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伊斯蘭恐懼症 |
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大取代(法語:Grand Remplacement),抑或稱取代理論[1][2],是白人民族主義者[3]提倡的極右陰謀論[4][5][6],由法國作家雷諾·加繆提出。該理論認為,通過與「取代派」精英合謀或合作(pouvoir/élite remplaciste)[4][7],歐洲的白人正在人口及文化層面逐漸被非白人(特別是穆斯林)取代。取代手段則包括大規模移民、人口增加及降低出生率[4][8][9]。然而,主流學界並不認同這種主張,認為其源自對移民數據的誇大解讀,而且以不科學的種族主義世界觀為前提[10][11]。
實際上,類似的極右觀點早在19世紀就有人提出,只不過到了2011年才由加繆在著作《大取代》(Le Grand Remplacement)中正式命名並推廣。加繆認為,法國穆斯林占了人口相當大的比例,可能會威脅甚至摧毀法國的文化與文明。加繆與其他陰謀論者認為這種過程之所以出現,乃是法國政府、歐洲聯盟或聯合國內部的全球派或自由派精英(也就是「取代派」)有意推進的政策造成的。他們認為這種政策是「以替代手段進行的種族滅絕」[4]。
大取代陰謀論在歐洲獲得廣泛支持,影響力更遍及其他西方國家的反移民及白人民族主義運動。認同該理論的人士認為「移民之所以湧入白人占多數的國家,是因為他們打算讓白人人口在他們的土地上成為少數民族,乃至讓本土的白人徹底滅絕」[9],因此它很大程度上與更加廣泛的白人種族滅絕陰謀論密切相關[註 1][9],不僅是利用伊斯蘭恐懼症推動反猶太謠言傳播,進行戰略性替換[12][13]。
[編輯]大取代最早由法國作家雷諾·加繆在2010年的著作《天真入門手冊》(L'Abécédaire de l'in-nocence)[註 2][28]及次年的同名著作《大取代》(英語:The Great Replacement (introduction to global replacism)中提及。加繆表示「大取代」這個詞是自己偶然間想到的,可能或多或少無意間參考了18世紀阿卡迪亞人的大騷亂(Grand Dérangement)[29]。他表示,德國詩人貝托爾特·布萊希特曾諷刺地認為政府最容易做的事情就是在人民喪失信心的情況下改變他們(「難道政府不可以把人民解散掉,然後再選一個嗎?」),而大取代理論就是這個主張的「生動寫照」[30]。
加繆認為,大取代理論受「工業化」、「世俗化」和「去文化化」[註 3]滋養。在他看來,當今的唯物主義社會與全球主義思想已經創造出一批「可以被取代的人類,不論國家、民族、文化為何」[33],也就是他所認為的「全球取代」[34]。不過,他覺得「大取代不需要定義」,而且詞的本身不是「概念」,而是「現象」[35][14]。
根據加繆的理論,土生法國人是「被取代者」(les remplacés)[29],在人口層面已經被主要來自非洲或中東的外來人口取代,正處在「取代派力量」鼓勵的「人口移民」進程中[4][36]。他以1940年到1945年德國納粹占領的法國地區為例,當時的「殖民者」/「占領者」(colonisateurs/colonisation)沒有歐洲人血統但住在歐洲[18][37],將他眼中的「取代派精英」斥為「同流合污者」[38]。2017年,加繆創辦歐洲抵抗運動全國委員會組織,在名稱上借鑑了第二次世界大戰期間的全國抵抗委員會(1943–1945)[39],以法國抵抗納粹黨為例子暗示大家仇恨他眼中的「占領者」(也就是移民人士),甚至採用暴力等直接行動[38]。他認為大取代和所謂的「以替換方式滅絕歐洲人」如同納粹大屠殺[39]。
在2016年《旁觀者》雜誌的一篇文章,加繆表示理解大取代理論的鑰匙就在他2002年的著作《感覺》(Du Sens)中[41]。在《感覺》一書中,加繆認為「法蘭西」和「法國」兩個詞在自然及物理現實層面相同,在法律層面不相同,類似於夏爾·莫拉斯對「合法國家」(pays légal)及「現實國家」(pays réel)的克拉蒂盧斯式區分[42]。在同一個採訪中,加繆表示自己對大取代陰謀論的想像可以追溯到1996年,當時他正修訂法國南部省份埃羅省的指南:「我突然間意識到在一些歷史悠久的村莊裡,人口也徹底改變了。我就是在那個時候開始寫相關的內容[41]。」
[編輯]儘管有自己的奇點和概念,大取代理論還是屬於範圍更廣、歷史更久遠的白人種族滅絕陰謀論[43]。白人種族滅絕論於1995年由美國新納粹主義者大衛·萊恩在1995年著作《白人種族滅絕宣言》(White Genocide Manifesto)中提出,當中萊恩斷言西方世界國家的政府打算將白人變成「滅絕物種」[44][45]。實際上,在敵對勢力精英的指引下「取代」土生白人的思想最早可以追溯到二戰前的反猶謠言。該謠言假設猶太人密謀通過通婚摧毀歐洲,在愛德華·德魯蒙的反猶太主義暢銷書《猶太法國》中尤為突出[46]。在提到兩者的相似性時,歷史學家尼古拉斯·勒伯格和政治學家讓-伊夫·加繆認為雷諾·加繆的貢獻是用穆斯林和歐洲人之間的文明衝突來取代原來的反猶元素[13]。
[編輯]儘管法國各民族的人口在戰後移民的推動下出現轉變,學界還是對大取代的主張不以為然,認為這只是過度解讀移民數據與非科學的種族偏見觀點造成的結果[10]。地理學家蘭迪斯·麥凱勒(Landis MacKellar)批評加繆假設「第三代和第四代移民不知什麼原因不是法國人」[58]。根據不同專家的估計,2017年法國穆斯林人口占總體8.8%到12.5%[59][60],在麥凱勒眼中遠遠不及「取代」的程度[58]。皮尤研究中心預測在沒有移民的情況下,法國的平均生育率到2050年會增加到12.7%,計算移民情況在內,生育率增加到18%[59]。另據法國國家統計與經濟研究所數據,2018年法國本土的新生兒中,28.15%的父母至少一方不在歐洲出生[61]。美國普查局預測美國白人人口到2044年會下降至不到一半;儘管種族區分、跨種族通婚及移民會讓這個日期進一步推遲,支持大取代理論的人士還是對這個現象感到焦慮[62]。
2011年,極右翼政治人物瑪琳·勒朋借大取代陰謀論主張法國境內的「反對派」正反動道德戰和經濟戰,通過「有組織地替換我們的人口讓它(法國)沉沒」[80]。2013年,歷史學家多米尼克·文納在巴黎聖母院自殺,以一張概述「取代我們人民的罪行」的字條作為遺言。消息認為,文納的遺言激勵極右翼的伊利亞特學院(Iliade Institute)以大取代理念為意識形態宗旨[81]。提及大取代理念的時候,勒朋公開讚揚文納最後的舉動明顯是在政治層面喚醒法蘭西人[80]。
[編輯]奧地利的同一性運動奧地利認同運動認為人口「大更換」(德語:(Der) Große Austausch或「大取代」運動必須逆轉[93]。2019年4月,奧地利自由黨黨主席海因茨-克里斯蒂安·斯特拉赫在2019年歐洲議會選舉的競選活動中支持大取代理論[94],認為「人口替換」在奧地利是真正的威脅,大家「不希望變成國家的少數民族」[95]。馬丁·塞爾納對斯特拉赫從政治層面提及大取代理論表示歡迎[96][97]。
[編輯]大取代(丹麥語:Store Udskiftning)理論在丹麥右翼政治群體中十分流行。2019年4月,深受大取代理論影響的強硬路線黨領袖拉斯穆斯·帕魯丹[102]聲稱丹麥人到2040年會變得少數民族,被穆斯林及其後代大幅超越[103]。在2019年歐洲議會選舉辯論中,帕魯丹以大取代為依據,提出禁止穆斯林移民、驅逐所有信奉伊斯蘭教的民眾。法國《世界報》認為帕魯丹在宣揚大取代理論[104]。2019年6月,丹麥議會議長皮婭·凱斯加德呼籲穆斯林群體投票給社會民主黨,被認為變相提及大取代理論。皮婭表示:「什麼事情會發生?丹麥人被取代嗎?」[103]。
2016年5月,德國另類選擇副黨主席比阿特麗克斯·馮·斯托奇認為大規模人口更換(Massenaustausch der Bevölkerung)的計劃一直以來都有,以另一種說法提及大取代理論[105]。2017年4月,幾個月後就任另類選擇黨主席的亞歷山大·高蘭在一篇新聞稿中提到了難民家庭團聚問題,稱「德國的人口更換計劃正在全速開展」[89][105]。2018年10月,在比阿特麗克斯的帶領下,德國議會議員彼得·拜斯特龍認為聯合國大會針對難民危機設立的全球移民契約就是大取代計劃的一部分,目的是從系統上更換德國的人口[105]。
