南美洲 | level | 2 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "地理(12 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#地理(12 個條目)" |
逻辑 | level | 2 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "哲學和宗教(6 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#哲學和宗教(6 個條目)" |
原子 | level | 2 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
電 | level | 2 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "技術(8 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#技術(8 個條目)" |
披頭四樂隊 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作曲家、音樂家" |
trimmed_link | "#作曲家、音樂家" |
沃尔夫冈· 阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作曲家、音樂家" |
trimmed_link | "#作曲家、音樂家" |
德米特里·门捷列夫 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "發明家、科學家、數學家" |
trimmed_link | "#發明家、科學家、數學家" |
圣雄甘地 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "政治領袖" |
trimmed_link | "#政治領袖" |
原教旨主義 | level | 3 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "宗教" |
trimmed_link | "#宗教" |
德语 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "語言及文學" |
trimmed_link | "#語言及文學" |
小行星 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "天文" |
trimmed_link | "#天文" |
原生生物 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "物种" |
trimmed_link | "#物种" |
小肠 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "解剖學" |
trimmed_link | "#解剖學" |
感觉系统 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "解剖學" |
trimmed_link | "#解剖學" |
耳 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "解剖學" |
trimmed_link | "#解剖學" |
烟叶 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "健康、醫學" |
trimmed_link | "#健康、醫學" |
钻石 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "地球科學" |
trimmed_link | "#地球科學" |
電磁輻射 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
電磁力 | level | 3 |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
小麦 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "食物" |
trimmed_link | "#食物" |
電阻器 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "電子" |
trimmed_link | "#電子" |
電台廣播 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "電影、電台、電視" |
trimmed_link | "#電影、電台、電視" |
電子音樂 | level | 3 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "音樂" |
trimmed_link | "#音樂" |
小號 | level | 3 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "音樂" |
trimmed_link | "#音樂" |
小提琴 | level | 3 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "音樂" |
trimmed_link | "#音樂" |
足球 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "休閒" |
trimmed_link | "#休閒" |
南北战争 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "現代" |
trimmed_link | "#現代" |
南非種族隔離 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "現代" |
trimmed_link | "#現代" |
南极点 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "地理" |
trimmed_link | "#地理" |
南极洲 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "洲及主要地區" |
trimmed_link | "#洲及主要地區" |
德国 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "國家" |
trimmed_link | "#國家" |
南非 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "國家" |
trimmed_link | "#國家" |
德里 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "城市" |
trimmed_link | "#城市" |
圣彼得堡 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "城市" |
trimmed_link | "#城市" |
德黑兰 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "城市" |
trimmed_link | "#城市" |
南冰洋 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "水體" |
trimmed_link | "#水體" |
凯瑟琳·赫本 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Modern era, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Modern era, 71" |
范妮·埃尔斯勒 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Performing artists, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Performing artists, 35" |
小汉斯·霍尔拜因 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
沃尔特·伯利·格里芬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "建築師, 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#建築師, 26" |
赫尔曼·黑塞 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "作家, 246" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#作家, 246" |
赫德嘉·馮·賓根 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "作家, 246" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#作家, 246" |
沃尔特·惠特曼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
沃尔特·司各特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
小约翰·施特劳斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
德米特里·肖斯塔科维奇 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
范吉利斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
平克·弗洛伊德 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
沃伦·巴菲特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Businesspeople, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Businesspeople, 40" |
德鲁拜·安巴尼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Businesspeople, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Businesspeople, 40" |
德谟克利特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
赫拉克利特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
王陽明 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
德尼·狄德罗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
德西德里乌斯·伊拉斯谟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
赫伯特·斯宾塞 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
赫爾曼·海因里希·戈森 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Economists, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Economists, 14" |
赫尔曼·冯·亥姆霍兹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Psychologists, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Psychologists, 31" |
圣尼古拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
腓力·墨蘭頓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
圣乔治 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
侯赛因·本·阿里·本·阿比·塔利卜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
慧遠 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Buddhism, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Buddhism, 16" |
師利·奧羅賓多 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Hinduism, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Hinduism, 18" |
旃陀罗笈多 (孔雀王朝) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Asia" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Asia" |
腓力二世 (马其顿) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe" |
腓力二世 (法兰西) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
腓力四世 (法兰西) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
腓特烈一世 (神圣罗马帝国) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
腓特烈二世 (神圣罗马帝国) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
德川家康 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Asia_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Asia_3" |
小威廉·皮特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
凯瑟琳·德·美第奇 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
腓特烈二世 (普鲁士) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
腓力二世 (西班牙) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
腓力五世 (西班牙) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
德怀特·艾森豪威尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas, 34" |
林登·约翰逊 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Americas, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Americas, 34" |
赫尔穆特·科尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe, 59" |
沃尔夫冈·泡利 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
圣地亚哥·拉蒙-卡哈尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Natural sciences, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Natural sciences, 30" |
赫尔曼·外尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Mathematicians, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Mathematicians, 49" |
沃德·坎宁安 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Computer scientists, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Computer scientists, 19" |
赫爾曼·何樂禮 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Computer scientists, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Computer scientists, 19" |
林纳斯·托瓦兹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Computer scientists, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Computer scientists, 19" |
沃尔特·克朗凯特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Journalists, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Journalists, 19" |
赫尔曼·迈尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
林赛·沃恩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
林丹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
德拉任·彼得罗维奇 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
德揚·昌德 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
赫拉克勒斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Mythical and legendary people, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Mythical and legendary people, 29" |
圣诞老人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Fictional characters, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Fictional characters, 15" |
德古拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Fictional characters, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Fictional characters, 15" |
德国古典哲学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "History of philosophy, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#History of philosophy, 13" |
范式 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Epistemology, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Epistemology, 15" |
逻辑论证 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Logic, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Logic, 6" |
逻辑实证主义 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Philosophical schools and traditions, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Philosophical schools and traditions, 14" |
末世论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
圣像破坏主义 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
正統 (信仰) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
德鲁兹派 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
旧约圣经 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
圣诞节 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
四书五经 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Eastern religions, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Eastern religions, 45" |
赫拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Mythology, 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Mythology, 43" |
赫斯提亞 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Mythology, 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Mythology, 43" |
赫耳墨斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Mythology, 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Mythology, 43" |
赫淮斯托斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Mythology, 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Mythology, 43" |
南 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "基礎, 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#基礎, 48" |
南極圈 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "基礎, 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#基礎, 48" |
南回归线 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "基礎, 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#基礎, 48" |
南海 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海、洋, 67" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海、洋, 67" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "海、海湾、海岛" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#海、海湾、海岛" |
德雷克海峡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海峽, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海峽, 29" |
林波波河 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
圣劳伦斯河 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "河流, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#河流, 71" |
沃斯托克湖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "湖泊, 37" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#湖泊, 37" |
小安的列斯群岛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
南安普頓島 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
小巽他群岛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
四國 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
南島 (新西蘭) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
南極半島 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "半島, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#半島, 23" |
德拉肯斯山脉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
德干高原 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
南阿爾卑斯山脈 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
圣海伦火山 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Mountain peaks, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Mountain peaks, 17" |
南京市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江苏省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江苏省" |
平壤市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
德班 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "非洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#非洲" |
圣多美 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "非洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#非洲" |
圣地亚哥 (智利) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
圣路易斯 (密苏里州) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
旧金山 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
圣胡安 (波多黎各) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
圣乔治 (格林纳达) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
圣约翰 (安提瓜和巴布达) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
赫尔辛基 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
德累斯顿 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
圣卢西亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
圣马力诺 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
圣多美和普林西比 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
南奥塞梯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
南蘇丹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
德克萨斯州 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Country subdivisions, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Country subdivisions, 14" |
控制工程 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
電機工程學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
平鋪磚瓦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Construction, 98" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Construction, 98" |
房間 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
小屋 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
壓鑄 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Metalworking, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Metalworking, 11" |
電纜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Components, 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Components, 21" |
電爐 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Machinery, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Machinery, 17" |
電子元件 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Electronics, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Electronics, 39" |
平板显示器 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Electronics, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Electronics, 39" |
電源供應 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Electronics, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Electronics, 39" |
原子鐘 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
電子數值積分計算機 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Computer hardware, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Computer hardware, 17" |
随机存储器 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Computer hardware, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Computer hardware, 17" |
電子試算表 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Computer software, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Computer software, 34" |
調變 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
電子遊戲機 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
赫雪爾太空望遠鏡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
离子推力器 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
電梯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 13" |
電動扶梯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 13" |
小徑 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Ground transport, 51" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Ground transport, 51" |
德羅蒙船 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
级数 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
平方根 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
环论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
环 (代数) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
逻辑代数 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
調和分析 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "微积分与数学分析 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#微积分与数学分析 38" |
离散数学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "离散数学 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#离散数学 22" |
四色定理 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "离散数学 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#离散数学 22" |
平面 (数学) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
平行 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
四邊形 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
平行四边形 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
正方形 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
范畴论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "其他 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#其他 32" |
控制理论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "其他 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#其他 32" |
正态分布 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "概率与统计 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#概率与统计 45" |
随机过程 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "概率与统计 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#概率与统计 45" |
平均数 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "概率与统计 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#概率与统计 45" |
随机变量 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "概率与统计 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#概率与统计 45" |
随机对照试验 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "概率与统计 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#概率与统计 45" |
原住民 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Ethnology, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Ethnology, 30" |
南岛民族 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Ethnology, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Ethnology, 30" |
原始印欧人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Ethnology, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Ethnology, 30" |
离婚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Family and kinship , 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Family and kinship , 50" |
调味料 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Herbs and condiments, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Herbs and condiments, 31" |
鞋 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Clothing and fashion, 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Clothing and fashion, 26" |
感官 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
勇氣 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
正寫法 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
南亚语系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Language Family, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Language Family, 23" |
南島語系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Language Family, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Language Family, 23" |
南高加索语系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Language Family, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Language Family, 23" |
圣书体 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
腓尼基字母 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
环法自行车赛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
拳击 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
原色 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Colors, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Colors, 20" |
王國境內的諸階層 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "General topics -概論, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#General topics -概論, 14" |
