


吴:1.I disagree with this idea, although air travel does affect the environment, it should not be banned.

With globalization, air travel is the most efficient way of international travel compared with other commercial transport, such as train or boat, especially for long distance journeys. For instance, business people and tourist can arrive more quickly by plane. Do you agree?

赵:1.I gotta say that I don't totally agree with that flying is the most efficient way to get around. It's always getting messed up by things like weather, technical difficulties, and sometimes even politics. Plus, the prices of plane tickets are often way too expensive, which means lots of folks can't even afford to fly.

吴:2. Well, I agree with your point on price. Although the price of air tickets is more expensive, the plane is the safest form of transportation. I think it can promote economic growth, it takes up a large part of GDP.  Also air travel can increase revenue for airlines and airports. And it can promote economic growth to other industries, such as tourism. It can be used to transport products. Air transport is very fast and highly efficient, it is an important way to promote international trade. So I think the economic benefits of airplanes more than its costs. What do you think?

赵:2.Yeah, that's true. But at the same time, the growth of non-essential airlines also contributes to increased carbon emissions and air pollution. These pose significant threats to human society, and I believe that the risks of developing non-essential air travel outweigh the benefits. I mean, sure, flying is convenient, but it's not worth it if we're destroying our planet and putting our health at risk. We need to think about the long-term consequences of our actions and consider alternative modes of transportation that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Plus, let's be real, flying can be a real hassle with all the delays, cancellations, and security measures. It's not always as glamorous as it seems.

吴:3. Yes. It is true that air travel causes environmental pollution, but it not only promotes economic development, but also promotes international cultural exchanges. Air travel allows people to broaden their horizons, for example, they can to visit different view spot and learn about different cultures around the world. People can also make friends with people from other countries. This can help to maintain world peace and create a favorable international environment. Would you agree?

赵:3.Exactly. The thing is, while non-essential airlines may be efficient and promote economic growth and cultural exchange, it also poses significant environmental risks and threats to future generations that are hard to quantify. The increased carbon emissions and air pollution caused by air travel can be a huge menace to human society. I agree that the short-term benefits of developing no-essential air travel are outweighed by the long-term risks. Ultimately, we need to strike a balance between progress and sustainability. We cannot sacrifice the health of our planet and future generations for the sake of convenience and profit.



1.吴:I think private jets are the least necessary kind of air travel. It is inefficient because it can only take a few people one time. It will also increase air pollution. I think private planes should be replaced by commercial airlines.

赵:Indeed. Private jets are inefficient as they can only accommodate a few people at a time and have higher per-person pollution emissions compared to commercial airlines. Moreover, they may even exacerbate class-based resentment between different groups of people. And I think short-distance air travel may be another sort of unnecessary type of air travel. It's not cost-effective and can be quite inefficient, especially for flights like Guangzhou to Hong Kong where the distance is short. The cost of the flight is high compared to other transportation options, and it may not be worth the time and money for travelers.

吴:I agree with your point that short trips can be replaced by other transportation, such as trains. So private jets and short-distance air travel should be banned. They are not only have low efficiency, but also increase air pollution.

2.赵:I think when it comes to air travel, the most important use is definitely for humanitarian aid. There are a lot of situations where people might be dealing with natural disasters or military conflicts, and in those cases, air travel for humanitarian aid is absolutely critical. Sometimes, the only way to reach affected areas is by air, like during a mountain rescue or a flood emergency. Without these humanitarian flights, people could end up getting hurt or even dying.

吴:I agree. Air rescue operations are very efficient and fast. My point is that air freight is also essential. It is very important for the economy. For example, with globalization, people will buy things from other countries. This is an important way of import and export. So I think without air freight, our life may not be as convenient and rich as today.

赵:Yep, both aviation for humanitarian aid and general air transport are extremely important. Their usage is helping to save lives and driving economic development around the world.

3.吴:Of course, basic economic rules, increasing the cost of the plane can reduce the overall demand for air travel, people may not travel by plane and choose other public transport such as train or bus. If fewer people are flying, the number of flights may decrease. This can decrease the environmental impact will decrease.

赵:Basically, that's true. However, whether increasing prices can bring about lower carbon and pollution emissions is still up for discussion, as there are various factors that affect these emissions. If increasing prices cannot substantially reduce people's travel demand and they turn to more carbon-intensive modes of transportation, such as private cars, carbon and pollution emissions may actually end up higher than flying.

吴:It is true that all modes of transportation cause environmental pollution, but there are more and more electric cars that can effectively reduce air pollution. Using my city as an example, all the Uber are electric cars. Also, nowadays, more and more people are buying electric cars instead of fuel cars when buying new cars. Compared with fuel cars, electric cars can effectively reduce environmental pollution.

4. 吴:Well, nowadays, people can reduce many unnecessary flights through network communication. Many business meetings can be held online, such as using Zoom to participate in meetings from around the world.

赵:That's true. However, the demand for air travel will not be completely suppressed, as there will still be a need for it in many cases. For example, as we previously mentioned, there is still a need for aviation in humanitarian aid efforts.