天文學 | level | 2 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
植物 | level | 2 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第二級#科學和醫學(26 個條目)" |
威廉·莎士比亚 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作家、劇作家、詩人" |
trimmed_link | "#作家、劇作家、詩人" |
摩西 | level | 3 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "宗教人物、神學家" |
trimmed_link | "#宗教人物、神學家" |
天主教會 | level | 3 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "宗教" |
trimmed_link | "#宗教" |
汉语 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "語言及文學" |
trimmed_link | "#語言及文學" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
语言学 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "語言及文學" |
trimmed_link | "#語言及文學" |
语法 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "語言及文學" |
trimmed_link | "#語言及文學" |
汉字 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "語言及文學" |
trimmed_link | "#語言及文學" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
摩诃婆罗多 | level | 3 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "語言及文學" |
trimmed_link | "#語言及文學" |
天王星 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "天文" |
trimmed_link | "#天文" |
植物学 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "生物" |
trimmed_link | "#生物" |
瀕危物種 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "生物" |
trimmed_link | "#生物" |
光合作用 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "生物學過程" |
trimmed_link | "#生物學過程" |
树 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "物种" |
trimmed_link | "#物种" |
天花 | level | 3 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "健康、醫學" |
trimmed_link | "#健康、醫學" |
鹽基 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "化學" |
trimmed_link | "#化學" |
天气 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "地球科學" |
trimmed_link | "#地球科學" |
光 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
光速 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
热力学 | level | 3 |
topic | "自然科學" |
section | "物理學" |
trimmed_link | "#物理學" |
对数 | level | 3 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "數學" |
trimmed_link | "#數學" |
函数 | level | 3 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "數學" |
trimmed_link | "#數學" |
肉类食物 | level | 3 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "食物" |
trimmed_link | "#食物" |
信息 | level | 3 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "传媒" |
trimmed_link | "#传媒" |
信息技术 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "電腦、互聯網" |
trimmed_link | "#電腦、互聯網" |
塑料 | level | 3 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "原材料" |
trimmed_link | "#原材料" |
帕德嫩神廟 | level | 3 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "建築、土木工程" |
trimmed_link | "#建築、土木工程" |
汉朝 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "史前、古代世界" |
trimmed_link | "#史前、古代世界" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政权" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#政权" |
十字軍東征 | level | 3 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "中世紀、近代" |
trimmed_link | "#中世紀、近代" |
以色列 | level | 3 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "國家" |
trimmed_link | "#國家" |
汉弗莱·博加特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Modern era, 71" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Modern era, 71" |
爱德华·蒙克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
威廉·贺加斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western painters and illustrators, 79" |
威廉·勒巴隆·詹尼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "建築師, 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#建築師, 26" |
爱伦·坡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "作家, 246" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#作家, 246" |
威廉·布莱克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
威廉·巴特勒·叶芝 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
威廉·福克納 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
威廉·戈尔丁 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
娥蘇拉·勒瑰恩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
威廉·华兹华斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "現代, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#現代, 84" |
爱德华·格里格 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Western art music" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Western art music" |
特里·吉列姆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
威廉·惠勒 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Directors, producers & screenwriters, 78" |
威廉·赫斯特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Businesspeople, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Businesspeople, 40" |
威廉·巴伦支 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Explorers, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Explorers, 30" |
威廉·詹姆士 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
以赛亚·伯林 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
汉斯-格奥尔格·伽达默尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Philosophers, 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Philosophers, 97" |
爱德华·吉本 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Historians, 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Historians, 21" |
特奥多尔·蒙森 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Historians, 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Historians, 21" |
威廉·维克里 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Economists, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Economists, 14" |
汉娜·阿伦特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Political writers, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Political writers, 9" |
汉斯·艾森克 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Psychologists, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Psychologists, 31" |
爱利克·埃里克森 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Psychologists, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Psychologists, 31" |
威廉·冯特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Psychologists, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Psychologists, 31" |
爱德华·萨义德 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Art historians and critics, 4" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Art historians and critics, 4" |
以利亞 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
以斯拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
以赛亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
十字若望 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
爱任纽 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
特土良 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
菩提达摩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Buddhism, 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Buddhism, 16" |
帕拉宏撒·尤迦南達 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Hinduism, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Hinduism, 18" |
汉谟拉比 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Asia" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Asia" |
汉尼拔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe" |
爱德华一世 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
額我略七世 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_2" |
威廉三世 (英格兰) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
威廉一世 (奥兰治亲王) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe_3" |
威廉二世 (德国) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe, 59" |
威廉一世 (德国) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe, 59" |
爱德华·谢瓦尔德纳泽 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe, 59" |
威爾斯王妃戴安娜 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe, 59" |
威廉·格萊斯頓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Europe, 59" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Europe, 59" |
威廉·華萊士 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Rebels, revolutionaries and activists, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Rebels, revolutionaries and activists, 35" |
帕普斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Pre-modern, 27" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Pre-modern, 27" |
威廉·吉尔伯特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Pre-modern, 27" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Pre-modern, 27" |
威廉·赫歇爾 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
汉斯·贝特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
威廉·亨利·布拉格 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
威廉·伦琴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
汉斯·克里斯蒂安·奥斯特 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Physics and astronomy, 81" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Physics and astronomy, 81" |
汉弗里·戴维 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Chemistry, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Chemistry, 24" |
威廉·哈维 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Natural sciences, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Natural sciences, 30" |
帕拉塞尔苏斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Natural sciences, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Natural sciences, 30" |
威爾遜·格雷特巴奇 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Inventors, 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Inventors, 53" |
威廉·肖克利 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Inventors, 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Inventors, 53" |
威廉·爱德华·韦伯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Inventors, 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Inventors, 53" |
威廉·哈密頓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Mathematicians, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Mathematicians, 49" |
爱德华·默罗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Journalists, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Journalists, 19" |
帕沃·努尔米 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
威瑪·魯道夫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
威尔特·张伯伦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
威利·梅斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Sports figures, 165" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Sports figures, 165" |
額我略一世 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "人物" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/人物#Abrahamic religions, 89" |
语言哲学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Basics, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Basics, 6" |
信仰 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
禁食 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
天國 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
信條 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
不可知论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Religion and spiritualty, 87" |
天使 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
十誡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
信義宗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
摩爾門教 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic religions, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Abrahamic religions, 61" |
帕西人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "Traditional religions, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/哲學和宗教#Traditional religions, 7" |
边界 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "基礎, 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#基礎, 48" |
爱琴海 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海、洋, 67" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海、洋, 67" |
威德尔海 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "海、洋, 67" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#海、洋, 67" |
威尔士亲王岛 (加拿大北极群岛) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
摩鹿加群岛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
不列顛群島 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
爱尔兰岛 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "島嶼, 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#島嶼, 60" |
天山山脉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "地形, 75" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#地形, 75" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山脉和山峰" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山脉和山峰" |
帕纳索斯山 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Mountain peaks, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Mountain peaks, 17" |
紅木國家公園 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "世界遺產, 33" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#世界遺產, 33" |
帕帕哈瑙莫夸基亞國家海洋保護區 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "世界遺產, 33" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#世界遺產, 33" |
特拉维夫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
天津市 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "亞洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#亞洲" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "天津市" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#天津市" |
摩加迪休 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "非洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#非洲" |
帕拉马里博 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
特古西加尔巴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "美洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#美洲" |
汉堡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
汉诺威 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
都柏林 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
爱丁堡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
热那亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
都灵 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
威尼斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "歐洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#歐洲" |
帕利基尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "大洋洲" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#大洋洲" |
不丹 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
爱沙尼亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
爱尔兰 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
摩尔多瓦 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
摩纳哥 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
摩洛哥 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Countries/territories, 209" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Countries/territories, 209" |
魁北克省 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Country subdivisions, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Country subdivisions, 14" |
威爾斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "地理" |
section | "Country subdivisions, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/地理#Country subdivisions, 14" |
船舶工程 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
都市工程學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 45" |
植物配種 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Agriculture, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Agriculture, 49" |
都市農業 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Agriculture, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Agriculture, 49" |
天花板 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
墙 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
摩天大樓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Buildings and structures by type, 40" |
天然气 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Energy and Fuel, 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Energy and Fuel, 25" |
天然橡胶 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Material and chemical, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Material and chemical, 11" |
发动机 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 20" |
滑轮 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Basics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Basics, 20" |
光導纖維 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Optical, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Optical, 30" |
光感測器 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Optical, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Optical, 30" |
光电二极管 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Optical, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Optical, 30" |
信号处理 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Electronics, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Electronics, 39" |
天线 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Electronics, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Electronics, 39" |
天文航海 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
六分仪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Navigation and timekeeping, 20" |
函数式编程 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Computer science, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Computer science, 17" |
以太网 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Networks, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Networks, 14" |
光碟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
语音合成 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
攝影機 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Media and communication, 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Media and communication, 40" |
威尔金森微波各向异性探测器 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
发射场 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
威尔逊山天文台 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
帕洛马山天文台 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Space, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Space, 45" |
热气球 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Aviation, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Aviation, 19" |
船 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Naval transport, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Naval transport, 17" |
摩托車 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Ground transport, 51" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Ground transport, 51" |
劍 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
投射機 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
投石機 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "技術" |
section | "Weapons, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/技術#Weapons, 80" |
十进制 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "基础 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#基础 58" |
不等 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
特征值和特征向量 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "代数 41" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#代数 41" |
极限 (数学) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "微积分与数学分析 38" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#微积分与数学分析 38" |
极坐标系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
張量 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
六边形 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "几何学 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#几何学 64" |
信息论 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "其他 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#其他 32" |
帕累托分布 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "數學" |
section | "概率与统计 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/數學#概率与统计 45" |
汉族 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Ethnology, 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Ethnology, 30" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "民族和民系" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#民族和民系" |
爱人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Family and kinship , 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Family and kinship , 50" |
帕馬森乾酪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Dairy and analogues, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Dairy and analogues, 14" |
煙肉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Meat and other animal products, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Meat and other animal products, 17" |
肉腸 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Meat and other animal products, 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Meat and other animal products, 17" |
光果甘草 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Herbs and condiments, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Herbs and condiments, 31" |
芥末醬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Herbs and condiments, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Herbs and condiments, 31" |
热巧克力 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Drinks, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Drinks, 18" |
威士忌 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Alcohol, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Alcohol, 20" |
天才 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
发展心理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
厭惡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
愉快 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
信任 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Psychology, 90" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Psychology, 90" |
语源学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
语音学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
语文学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
语义学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Basic, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Basic, 39" |
