孟加拉语文法(孟加拉语:বাংলা ব্যাকরণ Bangla Bêkorôn)是对孟加拉语的构词和句法的研究,它是南亚使用的一种印度-雅利安语。尽管孟加拉语使用独立的字母(参见孟加拉文),这里使用了提示发音的罗马化方案。
[编辑]孟加拉语代词有些类似于英语代词,对第一、第二和第三人称,还对单数和复数(不像后面介绍的动词)有著不同的词。孟加拉语代词不同于英语代词的是没有对性的区分,就是说对“he”或“she”使用相同的代词。但是孟加拉语对远近有不同的第三人称代词。第一个用于临近的人,第二个用于有些远的人。第三个通常用于不在场的人。此外,每个第二和第三人称代词都有熟悉和礼貌的不同形式;第二人称还有“非常熟悉”形式(有时叫做“despective”)。需要注意“非常熟悉”性质在称呼特别密切的朋友或家人以及称呼下属或骂人的时候使用。在下列表格中,缩写为: VF=非常熟悉,F=熟悉,和 P=礼貌(尊敬);H=这里,T=哪里,和E=其他地方(附近)。
主格用于作为句子主语的代词,比如“I already did that”或“Will you please stop making that noise?”。
主体 | 远近 | 礼貌 | 单数 | 复数 |
1 | ami (I) | amra (we) | ||
2 | VF | tui (you) | tora (you) | |
F | tumi (you) | tomra (you) | ||
P | apni (you) | apnara (you) | ||
3 | H | F | e (he/she) | era (they) |
P | ini (he/she) | ẽra (they) | ||
T | F | o (he/she) | ora (they) | |
P | uni (he/she) | őra (they) | ||
E | F | she (he/she) | tara (they) | |
P | tini (he/she) | tãra (they) |
宾格用于充当直接宾语或间接宾语的代词,比如“I told him to wash the dishes”或“The teacher gave me the homework assignment”。
主体 | 远近 | 礼貌 | 单数 | 复数 |
1 | amake (me) | amader (us) | ||
2 | VF | toke (you) | toder (you) | |
F | tomake (you) | tomader (you) | ||
P | apnake (you) | apnader (you) | ||
3 | H | F | eke (him/her) | eder (them) |
P | ẽke (him/her) | ẽder (them) | ||
T | F | oke (him/her) | oder (them) | |
P | õke (him/her) | őder (them) | ||
E | F | take (him/her) | tader (them) | |
P | tãke (him/her) | tãder (them) |
属格用来显示所有关系,比如“Where is your coat?”或“Let's go to our house”。注意复数形式同一于宾格。
主体 | 远近 | 礼貌 | 单数 | 复数 |
1 | amar (my) | amader (our) | ||
2 | VF | tor (your) | toder (your) | |
F | tomar (your) | tomader (your) | ||
P | apnar (your) | apnader (your) | ||
3 | H | F | er (his/her) | eder (their) |
P | ẽr (his/her) | ẽder (their) | ||
T | F | or (his/her) | oder (their) | |
P | õr (his/her) | őder (their) | ||
E | F | tar (his/her) | tader (their) | |
P | tãr (his/her) | tãder (their) |
有生名词〔animate〕 | 无生名词〔inanimate〕 | |
主格 | chhatro-ţa the student |
juta-ţa the shoe |
宾格 | chhatro-ţa-ke the student |
juta-ţa the shoe |
属格 | chhatro-ţa-r the student's |
juta-ţa-r the shoe's |
方位格 | - | juta-ţa-(t)e
on/in the shoe |
在增加定冠词比如 -ţa(单数) 或 -gula(复数)的时候,名词还按数变格,前面表格的复数版本如下:
有生名词〔animate〕 | 无生名词〔inanimate〕 | |
主格 | chhatro-ra the students |
juta-gula the shoes |
宾格 | chhatro-der(ke) the students |
juta-gula the shoes |
属格 | chhatro-der the students' |
juta-gula-r the shoes' |
方位格 | - | juta-gula-te on/in the shoes |
[编辑]在计数的时候,名词必须配合上适当的量词。如很多亚洲语言(比如汉语、日语、泰语等)那样,在孟加拉语中名词不能通过直接增加数词毗邻于这个名词来计数。名词的量词(MW)必须用在数词和名词之间。多数名词采用通用量词 ţa,尽管有很多的更特殊的量词,比如只用于计量人的 jon。
孟加拉语 | 字面翻译 | 英语翻译 |
Nôe-ţa ghoŗi | Nine-MW clock | Nine clocks |
Kôe-ţa balish | How many-MW pillow | How many pillows |
Ônek-jon lok | Many-MW person | Many people |
Char-pañch-jon shikkhôk | Four-five-MW teacher | Four or five teachers |
