用户:AINH/中立国 (第二次世界大战)
一般来说,中立国在第二次世界大战期间没有正式表明立场,以其希望避免受到攻击。 然而,葡萄牙、瑞典和瑞士都透过向英国提供“志愿旅”来帮助同盟国。而西班牙则疏远同盟国并支持轴心国,且向他们提供自己的志愿旅蓝色师。值得注意的是西班牙在德国入侵波兰前五个月的1939年4月1日才刚结束内战。这场内战有多个外国介入,当中不少随后又参与了第二次世界大战。西班牙内战也被认为是第二次世界大战的前奏。
[编辑]- 爱沙尼亚、 立陶宛、 拉脱维亚 – 波罗的海三国于1938年11月18日在里加举行的波罗的海外交部长会议上联合宣布中立[1][2][3],同年晚些时候,各自的议会通过了中立法。尽管如此,三国都先后被苏联占领了两次及被纳粹德国占领一次。战后苏联对波罗的海国家的占领一直维持至1991年8月波罗的海国家重获独立为止。
[编辑]- 冰岛王国 – 冰岛于1944年前为丹麦王国的附庸国。1940年4月9日,丹麦被纳粹德国占领。为阻止德国占领冰岛,英国在劝说冰岛政府加入盟军失败后,于1940年5月10日上午入侵冰岛[4],自此起冰岛被盟军占领。
[编辑]- 爱尔兰 – 在二战期间欧洲开始爆发战争后,爱尔兰议会在总理埃蒙·德·瓦莱拉主导下采取中立政策[5]。 尽管受到德国多次空袭以及同盟国和轴心国均对爱尔兰运输船队进行了多次袭击,但在整场战争期间爱尔兰一直能够维持中立,而未曾加入同盟国或轴心国。值得注意的是英国曾经提议让北爱尔兰加入爱尔兰,以换取爱尔兰加入同盟国。唯英国政府在提出这一建议前根本未曾知会北爱政府,且德·瓦莱拉亦未能确保最后爱尔兰真的得以统一等现实因素而最后拒绝这提议[6][7]。
[编辑]- 葡萄牙在第二次世界大战期间保持中立。葡萄牙在开战之初就指出过去近600年所建立的英葡联盟仍然有效,然而由于英国并未寻求葡萄牙的军事援助,葡萄牙仍能够保持中立。当中很大的原因是因为英国希望借著葡萄牙保持中立以抑制西班牙也保持中立,而非加入轴心国[8]。葡萄牙在临近二战尾声的1944年11月28日与美国签署军事协议,允许美国使用亚速尔群岛的秘密军事基地。这违反了葡萄牙的中立性,使葡萄牙成为同盟国中的非交战国[9]。
[编辑]瑞典 – 在战前,瑞典和其他北欧国家宣布计划会在任何大型欧洲冲突中保持中立。当芬兰在冬季战争中被苏联入侵时,瑞典将其立场转变为非交战国。因为“非交战国”不受国际条约界定,这使得瑞典摆脱了对中立国的限制。也因此瑞典政府在冬季战争期间得以支持芬兰,允许休假的德国士兵穿越瑞典,并一度允许一个战斗师从挪威经瑞典前往芬兰。在二战期间,德国军队得以穿越芬兰和瑞典以及瑞典的铁矿石都大大帮助了德国的战争进度。瑞典国防军在战间期经历了严重的缩编,因此到1940年已无力抵抗德国的军事威胁。
Danish resistance worked with Sweden to carry out the 1943 rescue of the Danish Jews by shipping them to Sweden. During the Liberation of Finnmark, Sweden sent Norwegian "police" troops over the border to link up with Allied forces. At the end of the war, Sweden was preparing to join the Allied invasion of Norway and Denmark if the occupying Wehrmacht forces rejected a general armistice.
[编辑]- 瑞士 – Switzerland maintained its neutrality to protect its own banking interests from plunder by the Axis. It also depended on German coal, with 10 million tons imported during the war, comprising 41% of Swiss energy supplies. The Swiss military often opened fire on Axis bombers invading its airspace; Switzerland also shot down Allied planes over its territory on several occasions. Throughout the war, cities in Switzerland were accidentally bombed by both Axis and Allied aircraft. Adolf Hitler did indeed plan to invade Switzerland, but Switzerland had formed complex fortifications and amassed thousands of soldiers in the mountains to thwart any Axis invasion. Because of the extreme mountainous conditions in Switzerland, Hitler decided to bombard the United Kingdom rather than engage in a costly war with Switzerland.