[編輯]副總理馬泰奧·薩爾維尼多次提及大取代理論[107]。就任副總理兩年前的2016年5月,薩爾維尼在接受Sky TG24採訪時稱「種族取代正在義大利發生」,批評某個資金充足的工人輸入組織進口「農場奴隸」,認為這是試圖對義大利人進行有利可圖的種族滅絕[121][122]。
[編輯]極右翼政黨呼聲在提到西班牙人生育率比移民低時提到大取代理論[128]。ElDiario.es記者安東尼奧·馬耶斯特(Antonio Maestre)認為呼聲黨和擔心西班牙人被取代的加泰隆尼亞民族主義極端派都認同大取代理論[129]。
[編輯]2017年,美國白人至上主義群體在維吉尼亞州夏洛蒂鎮舉行團結右翼集會,打出隱喻種族取代的標語[143],譬如「你們不會取代我們」(You will not replace us)、「猶太人不能取代我們」(Jews will not replace us)[144][145]。活動上,加繆向Vox明確表示不支持暴力行為,否認自己的思想與新納粹分子有關聯。不過,他認同這些口號背後的意義[69]。
2018年10月,共和黨國會議員史提夫·金公開支持大取代理論[146][147],表示「沒錯,大取代正在發生」(Great replacement, yes),「通過種族移民進入歐洲的人有80%是年輕人」[148]。他認為大取代是歐洲和美國共同關心的問題,「如果我們繼續把自己的孩子打掉,用年輕暴力的人取代他們,我們就是在換掉我們的文化、我們的文明」[149]。他批評喬治·索羅斯就是大取代的罪魁禍首[150]。
2019年5月,佛羅里達州參議員丹尼斯·巴克斯利以大取代理論形容美國國內的墮胎權爭議[151][152],希望美國民眾警惕西歐國家的生育率問題:「當你的生育率低於2%的時候,社會就會逐漸消亡,被之後到來的移民取代。他們不想融入社會,一心生孩子[153]。」次月,緬因州共和黨副主席尼克·伊斯格羅(Nick Isgro)支持大取代理論,認為用財政補貼國內的墮胎宣傳活動「就是在殺我們自己人」,尋求庇護的人「在全球精英及其在奧古斯塔的伴侶的棋局中充當真人棋子」。《波特蘭新聞先驅報》(Portland Press Herald)專欄作家格雷格·凱西奇(Greg Kesich)稱緬因州沃特維爾現任市長在演講中展現大取代情緒[154]。
2019年8月,極右翼恐怖分子在德克薩斯州埃爾帕索一家沃爾瑪超市開槍打死23名拉丁裔美國人,是美國現代史上拉丁裔美國人死亡最多的事件[155][156]。案發前,槍手發布一段反拉丁裔、反移民宣言,推廣大取代理論[157][158]。宣言題為《難以忽視的真相》(The Incovenient Truth),共2300字,模仿美國總統唐納·川普的語言形容移民政策,將西班牙裔美國人形容為侵略者,揚言「把他們送回去」[159],同時讓大家警惕「西班牙裔入侵德克薩斯州」[160]。
據芝加哥大學政治學家羅伯特·A·佩普(Robert A. Pape)研究,參與1月6日衝擊國會大廈行動的示威者大多認同大取代思想。另外,共和黨選民及國會議員都相信這個理論[167]。
[編輯]加繆使用「殖民」、「占領者」(colonisateurs/colonisation)等感情強烈的詞彙標籤歐洲外來移民及其兒童[18][37],被認為是在暗地裡呼籲採取暴力行動[38]。學者讓-伊夫·加繆認為大取代理論與移民回遷主張不謀而合,委婉地表達了驅逐外來移民的想法[15][28]。2019年,加繆在一篇文章中定義了他在歐洲議會選舉中政綱[37],以另一種委婉說法「大遣返」(Grand Rapatriement)指回遷政策[173]。歷史學家尼古拉斯·班塞爾(Nicolas Bancel)和帕斯卡·布蘭查德(Pascal Blanchard)與社會學家艾哈邁德·布貝克(Ahmed Boubeker)認為大取代理論暗含對內戰的宣告,極端、過於簡單,任何人都能理解,因為驗證了國家對種族的定義[15]。人口學家赫維·勒·巴哈認為加繆形容第二代或第三代移民的措辭自相矛盾,因為「他們已經不是移民了,他們是法國人」,同時指責加繆把他們形容為第五縱隊或「內部敵人」[174]。
[編輯]2018年、2019年及2022年的四起群體槍擊案中,嫌疑人都表達了對白人滅絕的恐懼,特別提到了取代理論。儘管加繆主張自己的理論不含暴力元素,南方貧困法律中心的分析員海蒂·貝里奇(Heidi Beirich)認為理論背後的白人種族滅絕陰謀論「毫無疑問影響到」美國的白人至上主義者,可能促使他們製造暴力事件[175] [176]。
2019年3月15日,紐西蘭基督城林伍德伊斯蘭中心與努爾清真寺被澳洲恐怖分子布倫頓·塔蘭特持槍攻擊,51人死、49人傷。犯案前,布倫頓引用加繆的著作發表《大取代》宣言[18][179]。事後加繆譴責暴力行動,重申自己希望對日益增加的非白人人口發動「反革命行動」[18]。同年,戰略對話研究院發現基督城槍擊案前社會媒體上關於大取代的帖文超過2.4萬條,而2012年4月的帖文有3,431條。槍擊案發生後的4月份,大取代的關注度暴漲[180]。2019年8月3日,美國德克薩斯州埃爾帕索一家沃爾瑪超市爆發大規模槍擊案,造成23人死、23人傷。兇手派屈克·克魯修斯(Patrick Crusius)案發前在網上貼出題為《難以忽視的真相》的宣言[175],在案發前表達對基督城槍手的支持[157]。他表示自己開槍的理由是「入侵德州的西班牙裔」引發「文化及種族取代」(暗指再征服運動)[175][179][181][182]。
[編輯]- 反聖戰
- 歐拉伯
- 凱勒奇計劃陰謀論,白人種族滅絕陰謀論的另一個版本,由國際泛歐聯盟創辦人理察·尼古拉斯·馮·康登霍維-凱勒奇提出,主張通過移民來取代歐洲白人,將白人和非白人在種族上進行混合
- 20世紀初優生學家的種族自殺理論
- 收復失地運動 (墨西哥)
- 錫安長老會紀要
- 《有色人種崛起浪潮對白人至上世界的威脅》
- 黃禍
- 衰落論
- 愛情聖戰
[編輯]- ^ Bracke, Sarah; Aguilar, Luis Manuel Hernández. 'They love death as we love life': The 'Muslim Question' and the biopolitics of replacement. The British Journal of Sociology. 2020, 71 (4): 680–701. ISSN 1468-4446. PMC 7540673 . PMID 32100887. doi:10.1111/1468-4446.12742 .
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Bowles, Nellie. 'Replacement Theory,' a Racist, Sexist Doctrine, Spreads in Far-Right Circles. The New York Times. 2019-03-18 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
Behind the idea is a racist conspiracy theory known as 'the replacement theory,' which was popularized by a right-wing French philosopher.
- ^ Feola, Michael. 'You Will Not Replace Us': The Melancholic Nationalism of Whiteness. Political Theory. 2020, 49 (4): 528–553. ISSN 0090-5917. doi:10.1177/0090591720972745 .
This article addresses recent strains of white nationalism rooted within anxieties over demographic replacement (e.g., "the Great Replacement").
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Taguieff (2015), PT71 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
