
















  • 歐洲聯盟 歐盟歐盟外交和安全政策高級代表艾嘉蓮表示:「歐盟正在密切監視局勢,並與其盟友接觸,以期分享有關可能影響的評估。[12]」波蘭外交官以歐盟各成員的名義向平壤發來慰問[13]
  •  聯合國 –聯合國秘書長潘基文的發言人說:「秘書長在其舉國哀悼之時向朝鮮人民表示同情。秘書長重申了他對朝鮮半島和平與安全的承諾。聯合國制度將繼續幫助朝鮮人民。秘書長緊隨其後。[14]


  •  亞美尼亞 –總統謝爾日·薩爾基相就此致哀。有報道稱該信被寄給朝鮮國家主席,但朝鮮歷史上唯一一任主席金日成已於1994年逝世[15]
  •  澳大利亞 – 金正日死後,澳方呼籲包括朝鮮在內的政府就相關事宜維持「鎮定與克制」,並敦促朝鮮「與全球社區互動」[16]外交部長陸克文表示「在這樣的時刻,我們不能有任何錯誤或模稜兩可的信號。這一次也為朝鮮新領導層提供了與國際社會充分接觸的重要機會。關於如何改善其經濟以維持人民生計,並批判性地討論如何處理朝鮮核問題的懸而未決的狀態」[10]
  •  亞塞拜然 – 總統伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫最高人民會議常任委員會委員長金永南去信,信中寫道:「驚悉著名政治家、朝鮮民主主義人民共和國最高領導人、國防委員會委員長金正日的死訊,我深感悲痛。茲代表本人和阿塞拜疆人民,就這一重大損失向你們、死者家屬和貴國人民致以深切哀悼」[17]
  •  孟加拉齊勒·拉赫曼總統和謝赫·哈西娜總理就金正日的逝世表示哀悼。拉赫曼總統說「朝鮮人民失去了一位偉大的領導人,我們失去了一位親愛的朋友」。哈西娜總理說:「我們的心與失去親人的家人和朝鮮人民同在,我們祈禱他們能夠以勇氣和毅力承受這一不可挽回的損失[18]。」
  •  白俄羅斯 – 總統亞歷山大·盧卡申科金正恩(金正日之子)表示哀悼[19]
  •  柬埔寨 – 「金正日已經去世,但朝鮮和柬埔寨之間的友誼和雙邊合作永不消亡」柬埔寨部長理事會發言人說。這位發言人繼續說道:「朝鮮是一個主權國家,為了他們的利益,它可以做出任何必要政治決議 - 他們知道什麼對他們最好。但對我們來說,我們的關係一直在改善,隨着時間的推移,這為雙邊貿易開闢了許多機會。與此同時,新聞部長Khieu Kanharith英語Khieu Kanharith表示,金正日的死是一個「巨大的損失」。Kanharith補充說:「我們希望(金正恩)計劃繼續作為朝韓和解的調解人,以維護朝鮮半島,亞洲和世界的利益。[20]
  •  加拿大 – 總理史蒂芬·哈珀表示「金正日將被人們銘記為一個在朝鮮侵犯人權近二十年的極權主義領導人。我們希望他的死亡能為朝鮮來積極的變化,使朝鮮人民能夠擺脫六十年的孤立、壓迫和苦難……在此緊要關頭,我們敦促朝鮮當局結束這段黑暗歷史,並再次努力促進其人民的福祉和朝鮮半島的穩定。[21]
  •  中國 – 外交部長楊潔篪於北京會面朝鮮駐華大使朴明浩,他表示相信「朝鮮人民將同朝鮮勞動黨和金正恩同志團結在一起,化悲痛為力量,社會主義建設取得新進展,為實現朝鮮半島的可持續和平與穩定作出新的貢獻」[22]。外交部發言人馬朝旭稱金正日為「偉大領袖」,並補充說,北京將繼續提供支持,並「為朝鮮半島和該地區的和平與穩定做出積極貢獻」[23]
  •  克羅地亞 – 總統伊沃·約西波維奇向朝鮮人民致以慰問[24],信中稱:「我代表克羅地亞人民和個人的名義,對朝鮮人民的偉大領導人金正日的去世表示慰問。向朝鮮勞動黨第一書記,朝鮮國防委員會第一委員長和朝鮮人民軍的最高指揮官金正恩和朝鮮各人民致以慰問」[25]
  •  古巴 – 古巴當局的一份官方聲明顯示「古巴國務委員會就金正日逝世做出官方哀悼」當局12月20日至22日下半旗致哀[26]
  •  赤道幾內亞 – 總統特奧多羅·奧比昂·恩圭馬·姆巴索戈在致金正恩的一封信中,表達了他和赤道幾內亞人民對金正日逝世的「最深切哀悼」[27]
  •  衣索比亞 – 總統吉爾馬·沃爾德-喬治斯在致信金正恩時城「在此哀悼之際,我們向朝鮮人民和政府表示衷心同情和深切哀悼」[27]
  •  芬蘭外交部長埃爾基·圖奧米奧亞在接受採訪時表示「大多數人可能不會哀悼金正日」,並對統治精英加強控制而導致的不穩定後果表示擔憂。惟總統塔里婭·哈洛寧向朝鮮民眾表示同情並希望平壤進行民主改革[28]
  •  法國法國外交部發表聲明稱,法國「重申其對半島和平與穩定的承諾,並希望朝鮮政權能夠以積極的方式發展……人權……法國將繼續為朝鮮人民採取行動,特別是通過支持人道主義計劃……」,另外外交部長阿蘭·朱佩表示「希望不大。這是一個完全封閉的政權……我們對金正恩繼位的結果非常謹慎。我們希望有朝一日朝鮮人民能夠重獲自由。正在與朝鮮進行談判……我們需要繼續與中國和其他參與者進行對話,以使朝鮮放棄其核武器」[10]
  •  德國 –外交部長基多·威斯特威勒表示「我們希望為朝鮮人民打開一扇機會之窗」[10]。外交部發言人Dirk Augustin向記者表示「當然,這是一個改變那裡的機會,但我們的期望保持不變:朝鮮放棄其核計劃,其本國人民的災難性社會狀況得到改善,並進行改革開放。誰掌權,就必須承擔起改善那裡人民絕望境地的責任。朝鮮半島分裂不會永久化」[29]
  •  迦納 – 總統約翰·阿塔·米爾斯代表加納人民以及以個人的名義,就金正日的逝世向朝鮮政府、朝鮮人民和金正恩致以慰問。米爾斯還說,加納相信「朝鮮將團結一致,以實現在偉大繼任者金正恩和朝鮮勞動黨的領導下建設一個繁榮的社會主義國家的目標」[27]
  •  幾內亞 –總統阿爾法·孔戴向金正恩致慰問電,他表示「我懷着極大的悲痛心情聽聞朝鮮勞動黨總書記、朝鮮國防委員會主席、朝鮮人民崇高事業的堅定捍衛者金正日的死訊。在此悲痛之時,我代表幾內亞政府和人民以及我個人,表達最深切的哀悼,並請你們向勇敢的朝鮮人民表示誠摯的哀悼。」[27]
  •  匈牙利 – 外交部表示「我們希望朝鮮民主主義人民共和國在哀悼後繼續努力促進人民的發展和繁榮。同樣,我們也希望朝鮮作為一個負責任的國家,為維護朝鮮地區的安全與穩定盡一切努力。」該部還警告朝鮮國際社會對該國核問題和人權的擔憂[30]
  •  印度 – 總理曼莫漢·辛格哀悼金正日的逝世,並表示希望朝鮮以「勇氣和毅力」克服悲痛[31] The Minister of State for External Relations, E. Ahamed英語E. Ahamed,他在朝鮮大使館簽署了哀悼書,指出「我們懷着深深的悲痛心情得知金正日先生的不幸逝世」[32]
  •  印度尼西亞 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent condolences in the name of the government and the people of Indonesia in a press release. "[The] Indonesian government and people pray for the surviv[ing] family, government, and all North Koreans to be given strength and fortitude during these hard days".[33]
  •  愛爾蘭The Journal reported that Ireland had said it had "no plans to issue a statement of any kind on the death of the North Korean leader".[34]
  •  日本內閣總理大臣 野田佳彥 held an emergency national security council meeting with top Cabinet members soon after the news of Jong-il's death broke. Chief Cabinet Secretary 藤村修 told journalists in Tokyo that the Prime Minister had instructed them to be prepared in case of any unexpected developments. Fujimura expressed condolences and said Japan hoped Kim Jong-il's death would not affect the region, or North Korea, adversely.[10][23]
  •  約旦阿卜杜拉二世 sent a letter of condolences to Kim Jong-un. "It was with the greatest sorrow that I heard the sad news Chairman Kim Jong-il demised. I, on behalf of the people and government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and on my own, express the sincerest condolences to Your Excellency and hope that Your Excellency will overcome sorrow", King Abdullah II wrote.[27]
