后古代史 | level | 2 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "歷史(9 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#歷史(9 個條目)" |
語言 | level | 2 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "社會和社會科學(20 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#社會和社會科學(20 個條目)" |
但丁·阿利吉耶里 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作家、劇作家、詩人" |
trimmed_link | "#作家、劇作家、詩人" |
释迦牟尼 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "宗教人物、神學家" |
trimmed_link | "#宗教人物、神學家" |
耶稣 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "宗教人物、神學家" |
trimmed_link | "#宗教人物、神學家" |
通貨 | level | 3 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "商貿、經濟" |
trimmed_link | "#商貿、經濟" |
妊娠 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "生物學過程" |
trimmed_link | "#生物學過程" |
蚊 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "物种" |
trimmed_link | "#物种" |
聾 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "健康、醫學" |
trimmed_link | "#健康、醫學" |
糖尿病 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "健康、醫學" |
trimmed_link | "#健康、醫學" |
糖类 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "化學" |
trimmed_link | "#化學" |
糖 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "食物" |
trimmed_link | "#食物" |
互联网 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "電腦、互聯網" |
trimmed_link | "#電腦、互聯網" |
编程语言 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "電腦、互聯網" |
trimmed_link | "#電腦、互聯網" |
武器 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "武器" |
trimmed_link | "#武器" |
武術 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "休閒" |
trimmed_link | "#休閒" |
明朝 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "中世紀、近代" |
trimmed_link | "#中世紀、近代" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
明治维新 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "現代" |
trimmed_link | "#現代" |
耶路撒冷 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "城市" |
trimmed_link | "#城市" |
耶罗尼米斯·博斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
纪伯伦·哈利勒·纪伯伦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
纪尧姆·迪费 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
耶柔米 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
智顗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Buddhism, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Buddhism, 16" |
目犍連 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Buddhism, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Buddhism, 16" |
左塞尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Asia" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Asia" |
博義八世 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
明治天皇 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "China" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#China" |
武元甲 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Military leaders and military theorists, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Military leaders and military theorists, 16" |
博納文圖拉·卡瓦列里 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Mathematicians, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Mathematicians, 49" |
博比·莫罗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
博比·奥尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
博比·查尔顿 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
糖果屋 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Mythical and legendary people, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Mythical and legendary people, 29" |
智慧 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Ethics, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Ethics, 16" |
后现代主义 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Philosophical schools and traditions, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Philosophical schools and traditions, 14" |
邪教 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
耶和華 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
逾越節 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
武尔坎努斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Mythology, 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Mythology, 43" |
博斯普鲁斯海峡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海峽, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海峽, 29" |
智利海隆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Ocean floor, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Ocean floor, 7" |
武汉市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "湖北省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#湖北省" |
明斯克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
智利 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
收割 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Agriculture, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Agriculture, 49" |
车库 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
明石海峡大桥 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Transport buildings and structures, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Transport buildings and structures, 18" |
鉚釘 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Components, 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Components, 21" |
编程范型 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Computer science, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Computer science, 17" |
视频 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
通訊衛星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
编码理论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
甚大望远镜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
通用汽车 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Automobile, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Automobile, 18" |
魚雷 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
刺刀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
回力镖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
冪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
博弈论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "其他 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#其他 32" |
語言人類學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Anthropology, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Anthropology, 40" |
收養 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Family and kinship , 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Family and kinship , 50" |
糖果 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sweet Things, 4" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sweet Things, 4" |
魚露 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Herbs and condiments, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Herbs and condiments, 31" |
通寧水 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Drinks, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Drinks, 18" |
刺青 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Clothing and fashion, 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Clothing and fashion, 26" |
竞争 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
符號學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
智力游戏 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Recreation: games and sports, 180" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Recreation: games and sports, 180" |
回转 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
踢拳 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
武术 (体育运动) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
明度 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Colors, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Colors, 20" |
語言學史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "History of science and technology -科學及技術史, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#History of science and technology -科學及技術史, 18" |
智利歷史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas -美洲, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas -美洲, 15" |
通布图 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Africa, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Africa, 8" |
回鹘 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Central Asia and Iran, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Central Asia and Iran, 9" |
收復失地運動 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
廢奴主義 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Basics, 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Basics, 46" |
明治 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Asia, 24" |
目 (生物) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Basic -基礎, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Basic -基礎, 30" |
视觉系统 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
智力 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
视觉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
睾丸 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
睾酮 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Biochemistry, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Biochemistry, 28" |
