葉里溫汗國 خانات ایروان | |||||||||
1747年—1828年 | |||||||||
首都 | 葉里溫 | ||||||||
常用語言 | 波斯語(官方語言)、亞塞拜然語、庫德語、亞美尼亞語 | ||||||||
族群 | 突厥人、波斯人、庫德人、亞美尼亞人 | ||||||||
宗教 | 伊斯蘭教什葉派 | ||||||||
政府 | 汗國 | ||||||||
汗 | |||||||||
• 1747年-1752年 | 米爾梅赫迪汗(首任) | ||||||||
• 1807年-1828年 | 海珊·汗·薩達爾(末任) | ||||||||
歷史 | |||||||||
• 建立 | 1747年 | ||||||||
• 終結 | 1828年 | ||||||||
面積 | |||||||||
• 總計 | 19,500平方公里 | ||||||||
人口 | |||||||||
• 1826年估計 | 110120人 | ||||||||
葉里溫汗國(波斯語:خانات ایروان;亞美尼亞語:Երևանի խանություն;亞塞拜然語:İrəvan xanlığı),是1747年建立於高加索地區的汗國,為波斯附庸的高加索諸汗國之一,以波斯語為官方語言;疆域約為19,500平方公里[2],包含今日亞美尼亞中部、土耳其厄德爾省和卡爾斯省的卡厄茲曼以及亞塞拜然納希切萬自治共和國的沙魯爾區和薩達拉克區,國內居民以穆斯林為主,包括突厥人、波斯人與庫德人,另有約兩成為信仰基督教的亞美尼亞人,其社群受葉里溫梅利克直接管理[2]。
[編輯]卡札爾王朝時期,葉里溫汗國治下的葉里溫相當繁榮,城市範圍約為一平方英里,花園等城郊則延伸到距城市18英里處。Kettenhofen等編纂的伊朗百科全書描述葉里溫有3個區,超過1700間房舍、850間商舖、約10座清真寺、7座教堂、10間澡堂、7座商隊驛站、5個廣場、2處巴剎與2所學校[2]。城內兩座最重要的清真寺中,一座建於薩法維時期,另一座(葉里溫藍色清真寺)則是葉里溫汗國時期建造,為該時期代表性的建築之一[16]。海珊·汗·薩達爾時期,葉里溫的城防據稱是波斯全境最堅固的[17],城市的人口穩定增長 在葉里溫被俄羅斯攻陷前夕,全城有居民近2萬人[18],而俄羅斯統治約70年後,葉里溫的人口僅剩約14000人[18][註 1]。
[編輯]- 米爾梅赫迪汗(1747年-1752年)[19]
- 哈利勒·汗·烏茲別克(1752年-1755年)[20]
- 哈山納利汗(1755年-1759年)[21]
- 胡塞納利汗(1759年-1783年)[22]
- 古拉姆阿里汗(1783年-1784年)[23]
- 穆罕默德汗(1785年-1805年)[24]
- 莫赫迪古魯汗(1805年-1806年)[25]
- 艾哈邁德·汗·穆卡德姆(1806年)[26]
- 海珊·汗·薩達爾(1807年-1828年)
[編輯]葉里溫汗國的人口多數為穆斯林,約占八成,另外兩成則為信仰基督教的亞美尼亞人[27][註 2]。
種族 | 人數 |
亞美尼亞人[註 3] | 20,073人 |
庫德人 | 25,237人 |
波斯官員、軍隊[註 4] | 10,000人 |
突厥人(定居與半定居)[註 5] | 31,588人 |
突厥人(遊牧) | 23,222人 |
總計 | 110,120人 |
[編輯]突厥人為葉里溫汗國最大的族群,有巴岳特、Ayrumlu、卡扎爾人、卡拉帕帕赫人、白羊土庫曼人、黑羊土庫曼人等部族[33],包括定居、半定居與隨季節遷徙的遊牧者[31],前者多務農為業[34] ,後者則為汗國提供了重要的馬匹來源[35]。有時突厥部族間會發生衝突,傳統上也與庫德人不合[36],突厥人與庫德人遊牧的範圍約為汗國疆域的一半,主要位於中北部。卡拉帕帕赫人與Ayrumlu是汗國中主要的兩個突厥遊牧部族,1828年後他們多在阿巴斯·米爾札幫助下遷至了伊朗亞塞拜然[37]。
[編輯]亞美尼亞人信仰基督教,在葉里溫汗國中約占兩成,雖集中在汗國中的數個區域[39],但在各區域均非主要族群[27][註 6]。14世紀中葉以前亞美尼亞人是東亞美尼亞的主要族群[41],隨著穆斯林移入和幾位統治者的壓迫而成為少數族群[42][43]。但葉里溫汗國的商業貿易為亞美尼亞人主導[44][2],因此他們對波斯統治者有重要的經濟價值,他們雖與俄羅斯人同為基督徒,但對其不抱持特別的好感,而較為關注自己的社會、經濟地位[45],例如1808年俄軍包圍葉里溫時,亞美尼亞人即維持中立[46]。
[編輯]葉里溫汗國的亞美尼亞人直接受葉里溫阿加馬利安(Aghamalyan)家族的梅利克管轄。1639年鄂圖曼-波斯戰爭結束後波斯亞美尼亞即開始了梅利克的行政管理系統,1736年納迪爾沙加冕時,當時的葉里溫梅利克哈克布延(Melik Hakobjan)便出席觀禮[2]。葉里溫梅利克受沙阿授權,可穿著波斯官員的服飾,對其轄下的亞美尼亞人具有完整的行政、立法與司法權,甚至有權判處死刑。此外梅利克還有軍事功能,在戰爭時率領部眾參加波斯軍隊。除葉里溫梅利克外,汗國內還有其他地區的梅利克,各自管理當地的亞美尼亞人,不過仍以葉里溫梅利克最為重要、最具影響力,幾乎僅次於汗本人,汗國內的亞美尼亞村落每年均需向葉里溫梅利克繳稅[2]。
- ^ Bournoutian, George A. The 1820 Russian Survey of the Khanate of Shirvan: A Primary Source on the Demography and Economy of an Iranian Province prior to its Annexation by Russia. Gibb Memorial Trust. 2016: xvii. ISBN 978-1909724808.