  •  哈薩克 – "Kim Jong Il, the honored statesman of the Korean nation and distinguished person, made a great contribution to the establishment and strengthening of friendly relations between the two countries", President 努爾蘇丹·納扎爾巴耶夫 said in a letter addressed to Kim Jong-il. President Nazarbayev added, "On behalf of the people of Kazakhstan and my own behalf, I would like to extend our heartfelt condolences and sincere sympathies to all the Korean people".[27]
  •  馬來西亞馬來西亞政府 expresses its condolences to the people and government of North Korea and hopes that the new North Korean leadership will work towards achieving peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula with all parties concerned should work towards ensuring an enduring peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula as the stability in the region is important for regional peace, security and economic development.[35]
  •  蒙古國 – President 查希亞·額勒貝格道爾吉 and Prime Minister 蘇赫巴托爾·巴特包勒德 sent a joint letter of condolences to 金正恩 concerning his father's demise.[36]
  •  緬甸 – Myanmar's Minister for Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin, signed the Condolence Book opened at the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.[37] A Government official told AFP that "Myanmar will convey its condolences over the demise of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il" adding "[w]e do not know much about his successor, his son. But we think things can change in his term, especially their economic policy. The misunderstanding with the international community over the relationship between Myanmar and North Korea lately has been removed".[38]
  •  尼泊爾 – President 拉姆·巴蘭·亞達夫 and Prime Minister 巴布拉姆·巴特拉伊 both sent their condolences to 金正恩 over his father's death. President Yadav expressed "deep sorrow" at the demise of Jong-il, and said that the "death of (Jong-il) has been an irreparable loss to the people and the government of the DPRK, and Nepal has lost a friend, too". Prime Minister Bhattari echoed the Nepalese President by saying that Nepal has lost a "great friend".[39]
  •  尼加拉瓜 – First Lady and government spokeswoman Rosario Murillo英語Rosario Murillo said that "the people of Nicaragua and the Government of Nicaragua feel North Korea's pain", and that she hopes North Korea will continue its "process of constructing more peace and more prosperity for all the families of that country". She also said that president 丹尼爾·奧爾特加 sent his 「profound condolences for the death of Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il」.[40]
  •  巴基斯坦 – President of Pakistan 馬姆努恩·侯賽因 expressed condolences to the people of North Korea and said the Kim Jong-il had commanded great respect among his people and that he will be missed by his people.[41]
  •  巴勒斯坦民族權力機構 – President of the Palestinian Authority 馬哈茂德·阿巴斯 said that throughout his whole life, Jong-il has always stood out for global justice and truth and that he strongly supported the cause of the Palestinian people as well. President Abbas also said that the foundations of relations between North Korea and an independent Palestinian state had been laid out between 金日成 and 亞西爾·阿拉法特.[42]
  •  菲律賓 – The Department of Foreign Affairs released a statement, saying "The Government and people of the Philippines convey our condolences to the Government and people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on the death of President Kim Jong-Il... [t]he Philippine Government values its relations with the DPRK and will continue to cooperate with them to intensify the promotion and maintenance of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, including in the Korean Peninsula, to ensure the region's continued prosperity".[43]
  •  波蘭 – "We observe the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the East Asia region after the death of Kim Jong Il", said a statement by the Foreign Ministry in Warsaw.[44] Foreign Minister 拉多斯瓦夫·西科爾斯基 "hopes that after the death of the North Korean leader, authorities will act responsibly and in accordance with tie expectations of the international community and the Korean nation", it also stated.[45]