糖原 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Biochemistry, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Biochemistry, 28" |
竞争 (生物学) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Ecology, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Ecology, 9" |
刺胞動物門 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Cnidarians, 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Cnidarians, 3" |
鹲属 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
鹎科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
魚部 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
刺猬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
禾本目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
禾本科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
刺柏属 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Pinophyta, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Pinophyta, 6" |
蕪菁甘藍 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Vegetables and Grain, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Vegetables and Grain, 49" |
毒蠅傘 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fungus, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fungus, 13" |
毒鵝膏 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fungus, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fungus, 13" |
朊毒體 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Others, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Others, 10" |
智能障礙 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
毒物 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
毒素 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
缺氧 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
毒理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fields of medicine, 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fields of medicine, 38" |
腺鼠疫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Disease, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Disease, 80" |
通货膨胀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
通货紧缩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
通用电气 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Companies, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Companies, 19" |
博雅教育 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
博洛尼亚进程 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
耶鲁大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
博洛尼亚大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
明镜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Mass media, 85" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Mass media, 85" |
互联网电影数据库 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Mass media, 85" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Mass media, 85" |
博物馆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Museums, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Museums, 20" |
憲制性法律 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
视差 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
后发座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
武仙座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
畢宿星團 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
妊神星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
畢宿五 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
视星等 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Observational astronomy, 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Observational astronomy, 3" |
糖酵解 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
聚合 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
聚合酶链式反应 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
氚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
聚合物 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical substances, 257" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical substances, 257" |
钾 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
锆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
镎 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
钚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
褶皱 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
通古斯大爆炸 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
明十三陵 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
邪靈 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Fictional worlds, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Fictional worlds, 15" |
讚美詩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Music genres/forms, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Music genres/forms, 66" |
搖擺樂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Music genres/forms, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Music genres/forms, 66" |
豎琴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
齊特琴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
后印象派 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
涂料 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
纪尧姆·德·马肖 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作曲家 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#作曲家 48" |
但以理 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞伯拉罕諸教 97" |
朮赤 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 47" |
武则天 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 47" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
明成祖 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 47" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
智者雅罗斯拉夫 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 76" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 76" |
明世宗 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 42" |
明神宗 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 42" |
博赫丹·赫梅利尼茨基 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 54" |
耶稣再临 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
车臣共和国 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "俄羅斯 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#俄羅斯 7" |
明尼阿波利斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "北美洲 44" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#北美洲 44" |
博帕尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "南亞 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#南亞 48" |
博尔诺州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "非洲 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#非洲 23" |
明尼蘇達州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "北美洲 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#北美洲 46" |
刺绣 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "工藝技術 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#工藝技術 31" |
聚酯 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "工藝技術 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#工藝技術 31" |
并集 | level | 4 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "離散數學 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/數學#離散數學 38" |
收藏 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "基本知识 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#基本知识 21" |
回鹘汗国 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "中亞及伊朗 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#中亞及伊朗 8" |
武士 (日本) | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
sublist | "中世紀史" |
section | "中世紀 138" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史/中世紀史#中世紀 138" |
换羽 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "生物機轉及生理學 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#生物機轉及生理學 46" |
毒蛾科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
莺科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
灶鸟科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
刺鱼目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
辮魚科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
甾体 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
sublist | "生物化學" |
section | "生物化學 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學/生物化學#生物化學 42" |
通信 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基礎 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基礎 5" |
語素 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基础知识 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基础知识 49" |
語言滅亡 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基础知识 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基础知识 49" |
宦官 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "社會階級 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#社會階級 7" |
武装力量 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "軍隊 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#軍隊 6" |
通量 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "科學" |
section | "其他 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/科學#其他 6" |
武加大译本 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "非小說,55" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#非小說,55" |
通往天堂的阶梯 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "现代 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#现代 19" |
玲玲馬戲團 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "表演藝術作品, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#表演藝術作品, 7" |
