王超華也參加了5月13日學生與閻明復之間的會談,公開討論了學生對絕食的看法。[8]她還與王丹和吾爾開希·多萊特一起參加了5月14日的會議,會議得出結論,無論學生是否撤出天安門廣場,中共都不會在天安門廣場舉行戈爾巴喬夫訪華的歡迎儀式。[16]當天,王超華與戴晴以及其他11名知識分子於浩成、李洪林、溫元凱、李澤厚、李陀、 嚴家其、劉再復、包遵信、蘇曉康、蘇煒和麥天樞打算說服學生停止絕食。王超華大哭,並要求知識分子利用他們的影響力說服絕食者離開廣場。[17]戴晴和知識分子試圖阻止絕食學生,但沒有成功。
如果我們要打破這種僵局,政府和學生都需要做出讓步。 政府應首先讓步,其次是學生。至於讓步條件,如果學生願意相信我們,那麼我們就準備向政府施壓。[23]
但是,戴晴無法說服學生停止絕食。 戴在《天安門愚人:監獄回憶錄和其他著作》(Tiananmen Follies: Prison Memoirs and Other Writings)的回憶錄中提到,「當時她的地位和聲譽不足以影響絕食學生的行為。」[24]她和其他知識分子無法解決天安門廣場的絕食危機。
[編輯]- ^ Lee Feigon, "Gender and The Chinese Student Movement," in Popular Protest and Political Culture in Modern China, ed. Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom and Elizabeth Perry (Boulder: Westview Press: 1994), 128.
- ^ Chai Ling, A Heart for Freedom: The Remarkable Journey of a Young Dissident, Her Daring Escape, and Her Quest to Free China's Daughters (Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers, 2011), 91-92, 102.
- ^ Li Lu, Moving the Mountain: My Life in China from the Cultural Revolution to Tiananmen Square (London: Macmillan, 1990), 133.
- ^ Dingxin Zhao, The Power of Tiananmen: State-Society Relations and the 1989 Beijing Student Movement (Chicago: The University of Chicago: 2001), 163.
- ^ Li, Moving the Mountain, 131-133.
- ^ Shen Tong and Marianne Yen, Almost a Revolution (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990), 276.
- ^ Han Minzhu and Hua Sheng, "Taped Interview with Student Leader Chai Ling in Late May" in Cries for Democracy: Writings and Speeches from the 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990), 198.
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Zhao, The Power of Tiananmen, 164.
- ^ Zhang Liang, The Tiananmen Papers, trans. Andrew J. Nathan and Perry Link (New York: PublicAffairs, 2001), 171.
- ^ Zhao, The Power of Tiananmen, 182.
- ^ Chai, A Heart for Freedom, 190.
- ^ Li, Moving the Mountain, 200.
- ^ 13.0 13.1 Zhao, The Power of Tiananmen, 163.
- ^ Zhao, The Power of Tiananmen, 163, 166.
- ^ Han and Sheng, Cries for Democracy, 241.
- ^ Zhao, The Power of Tiananmen, 166.
- ^ Zhao, The Power of Tiananmen, 167.
- ^ Wang Chaohua, "A Dialogue on the Future of China" in One China, Many Paths (London: Verso, 2003), 318.
- ^ Dai Qing, Tiananmen Follies: Prison Memoirs and Other Writings, trans. Nancy Yang Liu, Peter Rand, and Lawrence R. Sullivan (Norwalk: EastBridge, 2005), 67.
- ^ Zhang, The Tiananmen Papers, 139.
- ^ Dai, Tiananmen Follies, 70.
- ^ Zhang, The Tiananmen Papers, 165.
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Zhang, The Tiananmen Papers, 166.
- ^ Dai, Tiananmen Follies, 88.