语言系属分类 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Language Family, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Language Family, 23" |
爱斯基摩-阿留申语系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Language Family, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Language Family, 23" |
汉藏语系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Language Family, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Language Family, 23" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
天城文 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
摩尔斯电码 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Alphabets and writing systems, 19" |
信德语 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Specific languages, 78" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Specific languages, 78" |
動物園 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Recreation: games and sports, 180" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Recreation: games and sports, 180" |
十項全能 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
滑冰 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
滑板活动 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
滑雪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
滑雪板 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Sports, 131" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Sports, 131" |
光澤 (光學) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "日常生活" |
section | "Colors, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/日常生活#Colors, 20" |
天文学史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "History of science and technology -科學及技術史, 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#History of science and technology -科學及技術史, 18" |
摩洛哥历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Africa -非洲, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Africa -非洲, 13" |
不丹历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Asia -亞洲, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Asia -亞洲, 31" |
以色列历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Asia -亞洲, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Asia -亞洲, 31" |
爱沙尼亚历史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe -歐洲, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe -歐洲, 35" |
威爾斯歷史 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe -歐洲, 35" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe -歐洲, 35" |
特奧蒂瓦坎 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Americas, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Americas, 10" |
摩亨佐-达罗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Southern Asia, 11" |
摩揭陀 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Southern Asia, 11" |
帕尔米拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 29" |
特洛伊 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 29" |
特洛伊战争 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 29" |
摩尔人 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Europe, 45" |
十字軍國家 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 9" |
汉萨同盟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
热那亚共和国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
威尼斯共和国 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 45" |
特轄區 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe and Central, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Europe and Central, 19" |
信息时代 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Basics, 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Basics, 46" |
特里亞農條約 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Basics, 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Basics, 46" |
不列顛戰役 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Basics, 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Basics, 46" |
六四事件 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Asia, 24" |
不平等条约 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Eastern Asia, 24" |
紅色高棉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Southeastern Asia, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Southeastern Asia, 9" |
以色列独立宣言 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 14" |
以巴冲突 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Asia, 14" |
爱尔兰大饥荒 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/歷史#Western Europe, 29" |
植物细胞学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
树皮 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Plant morphology and anatomy, 23" |
植物激素 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Biochemistry, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Biochemistry, 28" |
发育生物学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Biological reproduction and Ontogeny, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Biological reproduction and Ontogeny, 34" |
植物繁殖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Plant reproduction, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Plant reproduction, 5" |
六足亞門 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Basic, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Basic, 10" |
十足目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Crustaceans, 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Crustaceans, 8" |
天牛科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
蝉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
蚕 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
天蛾科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Insects, 63" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Insects, 63" |
雁族 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
天鹅 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
极乐鸟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
信天翁科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
鸵鸟 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Birds, 104" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Birds, 104" |
肉鳍鱼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
紅褐鯉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
鮭科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fishes, 56" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fishes, 56" |
劍龍屬 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Dinosaurs, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Dinosaurs, 10" |
抹香鲸 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
树懒 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Mammals, 156" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Mammals, 156" |
蜥蜴 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Reptiles, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Reptiles, 19" |
极北蝰 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Reptiles, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Reptiles, 19" |
天門冬目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
天南星科 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
十字花目 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Flowering plant, 79" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Flowering plant, 79" |
紅加侖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Fruits, 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Fruits, 34" |
蚕豆 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Vegetables and Grain, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Vegetables and Grain, 49" |
摩根马 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Animal breeding, 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Animal breeding, 29" |
植物狀態 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
動脈瘤 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "General concepts, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#General concepts, 66" |
帕金森氏病 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Disease, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Disease, 80" |
肉毒桿菌中毒 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "Disease, 80" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/生物學和健康科學#Disease, 80" |
信息科学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 20" |
天命 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 20" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政治" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#政治" |
信用卡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
投资 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
財產 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Business and economics, 91" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Business and economics, 91" |
IBM | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Companies, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Companies, 19" |
不列顛哥倫比亞大學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Educational institutions, 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Educational institutions, 65" |
摩薩德 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Organizations, 160" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Organizations, 160" |
帕格沃什科学和世界事务会议 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Intergovernmental organisations, 84" |
禁制令 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 31" |
信託 (法律) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Basics, 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Basics, 31" |
ITV1 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Mass media, 85" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Mass media, 85" |
特命全權大使 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
恕道 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
信息安全 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
投票 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
投票制度 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
威权主义 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
天鵝絨革命 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "Politics and government, 200" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#Politics and government, 200" |
投降 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
特種部隊 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "War and military, 86" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/社會和社會科學#War and military, 86" |
天體生物學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 5" |
天体测量学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
光度测定 (天文学) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天球坐标系统 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天球赤道 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天球 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天底 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天頂 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天鷹座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天坛座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
御夫座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
摩羯座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
船底座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天鸽座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天鹅座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天龙座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天兔座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天秤座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天猫座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天琴座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
獵戶座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
船尾座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天箭座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天蝎座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
六分仪座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
船帆座 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astrometry, 88" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astrometry, 88" |
天體 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
天鵝座X-1 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
天狼星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
天津四 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
天琴座RR | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
十字架二 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Astronomical objects, 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Astronomical objects, 74" |
天體力學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics, 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Celestial mechanics, 20" |
不规则星系 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Galactic astronomy and Extragalactic astronomy, 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Galactic astronomy and Extragalactic astronomy, 32" |
紅移 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physical cosmology, 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physical cosmology, 14" |
紅巨星 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy, 33" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Stellar astronomy, 33" |
热裂解 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
IUPAC命名法 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemistry, 361" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemistry, 361" |
光化学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 49" |
光谱学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Analytical chemistry, 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Analytical chemistry, 6" |
锑 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "化学元素,144" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#化学元素,144" |
不鏽鋼 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Chemical mixtures, 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Chemical mixtures, 19" |
滑石 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Geology, 52" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Geology, 52" |
热带雨林 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "生物群落,26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#生物群落,26" |
极光 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Air, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Air, 61" |
天空 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Air, 61" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Air, 61" |
极地涡旋 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "气象学,45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#气象学,45" |
信風 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "气象学,45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#气象学,45" |
热机 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
热力学第二定律 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
热力学第一定律 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
天体物理学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Physics, 364" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Physics, 364" |
光学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
光度 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
光子学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 28" |
光电效应 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 47" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 47" |
動力學 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Mechanics, 66" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Mechanics, 66" |
摩擦力 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Classical mechanics, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Classical mechanics, 24" |
塑性變形 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Solid mechanics, 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Solid mechanics, 9" |
不确定性原理 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Quantum mechanics, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Quantum mechanics, 10" |
光子 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "粒子物理学,43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#粒子物理学,43" |
光谱仪 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Basics, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Basics, 13" |
天文單位 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Dimension, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Dimension, 24" |
光年 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Dimension, 24" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Dimension, 24" |
特斯拉 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Electromagnetism, 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Electromagnetism, 10" |
帕斯卡 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Mechanics, 11" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Mechanics, 11" |
摩尔 (单位) | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "自然科學" |
section | "Quantity, 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/自然科學#Quantity, 5" |
禁寺 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
威斯敏斯特宫 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
摩索拉斯王陵墓 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific structures and ensembles, 117" |
爱尔兰文学 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Literature, 133" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Literature, 133" |
十四行诗 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Literature, 133" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Literature, 133" |
汉谟拉比法典 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works of literature, 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works of literature, 58" |
爱丽丝梦游仙境 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific works of literature, 58" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific works of literature, 58" |
对位法 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Basics, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Basics, 23" |
十二音技法 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Basics, 23" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Basics, 23" |
天鹅湖 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Specific musical works, 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Specific musical works, 13" |
特技表演 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Forms, 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Forms, 54" |
对话 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Forms, 54" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Forms, 54" |
特殊效果 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
特藝七彩 | level | 4 |
topic | "meta" |
sublist | "藝術" |
section | "Concepts and forms, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/meta/藝術#Concepts and forms, 39" |
爱兰·黛丽 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "女演員 32" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#女演員 32" |
威尔·埃斯纳 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "插畫家及漫畫家 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#插畫家及漫畫家 10" |
爱德华·韦斯顿 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "攝影師 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#攝影師 5" |
芥川龙之介 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 16" |
帕特里克·怀特 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "大洋洲 2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#大洋洲 2" |
爱德华·埃尔加 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "作曲家 48" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#作曲家 48" |
帕乌·卡萨尔斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "音樂家 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#音樂家 19" |
帕特西·克莱恩 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "美國鄉村民謠 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#美國鄉村民謠 7" |
帕科·德卢西亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "法蘭明歌 1" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#法蘭明歌 1" |
張騫 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "古代歷史 1" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#古代歷史 1" |
帕布帕德 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "現代 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#現代 6" |
以撒 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞伯拉罕諸教 97" |
以实玛利 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 97" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞伯拉罕諸教 97" |
抹大拉的馬利亞 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "基督教 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#基督教 60" |
汉武帝 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "亞洲 29" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#亞洲 29" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
帕查庫特克 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "美洲 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#美洲 14" |
特库姆塞 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "美洲 14" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#美洲 14" |
特沃德罗斯二世 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "非洲 30" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#非洲 30" |
热图利奥·瓦加斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "美洲 45" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#美洲 45" |
爱德华·伯恩施坦 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "歐洲 64" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#歐洲 64" |
威廉·威伯福斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "近代歷史 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#近代歷史 8" |
帕特里斯·卢蒙巴 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "非洲 6" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#非洲 6" |
威廉·唐納·漢彌爾頓 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "生命科學 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#生命科學 42" |