Serious historians and geographers agree that after the fall of the Safavids, and especially from the mid-eighteenth century, the territory of the South Caucasus was composed of the khanates of Ganja, Kuba, Shirvan, Baku, Talesh, Sheki, Karabagh, Nakhichivan and Yerevan, all of which were under Iranian suzerainty.
- ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Kettenhofen, Bournoutian & Hewsen 1998,第542–551頁.
- ^ Muriel Atkin. Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 (U of Minnesota Press, 1980), p. 89; "The new khan of Yerevan, Hosein Qoli, was one of the most able men in Fath' Ali's government and ruled Yerevan from 1807 until its conquest by the Russians in 1827."
- ^ Bournoutian 2006,第214–215頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1980,第1–2頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 2006,第215頁.
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Bournoutian 2002,第215頁. "Iranians, in order to save the rest of eastern Armenia, heavily subsidized the region and appointed a capable governor, Hosein Qoli Khan, to administer it."
- ^ Bournoutian 2004,第519–520頁.
- ^ Swietochowski, Tadeusz. Russian Azerbaijan, 1905-1920: The Shaping of a National Identity in a Muslim Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2004: 12. ISBN 978-0521522458.
(...) and Persian continued to be the official language of the judiciary and the local administration [even after the abolishment of the khanates].
- ^ Pavlovich, Petrushevsky Ilya. Essays on the history of feudal relations in Armenia and Azerbaijan in XVI - the beginning of XIX centuries. LSU them. Zhdanov. 1949: 7.
(...) The language of official acts not only in Iran proper and its fully dependant Khanates, but also in those Caucasian khanates that were semi-independent until the time of their accession to the Russian Empire, and even for some time after, was New Persian (Farsi). It played the role of the literary language of class feudal lords as well.
- ^ Katouzian, Homa. Iranian history and politics. Routledge. 2003: 128. ISBN 978-0415297547.
Indeed, since the formation of the Ghaznavids state in the tenth century until the fall of Qajars at the beginning of the twentieth century, most parts of the Iranian cultural regions were ruled by Turkic-speaking dynasties most of the time. At the same time, the official language was Persian, the court literature was in Persian, and most of the chancellors, ministers, and mandarins were Persian speakers of the highest learning and ability.
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Bournoutian 1982,第86頁. "The Khan Hosein Qoli Khan's efficient administration soon transformed the region. He modeled his bureaucracy on that of the central government, dividing power between tribal and settled groups (...) In essence the Erevan administration, like its counterpart in Tehran, was organized into three branches (...)"
- ^ Bournoutian 2004,第519–520頁. "ḤOSAYNQOLI KHAN SARDĀR-E IRAVĀNI; important governor in the early Qajar period (b. ca. 1742, d. 1831). (...) Requiring a strong and loyal governor to command the fortress of Erevan against the Russian advances during the first Russo-Persian War (1804-13), the shah appointed Ḥosaynqoli as the commander-in-chief (sardār) of the Persian forces north of the Araxes (Aras) River."
- ^ Dowling, Timothy C. (編). Russia at War: From the Mongol Conquest to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Beyond. ABC-CLIO. 2015: 729. ISBN 978-1598849486.
In May 1826, Russia therefore occupied Mirak, in the Erivan khanate, in violation of the Treaty of Gulistan.
- ^ Шопен И. Исторический памятник состояния Армянской области в эпоху ее присоединения к Российской империи. : 441-448 (俄語).
- ^ Kettenhofen, Bournoutian & Hewsen 1998,第542–551頁. "(...) built in 1776 near the end of Persian rule."