  •  卡達Qatar News Agency英語Qatar News Agency said Emir Sheikh 哈邁德·本·哈利法·阿勒薩尼, as well as 法定繼承人 Sheikh 塔米姆·本·哈邁德·阿勒薩尼 had sent cables of condolences to North Korean leader-designate Kim Jong-un on the death of his father.[46]
  •  俄羅斯俄羅斯總統 德米特里·梅德韋傑夫 expressed condolences over the death of Kim Jong-il, the Kremlin press service reported on Monday. Medvedev also held a phone conversation with South Korean President 李明博 concerning Kim Jong-il's death, according to the report. The two leaders discussed several issues of common concern, including regional integration and stability. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said: "The DPRK is our neighbor. We maintain a good-neighborly relationship. Of course, we hope that the loss of Kim Jong-Il will not have any impact on the development of our friendly relations with the DPRK".[47]
  •  瑞典 – Swedish Foreign Minister 卡爾·比爾特 said on his Twitter account that "The death of a dictator is always a period of uncertainty for a dictatorship, and North Korea is the hardest dictatorship in our time".[10]
  •  敘利亞敘利亞總統 巴沙爾·阿薩德, in a letter to Kim Jong-un, described Kim Jong-il's death "as a great loss not only to the Korean people but to the people of all countries struggling for freedom, justice and peace", adding, "May his soul rest in peace".[48]
  •  英國 – Foreign Secretary 夏偉林 said "The people of North Korea are in official mourning after the death of Kim Jong-Il. We understand this is a difficult time for them. This could be a turning point for North Korea. We hope that their new leadership will recognise that engagement with the international community offers the best prospect of improving the lives of ordinary North Korean people. We encourage North Korea to work for peace and security in the region and take the steps necessary to allow the resumption of the Six Party Talks on denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula".[10]
  •  美國 – White House spokesman 傑伊·卡尼 said "The President has been notified and we are in close touch with our allies in South Korea and Japan", and "We remain committed to stability on the Korean peninsula and to the freedom and security of our allies".[16]
  •  委內瑞拉 – President 烏戈·查維茲 offered condolences to North Korea, expressing his "sincere sorrow". He also asserted Venezuelan solidarity with North Korea.[49]
  •  越南 – Vietnam sent its "deepest condolences" to North Korea on the death of "Comrade Kim Jong-il". It added, "We believe that the DPRK's people will overcome this great loss and continue to strive for building and developing their country".[50]


  •  孟加拉Rashed Khan Menon, leader of the Workers Party of Bangladesh stated that "the sudden demise of Kim Jong-il, the prominent leader, is the bitter sorrow not only to the Korean people but also to the Bangladeshi people and the world progressives".[51]
  •  貝南 – The Cowry Forces for an Emerging Benin sent a wreath to Kumsusan.[52]
  •  巴西 – The Brazilian Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist) sent a message saying "Kim Jong Il would always be with all the Korean people dynamically advancing along the road of justice for sovereignty, independence and socialism".[53] The Communist Party of Brazil and the Party for Free Motherland paid their respects at the DPRK embassy.[54]
  •  加拿大 – Sandra Smith, the leader of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) expressed her "heartfelt condolences on the untimely passing of Comrade Kim Jong-il" and stated that "He is greatly admired by all revolutionary forces for working tirelessly for the peaceful independent reunification of Korea...securing peace on the Korean Peninsula on the basis of the Songun military first policy, thus contributing greatly to world peace".[55]
