

醫學專題 (獲評未評級中重要度
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| 1=zh:HVS; zh-hant:過度換氣綜合症; zh-hans:过度换气综合症




== 危险因素 ==

== 诊断 ==

== 流行慢性病 ==


== 情况 ==
每分钟呼吸量(±偏差) 病人数量 参考 
呼吸正常 6 l/分钟 无 医学教科书: [8] [9] [10] [11] 
哮喘 12 l/分钟 101 [12] 
哮喘 15 l/分钟 8 [13] 
哮喘 14.1 (±5.7) l/分钟 39 [14] 
心脏病 14 (±4) l/分钟 88 [15] 
心脏病 12.2 (±3.3) l/分钟 132 [16] 
心脏病 16 (±2) l/分钟 11  [17] 
心脏病 15 (±4) l/分钟 22 [18] 
糖尿病 10-20 l/分钟 28 [19] 
糖尿病 12-17 l/分钟 26. [20] 
囊肿性纤维化 11-14 l/分钟 6 [21] 
囊肿性纤维化 13 (±1.8) l/分钟 10 [22] 
慢性阻塞性肺病 12.2 (±1.9) l/分钟 10 [23] 
肝硬化 11-18 l/分钟 24 [24] 
过度换气 14.9 (±0.6) l/分钟 42 [25] 
癫痫 12.8 l/分钟 12 [26] 

There are many more medical studies that found 100% prevalence of chronic hyperventilation in patients with various chronic diseases.

A rapid traditional intervention is to have the patient breathe into a paper bag, causing rebreathing and restoration of [27] levels. Some physicians do not advise the paper bag rebreathing method (or limiting its use to one or two minutes) due to the possibility of inhaling too much carbon dioxide and decreasing inspired oxygen to a hypoxic patient.

The same benefits can be obtained more safely from deliberately slowing down the breathing rate by counting or looking at the second hand on a watch. This is often referred to as "7-11 breathing", because a gentle inhalation is stretched out to take 7 seconds (or counts), and the exhalation is slowed to take 11 seconds. 

Most patients benefit from carefully, deliberately slowing down their breathing twice a day for five minutes at a time.[29] The goal is to reduce breathing to no more than five breaths per minute. The goal is to reduce breathing to no more than five breaths per minute. 
This helps retrain their habits and convince them that faster breathing is unnecessary.

Acupuncture has recently been proposed as a treatment.[31]

Buteyko Method is a medical breathing retraining therapy developed by Soviet Doctor Konstantin Buteyko. The goal of the therapy is to reduce minute ventilation or to breathe less, normalize the breathing pattern and restore normal breathing parameters.

Most cases are caused by anxiety or stress. However, medical conditions such as infection, blood loss, heart attack,[33] hypocapnia or alkalosis due to chemical imbalances, decreased cerebral blood flow, and increased nerve sensitivity may also underlie this symptom.[35]

In one study, one third of patients with HVS had "subtle but definite lung disease" that prompted them to breathe too frequently or too deeply.[37]

== 参见 ==
Da Costa's syndrome
Buteyko Method (Buteyko breathing retraining method)

== 参考文献 ==

Anxiety disorders



[3] ^ [2]
[5] ^ [4]
[7] ^ [6]
[8] ^ Ganong WF, Review of medical physiology, 15-th ed., 1995, Prentice Hall Int., London.
[9] ^ Guyton AC, Physiology of the human body, 6-th ed., 1984, Suanders College Publ., Philadelphia.
[10] ^ McArdle W.D., Katch F.I., Katch V.L., Essentials of exercise physiology (2-nd edition); Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, London 2000.
[11] ^ Straub NC, Section V, The Respiratory System, in Physiology, eds. RM Berne & MN Levy, 4-th edition, Mosby, St. Louis, 1998.
[12] ^ McFadden ER & Lyons HA, Arterial-blood gases in asthma, The New Engl J of Med 1968 May 9, 278 (19): 1027-1032.
[13] ^ Johnson BD, Scanlon PD, Beck KC, Regulation of ventilatory capacity during exercise in asthmatics, J Appl Physiol. 1995 Sep; 79(3): 892-901.
[14] ^ Bowler SD, Green A, Mitchell CA, Buteyko breathing techniques in asthma: a blinded randomised controlled trial, Med J of Australia 1998; 169: 575-578.
[15] ^ Clark AL, Chua TP, Coats AJ, Anatomical dead space, ventilatory pattern, and exercise capacity in chronic heart failure, Br Heart J 1995 Oct; 74(4): 377-380. 
[16] ^ Fanfulla F, Mortara , Maestri R, Pinna GD, Bruschi C, Cobelli F, Rampulla C, The development of hyperventilation in patients with chronic heart failure and Cheyne-Stokes respiration, Chest 1998; 114; p. 1083-1090.
[17] ^ Johnson BD, Beck KC, Olson LJ, O'Malley KA, Allison TG, Squires RW, Gau GT, Ventilatory constraints during exercise in patients with chronic heart failure, Chest 2000 Feb; 117(2): 321-332.
[18] ^ Dimopoulou I, Tsintzas OK, Alivizatos PA, Tzelepis GE, Pattern of breathing during progressive exercise in chronic heart failure, Int J Cardiol. 2001 Dec; 81(2-3): 117-121.
[19] ^ Tantucci C, Scionti L, Bottini P, Dottorini ML, Puxeddu E, Casucci G, Sorbini CA, Influence of autonomic neuropathy of different severities on the hypercapnic drive to breathing in diabetic patients, Chest. 1997 Jul; 112(1): 145-153.
[20] ^ Bottini P, Dottorini ML, M. Cordoni MC, Casucci G, Tantucci C, Sleep-disordered breathing in nonobese diabetic subjects with autonomic neuropathy, Eur Respir J 2003; 22: p. 654–660.
[21] ^ Tepper RS, Skatrud B, Dempsey JA, Ventilation and oxygenation changes during sleep in cystic fibrosis, Chest 1983; 84; p. 388-393. 
[22] ^ Bell SC, Saunders MJ, Elborn JS, Shale DJ, Resting energy expenditure and oxygen cost of breathing in patients with cystic fibrosis, Thorax 1996 Feb; 51(2): 126-131.
[23] ^ Sinderby C, Spahija J, Beck J, Kaminski D, Yan S, Comtois N, Sliwinski P, Diaphragm activation during exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001 Jun; 163(7): 1637-1641.
[24] ^ Epstein SK, Zilberberg MD; Facoby C, Ciubotaru RL, Kaplan LM, Response to symptom-limited exercise in patients with the hepatopulmonary syndrome, Chest 1998; 114; p. 736-741.
[25] ^ Kahaly GJ, Nieswandt J, Wagner S, Schlegel J, Mohr-Kahaly S, Hommel G, Ineffective cardiorespiratory function in hyperthyroidism, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998 Nov; 83(11): 4075-4078.
[26] ^ Esquivel E, Chaussain M, Plouin P, Ponsot G, Arthuis M, Physical exercise and voluntary hyperventilation in childhood absence epilepsy, Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1991 Aug; 79(2): 127-132.
[29] ^ [28]
[31] ^ [30]
[33] ^ [32]
[35] ^ [34]
[37] ^ [36]
-P1ayer (留言) 2010年4月24日 (六) 14:28 (UTC)[回覆]