- ^ Toxische Narrative : Monitoring rechts-alternativer Akteure (PDF). Berlin: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung. 2017: 18. ISBN 978-3-940878-29-8. OCLC 1042949000. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2018-09-24).
- ^ Korte, Barbara; Wendt, Simon; Falkenhayner, Nicole. Heroism as a Global Phenomenon in Contemporary Culture. Routledge. 2019. PT176. ISBN 978-0429557842.
This conspiracy theory, which was first articulated by the French philosopher Renaud Camus, has gained a lot of traction in Europe since 2015.
- ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Fourquet (2016), PT29 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
- ^ Verstraet, Antoine. C'est ça que tu veux ? !. Savoirs et Clinique. 2017, 23 (2): 55. ISSN 1634-3298. doi:10.3917/sc.023.0055 (法語).
[transl. from French] This theory states that the indigenous French ('Français de souche') could soon be demographically replaced by non-European peoples, especially from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa.
- ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Bergmann (2021), pp. 37–38: "The term 『The Great Replacement』 rose to new prominence when a deeply controversial French philosopher, Renaud Camus, used it for the title of his book published in 2011. Camus mainly focused on France, but he argued that European civilisation and identity was at risk of being subsumed by mass migration, especially from Muslim countries, and because of low birth rates among the native French people. (...) It found support widely in Europe and was, for instance, entangled in the more general White Genocide conspiracy theory, which nationalist far-right activists have upheld on both sides of the Atlantic.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Jenkins, Cecil. A Brief History of France. Little, Brown Book Group. 2017. PT342. ISBN 978-1-4721-4027-2.
As for the grand replacement, this has been widely seen as a paranoid fantasy, which plays fast and loose with the statistics, is racist in that it classes as immigrants people actually born in France, glosses over the fact that around half of immigrants are from other European countries, and suggests that declining indigenous France will be outbred by Muslim newcomers when in fact it has the highest fertility rate in Western Europe, and not because of immigration.
- ^ Buncombe, Andrew. Inside the data that debunks the 'Great Replacement' theory. The Independent. 2022-05-17 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-17).
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Cosentino, Gabriele. From Pizzagate to the Great Replacement: The Globalization of Conspiracy Theories. Social Media and the Post-Truth World Order: The Global Dynamics of Disinformation. Springer. 2020: 75. ISBN 978-3-030-43005-4. S2CID 216239634. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-43005-4_3.
While the Great Replacement is at its core an Islamophobic belief, Lane's ideology is anti-Semitic.
- ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Camus & Lebourg (2017), pp. 206–207: "The success of that umpteenth incarnation of a theme launched immediately after World War II (Camus has personally declared his indebtedness to Enoch Powell) can be explained by the fact that he subtracted anti-Semitism from the argument."
- ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Chatterton Williams (2017).
- ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Boubeker, Bancel & Blanchard (2015),第141–152頁.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 “The Great Replacement:” An Explainer. Anti-Defamation League. [2022-05-25]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-21) (英語).
