早期现代 | level | 2 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "歷史(9 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#歷史(9 個條目)" |
近代史 | level | 2 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "歷史(9 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#歷史(9 個條目)" |
教育 | level | 2 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "社會和社會科學(20 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#社會和社會科學(20 個條目)" |
工程学 | level | 2 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "技術(8 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#技術(8 個條目)" |
工具 | level | 2 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "技術(8 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#技術(8 個條目)" |
芙烈達·卡蘿 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "藝術家、建築師" |
trimmed_link | "#藝術家、建築師" |
詹姆斯·乔伊斯 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作家、劇作家、詩人" |
trimmed_link | "#作家、劇作家、詩人" |
詹姆斯·庫克 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "探險家、旅行家" |
trimmed_link | "#探險家、旅行家" |
詹姆斯·焦耳 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "發明家、科學家、數學家" |
trimmed_link | "#發明家、科學家、數學家" |
詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "發明家、科學家、數學家" |
trimmed_link | "#發明家、科學家、數學家" |
詹姆斯·瓦特 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "發明家、科學家、數學家" |
trimmed_link | "#發明家、科學家、數學家" |
奥古斯都 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "政治領袖" |
trimmed_link | "#政治領袖" |
奥托·冯·俾斯麦 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "政治領袖" |
trimmed_link | "#政治領袖" |
灵魂 | level | 3 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "宗教" |
trimmed_link | "#宗教" |
工业 | level | 3 |
section | "商貿、經濟" |
trimmed_link | "#商貿、經濟" |
稅 | level | 3 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "商貿、經濟" |
trimmed_link | "#商貿、經濟" |
内战 | level | 3 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "戰爭、軍事" |
trimmed_link | "#戰爭、軍事" |
脱氧核糖核酸 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "生物" |
trimmed_link | "#生物" |
灵长目 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "物种" |
trimmed_link | "#物种" |
健康 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "健康、醫學" |
trimmed_link | "#健康、醫學" |
有机化学 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "化學" |
trimmed_link | "#化學" |
云 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "地球科學" |
trimmed_link | "#地球科學" |
磁場 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
磁鐵 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
等离子体 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
内燃机 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "能源、燃料" |
trimmed_link | "#能源、燃料" |
雙陸棋 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "休閒" |
trimmed_link | "#休閒" |
奥林匹克运动会 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "休閒" |
trimmed_link | "#休閒" |
奥斯曼帝国 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "中世紀、近代" |
trimmed_link | "#中世紀、近代" |
維京人 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "中世紀、近代" |
trimmed_link | "#中世紀、近代" |
奥地利 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "國家" |
trimmed_link | "#國家" |
哥伦比亚 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "國家" |
trimmed_link | "#國家" |
維也納 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "城市" |
trimmed_link | "#城市" |
維多利亞湖 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "水體" |
trimmed_link | "#水體" |
詹姆斯·卡格尼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Modern era, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Modern era, 71" |
詹姆斯·史都華 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Modern era, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Modern era, 71" |
奥黛丽·赫本 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Modern era, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Modern era, 71" |
丁托列托 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
奥古斯特·罗丹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sculptors, 2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sculptors, 2" |
奥拉夫·斯塔普雷顿 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "作家, 246" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#作家, 246" |
奥马尔·海亚姆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "作家, 246" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#作家, 246" |
佩德罗·卡尔德隆·德·拉·巴尔卡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "文藝復興, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#文藝復興, 14" |
奥尔德斯·赫胥黎 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
奥斯卡·王尔德 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
村上春樹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
奥尔汗·帕穆克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
凱倫·白列森 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
奥古斯特·斯特林堡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
席琳·狄翁 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
詹姆士·布朗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
奥齐·奥斯本 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
詹姆斯·卡梅隆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
維多里奧·狄西嘉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
詹姆斯·布加南·杜克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Businesspeople, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Businesspeople, 40" |
佩德罗·阿尔瓦雷斯·卡布拉尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Explorers, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Explorers, 30" |
奥卡姆的威廉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
奥古斯特·孔德 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sociologists, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sociologists, 13" |
奥托·兰克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Psychologists, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Psychologists, 31" |
教宗列表 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
教宗額我略一世 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
奥斯曼·本·阿凡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Asia_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Asia_2" |
奥斯曼一世 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Asia_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Asia_2" |
奥托一世 (神圣罗马帝国) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
詹姆斯·麦迪逊 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas" |
奥朗则布 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Asia_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Asia_3" |
詹姆士六世及一世 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
佩德罗一世 (巴西) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas, 34" |
佩德罗二世 (巴西) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas, 34" |
奥古斯托·皮诺切特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas, 34" |
詹姆斯·门罗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas, 34" |
詹姆斯·诺克斯·波尔克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas, 34" |
奥萨马·本·拉登 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Rebels, revolutionaries and activists, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Rebels, revolutionaries and activists, 35" |
奥利弗·克伦威尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Rebels, revolutionaries and activists, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Rebels, revolutionaries and activists, 35" |
詹姆斯·查德威克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
詹姆斯·杜瓦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
奥古斯丁·菲涅耳 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
奥斯鲍恩·雷诺 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
奥托·哈恩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Chemistry, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Chemistry, 24" |
詹姆斯·杜威·沃森 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Natural sciences, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Natural sciences, 30" |
詹姆斯·西蒙斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Mathematicians, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Mathematicians, 49" |
奥勒·埃纳尔·比约恩达伦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
奥莉加·科尔布特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
詹路易吉·布冯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
奥德修斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Mythical and legendary people, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Mythical and legendary people, 29" |
丁丁 (丁丁歷險記) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Fictional characters, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Fictional characters, 15" |
近代哲學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "History of philosophy, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#History of philosophy, 13" |
义务伦理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Ethics, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Ethics, 16" |
奥卡姆剃刀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Epistemology, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Epistemology, 15" |
教派 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
教派分裂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
有神论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
教会 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
教宗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
教堂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
業 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Eastern religions, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Eastern religions, 45" |
奥义书 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Eastern religions, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Eastern religions, 45" |
奥丁 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Mythology, 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Mythology, 43" |
村 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "基礎, 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#基礎, 48" |
等高線 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "基礎, 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#基礎, 48" |
奥兰治河 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
哥倫比亞河 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
内格罗河 (亚马孙河支流) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
奥里诺科河 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
葉尼塞河 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
奥涅加湖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "湖泊, 37" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#湖泊, 37" |
哥伦比亚高原 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
札格羅斯山脈 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
云贵高原 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
内志 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
奥林匹斯山 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Mountain peaks, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Mountain peaks, 17" |
維蘇威火山 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Mountain peaks, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Mountain peaks, 17" |
名古屋市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
札幌市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
葉里溫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
哥本哈根 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
奥斯陆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
葉卡捷琳堡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
哥斯达黎加 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
工程圖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
工程管理 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
工程倫理 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
工业工程学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
品種 (動物) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Agriculture, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Agriculture, 49" |
有機農業 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Agriculture, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Agriculture, 49" |
臥房 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
工業園區 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Urban studies and planning, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Urban studies and planning, 11" |
工业机器人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Industry, 72" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Industry, 72" |
污染物排放控制 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Industry, 72" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Industry, 72" |
污水處理 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Food and health, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Food and health, 17" |
有线电视 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
磁带 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
旅行者1号 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
旅行 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 13" |
急行列車 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Ground transport, 51" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Ground transport, 51" |
磁懸浮列車 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Ground transport, 51" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Ground transport, 51" |
有軌電車 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Ground transport, 51" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Ground transport, 51" |
鞍 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Ground transport, 51" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Ground transport, 51" |
簡易爆炸裝置 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
雙節棍 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
佩刀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
步枪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
弩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
鳥銃 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
模算數 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
有理数 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
有限單群分類 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
模 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
矩阵 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
哥德尔不完备定理 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "离散数学 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#离散数学 22" |
等价关系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "离散数学 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#离散数学 22" |
維度 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
矩形 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
教父母 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Family and kinship , 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Family and kinship , 50" |