汉斯·阿道夫·克雷布斯 | level | 4 |
topic | "人物" |
section | "生物學 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/人物#生物學 16" |
信念 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "知識論 16" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#知識論 16" |
天上父親 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "宗教及靈性 92" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#宗教及靈性 92" |
信經 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "宗教及靈性 92" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#宗教及靈性 92" |
Islamic mythology | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
摩西五经 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#亞伯拉罕諸教 73" |
Imperial cult (ancient Rome) | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "傳統宗教 17" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#傳統宗教 17" |
威卡教 | level | 4 |
topic | "哲學和宗教" |
section | "神秘学、魔法和神话 77" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/哲學和宗教#神秘学、魔法和神话 77" |
热带 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "總論 2_3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#總論 2_3" |
不列颠哥伦比亚省 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "加拿大 4" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#加拿大 4" |
摩尔达维亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "羅馬尼亞 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#羅馬尼亞 3" |
特兰西瓦尼亚 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "羅馬尼亞 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#羅馬尼亞 3" |
信德省 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "巴基斯坦 2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#巴基斯坦 2" |
仁川廣域市 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "東亞 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#東亞 53" |
光州廣域市 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "東亞 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#東亞 53" |
摩苏尔 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
section | "西亞 42" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理#西亞 42" |
威斯康辛州 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "北美洲 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#北美洲 46" |
陕西省 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "亞洲 70" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#亞洲 70" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "陕西省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#陕西省" |
爱琴海地区 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "亞洲 70" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#亞洲 70" |
摩拉維亞 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "歐洲 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#歐洲 53" |
威尼托大区 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "歐洲 53" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#歐洲 53" |
威尔克斯地 | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "地區行政區" |
section | "南極洲 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/地區行政區#南極洲 9" |
Interior Plains | level | 4 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理" |
section | "美洲 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/地理/自然地理#美洲 19" |
信噪比 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "電子學 36" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#電子學 36" |
发射台 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "太空 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#太空 43" |
滑翔机 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "航空 20" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#航空 20" |
船閘 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "航海 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#航海 21" |
船务代理 | level | 4 |
topic | "技術" |
section | "航海 21" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/技術#航海 21" |
函数图形 | level | 4 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "基礎 57" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/數學#基礎 57" |
对称 (数学) | level | 4 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "幾何 60" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/數學#幾何 60" |
函數極限 | level | 4 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "微積分及數學分析 40" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/數學#微積分及數學分析 40" |
发型 | level | 4 |
topic | "日常生活" |
section | "服装与时尚 34" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/日常生活#服装与时尚 34" |
威斯特伐利亚和约 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "基礎 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#基礎 5" |
特諾奇提特蘭 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "美洲 5_2" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史#美洲 5_2" |
威尼斯—鄂圖曼戰爭 | level | 4 |
topic | "歷史" |
sublist | "中世紀史" |
section | "東歐及中歐 27" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/歷史/中世紀史#東歐及中歐 27" |
植物生殖形態學 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "生物機轉及生理學 46" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#生物機轉及生理學 46" |
肉食性動物 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "動物行為學 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#動物行為學 9" |
植食性动物 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "動物行為學 9" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#動物行為學 9" |
獵蝽科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "昆蟲 116" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#昆蟲 116" |
劍尾目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他节肢動物 13" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他节肢動物 13" |
虱目魚 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
鮭鱸目 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
鮭魚 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "魚類 163" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#魚類 163" |
紅杉亞科 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "不開花植物 26" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#不開花植物 26" |
六出花属 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "單子葉植物 50" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#單子葉植物 50" |
紅藻門 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他生物 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他生物 28" |
不等鞭毛類 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "其他生物 28" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#其他生物 28" |
对症治疗 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
section | "基礎概念 65" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學#基礎概念 65" |
植物形態學 | level | 4 |
topic | "生物學和健康科學" |
sublist | "解剖及型態" |
section | "植物形態學及解剖學 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/生物學和健康科學/解剖及型態#植物形態學及解剖學 19" |
財產權 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基礎商業及經濟 73" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基礎商業及經濟 73" |
禁忌 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "文化 31" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#文化 31" |
语言的起源 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基础知识 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基础知识 49" |
语言类型学 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基础知识 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基础知识 49" |
瀕危語言 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "基础知识 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#基础知识 49" |
動物福利 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
section | "議題 25" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學#議題 25" |
It Is Written | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
sublist | "大眾媒體" |
section | "大眾媒體 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學/大眾媒體#大眾媒體 74" |
ITV电视网 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
sublist | "大眾媒體" |
section | "大眾媒體 74" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學/大眾媒體#大眾媒體 74" |
動物收容所 | level | 4 |
topic | "社會和社會科學" |
sublist | "社會" |
section | "服務及機構 8" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/社會和社會科學/社會#服務及機構 8" |
天气预报 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "气象学 43" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/地球科學#气象学 43" |
天文台 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "基础 5" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/天文學#基础 5" |
天鹤座 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "天体力学和测量 76" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/天文學#天体力学和测量 76" |
热力学自由能 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "热力学 10" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/物理#热力学 10" |
光度計 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "科學" |
section | "基礎 18" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/科學#基礎 18" |
天 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "科學" |
section | "時間, 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/科學#時間, 7" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "神话与宗教" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#神话与宗教" |
热力学温标 | level | 4 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "科學" |
section | "溫度, 3" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/自然科學/科學#溫度, 3" |
威尼斯商人 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
不可兒戲 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#虚构作品(含長篇小說、劇本等),89" |
天真与经验之歌 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "詩,27" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#詩,27" |
特里斯坦与伊索尔德 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "歌剧 7" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#歌剧 7" |
祝你生日快乐 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "现代 19" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#现代 19" |
特技 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "形式, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#形式, 39" |
特技體操 | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "形式, 39" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#形式, 39" |
天堂的孩子 (1945年电影) | level | 4 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "影片, 49" |
trimmed_link | "/擴展/藝術#影片, 49" |
热尔梅娜·德·斯塔尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (53篇條目)" |
威廉·柏洛茲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
威廉·蓋迪斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
威廉·吉布森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
威廉·戈德曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (312篇條目)" |
張愛玲 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (66篇條目)" |
特奥多尔·冯塔内 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (118篇條目)" |
威廉·格林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (118篇條目)" |
帕特里克·莫迪亚诺 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "西歐 (118篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#西歐 (118篇條目)" |
威尔基·柯林斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
威廉·梅克比斯·薩克萊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
特倫斯·韓伯瑞·懷特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (177篇條目)" |
帕库维乌斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (31篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (31篇條目)" |
威廉·朗兰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (25篇條目)" |
威廉九世 (亞奎丹) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (25篇條目)" |
威廉·古柏 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歐洲 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歐洲 (70篇條目)" |
威廉·吉尔摩·西姆斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美國和加拿大 (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美國和加拿大 (87篇條目)" |
帕尔温·埃特萨米 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#亞洲 (26篇條目)" |
帕沃·哈维科 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "北歐 (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#北歐 (14篇條目)" |
威尔弗里德·布朗特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (56篇條目)" |
威爾弗雷德·歐文 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "英國和愛爾蘭 (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#英國和愛爾蘭 (56篇條目)" |
帕拉提那斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "古代和後古代 (20/24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#古代和後古代 (20/24篇條目)" |
威廉·康格里夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "近代早期 (32/32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#近代早期 (32/32篇條目)" |
爱德华·阿尔比 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美洲 (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美洲 (36篇條目)" |
帕迪·查耶夫斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "美洲 (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#美洲 (36篇條目)" |
威廉·莫尔顿·马斯顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "漫畫作家 (21/15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#漫畫作家 (21/15篇條目)" |
威廉·S·吉尔伯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "歌劇劇本作家 (31/14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#歌劇劇本作家 (31/14篇條目)" |
威廉·勞倫斯·夏伊勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
以撒多·史東 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#普通 (80/80篇條目)" |
爱金生 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "評論家 (75/75篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#評論家 (75/75篇條目)" |
張俊河 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
爱德华·凯夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
威廉·托马斯·斯特德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#出版人和編輯 (127/126篇條目)" |
威廉·威森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "作家及撰稿人" |
section | "體育新聞工作者、 評論員和體育播音員 (35/35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/作家及撰稿人#體育新聞工作者、 評論員和體育播音員 (35/35篇條目)" |
威廉·卡克斯頓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Media and communication (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Media and communication (18篇條目)" |
威廉·佩利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Media and communication (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Media and communication (18篇條目)" |
热比娅·卡德尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Real estate (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Real estate (9篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
威廉·李维特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Real estate (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Real estate (9篇條目)" |
威廉·爱德华·波音 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Transport (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Transport (40篇條目)" |
威廉·杜兰特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Transport (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Transport (40篇條目)" |
威廉·海斯科斯·利華 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Other (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Other (27篇條目)" |
汉诺 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Ancient history (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Ancient history (11篇條目)" |
特里斯唐·达·库尼亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
威廉·丹皮尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
汉弗莱·吉尔伯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
威廉·扬松 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
威廉·斯豪滕 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Early modern history (105篇條目)" |
威廉·克拉克 (探险家) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Modern history (143篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Modern history (143篇條目)" |
以斯拉·米克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Modern history (143篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Modern history (143篇條目)" |
帕維爾·艾德蒙·斯特爵雷茨基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Modern history (143篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Modern history (143篇條目)" |
威廉·安德斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
張福林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
爱德华·怀特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Space travelers (60篇條目)" |
威廉·布莱克斯通 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
威廉·道格拉斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
汉斯·凯尔森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
帕皮尼亚努斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
威廉·伦奎斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
特里波尼亚努斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Jurists (70/70篇條目)" |
威廉·多诺万 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
特雷弗·瓊斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Law enforcement and fire service (60/60篇條目)" |
威廉·馮·里布 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Crimes against humanity (21/21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Crimes against humanity (21/21篇條目)" |
爱默特·提尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Victims (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Victims (10/10篇條目)" |
威廉·詹姆斯·席德斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Case studies (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Case studies (25/25篇條目)" |
爱娃·勃劳恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
威爾斯王妃凱薩琳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
泽尔达·菲茨杰拉德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Socialites (41/40篇條目)" |
帕迪·貝茨 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Micronations (2/2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Micronations (2/2篇條目)" |
帕莎·安格林娜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Tradespeople (7/7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Tradespeople (7/7篇條目)" |
爱丽丝·李道尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "其他" |
section | "Other (20/20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/其他#Other (20/20篇條目)" |
張載 (北宋) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Post-classical (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Post-classical (23篇條目)" |
威廉·戈德温 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Early modern (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Early modern (48篇條目)" |
帕維爾·弗洛連斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
威廉·弗卢塞尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
威拉德·范·奥曼·蒯因 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
摩里茲·石里克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
威廉·惠威爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Modern (160篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Modern (160篇條目)" |
爱德华·钱宁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
威尔·杜兰特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
威廉·H·麦克尼尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
威廉·普雷斯科特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Historians (161篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Historians (161篇條目)" |
爱米莉·巴尔奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
威廉·贝弗里奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
特里夫·哈維默 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
特亚林·科普曼斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
威廉·阿瑟·刘易斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
威廉·诺德豪斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
威廉·配第 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
爱德华·普雷斯科特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
威廉·福塞斯·夏普 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Economists and business theorists (142篇條目)" |
威廉·馮·洪堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
威廉·琼斯 (语言学家) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
威妥玛 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Linguists (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Linguists (87篇條目)" |
威廉·格雷厄姆·萨姆纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Sociologists (67篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Sociologists (67篇條目)" |
爱德华·伯内特·泰勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Anthropologists and archaeologists (90篇條目)" |
威廉·达尔林普尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Art historians, musicologists and critics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Art historians, musicologists and critics (71篇條目)" |
爱德华·汉斯力克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Art historians, musicologists and critics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Art historians, musicologists and critics (71篇條目)" |
威廉·赫茲利特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Art historians, musicologists and critics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Art historians, musicologists and critics (71篇條目)" |
威廉·M·巴斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Forensic sciences (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Forensic sciences (10篇條目)" |
威廉·伯恩巴克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Public relations, marketing and advertising theorists (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Public relations, marketing and advertising theorists (11篇條目)" |
威廉·麥斯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家" |
section | "Sexologists (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/哲學、歷史人物及社會科學家#Sexologists (10篇條目)" |
投山仙人 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "古代 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#古代 (13篇條目)" |
都爾的瑪爾定 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "教會大分裂前 (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#教會大分裂前 (55篇條目)" |
帕皮亞 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "教會大分裂前 (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#教會大分裂前 (55篇條目)" |
額我略二世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "教宗 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#教宗 (15篇條目)" |
威廉·埃勒里·钱宁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "新教 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#新教 (50篇條目)" |