  •  柬埔寨 – A delegation of the Cambodian People's Party visited the DPRK embassy and signed the condolence book. Ney Pena wrote "Kim Jong Il is the supreme leader who led the defence of the country and its construction to victory. The Korean people are highly praising his exploits and always remember his benevolence. The People's Party of Cambodia and the Cambodian people express the deepest condolences to the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people".[56] Ouk Phurik, leader of the Khmer Democratic Party also visited the embassy and sent a message to North Korea that stated, in part, "Kim Jong Il laid down the Songun line of the DPRK based on the philosophical principle that the army precisely means the people, the party and the state and led the DPRK for decades to successfully carry forward and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by HE Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, great leader of the Korean people. His demise amounts to the Korean people's loss of an outstanding hero".[57]
  •  捷克 – The Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia issued condonlences to North Korea following Kim's death.[58]
  •  埃及Sayed Abdul Al, general secretary of the National Progressive Unionist Party, stated that "The untimely demise of leader Kim Jong Il is a shock to the party and all the people aspiring after socialism".[59]
  •  幾內亞 – A delegation of members of the Democratic Party of Guinea paid its respects at the DPRK embassy[54]
  •  芬蘭Kalevi Wahrman, on behalf of the Finnish Communists League, stated that the "revolutionary exploits of Kim Jong Il, who dedicated his whole life to the victory of the socialist cause and the people's happiness, would remain in the hearts of humankind".[51]
  •  義大利 – the Party of Italian Communists general secretary Oliviero Diliberto, the secretary of Communist Party (Italy) Marco Rizzo and director of the International Department Fausto Sorini sent a message expressing "the most fraternal and sincere condolences to Kim Jong Un, saying that they remember the great feats Kim Jong Il performed in defending the sovereignty of the DPRK and the dignity of the nation".[60]
  •  寮國 – The Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party sent a letter of sympathy to the Workers' Party of Korea, expressing "heartfelt condolences on learning of the death of Kim Jong-il". The letter praised Kim's contributions to the "enhancing (of) the tradition of relations, friendship and cooperation between the two parties, governments and peoples of Laos and DPRK". The death of Kim Jong-il "meant not only the great loss of the leader of the DPRK but also the great loss of a close friend of the Party, government and people of Laos", the letter concluded.[61]
  •  黎巴嫩Khaled Hadadi, general secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party "expressed heartfelt condolences to the Korean people and the C.C., the WPK on the demise of leader Kim Jong Il".[62] Fayez Shukri, secretary of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Lebanon Region wrote in a condolence book that Kim Jong Ils death "is a big loss not only to the Korean people but also to the Lebanese people and other progressive people in the world as he devoted all his life to the cause of global independence, the socialist cause and the liberation of humankind".[63]
  •  馬爾他 – The Communist Party of Malta sent its condolences.[64]
  •  蒙古國National Democratic Party chairman M. Enkhsaihan sent a message stating in part that Kim Jong Il "will live forever in the hearts of not only the Korean people but all the people supporting and respecting his cause. [And expressed] profound gratitude to Kim Jong Il for the concern he had shown for the development of the friendly and cooperative relations between Mongolia and the DPRK".[65]
  •  莫桑比克 – General Secretary of the ruling FRELIMO party Filipe Chimoio Paúnde described Kim Jong-il's death as a "sadness" for the North Korean people. "Considering the relations that exist between the two states we also feel the loss". North Korea "gave its support during the national liberation war" which FRELIMO fought against the colonial power Portugal, Paúnde said.[66]