[编辑]- 安道尔在整个第二次世界大战期间保持中立。
[编辑]- 列支敦斯登–在第二次世界大战期间,列支敦士登在保持中立的同时也是少数几个不承认慕尼黑协定以及第三帝国占领捷克斯洛伐克的欧洲国家之一,并且在二战中始终承认捷克斯洛伐克流亡政府为合法政府[17],其位于战区的家族财产被带到列支敦士登(以及伦敦)妥善保管。此外,列支敦士登在战争期间尽可能紧密地与瑞士联系在一起,以希望保持该国的中立性[18]。在战争快要结束时,捷克斯洛伐克和波兰夺取了在其认为是德国领土的地区,而剥夺了列支敦士登王朝在波希米亚、摩拉维亚和西里西亚世袭的全部土地及所有权。列支敦士登亲王至今依然对这些土地提出主权要求,要求捷克和斯洛伐克归还所占领土[17]。
- 另外列支敦士登在二战快要结束时,曾拒绝苏联的遣返要求而为大约500名俄罗斯解放军士兵(一支编入德意志国防军的俄罗斯投敌部队)提供政治庇护[17]。值得注意的是列支敦士登是唯一拒绝苏联要求遣返俄罗斯人的国家,并告知苏联政府只有那些想回家的俄罗斯人才会被遣返[19]。
[编辑]- 阿富汗王国在整个第二次世界大战期间保持中立。
[编辑]- 不丹在整个第二次世界大战期间保持中立。
[编辑]Saudi Arabia
[编辑]- 沙乌地阿拉伯 severed diplomatic contacts with Germany on 11 September 1939, and with Japan in October 1941. Although officially neutral, the Saudis provided the Allies with large supplies of oil. Diplomatic relations with the United States were established in 1943. King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud was a personal friend of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Americans were then allowed to build an air force base near Dhahran.[20] Saudi Arabia declared war on Germany on 28 February 1945 and Japan on 1 April 1945, but no military actions resulted from the declaration.
[编辑]- 西藏在整场第二次世界大战期间都保持中立。虽然西藏事实上独立并处于达赖喇嘛的统治之下,但国际社会普遍将其视为中华民国的一个地区省份。1943年,西藏政府在拉萨接待了来自美国的战略情报局军官[21]。二战结束后,国民党在国共内战中被共产党击败,西藏随后于1951年被中国入侵及并吞。
[编辑]- 土耳其 was neutral until several months before the end of the war, at which point it joined the Allies. Prior to the outbreak of war, Turkey signed a Mutual Aid Pact with France and Britain in 1939. After the German invasion of France, however, Turkey remained neutral, relying on a clause excusing them if military action might bring conflict with the USSR. In June 1941, after neighbouring Bulgaria joined the Axis and allowed Germany to move troops through to invade Yugoslavia and Greece, Turkey signed a treaty of friendship with Germany. Winston Churchill and his military staff met the Turkish president on 30 January 1943 in the Adana Conference, although Turkey did not then change its position.
- Turkey was an important producer of chromite, a strategic material for metallurgy to which Germany had limited access. The Germans wanted it, and the Allies wanted to prevent them getting it, so chromite was the key issue in Turkey's negotiations with both sides. Turkey would backpedal on its agreement to supply Nazi Germany with chromite after instead selling it to the rival nations the United States and the United Kingdom after the two allied nations agreed to also purchase dried fruit and tobacco from Turkey as well.[22] Turkey halted its sales to Germany in April 1944 and broke off relations in August. In February 1945, after the Allies made its invitation to the inaugural meeting of the United Nations (along with the invitations of several other nations) conditional on full belligerency, Turkey declared war on the Axis powers, but no Turkish troops ever saw combat.
[编辑]- 叶门穆塔瓦基利亚王国在整个第二次世界大战期间保持中立。
[编辑]- 美国 – The United States remained neutral at the outbreak of World War II in compliance with the Neutrality Act of 1936 despite favoring the Allied side. However, the sudden defeat of France by Nazi Germany in the spring of 1940 led the country to significantly expand its armed forces through the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. On 29 December of that year, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared that the United States was to be the “Arsenal of Democracy” for the Allies by giving them supplies while the country remained neutral. The U.S. remained neutral until 8 December 1941, when it declared war on Japan in response to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor the previous day.
[编辑]- Argentina – Before the start of World War II in 1939, Argentina had maintained a long tradition of neutrality regarding European wars, which had been upheld and defended by all major political parties since the 19th century. One of the main reasons for this policy was related to Argentina's economic position as one of the world's leading exporters of foodstuffs and agricultural products, to Europe in general and to the United Kingdom in particular.[23] Thus, initially, even though the government of Argentina was sympathetic to the Allies[24] and provided economic assistance to the United Kingdom,[25] the country's political tradition of neutralism prevailed. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent American declaration of war upon Japan, American pressure for Argentine entry into the war begun to increase.[24] Relations worsened further following a military coup in 1943, as the plotters were accused of holding Axis sympathies.[25] Because of strong divisions and internal disputes between members of the Argentine military, the country would continue to remain neutral, even after American sanctions.[25] However, Argentina eventually gave in to the Allies' pressure, broke relations with the Axis powers on January 26, 1944,[25] and declared war on March 27, 1945.[25] Over 4,000 Argentine volunteers fought on the Allied side.[26]
[编辑]Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland held to the concept of armed neutrality, and continuously amassed soldiers to defend their nation's sovereignty from potential invasion. Thus, they maintained the right to become belligerent if attacked while in a state of neutrality. The concept of neutrality in war is narrowly defined and puts specific constraints on the neutral party in return for the internationally recognized right to remain neutral. A wider concept is that of non-belligerence. The basic treaty covering Neutral states is Convention V of The Hague Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land (1907). It is important to note that a neutral country takes no side in a war between other parties, and in return hopes to avoid being attacked by either of them. A neutralist policy aims at neutrality in case of an armed conflict that could involve the party in question. A neutralist is an advocate of neutrality in international affairs. The concept of neutrality in conflicts is distinct from non-alignment, i.e., the willful desistance from military alliances in order to preserve neutrality in case of war, and perhaps with the hope of preventing a war altogether.