帕特·羅伯遜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "新教 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#新教 (50篇條目)" |
威廉·米勒 (传教士) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "其他 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#其他 (11篇條目)" |
以利亚·穆罕默德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "宗教人物" |
section | "其他 (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/宗教人物#其他 (10篇條目)" |
汉光武帝 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (25篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
天爱帝须 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Southern Asia (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Southern Asia (18篇條目)" |
特里布婆那·毗阇耶顿迦提毗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Southeastern Asia (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Southeastern Asia (13篇條目)" |
威廉二世 (英格蘭) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "British Isles (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#British Isles (50篇條目)" |
爱德华二世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "British Isles (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#British Isles (50篇條目)" |
爱德华三世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "British Isles (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#British Isles (50篇條目)" |
額我略九世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Papal States (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Papal States (14篇條目)" |
威廉·布拉德福德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (16篇條目)" |
帕特里克·亨利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (16篇條目)" |
威廉·佩恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (16篇條目)" |
爱德华四世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
爱德华五世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
爱德华六世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (28篇條目)" |
威廉二世 (奥兰治亲王) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (5篇條目)" |
威廉四世 (奥兰治亲王) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (5篇條目)" |
威廉五世 (奥兰治亲王) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (5篇條目)" |
額我略十三世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Papal States (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Papal States (12篇條目)" |
威廉·布莱 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Australia (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Australia (3篇條目)" |
威廉·亨利·哈里森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Presidents (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Presidents (27篇條目)" |
威廉·麦金莱 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Presidents (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Presidents (27篇條目)" |
威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Presidents (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Presidents (27篇條目)" |
威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
汉密尔顿·菲什 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
汉尼巴尔·哈姆林 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
威廉·H·苏厄德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
威廉·特威德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other leaders (52篇條目)" |
威爾弗里德·洛里埃 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Canada (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Canada (8篇條目)" |
威廉·莱昂·麦肯齐·金 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Canada (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Canada (8篇條目)" |
光绪帝 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "China (20篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#China (20篇條目)_2" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#非汉族人物、疑似非汉族的人物" |
仁孝天皇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Japan (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Japan (12篇條目)" |
威廉明娜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
威廉一世 (尼德兰) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
威廉二世 (尼德兰) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
威廉三世 (尼德兰) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (6篇條目)" |
威廉四世 (英國) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (7篇條目)" |
爱德华七世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (7篇條目)" |
爱德华八世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Monarchs (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Monarchs (7篇條目)" |
特克的玛丽 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Royals (5篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Royals (5篇條目)_2" |
威廉·弗格森·梅西 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "New Zealand (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#New Zealand (6篇條目)" |
威廉·理查德·托尔伯特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Western Africa (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Western Africa (45篇條目)" |
威廉·杜伯曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Western Africa (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Western Africa (45篇條目)" |
特奥多罗·奥比昂·恩圭马·姆巴索戈 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Central Africa (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Central Africa (20篇條目)" |
爱德华·布鲁克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (50篇條目)" |
帕特里西奥·艾尔文 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Chile (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Chile (9篇條目)" |
爱德华多·弗雷·蒙塔尔瓦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Chile (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Chile (9篇條目)" |
爱德华多·弗雷·鲁伊斯-塔格莱 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Chile (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Chile (9篇條目)" |
張勉 (韓國) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "S. Korea (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#S. Korea (13篇條目)" |
威廉·高伯拉瓦 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Sri Lanka (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Sri Lanka (5篇條目)" |
摩西·卡察夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Israel (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Israel (12篇條目)" |
摩西·夏里特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Israel (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Israel (12篇條目)" |
威廉·德雷斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Netherlands (6篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Netherlands (6篇條目)_2" |
特吕格韦·赖伊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Scandinavia (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Scandinavia (6篇條目)" |
威尔士的乔治王子 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Royals (6篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Royals (6篇條目)_2" |
爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Royals (6篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Royals (6篇條目)_2" |
威爾斯親王威廉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Royals (6篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Royals (6篇條目)_2" |
爱德华·希思 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Prime Ministers (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Prime Ministers (14篇條目)" |
以諾·鮑威爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Other (5篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Other (5篇條目)_2" |
威廉·麦克马洪 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "政治家及領導人" |
section | "Prime ministers (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/政治家及領導人#Prime ministers (15篇條目)" |
汉尼斯·阿尔文 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
爱德华·阿普尔顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
帕特里克·布莱克特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
威拉德·博伊尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
帕维尔·阿列克谢耶维奇·切连科夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
汉斯·德默尔特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
威廉·福勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
特奥多尔·亨施 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
帕斯夸尔·约尔丹 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
威利斯·兰姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
热拉尔·穆鲁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
威廉·丹尼尔·菲利普斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
威廉·维恩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
爱德华·威滕 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (252篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (252篇條目)" |
威廉·哈金斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Astronomy (51篇條目)" |
威廉·克鲁克斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
威廉·奥斯特瓦尔德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
威廉·拉姆齐 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
威廉·海德·渥拉斯頓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Chemistry (72篇條目)" |
威廉·皮叶克尼斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "General (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#General (63篇條目)" |
威廉·史密斯 (地质学家) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "General (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#General (63篇條目)" |
威廉·贝特森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Biology (73篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Biology (73篇條目)" |
天寶·葛蘭汀 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Biology (73篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Biology (73篇條目)" |
特罗菲姆·李森科 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Biology (73篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Biology (73篇條目)" |
特奥多尔·施万 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Biology (73篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Biology (73篇條目)" |
威廉·史都華·豪斯泰德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
威廉·莫顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
威廉·奥斯勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Medicine (111篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Medicine (111篇條目)" |
威利斯·开利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威廉·肯尼迪·迪克森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威廉·惠利特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
天野浩 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威廉·梅巴赫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威利·梅塞施密特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威廉·穆赫兰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威廉·约翰·麦夸恩·兰金 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威廉·福克斯·塔尔博特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Inventors and engineers (182篇條目)" |
威廉·琼斯 (数学家) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Early modern (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Early modern (29篇條目)" |
威廉·奥特雷德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Early modern (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Early modern (29篇條目)" |
帕維爾·謝爾蓋耶維奇·亞歷山德羅夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Modern (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Modern (79篇條目)" |
威廉·莫里斯·戴维斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "科學家、發明家及數學家" |
section | "Geology (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/科學家、發明家及數學家#Geology (4篇條目)" |
摩根·弗里曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
威廉·荷頓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
威廉·赫特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
威廉·鲍威尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
爱德华·罗宾逊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
威爾·史密斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (183篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (183篇條目)" |
威廉·哈特内尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
特利·薩瓦拉斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
威廉·夏特纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
帕特里克·斯图尔特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (86篇條目)" |
帕特里夏·阿奎特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
帕蒂·杜克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
帕翠夏·尼爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
特尔玛·里特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
爱娃·玛丽·森特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
特雷莎·赖特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (175篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (175篇條目)" |
張艾嘉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (79篇條目)" |
張曼玉 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Asia (79篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Asia (79篇條目)" |
帕米拉·安德森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
帕特里夏·希顿 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Television (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Television (49篇條目)" |
威廉·卡斯尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
威廉·福斯 (制片人) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
威廉·弗莱德金 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "United States (128篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#United States (128篇條目)" |
威廉·弗雷戴歷·伯爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Traditional, stage and stand-up (58篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Traditional, stage and stand-up (58篇條目)" |
威爾·法洛 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Film (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Film (60篇條目)" |
特里·瓊斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Radio and television (83篇條目)" |
帕特里克·穆爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other countries (82篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other countries (82篇條目)" |
特雷弗·诺亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Other countries (82篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Other countries (82篇條目)" |
威廉·乔伊斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Radio and podcast hosts (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Radio and podcast hosts (30/30篇條目)" |
送葬者 (摔角手) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇" |
section | "Professional wrestling (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝人、導演、製片人及電影編劇#Professional wrestling (25篇條目)" |
帕拉修斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "古代 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#古代 (5篇條目)" |
帕尔米贾尼诺 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "文艺复兴至近代 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#文艺复兴至近代 (70篇條目)" |
威廉·阿道夫·布格罗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "现代 (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#现代 (135篇條目)" |
特奥·范杜斯堡 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "现代 (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#现代 (135篇條目)" |
威廉·埃蒂 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "现代 (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#现代 (135篇條目)" |
威廉·霍爾曼·亨特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "现代 (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#现代 (135篇條目)" |
威廉·德库宁 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "现代 (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#现代 (135篇條目)" |
威廉·布施 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
威廉·汉纳 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
張樂平 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
特雷·帕克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#插画家及漫画家 (70篇條目)" |
爱德华多·奇利达 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#雕刻家 (71篇條目)" |
威廉·亞當 (建築師) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
妹島和世 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#建筑师 (120篇條目)" |
帕特里克·格迪斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "城市规划师和景观设计师 (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#城市规划师和景观设计师 (10篇條目)" |
威廉·莫里斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "纺织设计师 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#纺织设计师 (4篇條目)" |
特里普·霍金斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
威爾·萊特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电子游戏设计师 (20篇條目)" |
爱德华·柯蒂斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#摄影师 (60篇條目)" |
濱田庄司 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "陶艺 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#陶艺 (5篇條目)" |
祝允明 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "中国 (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#中国 (29篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
威廉·伯德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "中世纪及文艺复兴 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#中世纪及文艺复兴 (20篇條目)" |
威廉·沃爾頓 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#20世纪现代 (51篇條目)" |
特里·赖利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "先锋派/后现代 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#先锋派/后现代 (16篇條目)" |
植松伸夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
菅野洋子 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#电影,电视,视频游戏及其他娱乐 (30篇條目)" |
汉斯·冯·彪罗 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "指挥家 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#指挥家 (20篇條目)" |
威廉·富特文格勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "指挥家 (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#指挥家 (20篇條目)" |
特洛·奥卡罗兰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "竖琴演奏家 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#竖琴演奏家 (2篇條目)" |
威廉·巴克豪斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
威廉·肯普夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#钢琴家 (32篇條目)" |
帕布罗·德·萨拉萨蒂 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "小提琴家 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#小提琴家 (15篇條目)" |
爱莉安娜·格兰德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
茵娜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
摩登語錄合唱團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
帕蒂·佩奇 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
紅髮艾德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
威猛樂隊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (130/130篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (130/130篇條目)" |
威利·納爾遜 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Country (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Country (50篇條目)" |
濱崎步 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Japanese (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Japanese (25篇條目)" |
IU (歌手) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Korean (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Korean (20篇條目)" |
天命真女 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
威肯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Blues, R&B, Gospel, Funk, Zydeco and Soul (80/80篇條目)" |
威豹乐队 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
INXS | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
肉卷 (歌手) | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
不要懷疑 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "General (150/150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#General (150/150篇條目)" |
爱丽丝囚徒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
极地双子星 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Alternative music (40/40篇條目)" |
摩托头 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
滑結樂團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Heavy Metal (40/40篇條目)" |
帕拉摩爾樂團 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Post-Hardcore and emo (10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Post-Hardcore and emo (10/10篇條目)" |
帕蒂·史密斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#Punk music (30/30篇條目)" |
Ice-T | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "藝術家、音樂家及作曲家" |
section | "American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/藝術家、音樂家及作曲家#American and Canadian hip-hop (63篇條目)" |
帕曼紐 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "古代歷史 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#古代歷史 (37篇條目)" |
威廉·米切尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
威廉·特库姆塞·舍曼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
威廉·威斯特摩兰 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (56篇條目)" |
摩西·达扬 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#亞洲 (41篇條目)" |
帕維爾·納希莫夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "一般 (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#一般 (21篇條目)" |
爱德华·约翰·史密斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "英國 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#英國 (25篇條目)" |
威廉·凱特爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "德國 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#德國 (35篇條目)" |
汉斯·冯·塞克特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "德國 (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#德國 (35篇條目)" |
威廉·基德 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "General (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#General (51篇條目)" |
威廉·沃克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "General (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#General (51篇條目)" |
威廉·莱昂·麦肯齐 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Americas (212篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Americas (212篇條目)" |
威廉·劳埃德·加里森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
威廉·皮爾斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
爱德华·斯诺登 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
威廉·格里菲斯·威尔逊 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "United States (170篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#United States (170篇條目)" |