武重凤 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
耶日·安德热耶夫斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (28篇條目)" |
博莱斯瓦夫·普鲁斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (28篇條目)" |
博胡米爾·赫拉巴爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (118篇條目)" |
但丁·加百列·羅塞蒂 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (56篇條目)" |
楊致遠 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Computing and information technology (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Computing and information technology (40篇條目)" |
武藤章 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Crimes against humanity (21/21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Crimes against humanity (21/21篇條目)" |
博比特夫婦案 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Other (20/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Other (20/20篇條目)" |
楊布里科斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Ancient (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Ancient (51篇條目)" |
左丘明 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
武克·斯特凡诺维奇·卡拉季奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
畢奧神父 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "天主教會 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#天主教會 (70篇條目)" |
楊百翰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "摩爾門教 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#摩爾門教 (4篇條目)" |
耶律阿保机 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Eastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Eastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
设赏伽 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Southern Asia (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Southern Asia (16篇條目)" |
耶齐德一世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Caliphates (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Caliphates (9篇條目)" |
懺悔者愛德華 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "British Isles (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#British Isles (50篇條目)" |
博日沃伊一世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "General (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#General (9篇條目)" |
明道加斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Poland and Lithuania (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Poland and Lithuania (13篇條目)" |
俺答汗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Eastern Asia (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Eastern Asia (31篇條目)" |
明宪宗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (20篇條目)" |
明孝宗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (20篇條目)" |
明宣宗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (20篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
明英宗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (20篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
明武宗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (20篇條目)" |
武田信玄 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (7篇條目)" |
博古 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Communists (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Communists (6篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
明成皇后 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Korea (5篇條目)_3" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Korea (5篇條目)_3" |
博納·勞 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Prime Ministers (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Prime Ministers (22篇條目)" |
明仁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
齊亞·拉赫曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Bangladesh (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Bangladesh (10篇條目)" |
畢蘭德拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Nepal (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Nepal (8篇條目)" |
博莱斯瓦夫·贝鲁特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Poland (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Poland (9篇條目)" |
耶雷米亚·塔巴伊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Kiribati (1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Kiribati (1篇條目)" |
益川敏英 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
畢·彼特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
畢·雷諾斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
妮可·基嫚 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Oceania (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Oceania (4篇條目)" |
妮雪兒·尼柯斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
武智铁二 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (31篇條目)" |
妮内特·德瓦卢瓦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Ballet (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Ballet (100篇條目)" |
妮可·里奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (118篇條目)" |
武内直子 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
妮基·桑法勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
博胡斯拉夫·馬爾蒂努 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
郎朗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
耶胡迪·梅纽因 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "小提琴家 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#小提琴家 (15篇條目)" |
武滿徹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "亚洲 (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#亚洲 (10篇條目)" |
畢克斯·拜德貝克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
后街男孩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
妮娜 (歌手) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "German (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#German (7篇條目)" |
通猜·麦金泰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Thai (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Thai (2篇條目)" |
妮娜·西蒙 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
博诺 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
毒药乐队 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
討伐體制樂團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
邪教合唱團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
妮琪·米娜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
武当帮 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
明石元二郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
博比·摩尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
妮科尔·戴维 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "壁球 (3/3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#壁球 (3/3篇條目)" |
博·杰克逊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "多項運動 (6/6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#多項運動 (6/6篇條目)" |
郎平 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "排球 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#排球 (6篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
目的論論證 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Religious philosophy (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Religious philosophy (13篇條目)" |
后人类主义 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Philosophical schools and traditions (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Philosophical schools and traditions (20篇條目)" |
通過儀禮 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (39篇條目)" |
智能设计 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Beliefs (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Beliefs (31篇條目)" |
耶利米書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
耶利米哀歌 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
但以理書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
释经学 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
智天使 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
耶稣诞生 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
耶稣的事工 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
耶穌被釘十字架 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
耶稣复活 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
耶和華見證人 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Denominations (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Denominations (54篇條目)" |
耶穌基督後期聖徒教會 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Denominations (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Denominations (54篇條目)" |
耶稣祷文 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
耶稣会 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
耶穌魚 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
讚歌咒 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Texts (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Texts (11篇條目)" |
諦義證得經 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Jainism (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Jainism (6篇條目)" |
耶利米 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
齊格弗里德 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Germanic mythology (1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Germanic mythology (1篇條目)" |
明亞省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Egypt (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Egypt (28篇條目)" |
智利南极领地 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Antarctica (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Antarctica (11篇條目)" |