南美洲历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "History by continent -各洲歷史, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#History by continent -各洲歷史, 8" |
南極歷史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "History by continent -各洲歷史, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#History by continent -各洲歷史, 8" |
南非历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Africa -非洲, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Africa -非洲, 13" |
德国历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe -歐洲, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe -歐洲, 35" |
南方古猿 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Prehistory, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Prehistory, 20" |
旧石器时代 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Prehistory, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Prehistory, 20" |
旧石器时代初期 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Prehistory, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Prehistory, 20" |
旧石器时代中期 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Prehistory, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Prehistory, 20" |
旧石器时代晚期 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Prehistory, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Prehistory, 20" |
四大文明古国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Prehistory, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Prehistory, 20" |
小北文明 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas, 10" |
南越国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Southeastern Asia, 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Southeastern Asia, 3" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
赫梯帝國 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 29" |
腓尼基 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 29" |
凯尔特人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe, 45" |
王公 (斯拉夫) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Middle Ages, 150" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Middle Ages, 150" |
平安时代 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Asia, 19" |
南北朝 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Asia, 19" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
德里蘇丹國 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia, 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Southern Asia, 3" |
圣殿骑士团 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
德意志王国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
小冰期 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Basics, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Basics, 11" |
德干苏丹国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Asia, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Asia, 23" |
江户时代 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Asia, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Asia, 23" |
江户幕府 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Asia, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Asia, 23" |
剛果自由邦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Africa, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Africa, 18" |
南斯拉夫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Europe, 30" |
德意志邦聯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 29" |
德意志帝國 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 29" |
德意志统一 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 29" |
胃 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal anatomy and morphology -動物解剖學及型態學, 68" |
四足類 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Basic, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Basic, 10" |
螃蟹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Crustaceans, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Crustaceans, 8" |
蜻蛉目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
蜻蜓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
蟋蟀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
蜗牛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Molluscas, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Molluscas, 6" |
貓頭鷹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
電鰻 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
鮟鱇目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
江鱈 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
四齒魨科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
小蝙蝠 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
原駝 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
小羊駝 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
原猴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
小鼠属 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
藓類植物門 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Seedless Plant, 4" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Seedless Plant, 4" |
葫芦科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
唇形科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
杏 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fruits, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fruits, 34" |
平菇 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fungus, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fungus, 13" |
小獵犬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal breeding, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal breeding, 29" |
德國牧羊犬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal breeding, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal breeding, 29" |
药物 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Health and fitness, 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Health and fitness, 25" |
耳鼻喉科學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fields of medicine, 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fields of medicine, 38" |
小兒科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fields of medicine, 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fields of medicine, 38" |
药学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fields of medicine, 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fields of medicine, 38" |
药理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fields of medicine, 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fields of medicine, 38" |
药物代谢动力学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fields of medicine, 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fields of medicine, 38" |
感染 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Disease, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Disease, 80" |
林业 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
采矿业 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
沃尔玛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Companies, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Companies, 19" |
小学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Education, 110" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Education, 110" |
德国国家图书馆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Libraries, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Libraries, 19" |
南京大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "教育" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#教育" |
圣彼得堡国立大学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
南亚区域合作联盟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
南部非洲发展共同体 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
南美洲国家联盟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
德国标准化学会 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
正義 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 31" |
與媒體見面 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Mass media, 85" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Mass media, 85" |
電視聯播網 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Mass media, 85" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Mass media, 85" |
德國公共廣播聯盟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Mass media, 85" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Mass media, 85" |
德意志博物馆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Museums, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Museums, 20" |
宣言 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
平等主義 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
王爵 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
買賣聖職 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
环境保护主义 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Social issues, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Social issues, 19" |
圣职者 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Social status, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Social status, 8" |
宣戰 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
小犬座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
南冕座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
南十字座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
小马座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
小狮座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
南魚座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
南三角座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
小熊座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
南門二 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
參宿七 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
南河三 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
參宿四 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
衛星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Celestial mechanics, 20" |
電波星系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Galactic astronomy and Extragalactic astronomy, 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Galactic astronomy and Extragalactic astronomy, 32" |
赫羅圖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy, 33" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Stellar astronomy, 33" |
原恆星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy, 33" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Stellar astronomy, 33" |
沃爾夫-拉葉星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy, 33" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Stellar astronomy, 33" |
范德华半径 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
醣蛋白 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
环境化学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
药物化学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
离子键 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
烟火制造术 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
烟火 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
原子序数 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
原子量 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
铟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
𨨏 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
片剂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Pharmacy, 2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Pharmacy, 2" |
礫岩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
片岩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
片麻岩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
平頂山 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "地貌学,58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#地貌学,58" |
平原 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "地貌学,58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#地貌学,58" |
間歇泉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "地貌学,58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#地貌学,58" |
電子伏特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
電壓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
原子半径 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
范艾伦辐射带 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
電磁鐵 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
電導體 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
原子論 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
原子物理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
原子核 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
原子轨道 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
原子理論 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
電子層 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
离子 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
電荷 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
電場 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
電勢 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
電動勢 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
電磁波譜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
電容 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
剛度 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Solid mechanics, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Solid mechanics, 9" |
原子核物理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Nuclear physics, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Nuclear physics, 9" |
正電子 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "粒子物理学,43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#粒子物理学,43" |
弧度 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Angle, 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Angle, 3" |
平方米 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Dimension, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Dimension, 24" |
小时 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Dimension, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Dimension, 24" |
赫兹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 10" |
圣凯瑟琳修道院 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
德里红堡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
圣柱圣母圣殿主教座堂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉主教座堂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
圣家堂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
德语文学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Literature, 133" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Literature, 133" |
小王子 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works of literature, 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works of literature, 58" |
小仙子 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Fictional worlds, 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Fictional worlds, 15" |
小调 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Basics, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Basics, 23" |
调式 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Basics, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Basics, 23" |
電影配樂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Music genres/forms, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Music genres/forms, 66" |
電貝斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
電子樂器 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
電鋼琴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
小鼓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Musical instruments, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Musical instruments, 59" |
四季 (維瓦爾第) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific musical works, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific musical works, 13" |
小丑 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Forms, 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Forms, 54" |
凯尔特艺术 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
平面设计 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "History of art, 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#History of art, 50" |
電影院 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
電影製作 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
片場系統 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
戛纳电影节 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
原節子 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "女演員 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#女演員 32" |
王羲之 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "非西方傳統藝術 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#非西方傳統藝術 6" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
王维 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 21" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
沃尔特·李普曼 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "記者 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#記者 16" |
沃尔夫冈·莫扎特 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作曲家 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#作曲家 48" |
赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "音樂家 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#音樂家 19" |
電力站樂團 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "電子音樂 2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#電子音樂 2" |
王子 (音樂家) | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "放克 2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#放克 2" |
小理查德 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "搖滾樂 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#搖滾樂 21" |
小津安二郎 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "導演、製片及編劇 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#導演、製片及編劇 58" |
王家卫 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "導演、製片及編劇 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#導演、製片及編劇 58" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
旃陀罗·笈多二世 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 29" |
德凯巴鲁斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 32" |
德拉古 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 32" |
德米特里·顿斯科伊 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 76" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 76" |
德彬瑞梯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 42" |
腓特烈·威廉一世 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 54" |
江青 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 49" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
赫尔曼·戈林 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "現代歷史 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#現代歷史 19" |
王貞治 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "棒球 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#棒球 7" |
原理 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "倫理學 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#倫理學 15" |
圣传 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
沃尔特水库 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "非洲 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#非洲 10" |
南極冰蓋 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "冰川 2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#冰川 2" |
环太平洋火山带 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "總論 1" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#總論 1" |
德涅斯特河沿岸 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "未受普遍承認的國家或政治實體 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#未受普遍承認的國家或政治實體 11" |
南部非洲 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "非洲 7_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#非洲 7_2" |
南錐體 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "美洲 21_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#美洲 21_2" |
南亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "亞洲 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#亞洲 42" |
江苏省 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "中國 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#中國 15" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江苏省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江苏省" |
四川省 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "中國 15" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#中國 15" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "四川省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#四川省" |
德雷达瓦 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "東非 16_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#東非 16_2" |
圣安东尼奥 (得克萨斯州) | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "北美洲 44" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#北美洲 44" |
圣克鲁斯-德拉谢拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "南美洲 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#南美洲 35" |
圣路易斯 (马拉尼昂州) | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "南美洲 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#南美洲 35" |