雙胞胎 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Family and kinship , 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Family and kinship , 50" |
早餐 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 20" |
糕点 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Food and Dish types, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Food and Dish types, 20" |
锅 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Kitchen utensils, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Kitchen utensils, 6" |
健忘症 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
名詞 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
名称 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
奥里亚语 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Specific languages, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Specific languages, 78" |
健美 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
衝浪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
哥伦比亚历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas -美洲, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas -美洲, 15" |
奥地利历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe -歐洲, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe -歐洲, 35" |
早期人类对火的使用 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Prehistory, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Prehistory, 20" |
奥尔梅克文明 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas, 10" |
哥特人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe, 45" |
工商組織 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Middle Ages, 150" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Middle Ages, 150" |
侍 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Middle Ages, 150" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Middle Ages, 150" |
佩切涅格人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe and Central, 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Europe and Central, 26" |
教宗国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
維京時代 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
奥斯特拉西亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
哥特战争 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
哥薩克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe and Central, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Europe and Central, 19" |
哥萨克酋长国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe and Central, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Europe and Central, 19" |
义和团运动 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Asia, 24" |
奥匈帝国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Basics, 11_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Basics, 11_2" |
聽覺系統 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
葉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
維管形成層 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
有性生殖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Biological reproduction and Ontogeny, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Biological reproduction and Ontogeny, 34" |
有颌下门 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Basic, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Basic, 10" |
步行蟲科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
雙翅目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
有尾目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Amphibians, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Amphibians, 5" |
鳥部 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
旅鴿 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
鹱科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
丁鱥科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
腕龍屬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Dinosaurs, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Dinosaurs, 10" |
灵猫科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
有袋類 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
雙門齒目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
喙頭蜥 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Reptiles, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Reptiles, 19" |
扁桃 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
云杉属 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Pinophyta, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Pinophyta, 6" |
营养 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Health and fitness, 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Health and fitness, 25" |
凍傷 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
磁共振成像 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
影像诊断学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
雙相障礙 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Disease, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Disease, 80" |
工廠 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
旅游 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
奥乐齐超市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Companies, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Companies, 19" |
教师 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
教育科技 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
教育学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
哥伦比亚大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
哥本哈根大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
奥地利犹太人大屠杀纪念服务 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
奥地利国外服务 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
維基解密 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
有組織犯罪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 31" |
有线电视新闻网 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Mass media, 85" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Mass media, 85" |
奥赛博物馆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Museums, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Museums, 20" |
革命 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
工人阶级 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
總統 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
總督 (古波斯) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
維齊爾 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
污染 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Social issues, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Social issues, 19" |
少数群体 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Social status, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Social status, 8" |
總司令 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
步兵 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
营 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
少校 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
舉事 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
狙擊手 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
仙女座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
仙后座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
仙王座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
仙女座星系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
奥尔特云 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
近地轨道 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Celestial mechanics, 20" |
掩星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Celestial mechanics, 20" |
有机金属化学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
有机磷化合物 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical substances, 257" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical substances, 257" |
有机硅化学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical substances, 257" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical substances, 257" |
有机硫化学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical substances, 257" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical substances, 257" |
钙 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
镍 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
氙 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
镱 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
钽 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
有机化合物 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical compounds, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical compounds, 65" |
丁烷 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical compounds, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical compounds, 65" |
辉石 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
云母 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
急流 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "地貌学,58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#地貌学,58" |
凍原 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "生物群落,26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#生物群落,26" |
磁层 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
磁通量 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
内能 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
磁导率 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
磁 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
磁通势 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
磁矩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
云室 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "粒子物理学,43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#粒子物理学,43" |
态函数 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Thermodynamics, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Thermodynamics, 10" |
哥特式建筑 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Basics, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Basics, 7" |
严岛神社 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
佩特拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
葉卡捷琳娜宮 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
讽刺 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Literature, 133" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Literature, 133" |
奥德赛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works of literature, 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works of literature, 58" |
等待戈多 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works of literature, 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works of literature, 58" |
簡約音樂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Music genres/forms, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Music genres/forms, 66" |
雙簧管 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
業餘劇場 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Forms, 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Forms, 54" |
哥德式藝術 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
奥普艺术 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
影像艺术 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
奥斯卡金像奖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
教父 (電影) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works, 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works, 21" |
詹姆斯·惠斯勒 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "現代 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#現代 35" |
奥伯利·比亚兹莱 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "插畫家及漫畫家 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#插畫家及漫畫家 10" |
詹姆斯·戈登·贝内特一世 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "記者 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#記者 16" |
奥古斯特二世 (波兰) | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 54" |
奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "非洲 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#非洲 30" |
詹西王后 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 11" |
詹姆斯·赫顿 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "現代 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#現代 50" |
蔡伦 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "發明家及工程師 36" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#發明家及工程師 36" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
詹姆斯·奈史密斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "籃球 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#籃球 6" |
内蒙古自治区 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "中國 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#中國 15" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "内蒙古自治区" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#内蒙古自治区" |
云南省 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "中國 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#中國 15" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "云南省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#云南省" |
哥印拜陀 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "南亞 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#南亞 48" |
奥约州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "非洲 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#非洲 23" |
奥迪沙邦 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "亞洲 70" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#亞洲 70" |
近畿地方 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "亞洲 70" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#亞洲 70" |
維多利亞州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "大洋洲 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#大洋洲 9" |
奥兰加巴德 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "亞洲 173" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/城市#亞洲 173" |
等雨線 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "基礎地理" |
section | "地图学 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/基礎地理#地图学 13" |
工業化農業 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "農業 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#農業 41" |
工艺 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "工藝技術 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#工藝技術 31" |
工兵 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "工程 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#工程 19" |
步行 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "地面運輸 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#地面運輸 56" |
旅行車 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "道路運輸 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#道路運輸 32" |
炙烤 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "食物准备 12" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#食物准备 12" |
内衣 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "服装与时尚 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#服装与时尚 34" |
哥倫布大交換 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "殖民帝國 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#殖民帝國 5" |