- ^ Ekman, Mattias. The great replacement: Strategic mainstreaming of far-right conspiracy claims. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. 2022-05-06: 135485652210919 [2022-05-26]. ISSN 1354-8565. doi:10.1177/13548565221091983. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-26) (英語).
- ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Heim, Joe; McAuley, James. New Zealand attacks offer the latest evidence of a web of supremacist extremism. The Washington Post. 2019-03-15 [2019-03-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-18).
Camus, now 72, told The Washington Post that he condemns the Christchurch attacks and has always condemned similar violence. [...] Camus added that he still hopes that the desire for a 'counterrevolt' against 'colonization in Europe today' will grow, a reference to increases in nonwhite populations.
- ^ Byman, Daniel. The Global Roots of the Buffalo Shooting. Foreign Policy. 2022-05-16 [2022-05-26]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-19).
In fact, although white supremacists in the United States and elsewhere have long claimed the white race is under attack, the Great Replacement theory itself originated in France with philosopher Renaud Camus (though Camus himself rejects violence).
- ^ Finkielkraut (2017), 23m05s.
- ^ Croucher, Stephen M. Integrated Threat Theory and Acceptance of Immigrant Assimilation: An Analysis of Muslim Immigration in Western Europe. Communication Monographs. 2013, 80 (1): 46–62. ISSN 0363-7751. S2CID 145389928. doi:10.1080/03637751.2012.739704.
Such political rhetoric has been effective in the past decade, as more and more individuals in the US and Europe are less accepting of Muslims, particularly Muslim immigrants (Abbas, 2007; Croucher, 2008; Gonzalez et al., 2008).
- ^ EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report (Te-Sat). Europol. [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-17).
- ^ EU migration: Crisis in seven charts. BBC. 2016-03-04 [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-31) (英國英語).
- ^ Bergmann (2018),第126–27頁.
- ^ Polakow-Suransky (2017),第2–3頁.
- ^ Kennelly, Brian Gordon (2004). "Au-delà de leurs doléances, Au nom de l』In-nocence: Renaud Camus and the Political (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)", California Polytechnic State University.
- ^ D. Godefroy. [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-04).
- ^ 28.0 28.1 Camus, Jean-Yves; Mathieu, Annie. D'où vient l'expression 'remigration'?. Le Soleil. 2017-08-19. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-24).
- ^ 29.0 29.1 Finkielkraut (2017),4分25秒.
- ^ Leconte, Cécile. La carrière militante du " grand remplacement " au sein du milieu partisan de l'Alternative pour l'Allemagne (AfD). Politix. 2019, 126 (2): 111–134. S2CID 210566278. doi:10.3917/pox.126.0111.
- ^ Camus, Renaud. Vue d'oeil: Journal 2012. Fayard. 2013. PT21. ISBN 978-2213672892 (法語).
- ^ Traverso, Enzo. The New Faces of Fascism: Populism and the Far Right. Verso Books. 2019: 71. ISBN 978-1788730495.
- ^ Joignot, Frédéric. Le fantasme du 'grand remplacement' démographique. Le Monde. 2014-01-23 [2019-08-04]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-21) (法語).
- ^ Bromley, Roger. The politics of displacement: the Far Right narrative of Europe and its 'others'. From the European South. University of Nottingham. 2018, 3: 15 [2020-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-10).
- ^ Albertini, Dominique. Le 'grand remplacement', totem extrême. Libération. 2015-10-13 [2019-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-01) (法語).
- ^ Wilson, Andrew. Fear-Filled Apocalypses: The Far-Right's Use of Conspiracy Theories. Oxford Research Group. 2019-03-27 [2019-04-04]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-04).
- ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 AFP. Européennes: l'écrivain Renaud Camus en tête de liste. Le Figaro. 2019-04-04 [2019-08-04]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-20).
'L'Europe, il ne faut pas en sortir, il faut en sortir l'Afrique' [...] 'Jamais une occupation n'a pris fin sans le départ de l'occupant. Jamais une colonisation ne s'est achevée sans le retrait des colonisateurs et des colons. La Ligne claire, et seule à l'être, c'est celle qui mène du ferme constat du grand remplacement (...) à l'exigence de la remigration', ajoutent-ils.
- ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 Finkielkraut (2017), 23m05s.
- ^ 39.0 39.1 Sapiro, Gisèle. Les écrivains et la politique en France – De l'affaire Dreyfus à la guerre d'Algérie. Le Seuil. 2018. PT377. ISBN 978-2-02-140215-5 (法語).
- ^ Polakow-Suransky (2017),第210頁.
- ^ 41.0 41.1 Sexton, David. Non!. The Spectator. 2016-11-03 [2018-08-20]. (原始內容存檔於2018-08-21).
- ^ Chaouat, Bruno. The gay French poet behind the alt-right's favorite catch phrase. Tablet Magazine. 2019-08-27 [2019-09-02]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-28).
- ^ Bergmann (2018),第127–128頁.
- ^ Berger, J. M. How 'The Turner Diaries' Changed White Nationalism. The Atlantic. [2017-11-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-06) (美國英語).
The manifesto itself was soon reduced to the simple phrase 'white genocide', which proliferated at the start of the 21st century and has become the overwhelmingly dominant meme of modern white nationalism.
- ^ Dessem, Matthew. Drexel University, Apparently Unfamiliar With White Supremacist Lingo, Censures Prof For 'White Genocide' Tweet. Slate. 2016-12-26 [2017-11-24]. ISSN 1091-2339. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-15) (美國英語).
Although it's difficult to date precisely, white supremacist publishing houses being somewhat less reliable than Simon & Schuster, that honor probably belongs to the late David Lane, terrorist, white supremacist, and author of an execrable little essay called 'White Genocide Manifesto'.
- ^ 46.0 46.1 Weil & Truong (2015).
- ^ Kauffmann, Grégoire. Le Nouveau FN. Les vieux habits du populisme: Les vieux habits du populisme. Le Seuil. 2016. PT78. ISBN 978-2021300307 (法語).
- ^ François, Stéphane. En Europe, une partie de l'extrême droite revient à l'action violente. Le Monde. 2018-09-06 [2019-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-22) (法語).
- ^ Debono, Emmanuel. Le Grand Remplacement et le polypier géant. Le Monde. 2014-11-03 [2019-08-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-16) (法語).
- ^ Ait Abdeslam, Abderrahim. The vilification of Muslim diaspora in French fictional novels: 'Soumission' (2015) and 'Petit Frère' (2008) as case studies. Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 2018, 13 (3): 232–242. S2CID 216116710. doi:10.1080/17447143.2018.1511717.