明古魯省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
耶路撒冷区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Israel (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Israel (9篇條目)" |
博尔扎诺-上阿迪杰自治省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Italy (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Italy (21篇條目)" |
聚居地 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
博博迪乌拉索 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "布吉納法索 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#布吉納法索 (2篇條目)" |
明納 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "奈及利亞 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#奈及利亞 (30篇條目)" |
博城 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "塞拉利昂 (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#塞拉利昂 (3篇條目)" |
博伊西 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
博爾德 (科羅拉多州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
博阿维斯塔 (罗赖马州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "巴西 (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#巴西 (36篇條目)" |
淮北市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
株洲市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
益山市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
博格拉市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "孟加拉国 (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#孟加拉国 (17篇條目)" |
博卡拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "尼泊尔 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#尼泊尔 (6篇條目)" |
明戈拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "巴基斯坦 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#巴基斯坦 (26篇條目)" |
明古鲁 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "蘇門答臘 (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#蘇門答臘 (8篇條目)" |
武端市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "棉兰老 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#棉兰老 (6篇條目)" |
博季努爾德市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "伊朗 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#伊朗 (47篇條目)" |
耶路撒冷旧城 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "以色列 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#以色列 (11篇條目)" |
明斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "德国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#德国 (43篇條目)" |
博尔顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
博洛尼亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
博尔扎诺 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
但尼丁 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "新西兰 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#新西兰 (5篇條目)" |
智利海 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
舊金山灣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
博登湖 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (19篇條目)" |
淮河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (63篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "河流" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#河流" |
耶罗岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (27篇條目)" |
设德兰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "British Isles (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#British Isles (26篇條目)" |
博奈尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
博拉博拉島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceania (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceania (76篇條目)" |
博拉峰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America and Central America (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America and Central America (34篇條目)" |
博納維爾鹽灘 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Deserts and dunes (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Deserts and dunes (30篇條目)" |
通卡國家公園 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (15篇條目)" |
符号函数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
后验概率 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Statistics (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Statistics (45篇條目)" |
冪集 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Set theory (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Set theory (36篇條目)" |
并集公理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Axiomatic systems (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Axiomatic systems (19篇條目)" |
通用圖靈機 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
换元积分法 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Integral calculus (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Integral calculus (11篇條目)" |
收敛半径 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
互質 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Prime numbers (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Prime numbers (12篇條目)" |
智力竞赛 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
博弈遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Types of games" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Types of games" |
聚会游戏 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Types of games" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Types of games" |
视觉小说 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
益智游戏 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
竞速游戏 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
刺客教條系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
糖果傳奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
刺猬索尼克系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
刺猬索尼克 (1991年游戏) | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
智力題 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
終極飛盤 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Team sports (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Team sports (69篇條目)" |
竞走 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Athletics (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Athletics (25篇條目)" |
竞技体操 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
博勒帽 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
舊式襯裙 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Underwear (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Underwear (13篇條目)" |
髮圈束 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "General (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#General (19篇條目)" |
魚素主義 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Basics (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Basics (24篇條目)" |
煎蛋 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
魚罐頭 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
魚乾 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
魚漿 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
魚卵 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
糖漿 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Specific (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Specific (28篇條目)" |
刺身 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
瓶裝水 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cold drinks (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cold drinks (25篇條目)" |
博士茶 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Hot drinks (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Hot drinks (27篇條目)" |
搖椅 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Furniture and interior design (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Furniture and interior design (38篇條目)" |
车臣共和国历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (87篇條目)" |
博茨瓦纳历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (56篇條目)" |
耶路撒冷历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History by city (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History by city (38篇條目)" |
互联网历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of technology (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of technology (86篇條目)" |
武术历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of games and sport (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of games and sport (32篇條目)" |
后三头同盟 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (79篇條目)" |
博斯普鲁斯王国 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (79篇條目)" |
武士道 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "General (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#General (19篇條目)" |
耶路撒冷围城战 (1099年) | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Asia (36篇條目)" |
耶路撒冷王國 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Asia (36篇條目)" |
武端拉賈國 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southeastern Asia (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southeastern Asia (20篇條目)" |
舊瑞士邦聯 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
明清战争 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
博帕尔土邦 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
博羅季諾戰役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (64篇條目)" |
耶拿-奧爾施泰特戰役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (64篇條目)" |