早期人類遷徙 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
sublist | "史前古代史" |
section | "史前 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史/史前古代史#史前 19" |
有絲分裂 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "細胞生物學 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#細胞生物學 29" |
内质网 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "細胞生物學 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#細胞生物學 29" |
有翅亞綱 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
叩头虫科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
葉蟬科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
有爪动物门 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他無脊椎動物 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他無脊椎動物 19" |
鳥類學 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
鳥飛 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
鳥喙 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
鳥類演化 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
鳥類飛行起源 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
旅鶇 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
仙女魚目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
扁鰺 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
凱門鱷亞科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "爬行动物 36" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#爬行动物 36" |
有孔虫 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他生物 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他生物 28" |
模式生物 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
sublist | "基礎生物學和健康科學" |
section | "基础 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學/基礎生物學和健康科學#基础 30" |
腹 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
sublist | "解剖及型態" |
section | "動物解剖學及型態 92" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學/解剖及型態#動物解剖學及型態 92" |
股票 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基礎商業及經濟 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基礎商業及經濟 73" |
工资 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "工作 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#工作 7" |
哥廷根大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "歐洲 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#歐洲 21" |
内省 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基本概念 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基本概念 22" |
有机团结 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "社會 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#社會 75" |
工会 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "團體 12" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#團體 12" |
急诊科 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "服務及機構 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#服務及機構 7" |
股份有限公司 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
sublist | "商業經濟" |
section | "基礎商業及經濟 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學/商業經濟#基礎商業及經濟 54" |
奥德 (诗歌) | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "文學基本概念,29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#文學基本概念,29" |
工具論 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "非小說,55" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#非小說,55" |
這個世界土崩瓦解了 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
丁丁歷險記 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
凱爾經 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "藝術作品, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#藝術作品, 30" |
工业设计 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "設計, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#設計, 5" |
哥吉拉 (1954年) | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "影片, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#影片, 49" |
臥虎藏龍 (電影) | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "影片, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#影片, 49" |
詹姆斯·博斯韦尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (53篇條目)" |
奥德雷·洛德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "加勒比 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#加勒比 (5篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·鲍德温 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·凱恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
奥森·斯科特·卡德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
凱特·蕭邦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·菲尼莫尔·库珀 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·T·法雷爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·帕特森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
凱絲·萊克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·格罗弗·瑟伯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
有島武郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
茅盾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代" |
佩尔·拉格奎斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "北歐 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#北歐 (26篇條目)" |
奥德修斯·埃里蒂斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (118篇條目)" |
佩内洛普·菲兹杰拉德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·霍格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·科尔曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
内奥米·密契森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
簡·里斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
佩勒姆·格伦维尔·伍德豪斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
凱瑟琳·曼斯菲爾德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "新西蘭 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#新西蘭 (5篇條目)" |
品达 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (31篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·韦尔登·约翰逊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (87篇條目)" |
奥克塔维奥·帕斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "拉丁美洲 (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#拉丁美洲 (22篇條目)" |
奥第·安德烈 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (21篇條目)" |
維斯瓦娃·辛波絲卡 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (21篇條目)" |
内莉·萨克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "北歐 (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#北歐 (14篇條目)" |
奥西普·曼德尔施塔姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "俄羅斯 (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#俄羅斯 (24篇條目)" |
近松門左衛門 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "近代早期 (32/32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#近代早期 (32/32篇條目)" |
奥日埃 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (47篇條目)" |
維利耶·德·利爾-亞當 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (47篇條目)" |
奥里亚娜·法拉奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
佩雷斯·希爾頓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
凱蒂·庫瑞克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "廣播新聞工作者和評論員 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#廣播新聞工作者和評論員 (80/80篇條目)" |
凱瑟琳·葛蘭姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
詹姆士·馬地臣 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Banking, finance and trade (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Banking, finance and trade (48篇條目)" |
凱莉·珍娜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Cosmetics and beauty (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Cosmetics and beauty (12篇條目)" |
許書標 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Food and drink (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Food and drink (30篇條目)" |
凱利·帕加 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Media and communication (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Media and communication (18篇條目)" |
凱撒·里茲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Other (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Other (27篇條目)" |
佩德羅·德·阿爾瓦拉多 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
佩罗·达·科维良 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
佩德罗·马什卡雷尼亚什 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
佩德罗·费尔南德斯·德·基罗斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·克拉克·罗斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Modern history (143篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Modern history (143篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·艾尔文 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
佩吉·惠特森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
凱瑟琳·麥金儂 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·科米 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·厄尔·雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Assassination (16/16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Assassination (16/16篇條目)" |
奥斯卡·迪勒万格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Crimes against humanity (21/21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Crimes against humanity (21/21篇條目)" |
凱文·鮑爾森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Computer crimes (11/11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Computer crimes (11/11篇條目)" |
奥德里奇·艾姆斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Espionage (61/61篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Espionage (61/61篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·約瑟夫·巴爾傑 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Organized crime (56/55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Organized crime (56/55篇條目)" |
維多·吉諾維斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Organized crime (56/55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Organized crime (56/55篇條目)" |
奥托·瓦姆比尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Political crimes/prisoners (1/1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Political crimes/prisoners (1/1篇條目)" |
奥马尔·马丁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Terrorism (36/12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Terrorism (36/12篇條目)" |
維克多·曼努·赫雷納 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Thievery, robbery and hijacking (24/24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Thievery, robbery and hijacking (24/24篇條目)" |
奥古斯特·埃斯科菲耶 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Chefs, bartenders and winemakers (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Chefs, bartenders and winemakers (40/40篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·查尔斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Cosmetics people (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Cosmetics people (10/10篇條目)" |
維達·沙宣 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Cosmetics people (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Cosmetics people (10/10篇條目)" |
佩姬·古根漢 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
札克·巴甘斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Paranormal (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Paranormal (10/10篇條目)" |
詹巴蒂斯塔·维柯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Early modern (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Early modern (48篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·布赖斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·安东尼·弗劳德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
蔡溫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·麥基爾·布坎南 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
奥利弗·哈特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·赫克曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·米德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·莫理斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
詹姆士·托賓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
奥利弗·威廉姆森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·穆勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Political scientists and writers (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Political scientists and writers (41篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·柯蒂斯·赫本 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
奥古斯特·施莱谢尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
步達生 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·亨利·布雷斯特德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·弗雷澤 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
札希·哈瓦斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·布莱恩特·科南特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Educators (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Educators (36篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·洛夫洛克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Geographers and cartographers (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Geographers and cartographers (29篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·哈德利·贝灵顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Library science and curators (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Library science and curators (11篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·麦基恩·卡特尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Psychologists (112篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Psychologists (112篇條目)" |
維吉尼亞·強生 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Sexologists (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Sexologists (10篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·布雷德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Other social sciences (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Other social sciences (15篇條目)" |
奥布里·大卫·尼古拉斯·杰士伯·德格雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Other social sciences (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Other social sciences (15篇條目)" |
凱特·米列 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Other social sciences (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Other social sciences (15篇條目)" |
奥瓦迪亚·优素福 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "猶太教 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#猶太教 (30篇條目)" |
教宗则斐琳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "教宗 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#教宗 (15篇條目)" |
教宗西尔维斯特一世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "教宗 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#教宗 (15篇條目)" |
教宗佳德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "教宗 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#教宗 (15篇條目)" |
奥斯卡·罗梅罗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "天主教會 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#天主教會 (70篇條目)" |
内克塔内布一世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Egypt (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Egypt (62篇條目)" |
内克塔内布二世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Egypt (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Egypt (62篇條目)" |