- ^ Liogier, Raphaël. Le mythe de l'invasion arabo-musulmane. Le Monde diplomatique. 2014-05-01 [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-06) (法語).
- ^ Gross, Estelle; Cahuzac, Yannick. Réacosphère : "Le conspirationnisme est au coeur de la dynamique". L'Obs. [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-22) (法語).
- ^ Marján, Attila; André Sapir. Europe's Destiny. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2010: 161. ISBN 978-0-8018-9547-0.
- ^ Ganesh, Bharath. How the swarm of white extremism spreads itself online. The Spinoff. 2019-03-28 [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-23).
- ^ Robin Yassin-Kassab. The Muslims Are Coming!: Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror – review. The Guardian. 2014-04-03 [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-24).
- ^ Soullier, Lucie; Lebourg, Nicolas. Attentat en Nouvelle-Zélande : L'auteur de l'attaque se reconnaît comme fasciste. Le Monde. 2019-03-15 [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-06) (法語).
- ^ Condomines, Anaïs. Attentat de Christchurch et 'grand remplacement' : itinéraire d'une théorie protéiforme. LCI. 2019-03-19 [2019-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-23) (法語).
Valérie Igounet: 'certaines personnes ont cité cette théorie avant Camus mais c'est bien lui qui l'a popularisée. L'association de ces deux mots a fait mouche dans un contexte français particulier, et ce de manière très récente'
- ^ 58.0 58.1 MacKellar, Landis. Review: La République islamique de France? A Review Essay. Population and Development Review. 2016, 42 (2): 368–375. JSTOR 44015644. doi:10.1111/j.1728-4457.2016.00130.x. hdl:10.1111/padr.2016.42.issue-2 .
Michèle Tribalat of the Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) has argued that the restriction forces policymakers to proceed with eyes wide shut, but Hervé Le Bras of the École d'Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) counters that such statistics simply objectify and dignify racist prejudices. Both views have some validity. Whichever way you feel, a consequence of our ignorance is that the specter of Le Grand Remplacement haunts French politics
- ^ 59.0 59.1 Europe's Growing Muslim Population. Pew Research Center. 2017-11-29 [2020-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-11).
- ^ Héran, François. Avec l'immigration: Mesurer, débattre, agir. La Découverte. 2017: 20. ISBN 978-2707195821.
- ^ T37QUATER – Nés vivants selon le pays de naissance des parents. Insee.fr. [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-12).
- ^ Tavernise, Sabrina. Why the Announcement of a Looming White Minority Makes Demographers Nervous. The New York Times. 2018-11-22 [2021-10-13]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-29) (美國英語).
- ^ Moses, A. Dirk. “White Genocide” and the Ethics of Public Analysis. Journal of Genocide Research. 2019, 21 (2): 201–213. doi:10.1080/14623528.2019.1599493.
In its fixation on demographic substitution, the fear [in Great Replacement theory] mimics settler colonial theory, which highlights how this form of colonialism is marked not primarily exploitation of native labour but through its elimination and replacement by immigrant-settlers: one society displaces another. Camus – and Tarrant who likely takes the French site of his 「enlightenment」 story from him – fear they are native victims of reverse settler colonialism. Not for nothing does he talk about the 「colonization of Europe today.」
- ^ Bauböck, Rainer. Bevölkerungsaustausch oder Umvolkung? Erklären Sie den Unterschied, Herr Strache! [Population exchange or change? Explain the difference, Mr. Strache!]. Der Standard. 2019-05-07 [2019-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-20) (德語).
- ^ Jones, Dustin. What is the 'great replacement' and how is it tied to the Buffalo shooting suspect?. NPR. 2022-05-16 [2022-05-25]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-17) (英語).
- ^ Chotiner, Isaac. Making Sense of the Racist Mass Shooting in Buffalo. The New Yorker. 2022-05-15 [2022-05-25]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-23) (美國英語).
- ^ Liabot, Thomas. Sondage : les Gilets jaunes sont plus sensibles aux théories du complot. Le Journal du Dimanche. [2019-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-27) (法語).
- ^ 67% de Français inquiets par l'idée d'un "grand remplacement", selon un sondage. Le Figaro. 2021-10-21 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-28).
- ^ 69.0 69.1 Wildman, Sarah. 'You will not replace us': a French philosopher explains the Charlottesville chant. Vox. 2017-08-15. (原始內容存檔於2018-08-09).
- ^ The Great Replacement. [2020-11-27]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-30).
- ^ Miller, Nick. 'The Great Replacement': an idea now at the heart of Europe's politics. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2019-03-19 [2019-04-04]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-31).
- ^ Ahmed, Nafeez. 'White genocide' theorists worm their way into the West's mainstream. Le Monde diplomatique. 2019-03-25 [2019-04-07]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-07).
- ^ Betz, Hans-Georg. 5. The Radical Right and Populism. Rydgren, Jens (編). The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right 1. Oxford University Press. 2018 [2022-05-24]. ISBN 978-0190644185. LCCN 2017025436. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190274559.013.5. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-16).
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...claims it represents "indigenous Europeans" and propagates the far-right conspiracy theory that white people are becoming a minority in what it calls the "Great Replacement"
- ^ Meaker, Morgan. How dangerous are Austria's far-right hipsters?. Vienna: Deutsche Welle. 2018-08-28 [2018-09-24]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-24).
...and spread the 'great replacement' conspiracy theory—the idea that white Europeans will be replaced by people from the Middle East and Africa through immigration. The theory is based on inflated statistics and un-substantiated demographic projections. Right now, only 4 percent of the European Union is made up of non-EU nationals.
- ^ Immigration Attitudes and Conspiratorial Thinkers: A Study Issued on the 10th Anniversary of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. AP-NORC. [2022-05-16]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-13) (美國英語).
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- ^ Froio, Caterina. Race, Religion, or Culture? Framing Islam between Racism and Neo-Racism in the Online Network of the French Far Right. Perspectives on Politics. 2018-08-21, 16 (3): 696–709. S2CID 149865406. doi:10.1017/S1537592718001573.
...the conspiracy theory of the Grand remplacement (Great replacement) positing the 'Islamo-substitution' of biologically autochthonous populations in the French metropolitan territory, by Muslim minorities mostly coming from sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb
- ^ Schneider, Frédérique. Une campagne pour déconstruire les discours complotistes sur Internet (Video). La Croix. 2018-01-26 [2018-09-23]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-23) (法語).
...le " grand remplacement ", une théorie de type conspirationniste selon laquelle il existerait un processus de remplacement des Français sur leur sol par des non-Européens.