在孟加拉语中计量名词而不带有对应的量词(比如 aţ biŗal 而非 aţ-ţa biŗal“eight cats”)将典型的被认为是不合语法的。但是忽略这个名词并保留量词是合乎语法的且并非不常听到的。例如,Shudhu êk-jon thakbe。(字面“Only one-MW will remain”。)将被理解为“Only one person will remain”,因为 jon 只能用来记数人。词 lok“person”是暗含的。
[编辑]孟加拉语动词是高度屈折和有规则的,只有少数例外。它们构成自词干和词尾;在孟加拉语词典中传统上与它们的“动名词”形式列出,这通常通过增加 -a 于词干来形成(比如 rakha = “to put or place”)。词干可以结束于要么元音要么辅音。动词词通过变更词尾按时态和人称来变位,在很大程度上对于所有动词都是一样的。但是,词干元音可能经常变更,这是“元音和谐”现象的一部分,这时一个元音可能受词中其他元音的影响而听起来更和谐。例子动词“to write”,有词干 lekh-: তোমরা lekho(you [pl.] write) 却有 amra likhi(we write)。一般的说,发生如下变换: ô → o、o → u、ê → e、e → i 和 a → e,这里的动名词以第一个元音为特征而特定变位使用第二个。此外,动词 dêoa(to give)和 nêoa(to take) 在 e, i, a, ê 之间切换。如果动词按词干元音分类并且如果词干结束于一个辅音或元音,有九个基本类让大多数动词归入其中;在一类中的所有动词服从相同的模式。从每一类中选出一个原型动词形式来展示这个类的变位;粗体用来指示词干元音的变化。
[编辑]孟加拉语动词可以以六种非限定形式出现: 按照定义,它们不提供关于时态(这个事件是在现在、过去还是未来)和人称(这个事件涉及一个或多个主体)的任何信息。但它们提供了其他信息 - 下面用动词词根 jan-“know”来展示:
- আঁকা ãka - 动名词(“act of drawing”)
- আঁকতে ãkte - 动词不定式(“to draw”)
- আঁকতে-আঁকতে ãkte-ãkte - 进行分词(“while drawing”)
- আঁকলে ãkle - 条件分词(“if X draws”)
- এঁকে ẽke - 完成分词(“having drawn”)
- এঁকে-এঁকে ẽke-ẽke - 重复分词(“having drawn many times”)
[编辑]动词按人称和敬语而非数来变位。有五种形式: 第一人称,第二人称(非常熟悉),第二人称(熟悉),第三人称(熟悉)和第二/第三人称(礼貌)。相同的主语代词用于所有变位范例: ami(孟加拉语:আমি),tui(তুই),tumi(তুমি),she(সে)和 apni(আপনি)。它们分别有如下复数形式amra(আমরা),tora(তোরা),tomra(তোমরা),tara(তারা) 和 apnara(আপনারা)。
[编辑]孟加拉语动词有两种语气: 直陈语气和祈使语气。祈使语气用于发出命令。直陈语气用于事实陈述;它的各种时态后面给出。
[编辑]孟加拉语动词有三种体貌: 简单体、进行/连续体和完成体。它们与下面描述不同时态组合起来形成各种动词变位可能。
[编辑]孟加拉语有四中简单时态: 现在时、过去时、条件或习惯过去时和将来时。它们和语气与体貌组合起来形成更加复杂的变位,比如过去进行时或现在完成时。
[编辑]孟加拉语的现在时类似于英语的现在时: I eat, you run, he reads。词尾是 -i, -(i)sh, -o, -e, -(e)n。
动词 | 1 | 2 (VF) | 2 (F) | 3 (F) | 2/3 (P) |
bôla | ami boli | tui bolish | tumi bôlo | she bôle | apni bôlen |
বলা | আমি বলি | তুই বলিস | তুমি বলো | সে বলে | আপনি বলেন |
khola | ami khuli | tui khulish | tumi kholo | she khole | apni kholen |
খোলা | আমি খুলি | তুই খুলিস | তুমি খোলো | সে খোলে | আপনি খোলেন |
khêla | ami kheli | tui khelish | tumi khêlo | she khêle | apni khêlen |
খেলা | আমি খেলি | তুই খেলিস | তুমি খেলো | সে খেলে | আপনি খেলেন |
chena | ami chini | tui chinish | tumi cheno | she chene | apni chenen |
চেনা | আমি চিনি | তুই চিনিস | তুমি চেনো | সে চেনে | আপনি চেনেন |
jana | ami jani | tui janish | tumi jano | she jane | apni janen |
জানা | আমি জানি | তুই জানিস | তুমি জানো | সে জানে | আপনি জানেন |
hôoa | ami hoi | tui hosh | tumi hôo | she hôe | apni hôn |
হওয়া | আমি হই | তুই হোস | তুমি হও | সে হয় | আপনি হন |
dhoa | ami dhui | tui dhush | tumi dhoo | she dhoe | apni dhon |
ধোয়া | আমি ধুই | তুই ধুস | তুমি ধোও | সে ধোয় | আপনি ধোন |
khaoa | ami khai | tui khash | tumi khao | she khae | apni khan |
খাওয়া | আমি খাই | তুই খাস | তুমি খাও | সে খায় | আপনি খান |
deoa | ami dii | tui dish | tumi dao | she dêe | apni dên |
দেওয়া | আমি দিই | তুই দিস | তুমি দাও | সে দেয় | আপনি দেন |