天草四郎 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Asia (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Asia (54篇條目)" |
爱德温·查德威克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
泽维·贾鲍京斯基 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
帕斯夸莱·保利 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
帕特里克·皮尔斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
汉斯·朔尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
泽基·瓦利迪·托甘 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/軍事領導人、革命分子及活躍分子#Europe (88篇條目)" |
特奥菲洛·库比利亚斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "南美洲 (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#南美洲 (25篇條目)" |
泽穗希 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "亞洲和大洋洲 (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#亞洲和大洋洲 (8篇條目)" |
摩西·马龙 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (60/60篇配額)" |
特里斯·史畢克 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#棒球 (55/55篇配額)" |
威廉·伦肖 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "網球 (50/50篇配額)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#網球 (50/50篇配額)" |
特奥菲洛·史蒂文森 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#拳擊 (40/40篇條目)" |
船越義珍 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "武術 (17/17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#武術 (17/17篇條目)" |
植芝盛平 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "武術 (17/17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#武術 (17/17篇條目)" |
威廉·斯坦尼茨 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "西洋棋 (12/12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#西洋棋 (12/12篇條目)" |
威利·莫斯考尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "撞球 (9/9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#撞球 (9/9篇條目)" |
汉斯·金特·温克勒 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "馬術(10/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#馬術(10/10篇條目)" |
帕维尔·阿纳托利耶维奇·科洛布科夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "劍擊 (4/4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#劍擊 (4/4篇條目)" |
爱德华多·曼贾罗蒂 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "劍擊 (4/4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#劍擊 (4/4篇條目)" |
特拉維斯·帕斯特拉納 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "摩托車越野賽 (3/3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#摩托車越野賽 (3/3篇條目)" |
帕特·萨米特 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "籃球 (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#籃球 (25/25篇條目)" |
泽麦特里乌斯·维凯拉斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "奧林匹克運動會 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#奧林匹克運動會 (11篇條目)" |
威廉·韋伯·艾利斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "人物" |
sublist | "運動員" |
section | "聯合式橄欖球 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/人物/運動員#聯合式橄欖球 (4篇條目)" |
信仰治療 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (39篇條目)" |
以斯拉記 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
以斯帖記 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
以賽亞書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
以西結書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
以弗所書 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Books of the Bible (68篇條目)" |
天使長 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
对基督教的批评 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Theology (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Theology (63篇條目)" |
天主教会圣统制 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Denominations (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Denominations (54篇條目)" |
摩拉维亚弟兄会 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Denominations (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Denominations (54篇條目)" |
摩爾門經 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Denominations (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Denominations (54篇條目)" |
十字架 (基督教) | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
十架苦像 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (43篇條目)" |
十二伊玛目 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Schools (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Schools (30篇條目)" |
十二伊玛目派 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Schools (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Schools (30篇條目)" |
天堂 (伊斯蘭教) | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Beliefs (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Beliefs (14篇條目)" |
天課 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Practices (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Practices (15篇條目)" |
摩尼教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Major religions (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Major religions (9篇條目)" |
不害 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Common concepts (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Common concepts (16篇條目)" |
汉传佛教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Traditions (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Traditions (15篇條目)" |
菩萨 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Concepts (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Concepts (19篇條目)" |
天衣派 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Jainism (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Jainism (6篇條目)" |
天照大神 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Shinto (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Shinto (13篇條目)" |
天理教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Western esotericism and new religious movements (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Western esotericism and new religious movements (29篇條目)" |
統一教 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Western esotericism and new religious movements (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Western esotericism and new religious movements (29篇條目)" |
都市傳說 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "General (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#General (11篇條目)" |
以利沙 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
以斯帖 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
以西結 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
以扫 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Abrahamic and Judaic mythology (52篇條目)" |
摩洛克 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Canaanite mythology (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Canaanite mythology (3篇條目)" |
帕查玛玛 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Native American mythology (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Native American mythology (11篇條目)" |
特斯卡特利波卡 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Native American mythology (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Native American mythology (11篇條目)" |
不死鳥 | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
天狗 (日本) | level | 5 |
topic | "哲學與宗教" |
section | "Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/哲學與宗教#Legendary creatures (71篇條目)" |
特里普拉邦 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "India (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#India (30篇條目)" |
特伦甘纳邦 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "India (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#India (30篇條目)" |
以色列行政区划 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Israel (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Israel (9篇條目)" |
特拉维夫区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Israel (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Israel (9篇條目)" |
都道府縣 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Japan (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Japan (52篇條目)" |
爱媛县 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Japan (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Japan (52篇條目)" |
摩拉維亞-西里西亞州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
帕爾杜比采州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Czech Republic (17篇條目)" |
不來梅州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Germany (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Germany (15篇條目)" |
威克洛郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Ireland (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Ireland (40篇條目)" |
特伦蒂诺-上阿迪杰大区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Italy (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Italy (21篇條目)" |
特倫托自治省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Italy (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Italy (21篇條目)" |
泽兰省 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Netherlands (14篇條目)" |
濱海省 (波蘭) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Poland (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Poland (17篇條目)" |
汉特-曼西自治区 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Russia (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Russia (30篇條目)" |
威斯特摩蘭 (英格蘭) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
劍橋郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
威爾特郡 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United Kingdom (69篇條目)" |
特拉斯卡拉州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Mexico (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Mexico (32篇條目)" |
特拉华州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United States (85篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United States (85篇條目)" |
爱达荷州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "United States (85篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#United States (85篇條目)" |
帕拉州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Brazil (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Brazil (28篇條目)" |
帕拉伊巴州 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "國家及行政區劃" |
section | "Brazil (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/國家及行政區劃#Brazil (28篇條目)" |
都市圈 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
都市衰退 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#城市研究和規劃 (45/40篇條目)" |
魁北克市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "加拿大 (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#加拿大 (22篇條目)" |
特拉尔内潘特拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
特拉克帕克 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#墨西哥 (47篇條目)" |
泽西市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
特伦顿 (新泽西州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
威尔明顿 (特拉华州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國東北部 (42篇條目)" |
威奇托 (堪萨斯州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#美國中西部 (34篇條目)" |
帕尔马斯 (托坎廷斯州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "巴西 (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#巴西 (36篇條目)" |
特雷西納 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "巴西 (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#巴西 (36篇條目)" |
特木科 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "智利 (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#智利 (10篇條目)" |
帕斯托 (哥伦比亚) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "哥伦比亚 (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#哥伦比亚 (14篇條目)" |
特鲁希略 (秘鲁) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "秘鲁 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#秘鲁 (6篇條目)" |
浩罕 (烏茲別克) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "乌兹别克斯坦 (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#乌兹别克斯坦 (10篇條目)" |
威海市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#华东地区 (39篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山东省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山东省" |
天水市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西北地区 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西北地区 (11篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "甘肃省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#甘肃省" |
函館市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "北海道 (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#北海道 (3篇條目)" |
船橋市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "關東地方 (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#關東地方 (13篇條目)" |
天安市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
光明市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#大韩民国 (43篇條目)" |
帕德巴拉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "印度东部 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#印度东部 (30篇條目)" |
帕尼哈蒂 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "印度东部 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#印度东部 (30篇條目)" |
特里蘇爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "印度南部 (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#印度南部 (45篇條目)" |
帕纳吉 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "印度西部 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#印度西部 (37篇條目)" |
帕尔巴尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "印度西部 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#印度西部 (37篇條目)" |
特爾納特 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "印度尼西亚 (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#印度尼西亚 (48篇條目)" |
帕朗卡拉亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "加里曼丹 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#加里曼丹 (6篇條目)" |
帕盧 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "苏拉威西 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#苏拉威西 (4篇條目)" |
琅勃拉邦 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "老挝 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#老挝 (4篇條目)" |
帕拉尼亞克 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
帕賽市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
帕西格 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#呂宋 (23篇條目)" |
边和市 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "越南 (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#越南 (26篇條目)" |
帕福斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "賽普勒斯 (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#賽普勒斯 (4篇條目)" |
帕克達什特 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "伊朗 (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#伊朗 (47篇條目)" |
都拉斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "阿尔巴尼亚 (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#阿尔巴尼亚 (2篇條目)" |
帕特雷 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "希腊 (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#希腊 (5篇條目)" |
热舒夫 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "波兰 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#波兰 (16篇條目)" |
特尔古穆列什 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "羅馬尼亞 (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#羅馬尼亞 (8篇條目)" |
特维尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "中央 (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#中央 (7篇條目)" |
摩爾曼斯克 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西北部 (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西北部 (8篇條目)" |
特罗姆瑟 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "挪威 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#挪威 (6篇條目)" |
特隆赫姆 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "挪威 (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#挪威 (6篇條目)" |
不伦瑞克 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "德国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#德国 (43篇條目)" |
不来梅 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "德国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#德国 (43篇條目)" |
威斯巴登 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "德国 (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#德国 (43篇條目)" |
特倫特河畔斯托克 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#英格兰 (34篇條目)" |
摩德納 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
帕爾馬 (意大利) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
帕多瓦 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
特爾尼 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
特伦托 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "意大利 (46篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#意大利 (46篇條目)" |
帕爾馬 (西班牙) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#西班牙 (37篇條目)" |
帕果帕果 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "其他 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#其他 (16篇條目)" |
帕皮提 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "城市" |
section | "其他 (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/城市#其他 (16篇條目)" |
以色列地理 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (14篇條目)" |
威尼斯潟湖 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Oceans and seas (105篇條目)" |
爱德华湖 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (16篇條目)" |
摩周湖 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (21篇條目)" |
帕茨夸羅湖 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (35篇條目)" |
汉江 (中国) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (63篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "河流" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#河流" |
帕德玛河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (63篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (63篇條目)" |
摩拉瓦河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (39篇條目)" |
摩澤爾河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (39篇條目)" |
威拉米特河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (50篇條目)" |
特拉華河 (美國) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (50篇條目)" |
威蘭運河 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Canals (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Canals (51篇條目)" |
特内里费岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (27篇條目)" |
特里斯坦-达库尼亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (27篇條目)" |
特罗姆兰岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Africa (27篇條目)" |
爱德华王子群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Antarctica (19篇條目)" |
天草群島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Japan (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Japan (15篇條目)" |
对马 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Japan (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Japan (15篇條目)" |
特塞拉島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Europe (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Europe (88篇條目)" |
特立尼达岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
特克斯和凯科斯群岛 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Caribbean (30篇條目)" |
威廉王島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Canada (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Canada (17篇條目)" |
威爾士親王島 (阿拉斯加州) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "United States (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#United States (17篇條目)" |
特林達迪和馬丁瓦斯群島 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "South America (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#South America (11篇條目)" |
威拉米特河谷 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "North America (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#North America (48篇條目)" |
帕米爾高原 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Central and Northern Asia (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Central and Northern Asia (19篇條目)" |
帕潘達揚火山 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Asia (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Asia (39篇條目)" |
帕里库廷火山 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "South America (14篇條目)_3" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#South America (14篇條目)_3" |
特羅納多峰 | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "South America (14篇條目)_3" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#South America (14篇條目)_3" |
帕劳 (萨萨里省) | level | 5 |
topic | "地理" |
sublist | "自然地理學" |
section | "Cliffs, headlands, stacks and natural arches (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/地理/自然地理學#Cliffs, headlands, stacks and natural arches (10篇條目)" |
不动点 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#General (42篇條目)" |
极值 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#General (42篇條目)" |
以2為底的對數 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Specific functions (47篇條目)" |
十边形 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Two-dimensional space (37篇條目)" |
十二面體 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Three-dimensional space (22篇條目)" |
信賴區間 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Statistics (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Statistics (45篇條目)" |
对称关系 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Set theory (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Set theory (36篇條目)" |
不可解度 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Computability theory (26篇條目)" |
函子 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Category theory (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Category theory (28篇條目)" |
极限 (范畴论) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Category theory (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Category theory (28篇條目)" |
树 (图论) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
边收缩 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
圍長 (圖論) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Graph theory (89篇條目)" |
不定式 (數學) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Basics (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Basics (12篇條目)" |
不定积分 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Integral calculus (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Integral calculus (11篇條目)" |