- ^ 80.0 80.1 80.2 Politiques identitaires et mythe du " grand remplacement " [Identity politics and the myth of the "great replacement"]. The Conversation. 2019-06-16 [2019-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-11) (法語).
- ^ At the Iliade Institute, French far-right intellectuals rewrite European history. The Southern Poverty Law Center. 2019-04-17 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
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Marion Maréchal—pegged as the heir apparent to the Le Pen dynasty and a possible presidential contender in 2022—is a proponent of the "Great Replacement" theory embraced by the man accused of the Christchurch killings in New Zealand.
- ^ Meet Marion Maréchal, the next voice of French nationalism. The Economist. 2019-03-14 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
- ^ 88.0 88.1 88.2 88.3 Miller, Nick. 'The Great Replacement': an idea now at the heart of Europe's politics. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2019-03-19 [2019-04-04]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-31).
- ^ 89.0 89.1 Die Verschwörungstheorie des Todesschützen [The Conspiracy Theory of the Gunner]. Der Tagesspiegel. 2019-03-19 [2019-06-27]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-31) (德語).
- ^ Jordan Bardella évoque le "Grand remplacement" sans le nommer [Jordan Bardella evokes the "Great replacement" without naming it]. France-Soir. 2019-05-16 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17) (法語).
- ^ 91.0 91.1 Grand remplacement et Kosovo: le fantasme de Zemmour et Marion Maréchal [Great replacement and Kosovo: the fantasy of Zemmour and Marion Maréchal]. France-Soir. 2019-06-19 [2019-06-25]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-26) (法語).
- ^ Sowerwine, Charles. France since 1870 : Culture, Politics and Society. London: Palgrave. 2018: 460. ISBN 978-1-137-40611-8. OCLC 1051356006.
Zemmour flirted with a far-right conspiracy theory; the Grand remplacement (Great Replacement)
- ^ Austria's Strache backs far-right 'population replacement' claim. Al Jazeera. 2019-05-01 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
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- ^ Austrian deputy leader endorses far-right term 'population replacement'. The Guardian. 2019-04-29 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
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- ^ Wat moet je doen om "strijder" of "veteraan" van Schild & Vrienden te worden en wat is het einddoel? [What do you have to do to become a "warrior" or "veteran" of Schild & Vrienden and what is the ultimate goal?]. Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie. 2018-08-31 [2019-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-11) (荷蘭語).
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- ^ We Analyzed How the 'Great Replacement' and Far Right Ideas Spread Online. The Trends Reveal Deep Concerns.. Time. 2019-07-18 [2019-07-18]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-18).
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- ^ 102.0 102.1 102.2 Fra klimaet til Koranen: Valgkampen handler om en fjern fremtid, vi ikke kommer til at opleve [From the climate to the Qur'an: The election campaign is about a distant future we will not experience]. Kristeligt Dagblad. 2019-05-20 [2019-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-08) (丹麥語).
- ^ 103.0 103.1 Detektor: Forudsigelser om Den store Udskiftning er 'noget værre vrøvl' [Detector: Predictions about the Great Replacement are 'something worse than nonsense']. DR (broadcaster). 2019-06-20 [2019-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-08) (丹麥語).
- ^ Rasmus Paludan, le visage danois de l'extrême xénophobie [Rasmus Paludan, the Danish face of extreme xenophobia]. Le Monde. 2019-05-31 [2019-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-27) (法語).
- ^ 105.0 105.1 105.2 Warum das Innenministerium vor rechtsextremer Rhetorik warnt [Why the Home Office warns against right-wing rhetoric]. Berliner Morgenpost. 2019-03-23 [2019-06-27]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-26) (德語).
- ^ 106.0 106.1 Rechtsextreme versuchen gerade verzweifelt, das Christchurch-Massaker umzudeuten [Right-wing extremists are trying desperately to reinterpret the Christchurch massacre]. Vice. 2019-03-19 [2019-06-27]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-23) (德語).
- ^ 107.0 107.1 107.2 Conspiracy theory linked to Christchurch attack at risk of entering mainstream: report. SBS World News. 2019-07-08 [2019-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-08).
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- ^ Deegan, Gordon. We are against direct provision and how it was forced on us. The Irish Times. [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-29).
- ^ Downes, Richard, The 'New Nationalists', Raidió Teilifís Éireann, 2020-06-25 [2022-05-24], (原始內容存檔於2021-07-14).
- ^ Fergus Finlay: It's high time hatemongers were prosecuted for inciting others. Irish Examiner. 2020-01-06 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-04).
- ^ Security, Conor Lally; Editor, Crime. Irish far right groups trying to disrupt key State institutions, says Garda Commissioner. The Irish Times. [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-27).
- ^ Garda Commissioner won't allow protesters to 'stampede' down main streets. Extra.ie. 2020-10-23 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-11).
- ^ Association, Press. Drew Harris says gardaí have stepped up investigations to identify organisers of anti-lockdown protests. TheJournal.ie. [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-16).
- ^ Italy's Matteo Salvini Hopes To Lead Nationalist Wave In Upcoming European Elections. NPR. 2019-05-22 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-24).
A recurrent Salvini theme is what is known as the "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory, which he described this way in an interview with Italy's Sky TG24 news
- ^ Migranti, Salvini a Sky TG24: "E' in corso una sostituzione etnica" [Migrants, Salvini on Sky TG24: "An ethnic substitution is underway"]. Sky TG24. 2016-05-29 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-24) (義大利語).
- ^ 123.0 123.1 123.2 Schulte, Addie. De strijd om de toekomst: Over doemscenario's en vooruitgang [The struggle for the future: On doom-scenarios and progress]. Cossee Publishers. 2019. ISBN 978-9059368347 (荷蘭語).
- ^ 'Omvolking' komt uit een Frans kasteel ["Omvolking" comes from a French castle]. NRC Handelsblad. 2018-01-22 [2019-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2018-04-24) (荷蘭語).
- ^ Austria's deputy leader pushes extremist argument to warn against immigration. The Washington Post. 2019-04-28 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
- ^ The Inspiration for Terrorism in New Zealand Came From France. Foreign Policy. 2019-03-16 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-10).
- ^ Scheffer, Paul. Het doemscenario van 'minderheid in eigen land' [The doom scenario of 'minority in one's own country]. NRC Handelsblad. 2018-09-18 [2019-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-02) (荷蘭語).
