatches under color statements.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Blog Series on Wikibase Community via Tech-News
- Freelance technologists are needed to import personal profiles for politically exposed people (PEPs) into Wikidata
- The voting phase of the Community Wishlist Survey 2023 ends on February 24. Don't forget to vote for Wikidata proposals!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- stamp perforation (type of perforation for a series of stamps)
- Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) value of a country)
- transcribed by (person who has made a copy of a manuscript text)
- External identifiers: Encyclopedia of Italian ID, Iowa legislator ID, Rate Your Music film genre ID, Fallout Wiki ID, Museu Paulista iconography ID, Museu Paulista objects ID, Spreaker show ID, TVer series ID, TVer tarento ID, Padua Research Archive author ID, Rate Your Music film ID, Fonts in Use ID, Rate Your Music venue ID, beniculturali.it place ID, Jeju Dialect Dictionary ID, Soprintendenza di Salerno place ID, Online Aboriginal Language Dictionary ID, Mosfilm movie ID, Mosfilm person ID, Adventure Game Studio game ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Syoboi Calendar series ID, Digital Daijisen ID (goo dictionary), La grammatica italiana ID, Akademi Kernewek ID, Sky News topic ID, Faber Music music ID, Faber Music composer ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Finished work on endpoints for getting labels and descriptions (phab:T325647, phab:T327881)
- Started work on makign it possible to get statements from an Item based on the Property ID instead of just the statement ID (phab:T309021)
- Entity Schemas: finalized technical investigation and making plan for the next steps
- Working on more validation for valid URIs for units, globes and calendar models (phab:T102840)
- Query Builder:
- Adding support for additional data types (phab:T328528)
- Adding a language selector to make it possible to switch the UI language (phab:T329487)
- Constraint: Putting finishing touches on showing the constraint clarification messages in the constraint violation popup (phab:T219037)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 20 February 2023
- In the media: Arbitrators open case after article alleges Wikipedia "intentionally distorts" Holocaust coverage
- Disinformation report: The "largest con in corporate history"?
- Tips and tricks: All about writing at DYK
- Featured content: Eden, lost.
- Gallery: Love is in the air
- From the archives: 5, 10, and 15 years ago: Let's (not) delete the Main Page!
- Humour: The RfA Candidate's Song
- 《通用行為準則》的實施
- 將項目內文更新為「知識共享署名-相同方式共享4.0國際」(Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0)
- 關於更佳解決未公開付費編輯的提案
- 使我們的條款符合影響基金會的現行和最近通過的法律,包括歐洲《數位服務法案》
- 關於使用條款更新的對照
- 您可以提供反饋的頁面
- 關於對話時間的資訊
VChang (WMF) 2023年2月21日 (二) 16:37 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #561
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- DoggoBot (Task/s: Fix constraint violations of arXiv classification (P820))
- ScikingBot (Task/s: The bot is going to fix interwiki links for the Lombard Wikipedia)
- fromCrossrefBot (Task/s: Importing licenses for 1.45 million CC licensed papers from the Crossref April 2022 dump.)
- Closed requests for permissions/Bot:
- Cmtqwikibot 2 (Task/s: Add credits (cast and crew) for audiovisual work produced in Quebec based on the Cinémathèque québécoise's catalogue data. Adds reference. Deletes redundant, more general existing statements in certain circumstances.)
- MsynBot 12 (Task/s: import missing GND ID (P227) identifier based on linked VIAF cluster)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Bug Triage Hour on dates input, March 13th: Following up on an issue on date parsing in the Czech language (T221097), fixed earlier in February, we would like to look at the changes induced by this fix together, check how the date input parsing works in your language, and identify some possibly remaining issues.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—March 1st, 2023. Time: 16:00-17:00 UTC / 08:00 PST / 11:00 EST / 17:00 CET
- Eager to discover the potential of Wikidata and Wikibase for semantics? SEMIC is organising a series of workshops that are very much hands-on. Join the first workshop online on 24 January 2023 from 14:00 to 16:00 (CET) via Webex. Register for the first event via this link!
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2023 March 3rd - 4th
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #82, Restaurant
- Past
- Wikibase Live Session: February 2023 log
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- AutosuggestSitelink is a gadget that suggests Wikidata items for possible linking with a Wikimedia site page, using interwiki linking.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Inconsistencies on WDQS data - data reload on WDQS
- Survey Results: Wikibase.Cloud user research. The goal of the research was to uncover usergroups and usecases.
- Wikibase Suite Survey is now open! The goal is to understand what role Wikibase plays in your organization and identify what you need from Wikibase based on how you currently make use of it.
- Wikibase.Cloud logo is now available on Wikimedia Commons.
- Wikimedia Deutschland job openings
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- Norwegian media rating (age rating system for motion pictures, video and tv content used in Norway)
- External identifiers: National Grid Balancing Mechanism unit ID, SACEM Museum artist ID, WSJ article ID, InfluenceWatch influencer, World Sailing sailor ID, WiKirby ID, SFMTA ID, Full Fact ID, Hungarian National Namespace place ID (new), Hungarian National Namespace person ID (new), Rate Your Music concert ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- rebuilt (year or date when the structure was reconstructed, rebuilt, repurposed or replaced by similar one (if the new and old structures have separate items, use P167/P1398 links instead))
- External identifiers: Faber Music composer ID, Wise Music Classical composer ID, Wise Music Classical catalogue ID, Boosey & Hawkes music ID, A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles entry ID, L』Équipe team ID, encyclopedia.com.ua ID, L』Équipe coach ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We added a way to get all statements on an Item for a given Property ID via a filter (phab:T309021)
- We made it possible to configure the server for the "Try it out" button on the OpenAPI spec (phab:T329606)
- Query Builder:
- We added support for additional datatypes. Lexeme (phab:T329204), Sense (phab:T329206) and URL (phab:T329824) are already available now. Form (phab:T329205) and Property (phab:T329207) are in progress.
- We continued the work on making it possible to switch the UI language (phab:T329487)
- Constraints: We added support for showing constraint clarifications in constraint violation pop-up (phab:T219037)
- We finished restricting unit/calendar/globe URIs to sensible values (phab:T102840)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Your wiki will be in read only soon
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因MediaWiki系統限制,切換期間將短期無法進行編輯。 我們在此對您的不便致以歉意,並努力將其影響減至最低。
- 2023年3月1日,您大約有一個小時的時間不能進行編輯。
- 屆時編輯條目或保存更改時將出現錯誤信息。 我們希望過程中沒有編輯丟失,但無法確保。 如果您看到錯誤消息,請耐心等待一切恢復正常, 然後保存您的編輯。 保存前請先另行複製一份您的修改,以防萬一。
- 後台作業變慢,有些可能被丟棄。 紅鏈可能無法像平時一樣即時更新。 如果您建立了一個新條目,而該條目的名稱此前已經在其他頁面顯示為紅色的內部連結,則該連結需要更長的時間才會被更新為藍色。 一些長時間運行的腳本將停止。
- 我們預期代碼部署將如同往常一般進行。 不過,部分個案代碼可能因操作需要而暫時凍結。
- GitLab會暫停服務,為時約90分鐘。