栗樹街 (費城)
栗樹街(Chestnut Street)是美國賓夕法尼亞州費城的一條古老街道,長5.57英里(8.96公里)[1]。最初命名為懷恩街(Wynne Street),因為托馬斯·懷恩的家位於此處。威廉·佩恩(William Penn)於1684年將其更名為栗樹街。這條街為東西走向,東起老城的特拉華河河畔的前街(Front Street),即佩恩登陸處(Penn's Landing),向西穿過費城市中心以及費城西區,止於Cobbs Creek。這條街跨斯庫爾基爾河處建有栗樹街橋[2]。
[編輯]- 獨立廳(Independence Hall)
- 木匠廳(Carpenters' Hall)
- 柯蒂斯出版公司(Curtis Publishing Company)
- 貝爾格萊維亞酒店(Belgravia Hotel)
- 德雷塞爾大學(Drexel University)
- 本傑明·富蘭克林酒店(Benjamin Franklin Hotel)
- 美國第二銀行(Second Bank of the United States)
[編輯]- ^ Google Inc. Chestnut Street (地圖). Google Inc. July 14, 2018 [July 14, 2018].
- ^ Henry, Mathew Schropp. History of the Lehigh Valley: Containing a Copious Selection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, Etc., Etc., Relating to Its History and Antiquities ; with Complete History of All Its Internal Improvements, Progress of the Coal and Iron Trade, Manufactures, Etc. Bixler & Corwin. 1860 (英語).
stratton's tavern philadelphia.