博拉博拉王国 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Oceania (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Oceania (26篇條目)" |
智利軍事獨裁 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
毒品戰爭 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
寮國內戰 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southeastern Asia (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southeastern Asia (32篇條目)" |
博科聖地叛亂 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (22篇條目)" |
博科圣地 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (22篇條目)" |
毒性 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "General concepts (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#General concepts (22篇條目)" |
臂 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Human anatomy (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Human anatomy (35篇條目)" |
视光学 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
肢端肥大症 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Disease (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Disease (44篇條目)" |
妊娠糖尿病 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Disease (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Disease (44篇條目)" |
睾丸癌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Cancer (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Cancer (23篇條目)" |
髮色 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "General (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#General (45篇條目)" |
博美犬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dogs (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dogs (52篇條目)" |
设德兰矮种马 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Horses (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Horses (10篇條目)" |
魚子精華 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
刺尾鯛科 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Perciformes (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Perciformes (26篇條目)" |
刺角瓜 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Melons (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Melons (6篇條目)" |
糖用甜菜 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Root vegetables (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Root vegetables (20篇條目)" |
车窝草 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
魚類解剖學 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Basic anatomy (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Basic anatomy (10篇條目)" |
魚鰭 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Animal anatomy and morphology (199篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Animal anatomy and morphology (199篇條目)" |
腺 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Integumentary system (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Integumentary system (15篇條目)" |
视神经 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
视锥细胞 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
视杆细胞 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
视网膜 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
视觉调节 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
视觉皮层 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
糖异生 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Basics (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Basics (19篇條目)" |
视紫质 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Biological pigments (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Biological pigments (7篇條目)" |
糖皮质激素 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Hormones (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Hormones (27篇條目)" |
腺嘌呤 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nucleic acids (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nucleic acids (15篇條目)" |
甾体激素 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Steroids (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Steroids (3篇條目)" |
終止子 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
互補脫氧核醣核酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
互利共生 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Ecology (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Ecology (38篇條目)" |
點突變 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Genetics (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Genetics (41篇條目)" |
缺失环节 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "General (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#General (3篇條目)" |
智人 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Homo (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Homo (24篇條目)" |
纪念币 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (22篇條目)" |
博通有限 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
目標百貨 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Retailers (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Retailers (11篇條目)" |
智利南美航空 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Americas (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Americas (8篇條目)" |
肢体语言 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
视觉传达设计 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
懺悔星期二 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Festivals, holidays, and observances (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Festivals, holidays, and observances (69篇條目)" |
耶魯節 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Festivals, holidays, and observances (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Festivals, holidays, and observances (69篇條目)" |
回历新年 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Islamic holidays (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Islamic holidays (6篇條目)" |
博士 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
博雅學院 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
語言教育 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
通用十进制图书分类法 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
博德利圖書館 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Europe (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Europe (12篇條目)" |
楊百翰大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "United States (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#United States (135篇條目)" |
明尼苏达大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
耶路撒冷希伯來大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Asia (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Asia (45篇條目)" |
明斯特大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "U15 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#U15 (15篇條目)" |
語言遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (210/215篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (210/215篇條目)" |
通用語 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (210/215篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (210/215篇條目)" |
互联网语言学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
語言變化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
語義變化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
語音變化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
語碼轉換 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
語音同化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
語音異化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
語音省略 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
博杰普尔语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Indo-Aryan languages (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Indo-Aryan languages (18篇條目)" |
通俗拉丁语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
語言權利 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Rights (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Rights (31篇條目)" |
憲法修正 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
憲法法院 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
憲政危機 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Constitutional law (17篇條目)" |
把柄威胁 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against property (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against property (25篇條目)" |
左派和右派 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
左派 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
智商 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Concepts (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Concepts (30篇條目)" |
符號互動論 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
博茨瓦纳国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
智利國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
寮國國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
博茨瓦納國徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
智利国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
通讯社 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "News agencies (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#News agencies (10篇條目)" |
聚散離合 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Australia (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Australia (11篇條目)" |
只有傻瓜和馬 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
齊娜武士公主 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