南昌市 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "東亞 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#東亞 53" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江西省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江西省" |
南宁市 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "東亞 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#東亞 53" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "广西壮族自治区" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#广西壮族自治区" |
赫拉特 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "西亞 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#西亞 42" |
南特 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "西歐 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#西歐 52" |
南方民族、部落和人民州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "非洲 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#非洲 23" |
南卡罗来纳州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "北美洲 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#北美洲 46" |
南里奥格兰德州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "南美洲 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#南美洲 9" |
圣保罗州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "南美洲 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#南美洲 9" |
江西省 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "亞洲 70" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#亞洲 70" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江西省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江西省" |
南欧 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "歐洲 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#歐洲 53" |
小波兰 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "歐洲 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#歐洲 53" |
南澳大利亚州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "大洋洲 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#大洋洲 9" |
德文島 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理" |
section | "美洲 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/自然地理#美洲 23" |
壓床 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "冶金工業 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#冶金工業 10" |
參數方程 | level | 4 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "基礎 57" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/數學#基礎 57" |
酿酒 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "食物准备 12" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#食物准备 12" |
籃網球 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "团体运动 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#团体运动 32" |
德雷福斯事件 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "西歐 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#西歐 18" |
南京大屠殺 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "東亞 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#東亞 18" |
小蠹亞科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
德國姬蠊 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
原尾目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他节肢動物 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他节肢動物 13" |
缓步动物门 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他無脊椎動物 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他無脊椎動物 19" |
环节动物门 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他無脊椎動物 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他無脊椎動物 19" |
旧大陆鹫类 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
画眉科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "鳥類 158" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#鳥類 158" |
電鰻目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
狗魚目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
狗鱼 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
南乳魚科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
鱷科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "爬行动物 36" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#爬行动物 36" |
王蛇屬 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "爬行动物 36" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#爬行动物 36" |
钻纹龟 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "爬行动物 36" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#爬行动物 36" |
环花草科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "單子葉植物 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#單子葉植物 50" |
小豆蔻 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "單子葉植物 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#單子葉植物 50" |
赫蕉屬 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "單子葉植物 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#單子葉植物 50" |
葫芦目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "双子叶植物 92" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#双子叶植物 92" |
南瓜 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "双子叶植物 92" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#双子叶植物 92" |
南青冈科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "双子叶植物 92" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#双子叶植物 92" |
薯蓣属 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "蔬菜及穀物 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#蔬菜及穀物 73" |
南瓜屬 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "蔬菜及穀物 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#蔬菜及穀物 73" |
小米 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "蔬菜及穀物 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#蔬菜及穀物 73" |
小脑 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
sublist | "解剖及型態" |
section | "神經系統 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學/解剖及型態#神經系統 25" |
侯丽节 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "节假日和仪式 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#节假日和仪式 19" |
平等原則 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基礎 22" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基礎 22" |
四民 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "種姓制度 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#種姓制度 5" |
沃克環流 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "气象学 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/地球科學#气象学 43" |
原子谱线 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "原子、分子和光学物理 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/物理#原子、分子和光学物理 28" |
電子磁偶極矩 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "原子、分子和光学物理 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/物理#原子、分子和光学物理 28" |
任意單位 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "科學" |
section | "基礎 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/科學#基礎 18" |
小氣財神 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
騷沙音樂 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "音乐体裁和形式 37" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#音乐体裁和形式 37" |
平均律键盘曲集 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "巴洛克 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#巴洛克 5" |
调色板 (绘画) | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "艺术家的工具, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#艺术家的工具, 14" |
四大自由 (油畫) | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "藝術作品, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#藝術作品, 30" |
小普林尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (7篇條目)" |
小托马斯·迪克逊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
黛安娜·蓋伯頓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
小泉八雲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
沃尔特·艾萨克森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
林韜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·佩特森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
沃克·柏西 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
范·沃格特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
蘿拉·英格斯·懷德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
赫尔曼·沃克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
韓雪野 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
小林多喜二 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
凯尔泰斯·伊姆雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (28篇條目)" |
德米特里·谢尔盖耶维奇·梅列日科夫斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "俄羅斯 (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#俄羅斯 (23篇條目)" |
小仲马 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (118篇條目)" |
赫塔·米勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (118篇條目)" |
南希·米特福德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
韓偓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (35篇條目)" |
赫西俄德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (31篇條目)" |
小野小町 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (33篇條目)" |
沃尔夫拉姆·冯·埃申巴赫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (25篇條目)" |
小林一茶 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (11篇條目)" |
與謝蕪村 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (11篇條目)" |
德里克·沃尔科特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "加勒比 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#加勒比 (2篇條目)" |
正冈子规 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
與謝野晶子 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
與謝野鐵幹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
圣琼·佩斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (56篇條目)" |
王实甫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "古代和後古代 (20/24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#古代和後古代 (20/24篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
小威廉·F·巴克利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
林肯·斯蒂芬斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
黛安·索耶 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "廣播新聞工作者和評論員 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#廣播新聞工作者和評論員 (80/80篇條目)" |
赫蘭特·丁克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
黛安娜·佛里蘭 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
德威特·华莱士 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
小约翰·D·洛克菲勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Banking, finance and trade (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Banking, finance and trade (48篇條目)" |
任正非 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Electronics (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Electronics (10篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
王健林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Multiple industries (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Multiple industries (25篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
林肯·柯尔斯坦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Patrons and philanthropists (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Patrons and philanthropists (8篇條目)" |
沃爾特·克萊斯勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Transport (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Transport (40篇條目)" |
沃爾特·雷利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
小威廉·布倫南 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
沃伦·厄尔·伯格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
小奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
懷特·厄普 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
南度蓝姆·高德西 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Assassination (16/16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Assassination (16/16篇條目)" |
凯文·米特尼克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Computer crimes (11/11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Computer crimes (11/11篇條目)" |
赫尔曼·拉姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Thievery, robbery and hijacking (24/24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Thievery, robbery and hijacking (24/24篇條目)" |
小野二郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Chefs, bartenders and winemakers (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Chefs, bartenders and winemakers (40/40篇條目)" |
南希·斯龐根 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
侯世達 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
德里克·帕菲特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
赫罗狄安 (叙利亚) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
小亞瑟·史列辛格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
小罗伯特·卢卡斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
韓禮德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
赫伯特·马尔库塞 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Sociologists (67篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Sociologists (67篇條目)" |
德鲁·吉尔平·福斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Educators (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Educators (36篇條目)" |
赫尔曼·艾宾浩斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Psychologists (112篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Psychologists (112篇條目)" |
沃尔特·米歇尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Psychologists (112篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Psychologists (112篇條目)" |
腓力 (使徒) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "新約聖經人物 (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#新約聖經人物 (32篇條目)" |
圣依西多禄 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "教會大分裂前 (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#教會大分裂前 (55篇條目)" |
德日进 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "天主教會 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#天主教會 (70篇條目)" |
王莽 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (25篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
赫居世居西干 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Korea (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Korea (5篇條目)" |
圣马利诺斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Western Europe (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Western Europe (66篇條目)" |
王安石 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (14篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
剛勇者愛德蒙 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "British Isles (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#British Isles (50篇條目)" |
腓力一世 (法兰西) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "France (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#France (30篇條目)" |
腓力三世 (法兰西) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "France (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#France (30篇條目)" |
腓力五世 (法兰西) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "France (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#France (30篇條目)" |
腓力六世 (法兰西) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "France (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#France (30篇條目)" |
沃倫·黑斯廷斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Southern Asia (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Southern Asia (22篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·霍华德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Royals (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Royals (6篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·帕尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Royals (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Royals (6篇條目)" |
腓特烈三世 (神圣罗马帝国) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Holy Roman Empire, Austria (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Holy Roman Empire, Austria (18篇條目)" |
腓特烈·威廉 (勃蘭登堡) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Prussia, Germany (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Prussia, Germany (7篇條目)" |
腓力三世 (西班牙) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Spain (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Spain (12篇條目)" |
腓力四世 (西班牙) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Spain (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Spain (12篇條目)" |
勇敢的米哈伊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "General (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#General (4篇條目)" |
沃伦·盖玛利尔·哈定 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Presidents (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Presidents (27篇條目)" |
赫伯特·胡佛 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Presidents (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Presidents (27篇條目)" |
德威特·克林顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
林森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Nationalist China (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Nationalist China (3篇條目)" |
王明 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Communists (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Communists (6篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
侯赛因·本·阿里 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Western Asia (15篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Western Asia (15篇條目)_2" |
腓特烈·威廉三世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Germany, Prussia (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Germany, Prussia (19篇條目)" |
腓特烈三世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Germany, Prussia (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Germany, Prussia (19篇條目)" |
德尼·萨苏-恩格索 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Central Africa (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Central Africa (20篇條目)" |
沃尔特·蒙代尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (50篇條目)" |
南希·佩洛西 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (50篇條目)" |
南希·里根 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (50篇條目)" |
小理查德·罗素 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (50篇條目)" |
德西·鲍特瑟 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Suriname (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Suriname (2篇條目)" |
江泽民 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (25篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (25篇條目)_2" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
林鄭月娥 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Hong Kong (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Hong Kong (5篇條目)" |
德仁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
小泉纯一郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
正力松太郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (12篇條目)_2" |
凯山·丰威汉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Laos (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Laos (3篇條目)" |
小貝尼格諾·阿基諾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Philippines (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Philippines (11篇條目)" |
德韋·高達 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "India (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#India (25篇條目)" |
赫瓦贾·纳齐姆丁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Pakistan (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Pakistan (10篇條目)" |
侯赛因·沙希德·苏拉瓦底 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Pakistan (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Pakistan (10篇條目)" |
侯赛因·本·塔拉勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Jordan (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Jordan (5篇條目)" |
赫尔穆特·施密特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "West Germany (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#West Germany (5篇條目)" |
沃伊切赫·雅鲁泽尔斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Poland (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Poland (9篇條目)" |
德米特里·梅德韦杰夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Russia and USSR (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Russia and USSR (22篇條目)" |
德米特里·乌斯季诺夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Russia and USSR (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Russia and USSR (22篇條目)" |
沃尔特·利尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Vanuatu (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Vanuatu (2篇條目)" |
沃尔特·布拉顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
小雷蒙德·戴维斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
江崎玲於奈 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
沃爾夫岡·克特勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
小林诚 (物理学家) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
赫伯特·克勒默 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
小柴昌俊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
沃尔夫冈·保罗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
凯·西格巴恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
南部阳一郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
沃尔特·巴德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
南希·羅曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
赫尔曼·埃米尔·费歇尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