[编辑](简单)过去时不同于英语的过去时的地方是它通常保留给最近已发生的事件;比如少于一天之前。它可翻译成英语的简单过去时: I ate, you ran, he read。词尾是 -lam, -li, -le, -lo, -len(注意对第二和第三[熟悉]人称的元音与现在时的元音相反)。例如: ami dekhlam, tui dekhli, tumi dekhle, se dekhlo, apni dekhlen。在不太标准的孟加拉语变种中,“a”在第二人称熟悉形式中替代“e”,因此是 tumi bolla, khulla, khella 等。
动词 | 1 | 2 (VF) | 2 (F) | 3 (F) | 2/3 (P) |
bôla | ami bollam | tui bolli | tumi bolle | she bollo | apni bollen |
বলা | আমি বললাম | তুই বললি | তুমি বললে | সে বললো | আপনি বললেন |
khola | ami khullam | tui khulli | tumi khulle | she khullo | apni khullen |
খোলা | আমি খুললাম | তুই খুললি | তুমি খুললে | সে খুললো | আপনি খুললেন |
khêla | ami khellam | tui khelli | tumi khelle | she khello | apni khellen |
খেলে | আমি খেললাম | তুই খেললি | তুমি খেললে | সে খেললো | আপনি খেললেন |
chena | ami chinlam | tui chinli | tumi chinle | she chinlo | apni chinlen |
চেনা | আমি চিনলাম | তুই চিনলি | তুমি চিনলে | সে চিনলো | আপনি চিনলেন |
jana | ami janlam | tui janli | tumi janle | she janlo | apni janlen |
জানা | আমি জানলাম | তুই জানলি | তুমি জানলে | সে জানলে | আপনি জানলেন |
hôoa | ami holam | tui holi | tumi hole | she holo | apni holen |
হওয়া | আমি হলাম | তুই হলি | তুমি হলে | সে হল | আপনি হলেন |
dhoa | ami dhulam | tui dhuli | tumi dhule | she dhulo | apni dhulen |
ধোওয়া | আমি ধুলাম | তুই ধুলি | তুমি ধুলে | সে ধুলো | আপনি ধুলেন |
khaoa | ami khelam | tui kheli | tumi khele | she khelo | apni khelen |
খাওয়া | আমি খেলাম | তুই খেলি | তুমি খেলে | সে খেলো | আপনি খেলেন |
dêoa | ami dilam | tui dili | tumi dile | she dilo | apni dilen |
দেওয়া | আমি দিলাম | তুই দিলি | তুমি দিলে | সে দিলো | আপনি দিলেন |
[编辑]习惯过去时有一些不同的用法。它用于规律发生的时间,比如“I used to eat out every day”或“He wrote poems when he was young”,等价于未完成时。它还可以用作一种条件语气,比如:“If you asked I would come”或“If you had asked I would have come”。很容易形成习惯过去时: 简单的开始于简单过去时并把 l 变为 t(除了在 tui[2 VF] 形式中)。词尾是 -tam, -tish, -te, -to, -ten。例如: ami dekhtam, tui dekhtish, tumi dekhte, she dekhto, apni dekhten。“a”在第二人称熟悉形式中替代“e”,因此是 tumi bolta, khulta, khelta 等。
动词 | 1 | 2 (VF) | 2 (F) | 3 (F) | 2/3 (P) |
bôla | ami boltam | tui boltish | tumi bolte | she bolto | apni bolten |
khola | ami khultam | tui khultish | tumi khulte | she khulto | apni khulten |
khêla | ami kheltam | tui kheltish | tumi khelte | she khelto | apni khelten |
chena | ami chintam | tui chintish | tumi chinte | she chinto | apni chinten |
jana | ami jantam | tui jantish | tumi jante | she janto | apni janten |
hôoa | ami hotam | tui hotish | tumi hote | she hoto | apni hoten |
dhoa | ami dhutam | tui dhutish | tumi dhute | she dhuto | apni dhuten |
khaoa | ami khetam | tui khetish | tumi khete | she kheto | apni kheten |
dêoa | ami ditam | tui ditish | tumi dite | she dito | apni diten |
[编辑]在不太标准的孟加拉语变体中,“a”在第二人称熟悉形式中替代“e”;因此是 tumi bolba, khulba, khelba 等。
动词 | 1 | 2 (VF) | 2 (F) | 3 (F) | 2/3 (P) |
bôla | ami bolbo | tui bolbi | tumi bolbe | she bolbe | apni bolben |