邪恶力量 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
玲音 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Japan (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Japan (33篇條目)" |
互联网档案馆 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Websites (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Websites (40篇條目)" |
毒殺芬 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Pest and disease control (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Pest and disease control (25篇條目)" |
魚粉 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Animal husbandry (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Animal husbandry (19篇條目)" |
并行计算 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer science (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer science (19篇條目)" |
并发计算 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer science (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer science (19篇條目)" |
通用人工智慧 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
通用人工智能的生存风险 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
通用光碟格式 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
目录 (文件系统) | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
通用闪存存储 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
通信协议 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
通用网关接口 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
互联网服务供应商 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
目标代码 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
通用产品代码 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
互補式金屬氧化物半導體 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Components (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Components (55篇條目)" |
换能器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Components (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Components (55篇條目)" |
设计程序 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (18篇條目)" |
聚合物工程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
通信工程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
智慧電網 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Electricity transmission and distribution (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Electricity transmission and distribution (19篇條目)" |
润滑剂 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Material and chemical (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Material and chemical (27篇條目)" |
嘆息橋 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Bridges (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Bridges (50篇條目)" |
舊金山—奧克蘭海灣大橋 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Bridges (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Bridges (50篇條目)" |
瓶 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Containers (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Containers (18篇條目)" |
收割機 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Farm and garden machinery (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Farm and garden machinery (17篇條目)" |
煎盘 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Household appliances (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Household appliances (24篇條目)" |
灶 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Household appliances (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Household appliances (24篇條目)" |
智能手机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
视频对话 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
武装直升机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Military aviation (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Military aviation (44篇條目)" |
砲艦機 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Military aviation (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Military aviation (44篇條目)" |
左轮手枪 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Firearms (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Firearms (19篇條目)" |
擊發調變槍械 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Firearms (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Firearms (19篇條目)" |
點放模式 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Firearms (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Firearms (19篇條目)" |
目鏡 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
甚大天线阵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
收費道路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
通勤铁路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Rail transport (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Rail transport (21篇條目)" |
通用航空 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Aviation (82篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Aviation (82篇條目)" |
舊金山灣區捷運 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Americas (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Americas (13篇條目)" |
武汉地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
钾-40 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Chemical elements (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Chemical elements (161篇條目)" |
聚氯乙烯 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
聚丙烯腈 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–nitrogen bond (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–nitrogen bond (10篇條目)" |
聚乙烯醇 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
聚醋酸乙烯酯 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
聚四氟乙烯 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
聚丙烯 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
钾石盐 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
聚合性板塊邊緣 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
褶曲山脈 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Montane landforms (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Montane landforms (7篇條目)" |
辮狀河流 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Hydrology (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Hydrology (39篇條目)" |
點 (印刷) | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Length (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Length (43篇條目)" |
纪元 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Time (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Time (27篇條目)" |
视宁度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
灶神星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
智神星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
妊神星的卫星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
后髮座星系團 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable galaxy clusters (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable galaxy clusters (11篇條目)" |
回归年 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "General (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#General (27篇條目)" |
回旋辐射 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Electromagnetic radiation (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Electromagnetic radiation (33篇條目)" |
點粒子 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Basics (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Basics (24篇條目)" |
状态密度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Statistical mechanics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Statistical mechanics (20篇條目)" |
楊-米爾斯理論 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "General (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#General (43篇條目)" |
状态方程 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
漲落定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
回聲 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Waves (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Waves (47篇條目)" |
后现代主义建筑 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern era (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern era (13篇條目)" |
左塞爾金字塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Africa (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Africa (13篇條目)" |
明治神宫 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Asia (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Asia (52篇條目)" |
博物馆学 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Museums (125篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Museums (125篇條目)" |
智利國家美術博物館 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Latin America (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Latin America (14篇條目)" |
終止式 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Music theory (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Music theory (37篇條目)" |
搖籃曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "General (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#General (20篇條目)" |
武裝人: 和平彌撒 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "20th century (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#20th century (32篇條目)" |
齊格弗里德 (歌劇) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Opera (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Opera (37篇條目)" |