赫尔曼·施陶丁格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
德米特里·伊凡諾夫斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Biology (73篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Biology (73篇條目)" |
赫尔曼·约瑟夫·马勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Biology (73篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Biology (73篇條目)" |
沃尔特·杰克逊·弗里曼二世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
德尼·穆奎格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
范信達 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
赫尔曼·奥伯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
德尼·帕潘 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
凯伦·乌伦贝克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (79篇條目)" |
德雷克·雅可比 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Stage (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Stage (36篇條目)" |
沃尔特·休斯顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "General (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#General (13篇條目)" |
凯文·贝肯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
沃纳·巴克斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
沃尔特·布伦南 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
小勞勃·道尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
范朋克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
小库珀·古丁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
小路易斯·格塞特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
德斯汀·荷夫曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
赫利希克·羅桑 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (41篇條目)" |
凯尔·麦克拉克伦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·康奈尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Stage (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Stage (53篇條目)" |
蘿拉·鄧恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
南妮特·法布雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
黛安·基顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
黛米·摩尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
德琵·雷諾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·特纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
黛安·韦斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
范冰冰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (79篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
王丹凤 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (79篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
王菲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (79篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (66篇條目)" |
凯特·布兰切特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Oceania (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Oceania (4篇條目)" |
凯茜·贝克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
黛安·卡罗尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·赫尔蒙德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
蘿莉·麥凱佛 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
小弗洛伦茨·齐格菲尔德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Stage (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Stage (10篇條目)" |
沃伦·比蒂 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·毕格罗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
凯文·科斯特纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
德爾伯特·曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
沃卓斯基姐妹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·布雷亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Europe (85篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Europe (85篇條目)" |
小約翰·德·莫爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (30篇條目)" |
凯瑟琳·邓翰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other dance (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other dance (100篇條目)" |
德瑞克·霍夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other dance (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other dance (100篇條目)" |
侯宝林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Traditional, stage and stand-up (58篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Traditional, stage and stand-up (58篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
凯文·哈特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Film (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Film (60篇條目)" |
德魯·凱利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (118篇條目)" |
寇特妮·卡戴珊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (118篇條目)" |
蘿西·歐唐納 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (118篇條目)" |
凯莉·蕾帕 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (118篇條目)" |
赫柏·卡马戈 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other countries (82篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other countries (82篇條目)" |
小林瞳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Adult (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Adult (25/25篇條目)" |
小室友里 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Adult (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Adult (25/25篇條目)" |
小喬治·華盛頓·蓋爾·費里斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Amusement park people (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Amusement park people (10/10篇條目)" |
侯活·史敦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Radio and podcast hosts (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Radio and podcast hosts (30/30篇條目)" |
平野绫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
南希·卡特赖特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
林原惠 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Voice actors, radio announcers and narrators (30/30篇條目)" |
赫爾曼·加門迪亞 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Web entertainers and internet personalities (20/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Web entertainers and internet personalities (20/20篇條目)" |
小彼得·勃鲁盖尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "文艺复兴至近代 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#文艺复兴至近代 (70篇條目)" |
赫拉德·范洪特霍斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "文艺复兴至近代 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#文艺复兴至近代 (70篇條目)" |
赫米乌努 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
凯文·洛奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
王澍 (建筑师) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
黛安·馮·菲斯滕貝格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#时装设计师 (35篇條目)" |
赫里特·里特费尔德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "家具设计师 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#家具设计师 (6篇條目)" |
小岛秀夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
沃克·埃文斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
南·戈丁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
小野洋子 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "一般 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#一般 (16篇條目)" |
范寬 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "中国 (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#中国 (29篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
寇特·威爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
凯娅·萨里阿霍 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "21世纪当代 (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#21世纪当代 (32篇條目)" |
范·克莱本 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
凯斯·杰瑞 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
南希·威尔森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#爵士乐及相关流派 (80/80篇條目)" |
黛比·吉布森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
黛兒塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
黛咪·洛瓦托 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
凯莉·米洛 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
小野貓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
正義兄弟 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
南茜·辛纳特拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
林-曼努爾·米蘭達 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Musical comedy and lyricists (20/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Musical comedy and lyricists (20/20篇條目)" |
凯茜·马斯格雷夫斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Country (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Country (50篇條目)" |
南希·阿吉莱姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Arabic (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Arabic (7篇條目)" |
黛莉達 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "French (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#French (20篇條目)" |
蘿拉·菲比安 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "French (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#French (20篇條目)" |
德国战车 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "German (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#German (7篇條目)" |
蘿拉·普西妮 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Italian (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Italian (7篇條目)" |
小貓俱樂部 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Japanese (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Japanese (25篇條目)" |
南方之星 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Japanese (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Japanese (25篇條目)" |
黛安娜·罗斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
林哥·史達 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
小紅莓樂隊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
電光交響樂團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
四季合唱團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
感恩至死 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
林納·史金納 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
范·莫里森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
小妖精乐队 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
林普巴茲提特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
德雷克 (歌手) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
小韋恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
孛栾台 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "中世紀歷史 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#中世紀歷史 (37篇條目)" |
德奧多羅·達·豐塞卡 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "將領 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#將領 (13篇條目)" |
林彪 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
南云忠一 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
赫爾曼·巴爾克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "德國 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#德國 (35篇條目)" |
小赫爾穆特·馮·毛奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "德國 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#德國 (35篇條目)" |
小瓢蟲·約翰遜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
林登·拉罗奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
沃尔特·鲁瑟 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
王丹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Asia (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Asia (54篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
腓特烈·巴耶尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
凯特·谢泼德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Oceania (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Oceania (39篇條目)" |
德拉甘·贾基奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
凯文·基冈 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
赫里斯托·斯托伊奇科夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#歐洲 (60篇條目)" |
凯文·杜兰特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
凯文·加内特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
德克·诺维茨基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
黛安娜·陶乐西 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
德维恩·韦德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
小肯·葛瑞菲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
德瑞克·基特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
小卡爾·瑞普肯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
寇特·華納 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "美式足球 (40/40篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#美式足球 (40/40篇配額)" |
沃爾特·哈根 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
小湯姆·莫里斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
蘿瑞納·歐秋雅 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#高爾夫球 (35/35篇配額)" |
凯茜·弗里曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
凯特琳·詹纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
范妮·罗森菲尔德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
凯文·扬 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#田徑 (90/90篇配額)" |
南茜·克里根 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "花式滑冰 (30/30篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#花式滑冰 (30/30篇配額)" |
寇特·安格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "摔角 (9/9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#摔角 (9/9篇條目)" |
小野喬 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "體操 (25/25篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#體操 (25/25篇配額)" |
王楠 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "乒乓球 (5/5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#乒乓球 (5/5篇條目)" |
侯赛因·礼萨扎德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "基於力量的運動 (7/7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#基於力量的運動 (7/7篇條目)" |
小林尊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "大胃王 (1/1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#大胃王 (1/1篇條目)" |
林遥焕 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "電子競技 (5/5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#電子競技 (5/5篇條目)" |
凯温·库斯克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "有舵雪橇 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#有舵雪橇 (2篇條目)" |
凯文·马丁 (冰壶运动员) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "冰壼 (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#冰壼 (3篇條目)" |
沃尔特·坎普 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "美式足球 (15/15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#美式足球 (15/15篇條目)" |
侯活·韋比 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "英式足球 (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#英式足球 (30/30篇條目)" |
沃尔特·A·布朗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "冰球 (12/12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#冰球 (12/12篇條目)" |
启发法 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Basics (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Basics (16篇條目)" |
正義戰爭 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Concepts (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Concepts (21篇條目)" |
德性倫理學 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Approaches (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Approaches (18篇條目)" |
圣髑 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (39篇條目)" |
圣人 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (39篇條目)" |
正典 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
小先知書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
腓立比書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
腓利門書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
启示录 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
启示录中的四骑士 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
原罪 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
正統教會 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Denominations (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Denominations (54篇條目)" |
小圣堂 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
圣奥古斯丁修道会 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
王國 (卡巴拉) | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Judaism (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Judaism (50篇條目)" |
宣礼 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (15篇條目)" |
小淨 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (15篇條目)" |
正统哈里发时期 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Other (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Other (5篇條目)" |
林伽 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Deities (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Deities (25篇條目)" |
小乘佛教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Traditions (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Traditions (15篇條目)" |
四谛 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Concepts (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Concepts (19篇條目)" |
德 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Taoism (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Taoism (9篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
原始印欧宗教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Ancient religions (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Ancient religions (23篇條目)" |
參孫 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
掃羅王 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
調換兒 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
德弗 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
騷靈現象 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
王者之劍 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Mythological items (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Mythological items (7篇條目)" |
圣杯 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Mythological items (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Mythological items (7篇條目)" |
圣枪 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Mythological items (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Mythological items (7篇條目)" |
旧大陆 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (26篇條目)" |
南西奈省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Egypt (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Egypt (28篇條目)" |
凯比州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Nigeria (38篇條目)" |
南非行政区划 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "South Africa (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#South Africa (19篇條目)" |
林波波省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "South Africa (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#South Africa (19篇條目)" |
南极领地 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Antarctica (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Antarctica (11篇條目)" |
南高加索 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "General (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#General (24篇條目)" |
南加里曼丹省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
南苏拉威西省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
南苏门答腊省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Indonesia (35篇條目)" |
南呼羅珊省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Iran (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Iran (31篇條目)" |
德黑蘭省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Iran (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Iran (31篇條目)" |
南部区 (以色列) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Israel (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Israel (9篇條目)" |
栃木縣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Japan (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Japan (52篇條目)" |
德岛县 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Japan (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Japan (52篇條目)" |
江原道 (朝鮮民主主義人民共和國) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "North Korea (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#North Korea (10篇條目)" |
平安北道 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "North Korea (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#North Korea (10篇條目)" |
平安南道 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "North Korea (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#North Korea (10篇條目)" |
江原特別自治道 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "South Korea (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#South Korea (10篇條目)" |
南投縣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Taiwan (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Taiwan (14篇條目)" |
林堡省 (比利时) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Belgium (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Belgium (13篇條目)" |
赫拉德茨-克拉洛韋州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
南捷克州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
南摩拉維亞州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
赫維什州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Hungary (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Hungary (20篇條目)" |
沃什州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Hungary (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Hungary (20篇條目)" |