- ^ Soto Ivars, Juan. Separatismo cultural: la bisagra entre la extrema derecha y la izquierda identitaria [Cultural separatism: the joining hinge between the extreme right and the identitarian left]. El Confidencial. 2020-08-15 [2021-05-22]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-10) (西班牙語).
- ^ Maestre, Antonio. El lepenismo asoma en Cataluña [Lepénisme starts to show in Catalonia]. ElDiario.es. 2021-02-13 [2021-05-22]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-04) (西班牙語).
El discurso nacionalista catalán contra los castellanohablantes es una reformulación de la teoría supremacista neonazi del "Gran Reemplazo", que argumentaba que la inmigración de países africanos a Europa tenía como objetivo diluir la identidad occidental. El votante potencial de Vox en Cataluña es para los nacionalistas esencialistas catalanes lo que los inmigrantes musulmanes son para Vox. La tormenta perfecta del odio. [The Catalan nationalist discourse against Castillian-speakers is a reformulation of the Neo-Nazi supremacist theory of the "Great Replacement", which argues that immigration from African countries to Europe has as its obective the dilution of the Western identity. Vox's potential voter in Catalonia is for the purist Catalan nationalists what the Muslim immigrants are for Vox. The perfect storm of hatred.]
- ^ Brexit and Trump voters more likely to believe in conspiracy theories, survey study shows. University of Cambridge. 2018-11-23 [2021-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-10).
- ^ Billy Bragg claims it is 'beyond doubt' that Morrissey is spreading far-right ideas. The Guardian. 2019-07-08 [2019-07-09]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-09).
- ^ Billy Bragg accuses Morrissey of sharing 'white supremacist video' about Stormzy. The Independent. 2019-07-08 [2019-07-09]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-09).
- ^ Trump has been retweeting conspiracy theorists and far-right figures. Here's who they are.. Business Insider. 2019-05-07 [2019-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-08).
- ^ New Zealand Terrorist Manifesto Influenced by Far-Right Online Ecosystem, Hatewatch Finds. Southern Poverty Law Center. 2019-03-15 [2019-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-02).
- ^ Trump promotes far-right conspiracy advocate to defend 'censored' conservatives. ThinkProgress. 2019-05-05 [2019-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-16).
- ^ Rubenstein, Adam. King of the Low Road. The Weekly Standard. 2018-11-08 [2019-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-18).
- ^ Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: November 9, 2018. Haaretz. 2018-11-09 [2019-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-30).
- ^ Accused New Zealand Shooter Had Canadian Mass Murderer's Name On Weapon. Vice Media. 2019-03-15 [2019-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-31).
- ^ Hamilton, Graeme. Former Canadian flag, the Red Ensign, gets new, darker life as far-right symbol. National Post. 2017-07-10 [2019-06-10].[永久失效連結]
- ^ Conservative Witness for 'Online Hate' Hearing Was a Recent Guest on a White Nationalist's YouTube Channel. PressProgress. 2019-06-03 [2019-06-05]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-05).
- ^ House justice committee votes to expunge words of Christchurch shooter from record after Tory MP reads from manifesto. The Globe and Mail. 2019-06-04 [2019-06-05]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-05).
- ^ Canadian Conservatives Are Having a Bad Time at the Online Hate Hearings. Vice Media. 2019-06-04 [2019-06-05]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-06).
- ^ Bergmann (2018),第127頁.
- ^ Bromley, Roger. The politics of displacement: the Far Right narrative of Europe and its 'others' (PDF). From the European South. 2018, 3: 13–26 [2019-10-04]. ISSN 2531-4130. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2019-03-23).
[T]he 'Unite the Right', white nationalist, neo-fascist rally chanted 'you will not replace us' and 'the Jews will not replace us,' echoing the 'Great Replacement' claim, with a sharper anti-Semitic edge than is currently deployed publicly in Europe.
- ^ Weitzmann, Marc. The Global Language of Hatred Is French. Foreign Affairs. 2019-04-01 [2019-04-03]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-03).
- ^ 'I Am Simply a Nationalist.' Rep. Steve King Responds to Backlash Over 'White Supremacy' Remarks. Fortune. 2019-01-10 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
- ^ Steve King Asked If White Society Is Superior to Nonwhite: 'I Don't Have an Answer for That'. Newsweek. 2019-03-20 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
- ^ Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics. The New York Times. 2019-01-10 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-10).
- ^ 'He's so openly racist': why does Iowa keep electing Steve King to Congress?. The Guardian. 2018-10-27 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
- ^ Steve King Was Saying Insanely Racist Things Long Before Republicans Decided Enough Was Enough. Mother Jones. 2019-01-15 [2019-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
- ^ Florida Senator's 'Racist' Replacement Theory Stance Against Abortion Slammed by Reproductive Rights Supporters. Newsweek. 2019-05-30 [2019-06-05]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-05).
- ^ Confederate-Loving Florida Lawmaker Uses White-Supremacist Talking Point to Justify Abortion Ban. Miami New Times. 2019-05-21 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-23).
- ^ 'We Now Have A Lot To Look At': Florida Republican Says He's Encouraged By Alabama Abortion Law. WLRN-TV. 2019-05-19 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-28).
- ^ Kesich, Greg. The View From Here: Conspiracy theory takes hold in Maine GOP. Portland Press Herald. 2019-06-23 [2019-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-07).
- ^ Texas Walmart shooting: El Paso attack 'domestic terrorism'. BBC News. 2019-08-05 [2019-08-04]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-04).
- ^ Romero, Simon; Fernandez, Manny; Padilla, Mariel. Day at a Shopping Center in Texas Turns Deadly. The New York Times. 2019-08-03 [2022-05-24]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-04).
- ^ 157.0 157.1 Arango, Tim; Bogel-Burroughs, Nicholas; Benner, Katie. Minutes Before El Paso Killing, Hate-Filled Manifesto Appears Online. The New York Times. 2019-08-03 [2019-08-04]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-17).
- ^ Fisher, Marc. A weekend of mass murder reflects how American violence goes viral. The Washington Post. 2019-08-05 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-29).
- ^ Biesecker, Michael; Dunklin, Reese; Kunzelman, Michael. El Paso suspect appears to have posted anti-immigrant screed. Associated Press. 2019-08-04 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-03).
- ^ Rucker, Philip. 'How do you stop these people?': Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric looms over El Paso massacre. The Washington Post. 2019-08-04 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-27).
- ^ Bump, Philip. Tucker Carlson's toxic 'replacement' rhetoric gets picked up in the House. The Washington Post. 2021-04-14 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-23).
- ^ Rep. Perry pushes 'replacement theory' during committee hearing. [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-20).