  •  納米比亞Pendukeni Iivula Ithana, general secretary of the South West Africa People's Organization sent his condolences, and added "SWAPO Party shall strive to maintain the excellent and cordial relationship between our two sister parties".[67]
  •  巴勒斯坦民族權力機構Khald Abdul Majid, general secretary of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, sent a message to Kim Jong Un "express deepest condolences...on the passing away of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il in the crucial period of showdown with the U.S. imperialists, the general secretary said in the message".[68]
  •  羅馬尼亞 – the chairman and other leaders of the Romanian Socialist Union paid their respects at the DPRK embassy.[54]
  •  俄羅斯 – funeral wreaths were sent to Kumsusan Memorial Palace from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Party for Peace and Unity of Russia, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1992–)[69] Messages were also received from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia and the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.[64]
  •  南非 – A representative of the African National Congress offered his condolences and presented a wreath at the embassy of the DPRK.[70] Another wreath was sent to Pyongyang.[71] The African National Congress Youth League, at the time headed by Julius Malema, issued a statement sending its condolences, and stating "As we remember this revolutionary we call upon the Korean people to forge ahead with the struggle to reunify their country, to free it completely of a legacy of Colonialism left to its people by imperialists represented by the United States of America. May the undying spirit of Comrade Kim Jong Il continue to inspire the Korean people to defend the Songhun, the idea that it is possible for the people of Korea, Asia and the world to live well alongside each other in an egalitarian society, free from poverty, joblessness, hatred of each other and the oppression of one country by another".[72]
  •  敘利亞Mohammed Saeed Bekheitan, the Assistant Secretary of the Regional Command of the Syrian-dominated Ba'ath Party, sent a message of condolence stating "that the world movement for liberation and peace lost the most prominent fighter who had defended the people's right from highhanded practices and supremacy by the world imperialists... [and] affirming the will to boost the ties of friendship and cooperation in the struggle to meet the challenge Syria and the DPRK are facing".[73]
  •  塔吉克Sh. Shabdolov, chairman of the Communist Party of Tajikistan "expressed heartfelt condolences to the Korean people and the C.C., the WPK on the demise of leader Kim Jong-il".[62]
  •  美國 – The Republican Party's presidential candidates issued several statements over the death of Kim. Former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney said in a statement that "Kim Jong-il was a ruthless tyrant who lived a life of luxury while the North Korean people starved. He recklessly pursued nuclear weapons, sold nuclear and missile technology to other rogue regimes, and committed acts of military aggression against our ally South Korea. He will not be missed. His death represents an opportunity for America to work with our friends to turn North Korea off the treacherous course it is on and ensure security in the region". Similarly, former ambassador to the People's Republic of China, Jon Huntsman stated that "Kim Jong Il was a conscienceless tyrant. His death closes a tragic chapter for the people of North Korea and offers them the best opportunity to get on a path towards a more free and open society and political reform". Governor of Texas Rick Perry said that "The death of vicious dictator Kim Jong Il provides some cause for hope but does not automatically end the reign of inhumane tyranny he and his father constructed". He then also expressed hope that Kim's death would usher in "a peaceful transition from a grim dictatorship to a free Korea".[74] The Workers World Party sent a message to the Korean Workers Party. It stated in part that "We here in 「the belly of the beast」 know how difficult the US imperialist rulers have made it for leaders of truly sovereign countries to defend their sovereignty while pursuing the socialist path of development".