南都柏林郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Ireland (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Ireland (40篇條目)" |
凯里郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Ireland (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Ireland (40篇條目)" |
沃特福德郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Ireland (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Ireland (40篇條目)" |
南荷蘭省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
德伦特省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
林堡省 (荷兰) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
小波兰省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Poland (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Poland (17篇條目)" |
沃州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Switzerland (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Switzerland (27篇條目)" |
赫尔松州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Ukraine (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Ukraine (26篇條目)" |
赫梅利尼茨基州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Ukraine (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Ukraine (26篇條目)" |
沃倫州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Ukraine (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Ukraine (26篇條目)" |
南约克郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
德比郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
赫里福德郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
林肯郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
南英格蘭 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
德文郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
赫特福德郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
南部高地 (英國) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
南下加利福尼亞州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Mexico (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Mexico (32篇條目)" |
南加勒比海岸自治區 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Nicaragua (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Nicaragua (2篇條目)" |
南达科他州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United States (85篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United States (85篇條目)" |
懷卡托 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
南地大区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#New Zealand (17篇條目)" |
圣胡安省 (阿根廷) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Argentina (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Argentina (24篇條目)" |
圣路易斯省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Argentina (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Argentina (24篇條目)" |
圣克鲁斯省 (阿根廷) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Argentina (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Argentina (24篇條目)" |
圣菲省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Argentina (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Argentina (24篇條目)" |
圣地亚哥-德尔埃斯特罗省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Argentina (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Argentina (24篇條目)" |
圣埃斯皮里图州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Brazil (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Brazil (28篇條目)" |
南马托格罗索州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Brazil (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Brazil (28篇條目)" |
圣卡塔琳娜州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Brazil (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Brazil (28篇條目)" |
圣地亚哥首都大区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Chile (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Chile (16篇條目)" |
赫勒万 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "埃及 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#埃及 (15篇條目)" |
赫加達 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "埃及 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#埃及 (15篇條目)" |
圣但尼 (留尼汪) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "东非 (51/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#东非 (51/50篇條目)" |
圣路易 (塞内加尔) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "塞内加尔 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#塞内加尔 (5篇條目)" |
凯内马 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "塞拉利昂 (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#塞拉利昂 (3篇條目)" |
圣约翰 (新不伦瑞克省) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "加拿大 (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#加拿大 (22篇條目)" |
圣路易斯波托西 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
圣尼古拉斯-德洛斯加尔萨 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
沃斯堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
德罕 (北卡羅來納州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
小岩城 (阿肯色州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國南部 (45篇條目)" |
德梅因 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
德卢斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
林肯 (内布拉斯加州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
圣保罗 (明尼苏达州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
圣安娜 (加利福尼亚州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
圣菲 (新墨西哥州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國西部 (42篇條目)" |
圣皮埃尔 (圣皮埃尔和密克隆) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "其他 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#其他 (2篇條目)" |
圣佩德罗苏拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "洪都拉斯 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#洪都拉斯 (2篇條目)" |
圣克拉拉 (古巴) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "古巴 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#古巴 (6篇條目)" |
圣费尔南多 (特立尼达和多巴哥) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "千里達及托巴哥 (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#千里達及托巴哥 (3篇條目)" |
圣卡洛斯-德巴里洛切 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
圣米格尔-德图库曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
圣菲 (阿根廷) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#阿根廷 (17篇條目)" |
圣贝尔纳多-杜坎普 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "巴西 (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#巴西 (36篇條目)" |
圣玛尔塔 (哥伦比亚) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "哥伦比亚 (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#哥伦比亚 (14篇條目)" |
沧州市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华北地区 (24篇條目)" |
葫芦岛市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
四平市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#东北地区 (21篇條目)" |
南通市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江苏省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江苏省" |
南阳市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "河南省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#河南省" |
烟台市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山东省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山东省" |
南海区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
江门市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
漯河市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
平顶山市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中南地区 (45篇條目)" |
南充市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西南地区 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西南地区 (15篇條目)" |
德島市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "四國地方 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#四國地方 (4篇條目)" |
南浦市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 (4篇條目)" |
南楊州市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
平澤市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
原州市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
赫里德瓦尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "%7B%7Btsl%7Cen%7CCentral India%7C印度中部%7D%7D (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#%7B%7Btsl%7Cen%7CCentral India%7C印度中部%7D%7D (33篇條目)" |
德瓦尔卡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "印度西部 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#印度西部 (37篇條目)" |
德拉加齊汗 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "巴基斯坦 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#巴基斯坦 (26篇條目)" |
德波 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "爪哇 (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#爪哇 (22篇條目)" |
南丹格朗 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "爪哇 (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#爪哇 (22篇條目)" |
德布勒森 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "匈牙利 (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#匈牙利 (3篇條目)" |
凯尔采 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "波兰 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#波兰 (16篇條目)" |
沃罗涅日 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中央 (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中央 (7篇條目)" |
沃洛格达 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西北部 (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西北部 (8篇條目)" |
赫尔松 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "乌克兰 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#乌克兰 (25篇條目)" |
赫梅利尼茨基 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "乌克兰 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#乌克兰 (25篇條目)" |
林雪平 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "瑞典 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#瑞典 (6篇條目)" |
林茨 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "奥地利 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#奥地利 (6篇條目)" |
戛纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "法国 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#法国 (42篇條目)" |
南锡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "法国 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#法国 (42篇條目)" |
圣艾蒂安 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "法国 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#法国 (42篇條目)" |
德比 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
赫爾河畔京士頓 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
南安普敦 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
德里 (北愛爾蘭) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "北爱尔兰 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#北爱尔兰 (2篇條目)" |
圣塞瓦斯蒂安 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
赫雷斯-德拉弗龙特拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
圣克里斯托瓦尔-德拉拉古纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
圣克鲁斯-德特内里费 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
南极地区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Earth (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Earth (26篇條目)" |
南半球 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Earth (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Earth (26篇條目)" |
南美洲地理 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Geography by continent (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Geography by continent (7篇條目)" |
南非地理 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (6篇條目)" |
德国地理 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (15篇條目)" |
采爾克尼察湖 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (19篇條目)" |
沃尔特河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (25篇條目)" |
圣华金河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (50篇條目)" |
懷芒古間歇泉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Geysers and hot springs (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Geysers and hot springs (10篇條目)" |
沃克吕兹泉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oases and springs (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oases and springs (10篇條目)" |
黛提瀑布 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Waterfalls (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Waterfalls (26篇條目)" |
圣安唐岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (27篇條目)" |
凯尔盖朗群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
赫德島和麥克唐納群島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
南乔治亚和南桑威奇群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
南佐治亞島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
南奥克尼群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
赫布里底群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "British Isles (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#British Isles (26篇條目)" |
圣托里尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Greece (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Greece (23篇條目)" |
圣皮埃尔和密克隆 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "General (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#General (9篇條目)" |
圣基茨岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
圣马丁岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
圣文森特岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
南塔克特 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "United States (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#United States (17篇條目)" |
圣诞岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceania (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceania (76篇條目)" |
圣诞岛 (基里巴斯) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceania (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceania (76篇條目)" |
德玛瓦半岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Americas (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Americas (22篇條目)" |
旧金山半岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Americas (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Americas (22篇條目)" |
圣安德烈亚斯断层 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (48篇條目)" |
四川盆地 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Eastern Asia (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Eastern Asia (19篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
圣托里尼火山口 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (36篇條目)" |
德馬溫峰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (39篇條目)" |
南迦帕尔巴特峰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (39篇條目)" |
懷特島 (紐西蘭) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceania (10篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceania (10篇條目)_2" |
劣地国家公园 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (43篇條目)" |
沃特頓-冰川國際和平公園 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (43篇條目)" |
正规数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
小數點 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (100篇條目)" |
逻辑非 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
平方 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
正弦 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
正三角形 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
正多边形 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
正多面體 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
四面體 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
正八面體 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
正十二面體 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
正二十面體 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
四维空间 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
正五胞体 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
四維超正方體 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
正十六胞体 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
正二十四胞体 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
正一百二十胞体 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
正六百胞体 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Four-dimensional space (8篇條目)" |
正弦定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Trigonometry (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Trigonometry (4篇條目)" |
平分線 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Other (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Other (19篇條目)" |
赫尔德不等式 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Other algebra topics (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Other algebra topics (12篇條目)" |
调和平均数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Statistics (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Statistics (45篇條目)" |
原子公式 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Mathematical logic (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Mathematical logic (32篇條目)" |
逻辑运算符 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Mathematical logic (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Mathematical logic (32篇條目)" |
正则性公理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Axiomatic systems (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Axiomatic systems (19篇條目)" |
Λ演算 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
原始递归函数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
正則圖 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
平面图 (图论) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
调和矩阵 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
调和级数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
调和函数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Harmonic analysis (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Harmonic analysis (10篇條目)" |
調和共軛 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Harmonic analysis (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Harmonic analysis (10篇條目)" |
离散对数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Modular arithmetic (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Modular arithmetic (8篇條目)" |
正则形式的博弈 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Game theory (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Game theory (17篇條目)" |
任务分配问题 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Optimization (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Optimization (13篇條目)" |
間隙定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Complexity theory (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Complexity theory (17篇條目)" |
环球小姐 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
電子遊戲收藏 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
圣地亚哥国际漫画展 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
德國十字戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Board games (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Board games (45篇條目)" |
正方跳棋 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Board games (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Board games (45篇條目)" |
韓國將棋 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Board games (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Board games (45篇條目)" |
德式桌上遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Board games (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Board games (45篇條目)" |
德州撲克 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Card games (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Card games (38篇條目)" |
平台游戏 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
電子角色扮演遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
任天堂64 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
任天堂GameCube | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
任天堂DS | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
任天堂3DS | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
任天堂Switch | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
勇者鬥惡龍系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
王國之心系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
拳无虚发 (1987年游戏) | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
任天堂明星大亂鬥系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
任天堂明星大亂鬥DX | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
德軍總部3D | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
足球 (球) | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Sports equipment (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Sports equipment (23篇條目)" |
四格球遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Team sports (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Team sports (69篇條目)" |
足壘球 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Team sports (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Team sports (69篇條目)" |
小轮车 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
平衡木 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other individual sports (94篇條目)" |
德国足球甲级联赛 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Sports leagues (58篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Sports leagues (58篇條目)" |
圣母大学爱尔兰战士美式足球队 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Sports teams (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Sports teams (51篇條目)" |