- ^ Rep. Scott Perry SlammedFor Racist, Anti-Immigrant Remarks in US House Subcommittee Hearing. 2021-04-16 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-04).
- ^ Ellison, Keith. I was the first Muslim ever elected to US Congress – and what I see happening in the UK scares me. The Independent. 2019-07-09 [2019-07-10]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-09).
- ^ Davis, Mick. Our fight against bigotry cannot be fought alongside bigots like Katie Hopkins. The Jewish Chronicle. 2019-07-10 [2019-07-11]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-11).
- ^ Christchurch mosque killer's theories seeping into mainstream, report warns. The Guardian. 2019-07-07 [2019-07-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-08).
- ^ Opinion | What an analysis of 377 Americans arrested or charged in the Capitol insurrection tells us - The Washington Post. The Washington Post. [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-16).
- ^ Haltiwanger, John. Tucker Carlson peddled a white supremacist conspiracy theory while attacking Biden over the Haitian migrant crisis. Business Insider. 2021-09-23 [2021-09-23]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-25).
- ^ Karni, Annie. Racist Attack Spotlights Stefanik’s Echo of Replacement Theory. The New York Times. 2022-05-17 [2022-05-17]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-17) (美國英語).
- ^ Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party has entered the election race. News Corp Australia. 2019-04-26 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-16).
- ^ New clues emerge of accused New Zealand gunman Tarrant's ties to far right groups. Reuters. 2019-04-04 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-04).
- ^ Fear and loathing inside Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party. News Corp Australia. 2019-05-17 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-22).
Last month, Senator Anning's party made a Facebook post endorsing The Great Replacement, "We need to preserve our ethno-cultural identity, or we will fast become a minority," Senator Anning's post said.
- ^ Parti de L'In-nocence. In-nocence. [2019-08-05]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-31).
Il n'est d'autre chance de retour à la paix civile et à la dignité que la libération du sol national et le retour chez eux des colonisateurs : remigration, Grand Rapatriement.
- ^ Le fantasme du 'grand remplacement' démographique [The fantasy of the "great replacement" demographic]. Le Monde. 2014-01-23 [2019-05-25]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-21) (法語).
- ^ 175.0 175.1 175.2 Eligon, John. The El Paso Screed, and the Racist Doctrine Behind It. The New York Times. 2019-08-07 –透過ProQuest.
- ^ Popli, Nik. How the ‘Great Replacement Theory' Has Fueled Racist Violence. Time. 2022-05-16 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2023-09-29).
- ^ Dakin Andone; Jason Hanna; Joe Sterling; Paul P. Murphy. Hate crime charges filed in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that left 11 dead. CNN. 2018-10-27 [2020-06-25]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-21).
- ^ Pennsylvania man, Robert Bowers, charged with federal hate crimes, murder in shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue. Southern Poverty Law Center. [2020-06-25]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-18) (英語).
- ^ 179.0 179.1 Darby, Luke. How the 'Great Replacement' conspiracy theory has inspired white supremacist killers. The Telegraph (London). 2019-08-05 –透過ProQuest.
- ^ Taboos fall away as far-right EU candidates breach red line. Associated Press. 2019-05-16 [2019-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-24).
- ^ Arango, Tim; Bogel-Burroughs, Nicholas; Benner, Katie. Minutes Before El Paso Killing, Hate-Filled Manifesto Appears Online. The New York Times. 2019-08-03 [2019-09-18]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-17).
- ^ Benner, Katie; Bogel-Burroughs, Nicholas; Arango, Tim. Minutes before El Paso shooting anti-immigrant manifesto posted online. The Irish Times. 2019-08-04 [2022-05-26]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-04).
- ^ McKinley, Jesse; Traub, Alex; Closson, Troy. Gunman Kills 10 at Buffalo Supermarket in Racist Attack. The New York Times. 2022-05-14 [2022-05-14]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-15) (美國英語).
- ^ Stanley-Becker, Isaac; Harwell, Drew. Buffalo gunman was inspired by racist theory underpinning global carnage. The Washington Post. 2022-05-15 [2022-05-15]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-16).
- ^ Collins, Ben. The Buffalo supermarket shooting suspect posted an apparent manifesto repeatedly citing 'Great Replacement' theory. NBC News. 2022-05-14 [2022-05-15]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-15).
- ^ Vera, Shimon Prokupecz,Christina Maxouris,Dakin Andone,Samantha Beech,Amir. What we know about Buffalo supermarket shooting suspect Payton Gendron. CNN. 2022-05-15 [2022-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-15) (英語).
[編輯]- Bergmann, Eirikur. The Eurabia Doctrine. Conspiracy & Populism : The Politics of Misinformation. Palgrave Macmillan. 2018: 123–149. ISBN 978-3-319-90358-3. LCCN 2018939717. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90359-0_6.
- Bergmann, Eirikur. The Eurabia Conspiracy Theory. Europe: Continent of Conspiracies: Conspiracy Theories in and about Europe. Routledge. 2021: 36–53. ISBN 978-1-000-37339-4.
- Boubeker, Ahmed; Bancel, Nicolas; Blanchard, Pascal. Le Grand Repli. La Découverte. 2015. ISBN 978-2707188229 (法語).
- Camus, Jean-Yves; Lebourg, Nicolas. Far-Right Politics in Europe. Harvard University Press. 2017. ISBN 978-0674971530.
- Chatterton Williams, Thomas. The French Origins of 'You Will Not Replace Us'. The New Yorker. 2017-11-27 [2019-08-06]. ISSN 0028-792X. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-27).
- Finkielkraut, Alain. Le grand déménagement du monde. France Culture (Audio). 2017-06-24. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-02) (法語).
- Fourquet, Jérôme. Accueil ou submersion ?: Regards européens sur la crise des migrants. Éditions de l'Aube. 2016. ISBN 978-2-8159-2026-1 (法語).
- Polakow-Suransky, Sasha. Go Back to Where You Came From: The Backlash Against Immigration and the Fate of Western Democracy. Oxford University Press. 2017. ISBN 978-1849049092.
- Taguieff, Pierre-André. La revanche du nationalisme: Néopopulistes et xénophobes à l'assaut de l'Europe. Presses Universitaires de France. 2015. ISBN 978-2-13-072950-1 (法語).
- Weil, Patrick; Truong, Nicolas. Le sens de la République: essai. Grasset. 2015. ISBN 978-2246858232 (法語).
[編輯]- Finnsiö, Morgan. Myten om det stora utbytet [The myth of the great exchange]. Expo. 2019-03-15 [2022-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-10).