内弗尔霍特普一世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Egypt (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Egypt (62篇條目)" |
佩皮二世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Egypt (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Egypt (62篇條目)" |
維特里烏斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
佩蒂纳克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
佩斯切尼乌斯·奈哲尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
奥勒良 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Ancient Rome (54篇條目)" |
奥法 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "British Isles (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#British Isles (50篇條目)" |
殉教者愛德華 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "British Isles (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#British Isles (50篇條目)" |
奥托二世 (神圣罗马帝国) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Holy Roman Empire (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Holy Roman Empire (21篇條目)" |
奥托三世 (神圣罗马帝国) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Holy Roman Empire (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Holy Roman Empire (21篇條目)" |
奥托四世 (神圣罗马帝国) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Holy Roman Empire (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Holy Roman Empire (21篇條目)" |
奥拉夫二世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Scandinavia (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Scandinavia (7篇條目)" |
奥多尼奥二世 (莱昂) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Spain and Portugal (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Spain and Portugal (26篇條目)" |
佩德羅三世 (阿拉貢) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Spain and Portugal (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Spain and Portugal (26篇條目)" |
佩德羅四世 (阿拉貢) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Spain and Portugal (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Spain and Portugal (26篇條目)" |
奥列格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Russia and Ukraine (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Russia and Ukraine (13篇條目)" |
奥塞·图图一世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Africa (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Africa (17篇條目)" |
奥斯曼·丹·福迪奥 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Africa (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Africa (17篇條目)" |
詹姆斯一世 (苏格兰) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
詹姆斯二世 (苏格兰) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
詹姆斯三世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
詹姆斯四世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
詹姆斯五世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
簡·格雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
詹姆斯二世 (英格蘭) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
維托里奧·埃馬努埃萊一世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Southern Europe (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Southern Europe (38篇條目)" |
奥古斯特三世 (波兰) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Poland and Lithuania (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Poland and Lithuania (15篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·布坎南 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Presidents (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Presidents (27篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·艾布拉姆·加菲尔德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Presidents (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Presidents (27篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·G·布莱恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
奥古斯托·塔索·弗拉戈索 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Brazil (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Brazil (10篇條目)" |
奥斯卡·贝纳维德斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Peru (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Peru (8篇條目)" |
袁世凯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Warlord Era (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Warlord Era (5篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
孝明天皇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (12篇條目)" |
近衛文麿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (12篇條目)" |
奥古斯特·贝尔纳特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Belgium (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Belgium (4篇條目)" |
奥托·施特拉塞尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Nazi Germany (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Nazi Germany (9篇條目)" |
内维尔·张伯伦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Prime Ministers (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Prime Ministers (22篇條目)" |
奥斯汀·张伯伦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (6篇條目)" |
奥斯瓦尔德·莫斯利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (6篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·斯卡林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Prime ministers (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Prime ministers (10篇條目)" |
奥马尔·巴希尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Northern Africa (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Northern Africa (23篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·曼卡姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Eastern Africa (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Eastern Africa (31篇條目)" |
佩德罗·皮雷斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Western Africa (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Western Africa (45篇條目)" |
奥马鲁·亚拉杜瓦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Nigeria (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Nigeria (14篇條目)" |
奥斯卡·阿里亚斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Costa Rica (3篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Costa Rica (3篇條目)_2" |
内斯托尔·基什内尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Argentina (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Argentina (13篇條目)" |
奥拉西奥·卡特斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Paraguay (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Paraguay (4篇條目)" |
佩德罗·巴勃罗·库琴斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Peru (8篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Peru (8篇條目)_2" |
蔡英文 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Taiwan (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Taiwan (5篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Pakistan (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Pakistan (10篇條目)" |
佩德羅·桑切斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Iberia (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Iberia (12篇條目)" |
奥拉维尔·拉格纳·格里姆松 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Iceland (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Iceland (3篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·卡拉漢 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Prime Ministers (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Prime Ministers (14篇條目)" |
維克托·亞努科維奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Ukraine (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Ukraine (6篇條目)" |
奥托·冯·居里克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Early modern (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Early modern (12篇條目)" |
奥格·玻尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·克罗宁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·漢森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·弗兰克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
内维尔·莫特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
奥托·施特恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
丁肇中 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
維斯托·斯萊弗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
奥古斯特·凯库勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
奥拉斯-贝内迪克特·德索叙尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "General (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#General (63篇條目)" |
奥斯汀·布拉德福德·希尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·林德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
奥托·海因里希·瓦尔堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·哈格里夫斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
奥古斯特·霍希 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·格雷果里 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Early modern (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Early modern (29篇條目)" |
詹姆士·柯本 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·克伦威尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·杜恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·法蘭科 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
凱文·史貝西 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
席維斯·史特龍 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
早川雪洲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (41篇條目)" |
哥連·費夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (113篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (113篇條目)" |
維多·麥克勞倫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (113篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (113篇條目)" |
詹姆士·甘多費尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·加纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
凱爾塞·格拉瑪 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
佩吉·阿什克羅福特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Stage (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Stage (53篇條目)" |
凱蒂·克萊芙 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Stage (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Stage (53篇條目)" |
詹妮薇芙·布卓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "General (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#General (15篇條目)" |
凱西·貝茲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
簡·達威爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
佩姬·安·加纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
奥丽维亚·德哈维兰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
維若妮卡·蕾克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
奥克塔维亚·斯宾塞 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
佩麗冉卡·曹帕拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (79篇條目)" |
維賈雅蒂瑪拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (79篇條目)" |
佩内洛普·克鲁兹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (66篇條目)" |
凱撒琳·丹尼芙 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (66篇條目)" |
凱特·溫絲蕾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (66篇條目)" |
詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
凱特·戴卡斯提洛 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·L·布鲁克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
奥托·普雷明格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
簡尼夫·班納 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (85篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (85篇條目)" |
維托·埔柱 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
席德·西泽 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
凱莉·克萊森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (118篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·柯登 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other countries (82篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other countries (82篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·迪恩 (色情演员) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Adult (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Adult (25/25篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·兰迪 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Magicians (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Magicians (30/30篇條目)" |
仙迪·歌羅馥 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Models (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Models (40/40篇條目)" |
奥托·迪克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "现代 (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#现代 (135篇條目)" |
奥迪隆·雷东 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "现代 (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#现代 (135篇條目)" |
奥德·纳德卢姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "21世纪当代 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#21世纪当代 (5篇條目)" |
鳥山明 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
奥诺雷·杜米埃 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·蒙哥马利·弗拉格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
詹博洛尼亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
奥西普·扎德金 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·斯特林 (建筑师) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
奥托·瓦格纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
奥斯卡·德拉伦塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
凱特·絲蓓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
詹尼·范思哲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
席德·梅爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
哥頓·派克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
奥拉维尔·埃利亚松 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "一般 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#一般 (16篇條目)" |
村上隆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "一般 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#一般 (16篇條目)" |
維托·阿肯錫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "行为艺术 (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#行为艺术 (7篇條目)" |
凱斯·哈林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "街头艺术 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#街头艺术 (6篇條目)" |
奥兰多·德·拉絮斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "中世纪及文艺复兴 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#中世纪及文艺复兴 (20篇條目)" |
佩罗坦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "中世纪及文艺复兴 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#中世纪及文艺复兴 (20篇條目)" |
奥兰多·吉本斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "巴洛克 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#巴洛克 (20篇條目)" |
奥利维埃·梅西安 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
奥托里诺·雷斯庇基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·霍纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
近藤浩治 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·斯科特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "拉格泰姆 (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#拉格泰姆 (3篇條目)" |
奥托·克伦佩勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "指挥家 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#指挥家 (20篇條目)" |