边值问题 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Differential equations (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Differential equations (44篇條目)" |
動態模擬 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Dynamical systems (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Dynamical systems (20篇條目)" |
极限环 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Dynamical systems (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Dynamical systems (20篇條目)" |
发散级数 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Sequences and series (17篇條目)" |
极值定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Real analysis (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Real analysis (12篇條目)" |
极点 (复分析) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Complex analysis (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Complex analysis (20篇條目)" |
威尔逊定理 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Modular arithmetic (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Modular arithmetic (8篇條目)" |
信息集 (博弈论) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Game theory (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Game theory (17篇條目)" |
极小化极大算法 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Game theory (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Game theory (17篇條目)" |
投票悖论 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Game theory (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Game theory (17篇條目)" |
汉明码 | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Information theory (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Information theory (7篇條目)" |
树 (数据结构) | level | 5 |
topic | "數學" |
section | "Data structures and types (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/數學#Data structures and types (15篇條目)" |
爱好者 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Entertainment and leisure (36/40篇條目)" |
滑梯 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Recreation and tourism (49/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Recreation and tourism (49/50篇條目)" |
摩天輪 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Amusement parks (25/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Amusement parks (25/30篇條目)" |
滑水道 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Amusement parks (25/30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Amusement parks (25/30篇條目)" |
六旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Specific amusement parks (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Specific amusement parks (10篇條目)" |
特种部队系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
光明节陀螺 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Toys (35/65篇條目)" |
六貫棋 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Board games (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Board games (45篇條目)" |
動作角色扮演遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲通論 (50篇條目)" |
Intellivision | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲硬體 (30篇條目)" |
极品飞车系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#電子遊戲作品及系列 (134篇條目)" |
投杯球 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
捉迷藏 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
紅綠燈 (遊戲) | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
滑塊類遊戲 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
汉诺塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Other games and plays (39篇條目)" |
動力運動 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Basics (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Basics (12篇條目)" |
滑板 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Sports equipment (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Sports equipment (23篇條目)" |
特技飞行 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Air sports (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Air sports (5篇條目)" |
滑翔伞 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Air sports (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Air sports (5篇條目)" |
必利時錦標 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Animal sport (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Animal sport (24篇條目)" |
劍道 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Combat sport and martial arts (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Combat sport and martial arts (39篇條目)" |
以色列近身格鬥術 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Combat sport and martial arts (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Combat sport and martial arts (39篇條目)" |
摩托车越野赛 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Motor racing (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Motor racing (20篇條目)" |
滑水 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Water sports (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Water sports (29篇條目)" |
滑浪風帆 | level | 5 |
topic | "日常生活" |
sublist | "體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動" |
section | "Water sports (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/日常生活/體育運動、遊戲及休閒活動#Water sports (29篇條目)" |
抹胸连衣裙 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "General (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#General (33篇條目)" |
威灵顿靴 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Footwear (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Footwear (11篇條目)" |
項圈 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "General (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#General (19篇條目)" |
摩洛哥飲食 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
威爾斯飲食 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
御節料理 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
以色列飲食 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cuisine (60篇條目)" |
鹽醃 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food preparation and serving (27篇條目)" |
植物油 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cooking oils (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cooking oils (11篇條目)" |
獵物 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
紅肉 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Meat and other animal products (88篇條目)" |
抹醬 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Categories (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Categories (5篇條目)" |
肉汁 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Specific (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Specific (28篇條目)" |
肉馅饼 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
肉排 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Food types (150篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Food types (150篇條目)" |
摩卡咖啡 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Hot drinks (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Hot drinks (27篇條目)" |
爱尔啤酒 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Alcoholic drinks (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Alcoholic drinks (51篇條目)" |
威末酒 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Alcoholic drinks (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Alcoholic drinks (51篇條目)" |
肉排刀 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Cooking and eating (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Cooking and eating (22篇條目)" |
植入式避孕器 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
爱斯基摩式吻 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
特殊性行為 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
紅燈區 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
動物戀 | level | 5 |
topic | "服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭" |
section | "Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/服裝、烹飪、食物和家庭#Sexuality and gender (137/100篇條目)" |
不列顛群島歷史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History by continent and region (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History by continent and region (25篇條目)" |
摩尔多瓦历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (87篇條目)" |
摩纳哥历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (87篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (87篇條目)" |
魁北克历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Provinces (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Provinces (10篇條目)" |
十三殖民地 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
特拉華殖民地 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Colonial history (26篇條目)" |
特立尼达和多巴哥历史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Caribbean (21篇條目)" |
濱海凱撒里亞 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Asia (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Asia (34篇條目)" |
以弗所 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Asia (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Asia (34篇條目)" |
光學史 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "History of technology (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#History of technology (86篇條目)" |
帕加馬王國 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
以色列人 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Asia (53篇條目)" |
六朝 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Asia (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Asia (44篇條目)" |
特雷比亞河戰役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (33篇條目)" |
特拉西美诺湖战役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (33篇條目)" |
威塞克斯王國 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "British Isles (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#British Isles (20篇條目)" |
天主教會大分裂 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "France (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#France (18篇條目)" |
热那亚殖民地 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Italy (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Italy (19篇條目)" |
威熱戰爭 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Italy (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Italy (19篇條目)" |
帕拉瓦王朝 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (24篇條目)" |
帕拉瑪拉王朝 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (24篇條目)" |
帕维亚之战 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
都靈圍城戰 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (54篇條目)" |
浩罕汗国 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Central and Western Asia (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Central and Western Asia (13篇條目)" |
十全武功 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
特尔纳特苏丹国 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern and Southeastern Asia (33篇條目)" |
特拉凡哥尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (23篇條目)_2" |
滑铁卢战役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (64篇條目)" |
特拉法加海戰 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Europe (64篇條目)" |
不结盟运动 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "General (155篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#General (155篇條目)" |
六八运动 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "General (155篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#General (155篇條目)" |
帕森达勒战役 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "World War I (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#World War I (47篇條目)" |
爱尔兰内战 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
爱尔兰独立战争 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Western Europe (33篇條目)" |
天鵝絨分離 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
十月革命 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Eastern Europe (49篇條目)" |
威廉·麦金莱遇刺案 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Americas (62篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Americas (62篇條目)" |
摩加迪沙之戰 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Africa (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Africa (27篇條目)" |
驅逐查戈斯人 | level | 5 |
topic | "歷史" |
section | "Southern Asia (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/歷史#Southern Asia (13篇條目)" |
植牙 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Fields of medicine (71篇條目)" |
对乙酰氨基酚 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Pain treatments (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Pain treatments (6篇條目)" |
边缘型人格障碍 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Mental disorders (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Mental disorders (43篇條目)" |
发热 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#Symptoms and signs (35篇條目)" |
皱纹 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "General (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#General (45篇條目)" |
不孕 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "健康" |
section | "General (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/健康#General (45篇條目)" |
边境牧羊犬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dogs (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dogs (52篇條目)" |
獵犬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dogs (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dogs (52篇條目)" |
威爾斯柯基犬 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dogs (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dogs (52篇條目)" |
信鸽 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Pigeons (1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Pigeons (1篇條目)" |
不爽猫 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Cats (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Cats (7篇條目)" |
天才舞者 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
信雅達 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Racehorses (26篇條目)" |
劍羚 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Bovidae (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Bovidae (21篇條目)" |
紅大袋鼠 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Marsupials (33篇條目)" |
雁属 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Anseriformes (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Anseriformes (18篇條目)" |
紅尾蚺 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Snakes (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Snakes (25篇條目)" |
蜥臀目 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Dinosaurs (23篇條目)" |
热带鱼 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Fish by habitat (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Fish by habitat (6篇條目)" |
六放海绵纲 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "動物" |
section | "Porifera (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/動物#Porifera (4篇條目)" |
紅杉 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Pinophyta (conifers) (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Pinophyta (conifers) (13篇條目)" |
十字花科 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Brassicales (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Brassicales (4篇條目)" |
鵝莓 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Berries (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Berries (17篇條目)" |
光稃稻 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Grains (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Grains (22篇條目)" |
紅豆 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Pulses (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Pulses (27篇條目)" |
芥菜类蔬菜 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
肉豆蔻 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Herbs and spices (56篇條目)" |
热原体属 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "植物、菌類和其他生物" |
section | "Archaea (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/植物、菌類和其他生物#Archaea (7篇條目)" |
額葉 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
树突 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nervous system (60篇條目)" |
植物解剖學 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "General (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#General (26篇條目)" |
植物营养学 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "General (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#General (26篇條目)" |
光依赖反应 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Basics (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Basics (19篇條目)" |
信使核糖核酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Nucleic acids (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Nucleic acids (15篇條目)" |
必需氨基酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Proteins (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Proteins (35篇條目)" |
天门冬酰胺 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Proteins (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Proteins (35篇條目)" |
天门冬氨酸 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Proteins (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Proteins (35篇條目)" |
動物運動 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Ethology (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Ethology (28篇條目)" |
树栖运动 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Ethology (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Ethology (28篇條目)" |
動物遷徙 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Ethology (28篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Ethology (28篇條目)" |
植物病理學 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Botany (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Botany (9篇條目)" |
发酵 | level | 5 |
topic | "生物學與健康科學" |
sublist | "生物學" |
section | "Cell processes (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/生物學與健康科學/生物學#Cell processes (30篇條目)" |
信息管理 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Information (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Information (4篇條目)" |
投資型硬幣 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (22篇條目)" |
以色列新谢克尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Specific currencies (32篇條目)" |
併購 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (74篇條目)" |
不動產 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (74篇條目)" |
財務報表 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Accounting (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Accounting (15篇條目)" |
投资银行 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Banking and finance (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Banking and finance (52篇條目)" |
投資者 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Banking and finance (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Banking and finance (52篇條目)" |
履歷 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Employment (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Employment (59篇條目)" |
发展中国家 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Economics (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Economics (49篇條目)" |
威訊通訊 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Companies (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Companies (194篇條目)" |
ING | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Banks (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Banks (17篇條目)" |
摩根大通 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Banks (17篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Banks (17篇條目)" |
Intuit | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
威騰電子 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Computing, electronics and software (42篇條目)" |
必和必拓 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Mining companies (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Mining companies (3篇條目)" |
汉莎航空 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Europe (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Europe (9篇條目)" |
動物交流 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Communication (51/40篇條目)" |
光棍节 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Specific holidays (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Specific holidays (44篇條目)" |
光明节 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Jewish holidays (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Jewish holidays (10篇條目)" |
以色列国家图书馆 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Asia (3篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Asia (3篇條目)" |
滑鐵盧大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Canada (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Canada (7篇條目)" |
威廉與瑪麗學院 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "United States (135篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#United States (135篇條目)" |
威克森林大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "ACC (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#ACC (16篇條目)" |
十大联盟 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
爱荷华大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big Ten (15篇條目)" |
爱荷华州立大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Big 12 (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Big 12 (11篇條目)" |
威廉姆斯学院 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Liberal arts colleges (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Liberal arts colleges (4篇條目)" |
以色列理工学院 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Asia (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Asia (45篇條目)" |
汉诺威大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "TU9 (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#TU9 (9篇條目)" |
汉堡大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "U15 (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#U15 (15篇條目)" |