- ^ Hambly, Gavin. The traditional Iranian city in the Qājār period. Avery, Peter; Hambly, Gavin; Melville, Charles (編). The Cambridge History of Iran (Vol. 7). Cambridge University Press. 1991: 552. ISBN 978-0521200950.
Erivan was renowned for its strong natural defences and the impressive fortifications maintained by its governor between 1807 and 1827, the famous sardār, Husain Qulī Khan, which were said to be the strongest in the country.
- ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Bournoutian 1992,第62頁.
- ^ Qarayev 2016,第52頁.
- ^ Əliyev & Həsənov 2007,第90頁.
- ^ Qarayev 2016,第60頁.
- ^ Qarayev 2016,第83-84頁.
- ^ Qarayev 2016,第90頁.
- ^ Əliyev & Həsənov 2007,第148頁.
- ^ Qarayev 2016,第173頁.
- ^ A.A.Bakıxanov adına Tarix İnstitutu. İrəvan xanlığı (Rusiya işğalı və ermənilərin Şimali Azərbaycan torpaqlarına köçürülməsi). Regionların inkişafı ictimai birliyi. 2010: 204 (亞塞拜然語).
- ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Bournoutian 1980,第12–13頁.
- ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 Bournoutian 1980,第15頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1980,第12頁.
- ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 Bournoutian 1992,第63頁.
- ^ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Bournoutian 1980,第3頁.
- ^ 32.0 32.1 Bournoutian 1992,第49頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1980,第4, 15頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1992,第50頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1980,第5–6頁.
- ^ 36.0 36.1 Bournoutian 1992,第53頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1992,第53–54頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1992,第54頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1992,第61頁.
- ^ 40.0 40.1 Bournoutian 1980,第13頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1980,第11, 13–14頁.
- ^ An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires, James S. Olson, Greenwood(1994), p. 44
- ^ An Historical Atlas of Islam by William Charles Brice, Brill Academic Publishers, 1981 p. 276
- ^ 44.0 44.1 Bournoutian 1980,第14頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1992,第91–92頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1992,第83頁.
- ^ Bournoutian 1980,第11–13頁.
- ^ 48.0 48.1 Austin Clayton. Azerbaijan mounts exhibition showcasing Erivan Khanate. Eurasianet. 2019-10-17 [2020-12-27]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-01).
- ^ Joshua Kucera. Azerbaijan President Calls for Return to “Historic Lands” in Armenia. Eurasianet. 2018-02-13 [2020-12-27]. (原始內容存檔於2020-05-10).
- ^ Yerevan Slams Aliyev’s Latest Territorial Claim on Armenia; Calls Azerbaijani President’s Remarks ‘Racist’. The Armenian Weekly. 2018-02-09 [2020-12-27]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-09).
- ^ At Baku Victory Parade, Aliyev Calls Yerevan, Zangezur, Sevan Historical Azerbaijani Lands, Erdogan Praises Enver Pasha. The Armenian Mirror-Spectator. 2020-12-11 [2020-12-12]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-15) (英語).
- ^ Yerevan Condemns 'Azeri Territorial Claims'. Azatutyun. 2020-12-11 [2020-12-12]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-24) (英語).
- Bournoutian, George A. The Population of Persian Armenia Prior to and Immediately Following its Annexation to the Russian Empire: 1826-1832. The Wilson Center, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. 1980.
- Bournoutian, George A. Eastern Armenia in the Last Decades of Persian Rule 1807-1828: A Political and Socioeconomic Study of the Khanate of Erevan on the Eve of the Russian Conquest. Undena Publications. 1982: 1–290. ISBN 978-0890031223.
- Bournoutian, George A. The Khanate of Erevan Under Qajar Rule: 1795-1828. Mazda Publishers. 1992: 1–355. ISBN 978-0939214181.
- Bournoutian, George A. A Concise History of the Armenian People: (from Ancient Times to the Present). Mazda Publishers. 2002.
- Bournoutian, George A. ḤOSAYNQOLI KHAN SARDĀR-E IRAVĀNI. Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. XII, Fasc. 5: 519–520. 2004.
- Bournoutian, George A. A Concise History of the Armenian People 5. Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Publishers. 2006. ISBN 1-56859-141-1.
- Floor, Willem M. Titles and Emoluments in Safavid Iran: A Third Manual of Safavid Administration, by Mirza Naqi Nasiri. Washington, DC: Mage Publishers. 2008. ISBN 978-1933823232.
- Kettenhofen, Erich; Bournoutian, George A.; Hewsen, Robert H. EREVAN. Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. VIII, Fasc. 5: 542–551. 1998.
- Əliyev, Fuad; Həsənov, Urfan. İrəvan xanlığı. Şərq- Qərb. 2007. ISBN 978-9952-34-166-9 (亞塞拜然語).
- Qarayev, Elçin. "Azərbaycanın İrəvan bölgəsinin tarixindən(XVII yüzilliyin sonu–XIX yüzilliyin ortalarında)". Mütərcim Tərcümə və Nəşriyyat-Poliqrafiya Mərkəzi. 2016 (亞塞拜然語).