維多利亞·德·洛斯·安赫萊斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "歌唱家 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#歌唱家 (50篇條目)" |
内森·米尔斯坦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "小提琴家 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#小提琴家 (15篇條目)" |
奥尼特·科尔曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
佩图拉·克拉克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
佩里·科莫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
凱莎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
佩姬·李 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
凱蒂·佩芮 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
詹姆士·泰勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
村民 (樂團) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
詹妮弗·洛佩兹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Latin (50/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Latin (50/50篇條目)" |
仙妮亞·唐恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Country (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Country (50篇條目)" |
許冠傑 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Burmese (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Burmese (20篇條目)" |
蔡依林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Burmese (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Burmese (20篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
奥芙拉·哈扎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Hebrew (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Hebrew (4篇條目)" |
早安少女組。 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Japanese (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Japanese (25篇條目)" |
少女时代 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Korean (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Korean (20篇條目)" |
積遜五人組 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
佩特·班納塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
模糊 (乐队) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
旅行者合唱團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
凱特·布希 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
工具乐队 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
衝擊合唱團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
席德·维瑟斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
凱文·哈里斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Electronic music (35/35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Electronic music (35/35篇條目)" |
葉爾馬克·齊莫菲葉維奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "亞洲 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#亞洲 (13篇條目)" |
袁崇焕 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "亞洲 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#亞洲 (13篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
佩德罗·欧亨尼奥·阿兰布鲁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "將領 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#將領 (13篇條目)" |
詹姆士·鮑依 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
奥马尔·布拉德利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·朗斯特里特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·马蒂斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
奥迪·墨菲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·尤厄尔·布朗·斯图尔特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
席摩·海赫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "一般 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#一般 (21篇條目)" |
詹姆士·史特靈 (英國皇家海軍上將) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "英國 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#英國 (25篇條目)" |
内森·黑尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "General (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#General (51篇條目)" |
奥兰普·德古热 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "France (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#France (25篇條目)" |
奥诺雷·米拉波 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "France (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#France (25篇條目)" |
奥古斯坦·罗伯斯庇尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "France (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#France (25篇條目)" |
奥古斯托·塞萨尔·桑地诺 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Americas (212篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Americas (212篇條目)" |
凱莉·納西翁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
凱倫·絲克伍 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
凱拉西·薩塔亞提 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Asia (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Asia (54篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·康诺利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
内马尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "南美洲 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#南美洲 (25篇條目)" |
奥列格·布洛欣 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
奥斯卡·罗伯逊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
奥斯卡·施密特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
佩卓·馬丁尼茲 (棒球運動員) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
詹姆斯·安德森 (板球運動員) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "板球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#板球 (60/60篇配額)" |
維拉·哥利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "板球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#板球 (60/60篇配額)" |
詹姆斯·布雷德 (高爾夫球手) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
佩恩·史都華 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
凱西·惠特沃思 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
佩姬·佛萊明 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "花式滑冰 (30/30篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#花式滑冰 (30/30篇配額)" |
詹姆斯·J·科比特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
奥斯卡·德拉奥亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
葉問 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "武術 (17/17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#武術 (17/17篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
雙葉山定次 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "相撲 (5/5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#相撲 (5/5篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·亨特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "賽車 (40/40篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#賽車 (40/40篇配額)" |
殉教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (39篇條目)" |
教區 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Institutions (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Institutions (16篇條目)" |
哥林多前書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
哥林多後書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
凱爾特基督教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Denominations (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Denominations (54篇條目)" |
教會年曆 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
凱樂符號 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
葉特羅 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
宁胡尔萨格 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Mesopotamian mythology (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Mesopotamian mythology (11篇條目)" |
佩蕾 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Polynesian mythology (1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Polynesian mythology (1篇條目)" |
雙足龍 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
凱爾派 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
宁芙 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
奥贡州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
奥孙州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
近東 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (24篇條目)" |
宁夏回族自治区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "China (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#China (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宁夏回族自治区" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#宁夏回族自治区" |
哥伦打洛省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
岡山縣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Japan (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Japan (52篇條目)" |
鳥取縣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Japan (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Japan (52篇條目)" |
雙溪蘭 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Malaysia (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Malaysia (17篇條目)" |
凱爾特地區 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (12篇條目)" |
維索基納州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
奥弗涅 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "France (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#France (20篇條目)" |
佩斯州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Hungary (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Hungary (20篇條目)" |
維斯普雷姆州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Hungary (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Hungary (20篇條目)" |
奥兰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Nordic countries (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Nordic countries (11篇條目)" |
内阿彭策尔州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Switzerland (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Switzerland (27篇條目)" |
内华达州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United States (85篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United States (85篇條目)" |
奥克兰大区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
奥塔哥大区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
内乌肯省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Argentina (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Argentina (24篇條目)" |
内格罗河省 (阿根廷) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Argentina (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Argentina (24篇條目)" |
奥伊金斯将军解放者大区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Chile (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Chile (16篇條目)" |
村镇 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
奥绍博 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "奈及利亞 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#奈及利亞 (30篇條目)" |
奥约 (尼日利亚) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "奈及利亞 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#奈及利亞 (30篇條目)" |
維多利亞 (不列顛哥倫比亞) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "加拿大 (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#加拿大 (22篇條目)" |
内萨瓦尔科约特尔城 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
奥尔巴尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
奥古斯塔 (缅因州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
哥伦比亚 (南卡罗来纳州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
維珍尼亞海灘 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
奥兰多 (佛罗里达州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
哥倫比亞 (密蘇里州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
哥伦布 (俄亥俄州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
奥马哈 (内布拉斯加州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
奥克兰 (加利福尼亚州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
内乌肯 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
奥鲁罗 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "玻利維亞 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#玻利維亞 (5篇條目)" |
佩雷拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "哥伦比亚 (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#哥伦比亚 (14篇條目)" |
鞍山市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "辽宁省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#辽宁省" |
营口市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
宁波市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "浙江省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#浙江省" |
绍兴市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "浙江省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#浙江省" |
义乌市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "浙江省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#浙江省" |
岡崎市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中部地方 (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中部地方 (12篇條目)" |
岡山市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中国地方 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中国地方 (6篇條目)" |
仙台市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "东北地方 (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#东北地方 (9篇條目)" |
哥打巴鲁 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "马来西亚 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#马来西亚 (15篇條目)" |
芙蓉市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "马来西亚 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#马来西亚 (15篇條目)" |
仙範市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
奥隆阿波 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
芽莊市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "越南 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#越南 (26篇條目)" |
佩塔提克瓦 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "以色列 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#以色列 (11篇條目)" |
奥尔什丁 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "波兰 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#波兰 (16篇條目)" |
奥伦堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "伏爾加 (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#伏爾加 (10篇條目)" |
奥尔堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "丹麦 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#丹麦 (4篇條目)" |
奥胡斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "丹麦 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#丹麦 (4篇條目)" |
奥卢 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "芬兰 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#芬兰 (5篇條目)" |
哥德堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "瑞典 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#瑞典 (6篇條目)" |
奥尔良 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "法国 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#法国 (42篇條目)" |
佩皮尼昂 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "法国 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#法国 (42篇條目)" |
奥格斯堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "德国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#德国 (43篇條目)" |
奥伯豪森 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "德国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#德国 (43篇條目)" |
佩鲁贾 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
佩斯卡拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
奥维耶多 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
維戈 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