租賃 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Housing (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Housing (8篇條目)" |
小礼服 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "General (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#General (33篇條目)" |
小黑裙 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "General (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#General (33篇條目)" |
足部穿著 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Footwear (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Footwear (11篇條目)" |
足球鞋 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Footwear (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Footwear (11篇條目)" |
鞋釘 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Footwear (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Footwear (11篇條目)" |
披肩 (外套) | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
小圓帽 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
披巾 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Outerwear (40篇條目)" |
四角褲 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Underwear (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Underwear (13篇條目)" |
耳飾 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Jewelry (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Jewelry (8篇條目)" |
辫子 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Hairstyle (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Hairstyle (26篇條目)" |
平頭 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Hairstyle (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Hairstyle (26篇條目)" |
德國飲食 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
韓國料理 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
壓力鍋 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
小圆面包 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Grains-based products (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Grains-based products (29篇條目)" |
貓肉 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
狗肉 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
原始切块 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
圣代 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Dairy and analogues (41篇條目)" |
杏脯 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
韓式泡菜 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
德国面疙瘩 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
南瓜派 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
小扁豆汤 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
韓國餐具 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cooking and eating (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cooking and eating (22篇條目)" |
正常体位 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
廟妓 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
感官按摩 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
電話性交 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
圣马力诺历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (87篇條目)" |
南卡羅萊納省 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
圣基茨和尼维斯历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
圣卢西亚历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
剛果民主共和國歷史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (56篇條目)" |
圣多美和普林西比历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (56篇條目)" |
南苏丹历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (56篇條目)" |
逻辑史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of philosophy and religion (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of philosophy and religion (28篇條目)" |
圣经的历史性 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of philosophy and religion (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of philosophy and religion (28篇條目)" |
足球歷史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of games and sport (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of games and sport (32篇條目)" |
電子遊戲史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of games and sport (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of games and sport (32篇條目)" |
凯撒内战 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (79篇條目)" |
沃洛夫帝國 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (23篇條目)" |
旧制度 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
德意志割据 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
南蠻貿易 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
德國殖民地 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (64篇條目)" |
小大角战役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "United States (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#United States (66篇條目)" |
林肯遇刺案 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "United States (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#United States (66篇條目)" |
德克萨斯共和国 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "United States (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#United States (66篇條目)" |
懷唐伊條約 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Oceania (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Oceania (26篇條目)" |
德軍春季攻勢 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "World War I (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#World War I (47篇條目)" |
租借法案 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "World War II (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#World War II (72篇條目)" |
德國經濟奇蹟 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
南斯拉夫內戰 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
小石城事件 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
足球戰爭 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
林白小鹰绑架案 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
南美海军无畏舰竞赛 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
南非聯邦 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (27篇條目)" |
南千島群島爭議 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Asia (39篇條目)" |
四三〇事件 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southeastern Asia (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southeastern Asia (32篇條目)" |
四月革命 (阿富汗) | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Central Asia and Iran (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Central Asia and Iran (22篇條目)" |
德属萨摩亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Oceania (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Oceania (14篇條目)" |
南苏丹独立公投 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (22篇條目)" |
小指 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Human anatomy (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Human anatomy (35篇條目)" |
药物效应动力学 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
胃癌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Cancer (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Cancer (23篇條目)" |
正黏液病毒科 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Infectious disease (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Infectious disease (62篇條目)" |
披衣菌感染 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Infectious disease (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Infectious disease (62篇條目)" |
胃灼熱 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
感觉减退 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
耳鸣 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
均衡飲食 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "General (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#General (45篇條目)" |
烟酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Vitamins (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Vitamins (15篇條目)" |
衛生棉 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
衛生棉條 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
衛生紙 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Hygiene products (22篇條目)" |
原口动物 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "General classifications (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#General classifications (12篇條目)" |
拳師犬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dogs (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dogs (52篇條目)" |
范高爾 (馬) | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
耳廓狐 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Canines (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Canines (8篇條目)" |
江豚 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Cetaceans (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Cetaceans (30篇條目)" |
原牛 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Bovidae (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Bovidae (21篇條目)" |
小袋鼠 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
刷尾负鼠 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
披毛犀 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Odd-toed ungulates (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Odd-toed ungulates (21篇條目)" |
平原斑馬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Equidae (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Equidae (12篇條目)" |
环尾狐猴 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Strepsirrhini (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Strepsirrhini (5篇條目)" |
小家鼠 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Rodents (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Rodents (22篇條目)" |
原鸽 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Columbiformes (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Columbiformes (4篇條目)" |
原雞 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Galliformes (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Galliformes (22篇條目)" |
南非企鹅 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Sphenisciformes (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Sphenisciformes (4篇條目)" |
小藍企鵝 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Sphenisciformes (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Sphenisciformes (4篇條目)" |
南方巨獸龍屬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
林蛙 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Frogs and toads (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Frogs and toads (10篇條目)" |
小頭睡鯊 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Sharks (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Sharks (10篇條目)" |
寇蛛属 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Arachnids (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Arachnids (17篇條目)" |
小紅蛺蝶 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Lepidoptera (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Lepidoptera (18篇條目)" |
南极中爪鱿 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Mollusks (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Mollusks (37篇條目)" |
杏组 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Stone fruits (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Stone fruits (7篇條目)" |
莓果 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Berries (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Berries (17篇條目)" |
小扁豆 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Pulses (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Pulses (27篇條目)" |
圣罗勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
樟腦 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
調料九里香 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
原核生物 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Other organisms (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Other organisms (63篇條目)" |
原始色素體生物 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Archaeplastida (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Archaeplastida (3篇條目)" |
平滑肌 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Muscular system (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Muscular system (7篇條目)" |
耳蜗 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
感光细胞 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
腓骨 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
跗骨 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Skeletal system (25篇條目)" |
原腸胚形成 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Animal reproduction (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Animal reproduction (20篇條目)" |
脯氨酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Proteins (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Proteins (35篇條目)" |
小分子核糖核酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Molecular biology (36篇條目)" |
四足步行 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Ethology (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Ethology (28篇條目)" |
電子傳遞鏈 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Cell processes (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Cell processes (30篇條目)" |
原生質絲 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Plant cells (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Plant cells (7篇條目)" |
环境承载力 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Ecology (38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Ecology (38篇條目)" |
劣生学 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Genetics (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Genetics (41篇條目)" |
南猿 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Australopithecines (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Australopithecines (16篇條目)" |
南方古猿源泉种 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Australopithecines (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Australopithecines (16篇條目)" |
南非兰特 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
韓圓 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
電視廣告 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (74篇條目)" |
南北貨 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (74篇條目)" |
房地產抵押 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Securities (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Securities (35篇條目)" |
間接稅 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Taxation (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Taxation (18篇條目)" |
調酒師 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
電工 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common trades and professions (28篇條目)" |
损失函数 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Economics (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Economics (49篇條目)" |
德國經濟 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Economies (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Economies (31篇條目)" |
南非經濟 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Economies (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Economies (31篇條目)" |
韓國經濟 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Economies (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Economies (31篇條目)" |
德勤 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Accounting (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Accounting (4篇條目)" |
德意志银行 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Banks (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Banks (17篇條目)" |
环球影业 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Media companies (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Media companies (8篇條目)" |
任天堂 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Media companies (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Media companies (8篇條目)" |
沃爾格林 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Retailers (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Retailers (11篇條目)" |
德国铁路 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Rail operators (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Rail operators (11篇條目)" |
韓國鐵道公社 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Rail operators (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Rail operators (11篇條目)" |
電腦中介傳播 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
電話會議 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
感恩节 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Festivals, holidays, and observances (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Festivals, holidays, and observances (69篇條目)" |
圣帕特里克节 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Specific holidays (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Specific holidays (44篇條目)" |
圣诞树 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Christian holidays (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Christian holidays (15篇條目)" |
平安夜 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Christian holidays (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Christian holidays (15篇條目)" |
圣纪节 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Islamic holidays (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Islamic holidays (6篇條目)" |
圣殿被毁日 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Jewish holidays (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Jewish holidays (10篇條目)" |
圣路易斯华盛顿大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "United States (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#United States (135篇條目)" |
德保罗大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big East (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big East (11篇條目)" |
德克萨斯基督教大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big 12 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big 12 (11篇條目)" |
德克薩斯理工大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big 12 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big 12 (11篇條目)" |
南卡羅來納大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "SEC (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#SEC (15篇條目)" |
范德堡大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "SEC (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#SEC (15篇條目)" |
南加州大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Pac-12 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Pac-12 (13篇條目)" |
圣保罗大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "South America (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#South America (3篇條目)" |
德黑兰大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Asia (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Asia (45篇條目)" |
南洋理工大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Singapore (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Singapore (2篇條目)" |
赫尔辛基大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Europe (95篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Europe (95篇條目)" |
德累斯顿工业大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "TU9 (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#TU9 (9篇條目)" |
圣安德鲁斯大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "United Kingdom (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#United Kingdom (26篇條目)" |
南安普敦大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Russell Group (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Russell Group (24篇條目)" |
级 (语法) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Grammar (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Grammar (49篇條目)" |
逗號 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Grammar (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Grammar (49篇條目)" |
參考 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
感叹词 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Vocabulary (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Vocabulary (18篇條目)" |
凯尔特语族 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Language families (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Language families (40/40篇條目)" |
平假名 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
片假名 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
沃拉普克语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Constructed languages (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Constructed languages (7篇條目)" |
赫梯語 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (5篇條目)" |
南非英语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
林堡语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Germanic languages (33篇條目)" |
林加拉语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
赫雷罗语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
南恩德贝莱语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
沃洛夫語 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Niger–Congo languages (33篇條目)" |
宣誓 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Basics (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Basics (89篇條目)" |