In a study of Spain, Switzerland, and Sweden during the Second World War, Eric Golson found that they engaged in economic realpolitik, as they traded with both the Axis and the Allied Powers.[27]
See also
[编辑]- ^ Estonian Neutrality Law of December 1st, 1938
- ^ Neiburgs, Uldis. Soviet occupation. Latvijas Okupācijas muzejs. [17 December 2017].
- ^ Liekis, Šarūnas. 1939: The Year that Changed Everything in Lithuania's History. New York: Rodopi. 2010: 119–122. ISBN 978-9042027626 (英语).
- ^ Stone, Bill. Iceland in the Second World War. Stone & Stone. 1998 [22 June 2008]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-07).
- ^ Sweeney, Matthew D. Irish Neutrality in World War II: Eamon de Valera’s Struggle to Protect Eire (PDF). The Hanover Historical Review.
- ^ Britain offered unity if Ireland entered war. The Irish Times. [2024-01-10] (英语).
- ^ Letter from Eamon de Valera to Neville Chamberlain (London). Documents on Irish Foreign Policy. [2024-01-10] (英国英语).
- ^ Leite, Joaquim da Costa. Neutrality by Agreement: Portugal and the British Alliance in World War II. American University International Law Review.
- ^ United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (Vol 2 Part 2). United States Government Printing Office. 1951: 2127.
- ^ Egido León, Ángeles. Franco y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ayer. 2005, 57 (1): 105. JSTOR 41325295.
- ^ Sager, Murray (July 2009). "Franco, Hitler & the play for Gibraltar: how the Spanish held firm on the Rock". Esprit de Corps. Archived from the original on 2012-07-08.
- ^ Egido León, Ángeles. Franco y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ayer. 2005, 57 (1): 116. JSTOR 41325295.
- ^ Lingelbach, Anna Lane. Franco Camouflages Spanish Fascism. Current History. 1945, 9 (47). ISSN 0011-3530.
- ^ Moradiellos, Enrique. España y la segunda guerra mundial, 1939-1945: entre resignaciones neutralistas y tentaciones beligerantes (PDF). Carlos Navajas Zubeldia & Diego Iturriaga Barco (编). Siglo. Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Historia de Nuestro Tiempo. Logroño: Universidad de la Rioja. 2016: 72–73.
- ^ Gilmour, John. Trading with Germany and the Allies – Blackmail and Brinksmanship. Edinburgh University Press. 2011-03-14. doi:10.3366/edinburgh/9780748627462.003.0007.
- ^ Golson, Eric B. Did Swedish ball bearings keep the Second World War going? Re-evaluating neutral Sweden's role. Scandinavian Economic History Review. 2012-06, 60 (2). ISSN 0358-5522. doi:10.1080/03585522.2012.693259 (英语).
- ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Ladislav Kahoun. Liechtenstein Prince Hans Adam II: I want my property back. Britské listy. 2004-02-26 [2008-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-05) (英语).
- ^ Streitwireless, Clarence. GUARANTEE SOUGHT BY LIECHTENSTEIN; Principality Wants to Join Switzerland if Powers Fail to Back Independencece GERMAN INVASION FEARED. The New York Times. 10 April 1938 [16 May 2023].
- ^ Tolstoy, Nikolai. The secret betrayal. New York: Scribner. 1978. ISBN 978-0-684-15635-4.
- ^ Jan Romein. The Asian Century: A History of Modern Nationalism in Asia. University of California Press. 1962: 382.
- ^ Ernst, Maximilian. The Tolstoy-Dolan Mission and the Establishment of US-Tibetan Relations: An Investigation into the event that unfolded after the first visit of American Representatives to Lhasa in 1943. Seoul National University Journal of International Affairs. 2017, 2 (1).
- ^ Allied Relations and Negotiations With Turkey, US State Department, pp. 6-8
- ^ Allén Lascano, Luís C. (1977). Argentina y la gran guerra, Cuaderno 12. «La Soberanía», Todo es Historia, Buenos Aires
- ^ 24.0 24.1 Carlos Escudé: Un enigma: la "irracionalidad" argentina frente a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Vol. 6 Nº 2, jul-dic 1995, Universidad de Tel Aviv
- ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 Galasso, Norberto (2006). Perón: Formación, ascenso y caída (1893-1955), Colihue, ISBN 950-581-399-6
- ^ Wings of Thunder – Wartime RAF Veterans Flying in From Argentina. PR Newswire. 6 April 2005 [8 January 2008].
- ^ Golson, Eric. Neutrality in War. Economic History of Warfare and State Formation. Studies in Economic History. Springer, Singapore. 2016: 259–278. ISBN 9789811016042. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-1605-9_11 (英语).
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