khola | ami khulbo | tui khulbi | tumi khulbe | she khulbe | apni khulben |
khêla | ami khelbo | tui khelbi | tumi khelbe | she khelbe | apni khelben |
chena | ami chinbo | tui chinbi | tumi chinbe | she chinbe | apni chinben |
jana | ami janbo | tui janbi | tumi janbe | she janbe | apni janben |
hôoa | ami hôbo | tui hobi | tumi hôbe | she hôbe | apni hôben |
dhoa | ami dhubo | tui dhubi | tumi dhube | she dhube | apni dhuben |
khaoa | ami khabo | tui khabi | tumi khabe | she khabe | apni khaben |
dêoa | ami debo | tui dibi | tumi debe | she debe | apni deben |
[编辑]不同于英语使用前置词,孟加拉语典型的使用后置词。就是说,英语中这些修饰词出现其对象之前(beside him, inside the house),而在孟加拉语中它们典型的出现在其对象之后(or pashe, baŗir bhitore)。一些后置词要求其对象名词采用“属格”,而另一些要求“宾格”(对于无性名词这是无标记的);这个区分必须记住。多数后置词通过选取提及一个位置的名词并把它们按“方位格”屈折而形成的。
[编辑]- age“before”: shôkal-er age“before the morning”
- pôre“after”: shondha-r pôre“after the evening”
- upore“on top of”,“above”: bichhana-r upore“on top of the bed”
- niche “below”,“under”: boi-er niche“under the book”
- pichhone“behind”: almari-r pichhone“behind the cupboard”
- shamne“in front of”: gaŗi-r shamne“in front of the car”
- oi pare“across”: nodi-r oi pare“across the river”
- kachhe“near”: janala-r kachhe“near the window”
- pashe“beside”: chula-r pashe“beside the stove”
- jonno“for”: shikkhôk-er jonno“for the teacher”
- koch theke“from”(人): baba-r theke“from father”
- dike“towards”: basha-r dike“towards the house”
- baire“outside”: desh-er baire“outside the country”
- bhitore“inside”: dokan-er bhitore“inside the store”
- moddhe“in the middle of”: shomudr-er moddhe“in the middle of the ocean”
- bhitor die“through”: shôhorer bhitor die“through the city”
- môto“like”: tom-ar môto“like you”
- shôngge“with”: am-ar shôngge“with me”
- kôtha“about”: sheţa-r kôtha“about that”
- shômmondhe“about”: itihash-er shômmondhe“about history”
- shathe“with”: ma-er shathe“with mother”
[编辑]- kore“by means of”: ţêksi kore“by taxi”
- chhaŗa“without”,“aside from”: ama-ke chhaŗa “aside from me”
- theke“from”(地方): Bangladesh theke“from Bangladesh”
- die“by”: ta-ke die“by him”
- dhore“for”(时间): dudin dhore“for two days”
- nie“including”,“with”: toma-ke nie“including you”
- porjonto“until”: dôshţa porjonto“until ten o clock”
- shôho“with”,“including”: ţaka shôho“along with the money”
- hoe“via”: Kolkata hoe“via Kolkata”
[编辑]- bina“without”: bina onumoti-te“without permission”
[编辑]- Chatterji, Suniti Kumar. Bengali Self-Taught. Calcutta: Rupa & Co., 1991.
- Radice, William. Teach Yourself Bengali. Chicago: NTC Publishing Group, 1994.
- Bonazzi, Eros. Grammatica Bengali. Bologna (Italy): Libreria Bonomo Editrice, 2008. ISBN 978-88-6071-017-8
[编辑]- Thompson, Hanne-Ruth (2012). Bengali. Volume 18 of London Oriental and African Language Library. John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 9027273138.