維多利亞 (西班牙) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
凱恩斯 (昆士蘭州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "澳大利亚 (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#澳大利亚 (14篇條目)" |
凱爾蓋朗海台 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Continents (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Continents (13篇條目)" |
詹姆斯灣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
奥果韦河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (25篇條目)" |
奥卡万戈河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (25篇條目)" |
奥龙特斯河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (63篇條目)" |
内雷特瓦河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (39篇條目)" |
詹姆斯河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (50篇條目)" |
詹姆斯河 (達科他) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (50篇條目)" |
佩科斯河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (50篇條目)" |
灵渠 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Canals (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Canals (51篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "水利工程" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#水利工程" |
奥加拉拉蓄水层 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Aquifers (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Aquifers (4篇條目)" |
哥伦比亚冰原 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Glaciers and sea ice (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Glaciers and sea ice (14篇條目)" |
奥卡万戈三角洲 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "River deltas (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#River deltas (10篇條目)" |
詹姆斯羅斯島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
内格罗斯岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Philippines (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Philippines (21篇條目)" |
哥得蘭島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (88篇條目)" |
内赫布里底群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "British Isles (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#British Isles (26篇條目)" |
奥克尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "British Isles (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#British Isles (26篇條目)" |
凱法洛尼亞島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Greece (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Greece (23篇條目)" |
奥克兰群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceania (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceania (76篇條目)" |
哥伦比亚河峡谷 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (48篇條目)" |
奥林匹克山脉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (48篇條目)" |
少女峰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (18篇條目)" |
哥伦布峰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "South America (14篇條目)_3" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#South America (14篇條目)_3" |
佩恩蒂德沙漠 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Deserts and dunes (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Deserts and dunes (30篇條目)" |
模除 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
近似 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
積性函數 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#General (42篇條目)" |
鞍點 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#General (42篇條目)" |
有界函数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#General (42篇條目)" |
有理函數 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
矩形函数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
等腰三角形 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
雙曲三角形 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Non-Euclidean geometry (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Non-Euclidean geometry (5篇條目)" |
矩陣加法 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Linear algebra (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Linear algebra (24篇條目)" |
矩陣乘法 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Linear algebra (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Linear algebra (24篇條目)" |
内积空间 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Linear algebra (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Linear algebra (24篇條目)" |
有限域 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Abstract algebra (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Abstract algebra (29篇條目)" |
模空间 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Other algebra topics (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Other algebra topics (12篇條目)" |
簡森不等式 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Other algebra topics (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Other algebra topics (12篇條目)" |
矩 (數學) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Probability (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Probability (32篇條目)" |
矩生成函數 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Probability (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Probability (32篇條目)" |
有序对 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Set theory (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Set theory (36篇條目)" |
哥德尔数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
模型论 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Model theory (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Model theory (19篇條目)" |
哥德尔完备性定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Model theory (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Model theory (19篇條目)" |
态射 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Category theory (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Category theory (28篇條目)" |
凱萊圖 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
旅行推销员问题 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
佩特森圖 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
積分常數 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Integral calculus (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Integral calculus (11篇條目)" |
有限元素法 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Differential equations (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Differential equations (44篇條目)" |
等比数列 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
哥德巴赫猜想 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Sums and products (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Sums and products (8篇條目)" |
等差数列 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Sequences (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Sequences (8篇條目)" |
積木 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
模型车 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
凱納斯特紙牌 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Card games (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Card games (38篇條目)" |
模擬遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
堡垒之夜 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
模擬城市 (1989年遊戲) | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
模拟人生系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
葉森打吡大賽 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Animal sport (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Animal sport (24篇條目)" |
鞍马 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
健力 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
丁字褲 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Underwear (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Underwear (13篇條目)" |
雙馬尾 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Hairstyle (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Hairstyle (26篇條目)" |
脱毛 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cosmetics (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cosmetics (6篇條目)" |
早午餐 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Basics (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Basics (24篇條目)" |
脱脂乳 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
锅派 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
凱撒沙拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
雙層床 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Furniture and interior design (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Furniture and interior design (38篇條目)" |
雙性人 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
近親性交 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
業餘色情 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
名人性愛影片 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
奥兰历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (87篇條目)" |
哥斯达黎加历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Central America (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Central America (8篇條目)" |
云南历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Asia (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Asia (62篇條目)" |
維也納歷史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History by city (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History by city (38篇條目)" |
哥贝克力石阵 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Asia (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Asia (34篇條目)" |
詹姆斯敦 (維吉尼亞州) | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (10篇條目)" |
教育史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of society and the social sciences (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of society and the social sciences (47篇條目)" |
奥德里西亚王国 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
健馱邏國 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (23篇條目)" |
早王朝時期 (埃及) | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (33篇條目)" |
札馬戰役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (33篇條目)" |
奥托王朝 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (93篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (93篇條目)" |
維京人在不列顛群島的活動 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "British Isles (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#British Isles (20篇條目)" |
奥尔良之围 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "France (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#France (18篇條目)" |
奥德土邦 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
詹姆士·庫克的第二次探險 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Oceania (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Oceania (7篇條目)" |
近東問題 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (64篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·A·加菲爾德遇刺案 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "United States (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#United States (66篇條目)" |
維克斯堡攻城戰 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Battles (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Battles (22篇條目)" |
奥斯威辛集中营 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "World War II (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#World War II (72篇條目)" |
哥倫比亞內戰 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
内华达试验场 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
茅茅起義 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (27篇條目)" |
奥萨马·本·拉登之死 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "General (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#General (23篇條目)" |
奥兰多夜店枪击案 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (21篇條目)" |
急救 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "General concepts (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#General concepts (22篇條目)" |
聽力學 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
呕吐 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
健康教育 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
丁型肝炎 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Disease (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Disease (44篇條目)" |
腹痛 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
腹瀉 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
維生素A | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Vitamins (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Vitamins (15篇條目)" |
漱口水 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
有頭類 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "General classifications (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#General classifications (12篇條目)" |
蠕虫 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "General classifications (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#General classifications (12篇條目)" |
有蹄類 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "General (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#General (10篇條目)" |
雙門齒獸屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
獅面狨屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "New World monkeys (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#New World monkeys (7篇條目)" |
獅尾狒 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Old World monkeys (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Old World monkeys (11篇條目)" |
鹱形目 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Procellariiformes (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Procellariiformes (3篇條目)" |
有鱗目 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "General (2篇條目)_3" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#General (2篇條目)_3" |
鳥臀目 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
禽龍屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
近鳥龍屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
葉吻銀鮫屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Chimaeriformes (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Chimaeriformes (4篇條目)" |
葉形海龍 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Syngnathiformes (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Syngnathiformes (5篇條目)" |
等足目 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Crustaceans (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Crustaceans (25篇條目)" |
蠹蟲 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Zygentoma (1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Zygentoma (1篇條目)" |
腹足纲 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Mollusks (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Mollusks (37篇條目)" |
钙质海绵纲 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Porifera (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Porifera (4篇條目)" |
腕足动物门 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Lophotrochozoa (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Lophotrochozoa (13篇條目)" |
扁形动物门 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Platyzoa (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Platyzoa (10篇條目)" |