[75] The US Marxist-Leninist Organization also sent condolences, stating that the work and stands of Kim and the KWP "vital contributions not only to the Korean people but all the world’s peoples...The untimely passing of Kim Jong Il is a great loss to the world anti-imperialist and democratic forces and the world communist movement".[76] The Workers Party, USA sent a message of condolence stating "We remember with great respect the life of Kim Jong Il who fought unsparingly to his last breath for the cause of peace, national independence and social progress. Kim Jong Il led the DPRK during a time in which U.S. imperialism maintained...a state of war against Korea and carried out all-around economic, political, diplomatic, cultural and military pressure against the DPRK in the north of Korea while occupying the south with tens of thousands of troops".[77]
  •  委內瑞拉 – A "mourning centre" was set up at the building of the Communist Party of Venezuela to receive condolences.[54]
  •  辛巴威Didymus Mutasa of the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front, stated that Kim Jong Il "was a lovely man whom we associated with [and] He was our great friend, and we are not ashamed of being associated with him".[78] He further stated "We got a lot of help from him as his country trained our army and they also built our Heroes Acre that we are very proud of. It was a very good relationship that we shall always cherish. We worked together well", However the leader of the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union, whose members were repressed by the North Korean trained Fifth Brigade said 「We have no doubt that people with the Fifth Brigade background are the ones who continue to torture and kill Zanu-PF's political opponents even to this day, as such, the Korean dynasty is responsible for Zanu-PF's militant and violent approach to politics. Year 2011 is certainly a bad year for dictators. We pray that God also calls to heaven the few remaining ones". The larger faction of the Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai stated that 「Kim Jong- il killed our loved ones and now it is his time to meet his victims in the presence of God」, and a spokesperson for the larger faction added 「his party won’t shed a tear for the North Korean dictator and he should rot in hell」.[79]





  1. ^ World reacts to Kim Jong Il's death. CNN. 20 December 2011 [13 September 2020]. 
  2. ^ Snyder, Scott A. Kim Jong-il in Death as in Life: Sowing Divisions in South Korea. Council on Foreign Relations. 19 December 2011 [13 September 2020]. 
  3. ^ Bryant, Lisa. Europe Cautious in Reaction to Kim Jong-Il's Death. Voice of America. 18 December 2011 [13 September 2020]. 
  4. ^ McCurry, Justin. North Koreans' reaction to Kim Jong-il's death is impossible to gauge. the Guardian. 19 December 2011 [13 September 2020]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 North Korean leader Kim Jong-il dies 'of heart attack'. BBC News. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. died on Saturday 
  6. ^ McCurry, Justin. North Koreans' reaction to Kim Jong-il's death is impossible to gauge. The Guardian (London). 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  7. ^ Kim Jong Il dead: Watch the moment his death was announced by sobbing newsreader. Daily Mirror. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  8. ^ "People Cried and Wailed", Lee Seok Young, Daily NK, 19 December 2011
  9. ^ Smith, Matt. North Korea's Kim Jong Il dies; South goes on high alert. CNN. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 World reacts to Kim Jong Il's death. CNN. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011].  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「reactions」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  11. ^ North Korea May Fete 'Touching Drama' for Kim Jong Il Funeral. Yahoo News. 26 December 2011 [28 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於21 July 2012). 
