致女皇陛下臣民通函 (1841年1月20日)
英军于香港仔登陆,从蜑民陈群以蜑家话回答中得知“Hong Kong”的名称,并沿用至今。此协议包含“割让香港岛和海港给英国”,及后但由于清廷及英国政经界分别认为“有辱国体”及获利太少,故双方不承认《穿鼻草约》存在。 直至1842年,清朝在第一次鸦片战争中被英国打败,并于翌年与英国签订《南京条约》,将香港岛连同邻近的鸭脷洲才正式永久割让与英国。 1860年清廷于第二次鸦片战争(即英法联军之役)再败给英法联军,签下《北京条约》,一同永久割让九龙半岛南部连同邻近的昂船洲给英国。当时在九龙半岛上的新边界只用矮矮的铁丝网分割,位置就在今日的界限街。1898年,英国通过与清廷签订《中英展拓香港界址专条》及其他一系列租借条约,租借九龙半岛北部、新界和邻近的两百多个离岛,但九龙寨城除外,租期99年。这一系列的租借和割让,形成了今日香港的边界。
[编辑] CircularTo Her Britannic Majesty's subjects Macao, 20 Jan., 1841.Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary has now to announce the conclusion of preliminary arrangements between the imperial commissioner and himself, involving the following conditions:-
- 1. The cession of the island and harbour of Hong-kong to the British crown. All just charges and duties to the empire upon the commerce carried on there to be paid as if the trade were conducted at Whampoa.
- 2. An indemnity to the British government of six millions of dollars, one million payable at once, and the remainder in equal annual instalments, ending in 1846.
- 3. Direct official intercourse between the countries upon an equal footing.
- 4. The trade of the port of Canton to be opened within ten days after the Chinese new year, and to be carried on at Whampoa till further arrangements are practicable at the new settlement.
Details remain matter of negotiation.
The Plenipotentiary seizes the earliest occasion to declare that her Majesty's government has sought for no privilege in China exclusively for the advantage of British ships and merchants, and he is only performing his duty in offering the protection of the British flag to the subjects, citizens, and ships of foreign powers that may resort to her Majesty's possession.
Pending her Majesty's further pleasure, there will be no port or other changes to the British government.
The Plenipotentiary now permits himself to make a few general observations.
The oblivion of past and redressed injuries will follow naturally from the right feeling of the Queen's subjects. Indeed, it should be remembered that no extent of modification resulting only from political intervention can be efficacious in the steady improvement of our condition, unless it be systematically seconded by conciliatory treatment of the people and becoming deference for the institutions and government of the country, upon the threshold of which we are about to be established.
The Plenipotentiary can only presume to advert very briefly to the zeal and wisdom of the Commander of the expedition to China; and to that rare union of ardour, patience, and forbearance, which has distinguished the officers and forces of all arms at all points of occupation and operation.
He is well assured the British community will sympathize cordially with him in their sentiments of lasting respect for his Excellency and the whole force, which he is ashamed to express in such inadequate language.
He cannot conclude without declaring that next to these causes, the peaceful adjustment of difficulties must be ascribed to the scrupulous good faith of the very eminent person with whom negotiations are still pending.
(Signed) Charles ElliotHer Majesty's Plenipotentiary, China
[编辑] CircularTo Her Majesty's subjects Macao, 20 Jan., 1841.Her Majesty's plenipotentiary considers it incumbent upon himself to lose no time in assuring the commercial that he will use his best efforts with her majesty's government to secure an early and entire advance of their claims for indemnity. And mindful of the interests of parties in India, he will not fail respectfully to move the Right Honourable the Governor-general of India to second these purposes as far as may seem just to his lordship.
(Signed) Charles ElliotHer Majesty's Plenipotentiary