帕多瓦大學 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Italy (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Italy (5篇條目)" |
爱丁堡大学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Russell Group (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Russell Group (24篇條目)" |
摩洛人 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Asia (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Asia (21篇條目)" |
语音处理 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "General (210/215篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#General (210/215篇條目)" |
语言习得 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Language acquisition (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Language acquisition (13篇條目)" |
语法范畴 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Grammar (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Grammar (49篇條目)" |
语气 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Grammar (49篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Grammar (49篇條目)" |
对照语言学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
语用学 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Linguistics (72篇條目)" |
语音交替 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
对立漂移 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sound change and alternation (10篇條目)" |
汉字拉丁化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
汉语拼音 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Alphabets and writing systems (36/50篇條目)" |
article_info_of_base_page | Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
摩洛哥阿拉伯語 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Afroasiatic languages (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Afroasiatic languages (24篇條目)" |
威尔士语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Celtic languages (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Celtic languages (6篇條目)" |
魁北克法語 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
摩爾多瓦語 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Romance languages (24篇條目)" |
爱沙尼亚语 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Uralic languages (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Uralic languages (5篇條目)" |
不當行為 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Basics (89篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Basics (89篇條目)" |
財產法 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common law (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common law (45篇條目)" |
不动产征收 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Common law (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Common law (45篇條目)" |
对价 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Contract law (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Contract law (14篇條目)" |
不法行為 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Contract law (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Contract law (14篇條目)" |
禁止反言 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Contract law (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Contract law (14篇條目)" |
特定履行 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Contract law (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Contract law (14篇條目)" |
不恰當的影響力 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Contract law (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Contract law (14篇條目)" |
瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Statutory law (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Statutory law (13篇條目)" |
不雅暴露 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against public order (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against public order (4篇條目)" |
十字架 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against international law (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against international law (15篇條目)" |
肉刑 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Crimes against international law (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Crimes against international law (15篇條目)" |
不完整罪 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Inchoate offenses (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Inchoate offenses (8篇條目)" |
投訴 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Civil procedure (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Civil procedure (12篇條目)" |
特許狀 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Documents (50篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Documents (50篇條目)" |
廉政公署 (香港) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Government agencies (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Government agencies (40篇條目)" |
統一俄羅斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Political parties (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Political parties (15篇條目)" |
以色列政治 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Politics of specific countries (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Politics of specific countries (20篇條目)" |
財政保守主義 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Ideology and political theory (74篇條目)" |
威权型人格 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Concepts (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Concepts (30篇條目)" |
厭煩 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Emotions and traits (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Emotions and traits (48篇條目)" |
信心 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Emotions and traits (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Emotions and traits (48篇條目)" |
不滿 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Interpersonal relations (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Interpersonal relations (39篇條目)" |
光害 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Issues (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Issues (40篇條目)" |
塑料污染 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Issues (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Issues (40篇條目)" |
統治階級 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Social classes (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Social classes (12篇條目)" |
极客 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
御宅族 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
摩德文化 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
光头党 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#Sociology (58/60篇條目)" |
不丹国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
以色列国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
摩爾多瓦國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
摩纳哥国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
摩洛哥國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
帕劳国旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
威爾斯國旗 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National flags (194篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National flags (194篇條目)" |
不丹国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
爱尔兰国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
以色列國徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
摩尔多瓦国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
摩納哥國徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
摩洛哥国徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
帕勞國徽 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
威爾斯皇家徽章 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
section | "National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學#National coat of arms (192篇條目)" |
攝影記者 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Journalism (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Journalism (25篇條目)" |
天文与天体物理学报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
天文物理期刊 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Academic journals (45篇條目)" |
ICQ | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Applications (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Applications (12篇條目)" |
ITunes | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Applications (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Applications (12篇條目)" |
光明日报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "China (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#China (14篇條目)" |
帕斯卡日报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "India (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#India (10篇條目)" |
光华日报 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Malaysia (1篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Malaysia (1篇條目)" |
動畫劇集 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Genres (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Genres (21篇條目)" |
以色列電視 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Television by country (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Television by country (24篇條目)" |
极速特警 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Germany (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Germany (4篇條目)" |
禁止的爱 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Germany (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Germany (4篇條目)" |
不文山鬼馬表演 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
帕金森 (电视节目) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
天線寶寶 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#United Kingdom (34篇條目)" |
摩登原始人 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1960–1980 (43篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1960–1980 (43篇條目) =" |
天龍特攻隊 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
仁心仁術 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#= 1980–2000 (71篇條目) =" |
极速前进美国版 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
摩登家庭 (美国电视剧) | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
六呎風雲 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
天兵公園 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
特工老爹 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Post-2000 (64篇條目)" |
天元突破 紅蓮螺巖 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Japan (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Japan (33篇條目)" |
光之美少女系列 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Japan (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Japan (33篇條目)" |
Instagram | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Websites (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Websites (40篇條目)" |
天猫 | level | 5 |
topic | "社會科學" |
sublist | "新聞學及大眾媒體" |
section | "Websites (40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/社會科學/新聞學及大眾媒體#Websites (40篇條目)" |
发明 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (18篇條目)" |
植物園 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Buildings and infrastructure (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Buildings and infrastructure (25篇條目)" |
動物飼料 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Animal husbandry (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Animal husbandry (19篇條目)" |
動物育種學 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Animal husbandry (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Animal husbandry (19篇條目)" |
厭氧消化 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Biotechnology (66篇條目)" |
信息可视化 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer science (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer science (19篇條目)" |
语音识别 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Artificial intelligence concepts (15篇條目)" |
光子计算机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer architecture concepts (20篇條目)" |
IBM PC兼容机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
摩尔定律 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer hardware (104篇條目)" |
IMac | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Specific computers (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Specific computers (27篇條目)" |
IPad | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Specific computers (27篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Specific computers (27篇條目)" |
IBM PC | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Early digital computers (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Early digital computers (22篇條目)" |
IEEE 1394 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "User interface (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#User interface (23篇條目)" |
IOS | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Operating systems (35篇條目)" |
特洛伊木马 (电脑) | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Computer security (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Computer security (30篇條目)" |
ISO 9660 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Data storage and memory (60篇條目)" |
IP地址 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
IPv4 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
IPv6 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
IRC | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Internet (36篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Internet (36篇條目)" |
函式庫 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "General (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#General (64篇條目)" |
IBM POWER指令集架构 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Programming languages (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Programming languages (43篇條目)" |
塑料工程 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Disciplines (52篇條目)" |
发电机 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Electricity generation, transmission and distribution (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Electricity generation, transmission and distribution (76篇條目)" |
額定容量 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Concepts (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Concepts (25篇條目)" |
热电联产 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Electricity generation (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Electricity generation (9篇條目)" |
热处理 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Metallurgy (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Metallurgy (30篇條目)" |
船塢 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Coastal infrastructure (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Coastal infrastructure (8篇條目)" |
塑料袋 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Containers (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Containers (18篇條目)" |
IPod | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
IPhone | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
ISDB | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Media and communication (83篇條目)" |
IMI TAR-21突擊步槍 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Specific firearms (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Specific firearms (7篇條目)" |
光学显微镜 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Optical instruments (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Optical instruments (23篇條目)" |
光學望遠鏡 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
天文濾鏡 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Astronomical technology (65篇條目)" |
紅外線天文衛星 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Space-based observatories (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Space-based observatories (15篇條目)" |
以色列航天局 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Programs and launch sites (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Programs and launch sites (20篇條目)" |
天空实验室 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Crewed vehicles (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Crewed vehicles (9篇條目)" |
滑板車 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
摩的 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Road transport (91篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Road transport (91篇條目)" |
滑雪升降装置 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Other (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Other (14篇條目)" |
摩托船 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Naval transport (44篇條目)" |
天津地铁 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "Asia (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#Asia (29篇條目)" |
紅箭特快列車 | level | 5 |
topic | "科技" |
section | "High-speed rail (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/科技#High-speed rail (12篇條目)" |
极性 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "General (42篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#General (42篇條目)" |
六氟化硫 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
六氰合铁(III)酸盐 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "化學" |
section | "Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/化學#Inorganic compounds (127篇條目)" |
十字石 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Mineralogy (74篇條目)" |
滑脱构造 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Structural geology (23篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Structural geology (23篇條目)" |
張裂 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
滑脱面 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Tectonics (52篇條目)" |
特提斯洋 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Paleogeography (16篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Paleogeography (16篇條目)" |
断崖 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "General (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#General (14篇條目)" |
树沼 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Wetlands (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Wetlands (7篇條目)" |
对流层 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Atmosphere: General (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Atmosphere: General (13篇條目)" |
热层 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Atmosphere: General (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Atmosphere: General (13篇條目)" |
热带季风气候 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Climatology (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Climatology (29篇條目)" |
极地平流层云 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Clouds (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Clouds (24篇條目)" |
热浪 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Seasons (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Seasons (11篇條目)" |
塵捲風 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Storms (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Storms (26篇條目)" |
紅色精靈 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Storms (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Storms (26篇條目)" |
鹽盤 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "地球科學" |
section | "Hydrology (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/地球科學#Hydrology (39篇條目)" |
边缘科学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "科学基础(38篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#科学基础(38篇條目)" |
天文單位系統 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Measurement systems (34篇條目)" |
摩尔分数 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Ratio (6篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Ratio (6篇條目)" |
泽字节 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "基礎及測量" |
section | "Information (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/基礎及測量#Information (37篇條目)" |
天文学家 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
天体化学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
天文攝影 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
天體物理數據系統 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Astronomy basics (30篇條目)" |
光變曲線 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
紅巨星支尖 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
天體光譜學 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
禁制機制 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
光度距離 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
光谱能量分布 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Basics (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Basics (34篇條目)" |
天文物理邁射 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Radio astronomy (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Radio astronomy (8篇條目)" |
光球 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
特洛伊天体 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天王星大氣層 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天王星的卫星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天卫一 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天卫五 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天卫四 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天卫三 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天卫二 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Solar System (101篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Solar System (101篇條目)" |
天苑四 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
天蝎座X-1 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
天倉五 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
天市右垣十一 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable stars (41篇條目)" |
天鵝臂 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Milky Way (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Milky Way (9篇條目)" |
獵戶臂 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Milky Way (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Milky Way (9篇條目)" |