  12. ^ EU 'monitoring' events after Kim Jong-Il death. eubusiness.com. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  13. ^ Polskie kondolencje po śmierci Kim Dzong Ila [Polish condolences after the death of Kim Jong Il]. Rzeczpospolita. 21 December 2011 [24 December 2011] (Polish). 
  14. ^ Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the passing of Kim Jong-il. United Nations. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  15. ^ Armenian President condoles with the deceased – newspaper. News.am. 21 December 2011 [21 December 2011]. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 N. Korean leader Kim dead: state TV. Spacedaily.com. [19 December 2011]. 
  17. ^ Azerbaijan's President offers condolences over death of Kim Jong-il. Azerbaijan Press Agency. 21 December 2011 [21 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於7 April 2012). 
  18. ^ Bangladesh mourns loss of "dear friend" in Kim Jong Il. Monsters and Critics. 20 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於7 September 2012). 
  19. ^ Alexander Lukashenko issues condolences over death of Kim Jong il. tvr.by. [19 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於28 June 2013). 
  20. ^ Curtain Closes on Kim Jong Il. Phnom Penh Post. 20 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. 
  21. ^ Stephen Harper's scathing remembrance of North Korea's Kim Jong-il. 國家郵報. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  22. ^ The China Daily "China urges stability on Korean Peninsula", 21 December 2011. [16 February 2013]. (原始內容存檔於4 January 2014). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 World Reacts to Death of Kim Jong Il. Fox News. 美聯社. 19 December 2011 [25 December 2011]. 
  24. ^ Samo 5 demokratskih država izrazilo sućut S.Koreji. Hrvatska je među njima!. Dalje.com. 10 January 2012. (原始內容存檔於2 April 2015). 
  25. ^ Condolatory Message from Croatian President. [24 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  26. ^ Cuba declares 3 days of mourning for Kim. Associated Press. 20 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 Death of Kim Jong Il: World continues to send condolence messages. Weekly Blitz英語Weekly Blitz. 22 December 2011 [23 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於27 January 2013). 
  28. ^ Halonen wishes for reforms in North Korea. 芬蘭廣播公司. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  29. ^ Kim Jong-il death: World reaction in quotes. BBC News. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  30. ^ A Külügyminisztérium közleménye Kim Jong-il észak-koreai vezető halálával kapcsolatban 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期11 January 2012. Külügyminisztérium, 19 December 2011 (匈牙利語)
  31. ^ Prime Minister Manmohan Singh condoles demise of Kim Jong II. The Economic Times. 20 December 2011 [21 December 2011]. 
  32. ^ AVTAR SINGH BHASIN (編). INDIA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS — 2011 DOCUMENTS (PDF). 9 June 2012 [13 September 2020]. 
  33. ^ Statement of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the Passing Away of the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, H.E. Mr. Kim Jong-Il. kemlu.go.id. Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 19 December 2011. (原始內容存檔於6 April 2012). 
  34. ^ "The Journal" website news report, 20 December 2011, "Should Ireland send a message of sympathy to North Korea?"
  35. ^ Press Release on the Demise of Kim Jong-il, Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia. 20 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. 
  36. ^ Condolence Letter Has Been Sent On The Passing of Kim Jong-Il. 21 December 2011 [21 December 2011]. 
  37. ^ Myanmar Radio and Television news report in respect of 24 December 2011 and published on MRTV-3 website
  38. ^ "Myanmar sees change in North Korea" news report of AFP on 20 December 2011 as produced on Ethnic Nationalities Council website.
  39. ^ President, PM express sorrow. The Rising Nepal. [21 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於7 April 2012). 
  40. ^ Ortega laments death of 'dear leader'. Nicaragua Dispatch. 19 December 2011 [21 December 2011]. 
  41. ^ Message of Condolences to Kim Jong Un from Pakistani President. NK Aggregator. 22 December 2011 [22 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於12 March 2017). 
  42. ^ Condolences to Kim Jong Un from Palestinian President. Korea News Service (KNS). 22 December 2011 [22 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  43. ^ Statement of the Philippine Government on the passing away of the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Jong-Il. Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines英語Official Gazette (Philippines). 菲律賓外交部. 19 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. 
  44. ^ Statement after the death of Kim Jong Il. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. 19 December 2011 [24 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於26 April 2012). 