耶穌基督超級巨星 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Musicals (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Musicals (25篇條目)" |
搖醒我 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Electronic (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Electronic (5篇條目)" |
回歸黑暗 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Rock (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Rock (55篇條目)" |
左轮手枪 (披头士专辑) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Rock (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Rock (55篇條目)" |
搖擺舞 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Dance (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Dance (72篇條目)" |
踢踏舞 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Dance (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Dance (72篇條目)" |
博莱罗 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Latin dance (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Latin dance (8篇條目)" |
煎餅磨坊的舞會 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern (98篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern (98篇條目)" |
雾海上的旅人 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern (98篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern (98篇條目)" |
视觉效果 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Filmmaking (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Filmmaking (10/10篇條目)" |
終極警探 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Action (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Action (12篇條目)" |
回到未来 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Comedy (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Comedy (18篇條目)" |
郎德海花园场景 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Documentary (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Documentary (7篇條目)" |
刺猬索尼克 (角色) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
后记 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Basics (19/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Basics (19/20篇條目)" |
回忆录 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Non-fiction (22/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Non-fiction (22/20篇條目)" |
武经总要 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Nonfiction of the medieval era (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Nonfiction of the medieval era (27篇條目)" |
通往奴役之路 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
智慧的七柱 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Biographies and memoirs (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Biographies and memoirs (26篇條目)" |
雾都孤儿 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
刺鳥 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
通往泰瑞比西亞的橋 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Children's books (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Children's books (25篇條目)" |
齊瓦哥醫生 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Historical fiction (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Historical fiction (15篇條目)" |
哦,船长,我的船长 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Poetic works of modern era (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Poetic works of modern era (41篇條目)" |
庾信 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
纪晓岚 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
楊小凱 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
武丁 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
左宗棠 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
纪政 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
智𫖮 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释道安 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释虚云 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释太虚 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释印顺 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释印光 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释圣严 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释证严 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
释星云 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
褒姒 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
耶律倍 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
耶律大石 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
耶律楚材 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
灶王爷 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
后土 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
隶首 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
喾 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
后稷 (人物) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
后羿 (神话人物) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
武松 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
淮安市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江苏省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江苏省" |
武威市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "甘肃省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#甘肃省" |
武夷山脉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山脉和山峰" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山脉和山峰" |
武夷山 (世界遗产) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山脉和山峰" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山脉和山峰" |
博斯腾湖 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "湖泊与湿地" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#湖泊与湿地" |
武隆喀斯特 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
武陵源風景名勝區 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
武汉长江大桥 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "桥" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#桥" |
武侠文化 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "概述" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#概述" |
回族 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "民族和民系" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#民族和民系" |
隶书 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
后母戊鼎 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "文物与宝物" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#文物与宝物" |
淮扬菜 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "菜系" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#菜系" |
回锅肉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "食物和调料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#食物和调料" |
武夷岩茶 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "饮料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#饮料" |
淮南子 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "汉代" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#汉代" |
齊民要術 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "六朝" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#六朝" |
智永真草千字文册 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "书法" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#书法" |
明中都遗址 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
武当山金殿 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
明孝陵 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
后赵 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
武周 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
后梁 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
后唐 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
后汉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
后周 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
明郑 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
明朝歷史 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
后金 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
涂山之会 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "神话时代与夏朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#神话时代与夏朝" |
武丁中兴 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "殷商和西周" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#殷商和西周" |
明章之治 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
討伐董卓之戰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
博望坡之戰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
益州之戰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
后燕灭西燕之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
后周攻南唐之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "五代十國" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#五代十國" |
后周攻后蜀之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "五代十國" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#五代十國" |
后汉书 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "二十四史" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#二十四史" |
明史 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "二十四史" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#二十四史" |
左传 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其他" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#其他" |
通典 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其他" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#其他" |
通志 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其他" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#其他" |
明实录 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其他" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#其他" |