腹毛动物门 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Platyzoa (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Platyzoa (10篇條目)" |
扁盘动物门 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Other (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Other (10篇條目)" |
硕莪树 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Arecales (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Arecales (2篇條目)" |
仙人掌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Caryophyllales (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Caryophyllales (2篇條目)" |
仙人掌属 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Other culinary fruits (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Other culinary fruits (8篇條目)" |
扁豆 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Pulses (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Pulses (27篇條目)" |
丁子香 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
雙態性真菌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Basics (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Basics (19篇條目)" |
雙孢蘑菇 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Edible fungi (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Edible fungi (11篇條目)" |
革兰氏阴性菌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Gram-negative bacteria (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Gram-negative bacteria (11篇條目)" |
革蘭氏陽性菌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Gram-positive bacteria (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Gram-positive bacteria (7篇條目)" |
芽孢桿菌屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Gram-positive bacteria (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Gram-positive bacteria (7篇條目)" |
有孔蟲門 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Rhizaria (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Rhizaria (3篇條目)" |
腕骨 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
膝 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
葉狀體 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Fungal morphology and anatomy (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Fungal morphology and anatomy (7篇條目)" |
早產 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Human reproduction (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Human reproduction (17篇條目)" |
葉黃素 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Biological pigments (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Biological pigments (7篇條目)" |
脱氧核糖 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Carbohydrates (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Carbohydrates (18篇條目)" |
雙醣 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Carbohydrates (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Carbohydrates (18篇條目)" |
内啡肽 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Hormones (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Hormones (27篇條目)" |
脱落酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Hormones (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Hormones (27篇條目)" |
鳥嘌呤 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nucleic acids (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nucleic acids (15篇條目)" |
内含子 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
葉綠體DNA | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Plant cells (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Plant cells (7篇條目)" |
等位基因 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Genetics (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Genetics (41篇條目)" |
近亲繁殖 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Genetics (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Genetics (41篇條目)" |
近親南方古猿 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Australopithecines (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Australopithecines (16篇條目)" |
早期智人 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Homo (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Homo (24篇條目)" |
佩佩蛙 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Basics (15/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Basics (15/20篇條目)" |
有限公司 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (74篇條目)" |
旅游保险 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (74篇條目)" |
品牌 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (74篇條目)" |
股息 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Banking and finance (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Banking and finance (52篇條目)" |
股票市场 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Securities (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Securities (35篇條目)" |
股價指數 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Securities (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Securities (35篇條目)" |
股东 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Securities (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Securities (35篇條目)" |
總罷工 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Employment (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Employment (59篇條目)" |
工時規管 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Employment (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Employment (59篇條目)" |
营业税 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Taxation (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Taxation (18篇條目)" |
工程师 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
工人 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
侍應 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
工會聯盟 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Individual trade unions (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Individual trade unions (5篇條目)" |
輝瑞 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Pharmaceutical and medical companies (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Pharmaceutical and medical companies (2篇條目)" |
哥倫比亞航空 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Americas (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Americas (8篇條目)" |
閹割 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Basics (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Basics (29篇條目)" |
硕士 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
工商管理碩士 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
义务教育 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
教學大綱 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (71篇條目)" |
凱斯西儲大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "United States (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#United States (135篇條目)" |
内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
名古屋大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Japan (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Japan (13篇條目)" |
早稻田大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Japan (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Japan (13篇條目)" |
奥吉布瓦人 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Indigenous people (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Indigenous people (33篇條目)" |
名詞化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Grammar (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Grammar (49篇條目)" |
簡稱 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
奥吉布瓦语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (17篇條目)" |
奥克语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
近代英语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
哥德語 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
衝突解決 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Dispute resolution (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Dispute resolution (11篇條目)" |
教会法 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Religious law (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Religious law (5篇條目)" |
教会法 (天主教会) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Religious law (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Religious law (5篇條目)" |
簡易程序罪行 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crime classes (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crime classes (6篇條目)" |
名譽殺人 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against the person (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against the person (35篇條目)" |
奥贝格费尔诉霍奇斯案 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "United States (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#United States (28篇條目)" |
維謝格拉德集團 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organizations (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Intergovernmental organizations (89篇條目)" |
工党 (英国) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Political parties (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Political parties (15篇條目)" |
内乱 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Politics (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Politics (66篇條目)" |
奥地利大公 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Titles (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Titles (32篇條目)" |
哥德次文化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
維持和平 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Military operations (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Military operations (4篇條目)" |
少将 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Military ranks (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Military ranks (14篇條目)" |
哥伦比亚国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
哥斯達黎加國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
奥地利国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
哥伦比亚国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
哥斯達黎加國徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
名利场 (杂志) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Specific magazines (78篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Specific magazines (78篇條目)" |
村聲 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United States (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United States (17篇條目)" |
早安美國 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Long-running (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Long-running (24篇條目)" |
奥普拉·温弗里秀 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
雙峰 (1990年電視劇) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
有機農業史 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "History (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#History (9篇條目)" |
有害生物 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Pest and disease control (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Pest and disease control (25篇條目)" |
有机肥 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Agronomical techniques (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Agronomical techniques (16篇條目)" |
模拟计算机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
内核 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
工作集 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
殭屍電腦 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer security (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer security (30篇條目)" |
凱撒密碼 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer security (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer security (30篇條目)" |
云存储 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
磁儲存 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
模块化编程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
模拟电路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (21篇條目)" |
镍氢电池 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Components (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Components (55篇條目)" |
工程經濟 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (18篇條目)" |
工程力学 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
工程物理學 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
工频 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Concepts (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Concepts (25篇條目)" |
锅炉 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Other components (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Other components (7篇條目)" |
教堂桥 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Bridges (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Bridges (50篇條目)" |
脱粒机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Farm and garden machinery (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Farm and garden machinery (17篇條目)" |
有機發光二極體 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
等離子顯示屏 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
影像掃描器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
栅栏 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Fortification (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Fortification (11篇條目)" |
狙击步枪 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Firearms (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Firearms (19篇條目)" |
凱克天文台 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
雙子星天文台 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
維珍銀河 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Programs and launch sites (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Programs and launch sites (20篇條目)" |
旅行者2号 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Unmanned spacecraft (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Unmanned spacecraft (16篇條目)" |
旅居者號 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Rovers (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Rovers (6篇條目)" |
雙體船 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
奥黑尔国际机场 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Airports (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Airports (10篇條目)" |
名古屋市營地下鐵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
札幌市營地下鐵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
維也納地鐵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Europe (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Europe (24篇條目)" |
哥本哈根地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Europe (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Europe (24篇條目)" |
鎝-99m | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Chemical elements (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Chemical elements (161篇條目)" |
有机氯化合物 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
磁鐵礦 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