责任 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Basics (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Basics (89篇條目)" |
調解 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Dispute resolution (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Dispute resolution (11篇條目)" |
正當法律程序 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Rights (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Rights (31篇條目)" |
正当防卫 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Rights (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Rights (31篇條目)" |
环境法学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "International law (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#International law (21篇條目)" |
騷擾 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against the person (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against the person (35篇條目)" |
店舖盜竊 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against property (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against property (25篇條目)" |
原告 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Civil procedure (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Civil procedure (12篇條目)" |
德克萨斯州诉约翰逊案 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "United States (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#United States (28篇條目)" |
南方共同市場 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organizations (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Intergovernmental organizations (89篇條目)" |
南方贫困法律中心 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National organizations (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National organizations (32篇條目)" |
德国基督教民主联盟 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Political parties (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Political parties (15篇條目)" |
德国社会民主党 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Political parties (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Political parties (15篇條目)" |
德國政治 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Politics of specific countries (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Politics of specific countries (20篇條目)" |
王 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Titles (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Titles (32篇條目)" |
感恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Interpersonal relations (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Interpersonal relations (39篇條目)" |
披头族 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
南北分歧 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
德国国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
圣多美和普林西比国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
南非國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
南蘇丹國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
德国国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
圣基茨和尼维斯国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
圣马力诺国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
南非国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
南蘇丹國徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
调查报导 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Journalism (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Journalism (25篇條目)" |
小报新闻 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Journalism (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Journalism (25篇條目)" |
電子傳媒 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Mass Media (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Mass Media (40篇條目)" |
林奈学会植物学杂志 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
原子科学家公报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
電子雜誌 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Magazines (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Magazines (89篇條目)" |
赫斯特国际集团 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Mass media companies (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Mass media companies (4篇條目)" |
旧金山纪事报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United States (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United States (17篇條目)" |
环球时报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "China (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#China (14篇條目)" |
南方日报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "China (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#China (14篇條目)" |
南方都市报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "China (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#China (14篇條目)" |
南方周末 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "China (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#China (14篇條目)" |
南華早報 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Hong Kong (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Hong Kong (2篇條目)" |
每日新聞 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Japan (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Japan (5篇條目)" |
韓民族日報 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "South Korea (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#South Korea (4篇條目)" |
南德意志报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Germany (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Germany (5篇條目)" |
每日郵報 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (7篇條目)" |
每日电讯报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (7篇條目)" |
衛報 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (7篇條目)" |
電台網 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Radio (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Radio (35篇條目)" |
電視試播 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Television (481篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Television (481篇條目)" |
電視小說 (拉丁美洲) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Genres (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Genres (21篇條目)" |
電視影片 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Genres (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Genres (21篇條目)" |
德國電視 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Television by country (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Television by country (24篇條目)" |
德国之声 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "German TV networks (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#German TV networks (3篇條目)" |
德國電視二台 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "German TV networks (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#German TV networks (3篇條目)" |
四角方圆 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Australia (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Australia (11篇條目)" |
小不列颠 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
是,大臣 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
杏林春暖 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Daytime soaps (206篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Daytime soaps (206篇條目)" |
南方公園 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
每日秀 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
德克斯特的實驗室 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
林學 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Trees and Forestry (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Trees and Forestry (6篇條目)" |
控制论 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
药物基因组学 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
像素 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer science (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer science (19篇條目)" |
缓存 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
平板電腦 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
電競電腦 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
调制解调器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
電腦硬體冷卻 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
调度 (计算机) | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
電腦蠕蟲 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer security (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer security (30篇條目)" |
電腦檔案 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
電腦數據存貯器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
電腦記憶體 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
正则表达式 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
參數 (程式設計) | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
控制流程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
调用约定 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
宣告式編程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
调试 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
采样定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (21篇條目)" |
電子電路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (21篇條目)" |
電子設計自動化 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (21篇條目)" |
電晶體-電晶體邏輯 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Components (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Components (55篇條目)" |
電位器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Components (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Components (55篇條目)" |
环境工程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
電力工程學 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
電光源 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Electricity generation, transmission and distribution (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Electricity generation, transmission and distribution (76篇條目)" |
電氣化 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Electricity generation, transmission and distribution (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Electricity generation, transmission and distribution (76篇條目)" |
電力 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Concepts (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Concepts (25篇條目)" |
電力系統故障 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Concepts (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Concepts (25篇條目)" |
電網儲能 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Concepts (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Concepts (25篇條目)" |
電力潮流 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Concepts (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Concepts (25篇條目)" |
間歇性再生能源 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Concepts (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Concepts (25篇條目)" |
電力系統 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Electricity transmission and distribution (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Electricity transmission and distribution (19篇條目)" |
電弧故障斷路器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Protective devices (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Protective devices (7篇條目)" |
小港口 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Coastal infrastructure (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Coastal infrastructure (8篇條目)" |
電氣線路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Other components (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Other components (7篇條目)" |
圣天使桥 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Bridges (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Bridges (50篇條目)" |
四冲程循环 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Basics (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Basics (24篇條目)" |
刷子 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Artist's tools (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Artist's tools (13篇條目)" |
籃 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Containers (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Containers (18篇條目)" |
采棉机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Farm and garden machinery (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Farm and garden machinery (17篇條目)" |
小便斗 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Household appliances (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Household appliances (24篇條目)" |
電子書 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
電子書閱讀器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
耳機 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
電子作戰飛機 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Military aviation (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Military aviation (44篇條目)" |
感光耦合元件 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Optical instruments (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Optical instruments (23篇條目)" |
平方千米阵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Ground-based observatories (23篇條目)" |
勇气号火星探测器 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Rovers (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Rovers (6篇條目)" |
小路 (英國) | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
德國高速公路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
平板卡车 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
電氣化鐵路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Rail transport (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Rail transport (21篇條目)" |
電力機車 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Rail transport (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Rail transport (21篇條目)" |
驿站马车 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Animal-powered transport (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Animal-powered transport (6篇條目)" |
江船 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
德哈維蘭加拿大DHC-8 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Specific aircraft (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Specific aircraft (32篇條目)" |
圣地亚哥地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Americas (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Americas (13篇條目)" |
圣保罗地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Americas (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Americas (13篇條目)" |
德黑蘭地鐵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
南京地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
德里地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
圣彼得堡地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Europe (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Europe (24篇條目)" |
赫爾辛基地鐵 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Europe (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Europe (24篇條目)" |
韓國高速鐵路 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "High-speed rail (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#High-speed rail (12篇條目)" |
電化電池 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#General (42篇條目)" |
范德华力 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#General (42篇條目)" |
四氧化三铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
四氧化锇 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
四乙基鉛 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Organometallics (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Organometallics (2篇條目)" |
四氢呋喃 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–oxygen bond (33篇條目)" |
四氯化碳 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
四氟化碳 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Carbon–halogen bond (14篇條目)" |
环烷烃 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
环丁烷 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
环戊烷 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
环己烷 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Hydrocarbons (24篇條目)" |
剛玉 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
正長石 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
壓碎岩 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Petrology (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Petrology (62篇條目)" |
綫理 (地質) | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Structural geology (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Structural geology (23篇條目)" |
弧前 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
弧後盆地 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
南極洲板塊 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Tectonic plates (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Tectonic plates (14篇條目)" |
南美洲板块 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Tectonic plates (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Tectonic plates (14篇條目)" |
德干暗色岩 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Geologic features (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Geologic features (15篇條目)" |
末次冰期 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Events (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Events (20篇條目)" |
末次冰盛期 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Events (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Events (20篇條目)" |
平流层 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Atmosphere: General (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Atmosphere: General (13篇條目)" |
钻石尘 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Clouds (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Clouds (24篇條目)" |
环境科学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "科学基础(38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#科学基础(38篇條目)" |
药衡 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
原子单位制 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
平方度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Solid angle (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Solid angle (2篇條目)" |
平均海拔 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Length (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Length (43篇條目)" |
平方英寸 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Area (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Area (16篇條目)" |
平方英尺 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Area (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Area (16篇條目)" |
平方碼 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Area (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Area (16篇條目)" |
平方千米 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Area (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Area (16篇條目)" |
平方英里 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Area (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Area (16篇條目)" |
電子質量 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Mass and weight (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Mass and weight (29篇條目)" |
弧度每秒 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Angular velocity (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Angular velocity (3篇條目)" |
每分鐘轉速 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Angular velocity (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Angular velocity (3篇條目)" |
小行星486958 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
小麦哲伦星系 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable galaxies (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable galaxies (35篇條目)" |
南風車星系 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable galaxies (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable galaxies (35篇條目)" |
貓眼星雲 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
南极座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
原行星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Planetary science (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Planetary science (42篇條目)" |
赫比格Ae/Be星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
林軌跡 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
原行星盤 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
原行星雲 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
衛星星系 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (49篇條目)" |
電弱時期 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
ΛCDM模型 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
原子光谱学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Atomic physics (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Atomic physics (44篇條目)" |
電荷密度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
電位移 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
電極化 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
電極化率 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Electrostatics (16篇條目)" |