IC 1101 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable galaxies (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable galaxies (35篇條目)" |
船底座星雲 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
天鵝圈 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable nebulae (21篇條目)" |
天爐座星系團 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Notable galaxy clusters (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Notable galaxy clusters (11篇條目)" |
极昼 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
极夜 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Celestial mechanics (68篇條目)" |
极轨道 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Orbital mechanics (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Orbital mechanics (20篇條目)" |
天燕座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
劍魚座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
天炉座 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Other (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Other (76篇條目)" |
天琴座RR型变星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
不穩定帶 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
紅矮星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
紅超巨星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
特超巨星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
紅巨星分支 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
特殊恆星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
Ia超新星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
Ib和Ic超新星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
II型超新星 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Stellar astronomy (110篇條目)" |
特殊星系 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Galaxy classification (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Galaxy classification (22篇條目)" |
爱丁顿光度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Active galactic nucleus (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Active galactic nucleus (10篇條目)" |
光子時期 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
热寂 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "天文學" |
section | "Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/天文學#Physical cosmology (51篇條目)" |
对称性 (物理学) | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "General (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#General (48篇條目)" |
不稳定性 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "General (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#General (48篇條目)" |
光深度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Optics (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Optics (39篇條目)" |
光學倍率 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Optics (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Optics (39篇條目)" |
光圈 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Optics (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Optics (39篇條目)" |
光度学 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Optics (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Optics (39篇條目)" |
光通量 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Optics (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Optics (39篇條目)" |
发光强度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Optics (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Optics (39篇條目)" |
不可能的顏色 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Basics (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Basics (21篇條目)" |
天藍色 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Color terms (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Color terms (33篇條目)" |
天空藍 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Color terms (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Color terms (33篇條目)" |
爱因斯坦模型 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Basics (12篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Basics (12篇條目)" |
動量算符 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
对应原理 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Quantum mechanics (71篇條目)" |
不可壓縮流 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Fluid mechanics (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Fluid mechanics (37篇條目)" |
張力 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Solid mechanics (26篇條目)" |
对称性破缺 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "General (43篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#General (43篇條目)" |
爱因斯坦场方程 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
以太 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Theory of relativity (35篇條目)" |
热力学温度 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热力学第零定律 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热力学第三定律 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热力学基本关系 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热传导 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
对流传热 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热力学循环 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热力学过程 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
不可逆性 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热力学系统 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
光子气体 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热能 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
热胀冷缩 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Thermodynamics (86篇條目)" |
纵波 | level | 5 |
topic | "自然科學" |
sublist | "物理" |
section | "Waves (47篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/自然科學/物理#Waves (47篇條目)" |
天際線 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Terminology (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Terminology (7篇條目)" |
帕拉第奧式建築 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Renaissance and early modern era (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Renaissance and early modern era (10篇條目)" |
摩登流線型建築 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Modern era (13篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Modern era (13篇條目)" |
摩艾石像 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Americas (39篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Americas (39篇條目)" |
紅場 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Europe (64篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Europe (64篇條目)" |
天空塔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Oceania (4篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Oceania (4篇條目)" |
以色列博物館 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Asia (20篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Asia (20篇條目)" |
特列季亚科夫画廊 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Russia (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Russia (9篇條目)" |
浩室音樂 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Electronic music (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Electronic music (8篇條目)" |
動物狂歡節 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Romantic (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Romantic (56篇條目)" |
威风堂堂进行曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Romantic (56篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Romantic (56篇條目)" |
帕格尼尼主題狂想曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "20th century (32篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#20th century (32篇條目)" |
帕西法尔 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Opera (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Opera (37篇條目)" |
威廉·退尔 (歌剧) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Opera (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Opera (37篇條目)" |
天佑國王 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
統治吧,不列顛尼亞! | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Anthems and patriotic songs (19篇條目)" |
发现 (蠢朋克专辑) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Electronic (5篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Electronic (5篇條目)" |
I Will Survive | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Disco (2篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Disco (2篇條目)" |
爱的初告白 (歌曲) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pop music (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pop music (25篇條目)" |
I Want to Hold Your Hand | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pop music (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pop music (25篇條目)" |
滑鐵盧 (歌曲) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pop music (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pop music (25篇條目)" |
天下一家 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pop music (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pop music (25篇條目)" |
圍著時鐘搖吧 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Rock (55篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Rock (55篇條目)" |
動作編排 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Dance (72篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Dance (72篇條目)" |
張子 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Paper art (9篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Paper art (9篇條目)" |
塑像 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (10篇條目)" |
十字若望的基督 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Pre-modern (59篇條目)" |
威尼斯之狮 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
肉形石 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
天球 (雕塑) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
天坛大佛 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Sculpture (71篇條目)" |
摩天楼顶上的午餐 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Photographs (37篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Photographs (37篇條目)" |
紅寶石鞋 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Individual fashion designs (15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Individual fashion designs (15篇條目)" |
信息设计 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Design (21篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Design (21篇條目)" |
動作片 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film genres (14/15篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film genres (14/15篇條目)" |
威尼斯电影节 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film festival and awards (13/10篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film festival and awards (13/10篇條目)" |
摩登時代 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Comedy (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Comedy (18篇條目)" |
持攝影機的人 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Documentary (7篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Documentary (7篇條目)" |
十二怒漢 (電影) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Drama film (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Drama film (29篇條目)" |
特写 (电影) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Drama film (29篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Drama film (29篇條目)" |
十诫 (1956年电影) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Epic and historical films (18篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Epic and historical films (18篇條目)" |
獵人之夜 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
不死殭屍—恐慄交響曲 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Horror and thriller (22篇條目)" |
天使愛美麗 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Romance films (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Romance films (11篇條目)" |
光荣之路 (1957年电影) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "War (8篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#War (8篇條目)" |
不列颠尼亚 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
鵝媽媽 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
威廉·泰爾 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Western folklore (40/40篇條目)" |
光源氏 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Literature and drama (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Literature and drama (40/40篇條目)" |
汉尼拔·莱克特 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Film, television, animation, comics, and video games (40/40篇條目)" |
浩克 (漫畫) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
section | "Heroes (14篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術#Heroes (14篇條目)" |
不可靠的敘事者 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Narrative (25/25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Narrative (25/25篇條目)" |
天文學大成 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Nonfiction of antiquity (59篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Nonfiction of antiquity (59篇條目)" |
天体运行论 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Nonfiction of early printed book era (34篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Nonfiction of early printed book era (34篇條目)" |
极权主义的起源 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#General nonfiction (76篇條目)" |
十日談 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Fiction of the medieval era (11篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Fiction of the medieval era (11篇條目)" |
摩尔·弗兰德斯 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
天路歷程 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Fiction of early printed book era (48篇條目)" |
特洛伊羅斯與克瑞西達 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Shakespeare (24篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Shakespeare (24篇條目)" |
紅與黑 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#19th century fiction (90篇條目)" |
都柏林人 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
天地一沙鷗 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Literary novels and short stories (147篇條目)" |
威利在哪里? | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Children's books (25篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Children's books (25篇條目)" |
天使在美国 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Drama (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Drama (33篇條目)" |
热铁皮屋顶上的猫 (戏剧) | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Drama (33篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Drama (33篇條目)" |
特洛伊羅斯與克麗西達 | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Poetic works of the medieval era (22篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Poetic works of the medieval era (22篇條目)" |
If— | level | 5 |
topic | "藝術" |
sublist | "文學" |
section | "Poetic works of modern era (41篇條目)" |
trimmed_link | "/第五級/藝術/文學#Poetic works of modern era (41篇條目)" |
邵飘萍 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "近现代" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#近现代" |
張國榮 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
邵逸夫 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#演員、歌手、樂團、導演、編劇、製片人" |
張大千 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#艺术家、建筑师、书法家和音乐家" |
邵雍 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#思想家、政史专家、教育工作者、经济学家和社科专家" |
汉文帝 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
汉景帝 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "古代_2" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#古代_2" |
廉颇 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#军事人物、革命者和社运人士" |
十殿阎罗 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
祝融 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "传说人物、虚构人物" |
trimmed_link | "/人物#传说人物、虚构人物" |
汉地 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "地域概念" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#地域概念" |
十二州 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "地域概念" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#地域概念" |
岭南 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "地域概念" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#地域概念" |
特别行政区 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政治地理" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#政治地理" |
汉中市 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "陕西省" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#陕西省" |
雁荡山 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "山脉和山峰" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#山脉和山峰" |
帕米尔高原 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其它" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#其它" |
都江堰 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "水利工程" |
trimmed_link | "/地理#水利工程" |
紅學 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "未归类" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#未归类" |
汉学 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "未归类" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#未归类" |
汉文化 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "概述" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#概述" |
岭南文化 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "概述" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#概述" |
汉族人名 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "人名学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#人名学" |
汉姓 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "人名学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#人名学" |
汉语史 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
汉语语法 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
汉语方言 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
汉字部件 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
六書 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
汉语音韵学 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "语言学" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#语言学" |
天子 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政治" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#政治" |
天下 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "政治" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#政治" |
纵横家 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
仁 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
信 (儒家) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
天理 (儒家) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "思想" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#思想" |
汉族传统节日 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "民俗、节日" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#民俗、节日" |
天后宝诞 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "民俗、节日" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#民俗、节日" |
六合彩 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "遊戲娛樂" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#遊戲娛樂" |
粽 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "食物和调料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#食物和调料" |
热干面 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "食物和调料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#食物和调料" |
信阳毛尖 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "饮料" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#饮料" |
天工开物 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "明代" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#明代" |
十三經注疏 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "明代" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#明代" |
汉长安城 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
汉魏洛阳故城 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
天坛 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
汉茂陵 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
天安门广场 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#建筑、古迹、贸易通道" |
船政学堂 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "教育" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#教育" |
天一阁 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "图书馆、博物馆" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#图书馆、博物馆" |
陕西历史博物馆 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "图书馆、博物馆" |
trimmed_link | "/文化#图书馆、博物馆" |
函谷關之戰 (前298年) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "东周和秦代" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#东周和秦代" |
函谷關之戰 (前241年) | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "东周和秦代" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#东周和秦代" |
統一度量衡 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "东周和秦代" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#东周和秦代" |
汉平南越之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
汉平东越之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
汉灭卫氏朝鲜之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
汉攻大宛之战 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
光武中興 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
汉朝和罗马的关系 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "两汉" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#两汉" |
六鎮之亂 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "兩晉南北朝" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#兩晉南北朝" |
汉书 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "二十四史" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#二十四史" |
汉纪 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其他" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#其他" |
十六国春秋 | level | 3 |
base_page | "Wikipedia:中文領域基礎條目" |
section | "其他" |
trimmed_link | "/歷史#其他" |
语言 | level | 3 |
section | "Language and literature" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Language and literature" |
天文学 | level | 3 |
section | "Astronomy" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Astronomy" |
天灾 | level | 3 |
section | "Weather, climate and geology" |
trimmed_link | "/1.2#Weather, climate and geology" |