钙长石 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
輝長岩 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Petrology (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Petrology (62篇條目)" |
葉理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Structural geology (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Structural geology (23篇條目)" |
磁性地層學 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Stratigraphy (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Stratigraphy (27篇條目)" |
磁異常 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Geophysics (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Geophysics (40篇條目)" |
矩震級 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Seismology (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Seismology (16篇條目)" |
有機地球化學 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Geochemistry (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Geochemistry (17篇條目)" |
奥陶纪 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Geological timescale (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Geological timescale (33篇條目)" |
磁暴 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Storms (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Storms (26篇條目)" |
濁積流 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Oceanography (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Oceanography (19篇條目)" |
内流盆地 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Hydrology (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Hydrology (39篇條目)" |
品脫 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Volume (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Volume (31篇條目)" |
業餘天文學 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
有效溫度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
健神星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
仙后座A | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
奥陌陌 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other notable objects (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other notable objects (4篇條目)" |
早晨 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
晕轮轨道 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Orbital mechanics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Orbital mechanics (20篇條目)" |
矩尺座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
磁星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
雙星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
早期宇宙時間線 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
磁量子数 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Atomic physics (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Atomic physics (44篇條目)" |
影 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Optics (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Optics (39篇條目)" |
等离子体重组 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Phase transitions (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Phase transitions (21篇條目)" |
磁化強度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
磁化率 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
磁单极子 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
磁流体力学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Magnetostatics (20篇條目)" |
簡諧運動 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Basics (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Basics (24篇條目)" |
哥本哈根詮釋 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
雙縫實驗 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
有限深方形阱 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
态叠加原理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
等位 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
有限应变理论 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
近独立粒子统计力学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Statistical mechanics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Statistical mechanics (20篇條目)" |
等效原理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
維恩近似 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
等温过程 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
哥德復興式建築 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern era (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern era (13篇條目)" |
維多利亞式建築 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern era (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern era (13篇條目)" |
雙峰塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Asia (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Asia (52篇條目)" |
名人堂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Museums (125篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Museums (125篇條目)" |
維也納音樂協會大樓 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Central Europe (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Central Europe (14篇條目)" |
佩加蒙博物館 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Central Europe (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Central Europe (14篇條目)" |
工藝美術博物館 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western Europe (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western Europe (13篇條目)" |
严肃音乐 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Basic forms (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Basic forms (26篇條目)" |
早期古典音樂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Specific periods, centuries, eras, and movements (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Specific periods, centuries, eras, and movements (19篇條目)" |
哥德搖滾 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Rock (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Rock (29篇條目)" |
哥德堡变奏曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Baroque (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Baroque (22篇條目)" |
义勇军进行曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
維也納華爾滋 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Ballroom dance (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Ballroom dance (9篇條目)" |
腹語術 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Puppetry (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Puppetry (7篇條目)" |
模仿艺人 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Comedy (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Comedy (15篇條目)" |
剝製 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms (115/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Concepts and forms (115/100篇條目)" |
釉 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Ceramic art (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Ceramic art (10篇條目)" |
維納斯的誕生 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
奥菲莉娅 (油画) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern (98篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern (98篇條目)" |
維多利亞女王紀念碑 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
工人和集体农庄女庄员 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
营指挥员 (照片) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Photographs (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Photographs (37篇條目)" |
維多利亞女王結婚禮服 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Individual fashion designs (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Individual fashion designs (15篇條目)" |
凱風快晴 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Other media (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Other media (24篇條目)" |
奥林匹亚 (电影) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Documentary (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Documentary (7篇條目)" |
教父2 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Drama film (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Drama film (29篇條目)" |
雙重賠償 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film noir (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film noir (7篇條目)" |
严寒老人 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
哥斯拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
詹姆斯·T·柯克 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
旅遊指南 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Non-fiction (22/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Non-fiction (22/20篇條目)" |
工具书 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Reference works (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Reference works (10篇條目)" |
哥特圣经 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Nonfiction of the medieval era (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Nonfiction of the medieval era (27篇條目)" |
丁道尔译本 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Nonfiction of early printed book era (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Nonfiction of early printed book era (34篇條目)" |
哥德尔、埃舍尔、巴赫 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
仙后 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
少年维特的烦恼 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
凱撒大帝 (戲劇) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Shakespeare (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Shakespeare (24篇條目)" |
奥勃洛莫夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
佩德羅·巴拉莫 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
侍女的故事 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Science fiction and fantasy (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Science fiction and fantasy (33篇條目)" |
内裤超人 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "21st century fiction (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#21st century fiction (25篇條目)" |
云图 (小说) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "21st century fiction (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#21st century fiction (25篇條目)" |
少年Pi的奇幻漂流 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "21st century fiction (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#21st century fiction (25篇條目)" |
工作與時日 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Poetic works of antiquity (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Poetic works of antiquity (22篇條目)" |
蔡文姬 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
袁宏道 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
袁枚 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
蔡楚生 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
蔡明亮 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
蔡徐坤 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
蔡邕 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
蔡襄 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
蔡京 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
茅以升 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
扁鹊 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
詹天佑 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
丁文江 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
袁隆平 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
蔡元培 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
严嵩 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
严家淦 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
袁绍 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
茅元仪 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
蔡锷 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
丁俊晖 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
义净 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
孝文窦皇后 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
袁天罡 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
脱脱 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
孝庄文皇后 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
有巢氏 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
少昊 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
旅顺口区 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "辽宁省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#辽宁省" |
宁德市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "福建省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#福建省" |
庙岛群岛 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "海、海湾、海岛" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#海、海湾、海岛" |
云南三江并流保护区 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
云雷纹 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "未归类" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#未归类" |
名讳 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "人名学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#人名学" |
庙号 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "人名学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#人名学" |
近代汉语 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
羁縻 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政治" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#政治" |
名家 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
孝 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
义 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
茅台酒 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "饮料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#饮料" |
孝經 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "先秦" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#先秦" |
营造法式 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宋元" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#宋元" |
近思錄 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宋元" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#宋元" |
工笔画 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "绘画" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#绘画" |
步辇图 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "绘画" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#绘画" |
少林寺 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
内蒙古历史 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "概述" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#概述" |
有虞氏 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
少康中興 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "神话时代与夏朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#神话时代与夏朝" |
孝文帝改革 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
孝武西遷 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
詹姆斯·普雷斯科特·焦耳 | level | 3 |
section | "Inventors, scientists and mathematicians" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Inventors, scientists and mathematicians" |
工业革命 | level | 3 |
section | "Modern" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Modern" |
近代后期 | level | 3 |
trimmed_link | "/英語維基百科第三級" |
近世 | level | 3 |
section | "近代史 (21個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/英語維基百科第三級#近代史 (21個條目)" |