電導率 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Electrodynamics (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Electrodynamics (21篇條目)" |
電磁波方程式 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Electromagnetic radiation (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Electromagnetic radiation (33篇條目)" |
平抛运动 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
正向力 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
正則座標 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Classical mechanics (90篇條目)" |
环量 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Fluid mechanics (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Fluid mechanics (37篇條目)" |
壓縮 (物理) | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
壓電效應 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
正则系综 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Statistical mechanics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Statistical mechanics (20篇條目)" |
電弱交互作用 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "General (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#General (43篇條目)" |
四夸克态 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Bosons (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Bosons (12篇條目)" |
四維矢量 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
四维动量 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
原時 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
范德華方程式 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
平面波 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Waves (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Waves (47篇條目)" |
林肯纪念堂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Americas (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Americas (39篇條目)" |
圣巴德利爵主教座堂 (纽约) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Americas (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Americas (39篇條目)" |
圣墓教堂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Asia (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Asia (52篇條目)" |
圣殿山 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Asia (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Asia (52篇條目)" |
德國國會大廈 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Europe (64篇條目)" |
南馬都爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Oceania (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Oceania (4篇條目)" |
沃克美術館 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "United Kingdom (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#United Kingdom (11篇條目)" |
圣卡洛剧院 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western Europe (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western Europe (13篇條目)" |
小节 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Musical notation (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Musical notation (15篇條目)" |
调号 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Musical notation (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Musical notation (15篇條目)" |
调性 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Music theory (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Music theory (37篇條目)" |
调 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Music theory (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Music theory (37篇條目)" |
小夜曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Basic forms (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Basic forms (26篇條目)" |
韓國流行音樂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "General (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#General (39篇條目)" |
原声音乐 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "General (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#General (39篇條目)" |
電子舞曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Electronic music (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Electronic music (8篇條目)" |
德國音樂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Music of Europe (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Music of Europe (11篇條目)" |
圣诞树 (歌曲) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Christmas carols (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Christmas carols (10篇條目)" |
平安夜 (歌曲) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Christmas carols (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Christmas carols (10篇條目)" |
小提琴協奏曲 (貝多芬) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Classical (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Classical (24篇條目)" |
小提琴协奏曲 (门德尔松) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Romantic (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Romantic (56篇條目)" |
小提琴协奏曲 (柴可夫斯基) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Romantic (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Romantic (56篇條目)" |
小提琴协奏曲 (西贝柳斯) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "20th century (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#20th century (32篇條目)" |
德意志之歌 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
江南Style | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Hip-hop and rap (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Hip-hop and rap (16篇條目)" |
原始藝術 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Prehistoric and ancient art (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Prehistoric and ancient art (19篇條目)" |
炻器 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Ceramic art (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Ceramic art (10篇條目)" |
四格漫畫 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Comics (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Comics (14篇條目)" |
韓國漫畫 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Comics (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Comics (14篇條目)" |
圣女大德兰的神魂超拔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
赫耳墨斯和婴儿酒神 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
每個和我睡過的人,1963–1995 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Contemporary art (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Contemporary art (8篇條目)" |
韓國電影史 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Cinema by country (28/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Cinema by country (28/25篇條目)" |
德国电影 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Cinema by country (28/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Cinema by country (28/25篇條目)" |
原罪犯 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Action (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Action (12篇條目)" |
四百擊 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Drama film (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Drama film (29篇條目)" |
德州電鋸殺人狂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
江湖浪子 (電影) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sports (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sports (3篇條目)" |
驛馬車 (電影) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western (6篇條目)" |
小红帽 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
赫丘勒·白羅 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Literature and drama (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Literature and drama (40/40篇條目)" |
小熊維尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Literature and drama (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Literature and drama (40/40篇條目)" |
蘿拉·卡芙特 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
林克 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
小丑 (角色) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Villains (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Villains (4篇條目)" |
随笔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Non-fiction (22/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Non-fiction (22/20篇條目)" |
參考文獻 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Reference works (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Reference works (10篇條目)" |
启蒙文学 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "History of world literature (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#History of world literature (8篇條目)" |
末日审判书 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Nonfiction of the medieval era (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Nonfiction of the medieval era (27篇條目)" |
原子弹秘史 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
逻辑哲学论 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
寫作 (書籍) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Biographies and memoirs (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Biographies and memoirs (26篇條目)" |
錯誤的喜劇 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Shakespeare (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Shakespeare (24篇條目)" |
德拉库拉 (小说) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
小婦人 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
德伯家的苔丝 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
赫索格 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
凯恩与阿贝尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
小兔彼得的故事 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Children's books (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Children's books (25篇條目)" |
末日逼近 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Horror and gothic novels (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Horror and gothic novels (8篇條目)" |
凯文的幻虎世界 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Comic strips and editorial cartoons (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Comic strips and editorial cartoons (20篇條目)" |
王勃 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
王昌龄 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
范仲淹 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代" |
林纾 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代" |
林语堂 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代" |
王云五 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代" |
王安忆 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代" |
侯孝贤 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
林俊杰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
王献之 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
王蒙 (画家) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
王冕 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
王原祁 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
林风眠 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
江文也 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
林同炎 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
林徽因 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
王孝通 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王祯 (元朝) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王徵 (天启进士) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王贞仪 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王清任 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
侯德榜 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王淦昌 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王应睐 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王晓东 (科学家) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#自然科学专家、数学专家、医职人员、工程师与发明家" |
王充 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
王弼 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
范缜 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
范晔 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
王通 (隋朝) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
王应麟 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
王阳明 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
王夫之 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
王国维 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
王力 (语言学家) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
宣太后 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
王导 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
王猛 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
房玄龄 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
寇准 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
林则徐 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代_2" |
妇好 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
王翦 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
王玄策 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
王正廷 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
王贞治 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
林書豪 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "体育人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#体育人物" |
寇谦之 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
慧远 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
慧能 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
王重阳 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宗教人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#宗教人物" |
范蠡 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
王昭君 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
王亚樵 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
范旭东 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
王安 (计算机科学家) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
王永庆 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#商人、冒险者、名媛与其他名人" |
启功 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
四御 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
启 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
王寶釧 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
林冲 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
林黛玉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
四海 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "地域概念" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#地域概念" |
江淮 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "地域概念" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#地域概念" |
江南 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "地域概念" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#地域概念" |
正定县 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "河北省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#河北省" |
平遥县 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山西省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山西省" |
江阴市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "江苏省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#江苏省" |
德州市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山东省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山东省" |
亳州市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "安徽省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#安徽省" |
小兴安岭 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山脉和山峰" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山脉和山峰" |
南岭 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山脉和山峰" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山脉和山峰" |
南沙群岛 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "海、海湾、海岛" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#海、海湾、海岛" |
德天瀑布 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
南京长江大桥 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "桥" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#桥" |
南水北调工程 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "水利工程" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#水利工程" |
小浪底水利枢纽 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "水利工程" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#水利工程" |
江右民系 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "民族和民系" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#民族和民系" |
小篆 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
平翘音 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
四维八德 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
王爷千岁信仰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "神话与宗教" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#神话与宗教" |
四象 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "神话与宗教" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#神话与宗教" |
四羊方尊 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "文物与宝物" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#文物与宝物" |
王者榮耀 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "遊戲娛樂" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#遊戲娛樂" |
原神 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "遊戲娛樂" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#遊戲娛樂" |
正山小种 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "饮料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#饮料" |
四书章句集注 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "宋元" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#宋元" |
四庫全書 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "清代" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#清代" |
宣纸 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "文房四宝" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#文房四宝" |
南京城墙 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
小雁塔 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
南京夫子庙 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
平遥古城 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
南京博物院 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "图书馆、博物馆" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#图书馆、博物馆" |
南齐 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
南唐 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
南汉 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
南宋 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
南明 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
宣王中興 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "殷商和西周" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#殷商和西周" |
王莽改制 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
江夏之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
江陵之战 (223年) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "三國" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#三國" |
王敦之乱 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
均田制 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
侯景之亂 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
江陵之戰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
租庸調制 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "隋唐" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#隋唐" |
南齐书 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "二十四史" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#二十四史" |
南史 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "二十四史" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#二十四史" |
旧唐书 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "二十四史" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#二十四史" |
旧五代史 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "二十四史" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#二十四史" |
南明史 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其他" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#其他" |
沃尔夫冈·阿马德乌斯·莫扎特 | level | 3 |
section | "Composers and musicians" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Composers and musicians" |
德米特里·伊万诺维奇·门捷列夫 | level | 3 |
section | "Inventors, scientists and mathematicians" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Inventors, scientists and mathematicians" |
圣奥古斯丁 | level | 3 |
section | "Religious figures and theologians" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Religious figures and theologians" |
寫作 | level | 3 |
section | "Language and literature" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Language and literature" |
感觉器 | level | 3 |
section | "Anatomy" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Anatomy" |
烟草 | level | 3 |
section | "Health and medicine" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Health and medicine" |
電子計算機 | level | 3 |
section | "Computers and Internet" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Computers and Internet" |
随机存取存储器 | level | 3 |
section | "Computers and Internet" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Computers and Internet" |
圣索菲亚大教堂 | level | 3 |
section | "Architecture and civil engineering" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Architecture and civil engineering" |
南极 | level | 3 |
section | "Geography" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Geography" |
電感元件 | level | 3 |
trimmed_link | "/靜態版本" |