  45. ^ All eyes on North Korea after death of Kim Jong-il. Polish Radio External Service. 19 December 2011 [24 December 2011]. 
  46. ^ HH the Emir Sends Condolences to North Korean President. Qatar News Agency英語Qatar News Agency. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. [永久失效連結]
  47. ^ Medvedev expresses condolences on death of DPRK top leader. 中國日報. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於24 September 2015). 
  48. ^ Syria offers condolences for death of Kim Jong-Il. NOW Lebanon. 23 December 2011 [23 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於3 January 2012). 
  49. ^ Cancel, Daniel. Venezuela Expresses 'Sincere Sorrow' for Death of Kim Jong Il. 彭博商業周刊. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. 
  50. ^ Vietnam expresses "deepest condolences" on death of DPRK's top leader. 新華社. 19 December 2011 [19 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於27 January 2016). 
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 Memorial Services for Kim Jong Il Held Abroad. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  52. ^ Wreath from Benin Political Party. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  53. ^ Foreign Party and Organizations Mourn Demise of Kim Jong Il. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 Personages of Different Countries Visit DPRK Embassy. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於6 October 2014). 
  55. ^ Condolatory Messages from Canadian Party Leader. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  56. ^ Cambodian Parliamentary Delegations Visits DPRK Embassy. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  57. ^ Message of Condolences from Cambodian Party Leader. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  58. ^ Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM) | The Democratic Society. Europe.demsoc.org. 20 February 2014 [6 October 2015]. (原始內容存檔於6 October 2015). 
  59. ^ Condolatory Messages from Egypt's Party Leader. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  60. ^ Condolatory Messages from Italian Party Leader. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  61. ^ Condolences over death of Kim Jong Il. Lao News Agency. [21 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於7 January 2012). 
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 Condolatory Messages from Foreign Political Figures. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  63. ^ More Foreign Party Leaders Visit DPRK Embassy. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 Condolences from Different Countries. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於10 January 2012). 
  65. ^ Condolatory Messages from Mongolian Party Official. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  66. ^ Mozambique's ruling party 'saddened' by death of Kim Jong-Il. Ipotnews. 20 December 2011 [21 December 2011]. 
  67. ^ Message of Condolences from SG of SWAPO Party. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  68. ^ Condolatory Messages from Palestinian Party Leader. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  69. ^ Wreaths from Russia's Parties, Art Groups, Personages. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  70. ^ ANC Officials Visit DPRK Embassy. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  71. ^ Wreath from ANC. [5 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2014). 
  72. ^ Statement on the passing away of the DPRK chairperson of the national dfefence council and leader of the Korean people: Comrade Kim Jong Il – Mail & Guardian (PDF). Mg.co.za. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於31 January 2012). 
  73. ^ Condolatory Messages from Syrian Political Figure. [2 January 2012]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2012). 
  74. ^ GOP Candidates React to Death of Kim Jong IL: He will not be missed. Fox News. 19 December 2011. 
  75. ^ WWP sends condolences to Workers' Party of Korea. Workers.org. 21 December 2011 [23 April 2012]. 
  76. ^ Voice of Revolution. Usmlo.org. 19 December 2011 [23 April 2012]. 
  77. ^ The Worker – Message of Condolence Over the Passing of Kim Jong Il. Workersparty.org. 17 December 2011 [23 April 2012]. (原始內容存檔於19 March 2012). 
  78. ^ Unity Day is hollow – Analysts. Thestandard.co.zw. 24 December 2011 [23 April 2012]. [永久失效連結]
  79. ^ 5th Brigade victims celebrate, Zanu-PF mourns death Kim Jong I1. Zimdiaspora.com. 20 December 2011 [23 April 2012]. (原始內容存檔於1 August 2012). 
  80. ^ Asian stocks fall, dollar up after death of Kim Jong-il. Reouter. 19 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. 
  81. ^ Kollmeyer, Barbara. US Stock-Market Futures Rise; N Korea In Focus. Wall Street Journal. 19 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. 
  82. ^ Regional fails, IHSG becomes rises. TEMPO. 20 December 2011 [20 December 2011]. 


  • Arai, K.; Kohno, M.; Toyoda, S. How did the Japanese Public React to Kim Jong Il's Death?. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 2012, 13 (1): 125–153. ISSN 1470-482X. doi:10.1093/irap/lcs012. 

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