

雅各·里斯-莫格 阁下
The Rt Hon. Jacob Rees-Mogg MP
多数票10,235 (18.9%)
出生 (1969-05-24) 1969年5月24日55歲)
国籍 英国
配偶Helena de Chair2007年结婚)
亲属里斯-莫格勳爵英语William Rees-Mogg(父亲)
安農齊亞塔·里斯-莫格英语Annunziata Rees-Mogg(妹妹)
朱麗葉·塔德格爾女勳爵英语Lady Juliet Tadgell(岳母)

雅各布·威廉·里斯-莫格(英語:Jacob William Rees-Mogg,1969年5月24日),英國政治人物,保守黨成員,自2019年起於约翰逊内阁擔任樞密院議長下議院領袖

2010年在選舉勝出,當選為英格蘭薩默塞特東北選區國會議員,連任至今。他是保守黨內社會保守主義者歐盟懷疑主義者[1],亦是英國脫離歐盟運動的重要推動者之一,曾任保守黨議會黨團欧洲研究小组英语European Research Group主席。





里斯-莫格在1969年5月24日生於英格兰漢默史密斯,父親是泰晤士报前編輯威廉·里斯-莫格英语William Rees-Mogg(其後於1988年被封爵),母親是聖潘克拉斯自治市市長英语List of mayors of St Pancras、保守黨政治人物托馬斯·理查德·莫里斯(Thomas Richard Morris)之女吉莉安·莎士比亞·莫里斯(Gillian Shakespeare Morris)。他有四名兄弟姊妹,三個比她年長,另有一個妹妹,亦即後來的欧洲议会議員安農齊亞塔·里斯-莫格英语Annunziata Rees-Mogg

他的家庭在他出生前5年購買了斯通伊斯頓莊園英语Ston Easton Park,一所位於森麻實郡斯通伊斯頓英语Ston Easton鄉村別墅,是他成長的地方。他持續參加每週的天主教會彌撒英语Mass in the Catholic Church和偶爾在屬羅馬天主教會米德桑麻諾頓聖靈堂英语Church of the Holy Ghost, Midsomer Norton主日學習慣的地方。[2]其後在1975年起,與女家庭教師進行教义问答和開始一般彌撒英语Mass of Paul VI[3]1978年,他舉家遷到鄰近的村莊欣頓布萊維特英语Hinton Blewett,他們購置了「舊教區長府邸」(The Old Rectory),一處以前為教區長住所的二級登錄建築,如今市值2百萬英鎊。[4]他雖然居住在森麻實郡,但經常往返伦敦史密斯广场的家族住宅 ,因為他要到是獨立學校預備學校英语Preparatory school (United Kingdom)西敏小學英语Westminster Under School上學。[5][6]

成長期間,里斯-莫格都是被他形容為「影響他成長的人」的褓姆維羅妮卡·克魯克(Veronica Crook)所照顧,現時克魯克已侍奉其家族逾50年,仍然在照料里斯-莫格自己的兒女。[7][8]

當里斯-莫格10歲時,一個親戚留下10英鎊給他,其父親替他買了現時已結業的英國通用電氣公司股份。他往後認為,這是他對股票市場產生興趣的原因,並在明白公司的財務報告後到英國通用電氣公司的股東會議,對一項議案投下反對票,理由是股東分紅太低。[9]他其後又投資基地位於倫敦的綜合企業Lonrho英语Lonrho」,前後累積持340股,在股东大会提問有關股東紅利的問題,據報令時任公司主席鄧肯-桑茲勳爵有些「不適」。1981年,當時有175股的12歲的里斯-莫格,在股東會議上告訴時任公司主席納爾遜勳爵英语Henry Nelson, 2nd Baron Nelson of Stafford,現在提議的股東紅利是「令人悲哀」,惹來在場的公司董事和傳媒忍俊不禁。[10]

上完預備學校後,他進入了伊顿公学,在一份功課中他被評價為「相當自以為是的戴卓爾主義者」。[11]準備離開伊頓之際,皇家肖像畫師學會英语Royal Society of Portrait Painters會員保羅·布蘭森(Paul Branson)為他作畫給予伊頓公學收藏品系列英语Eton College Collections,其肖像畫於皇家肖像畫師學會畫展《1993年的臉孔》上被展出。[12]

里斯-莫格在牛津大学三一学院攻讀歷史,於1991年畢業並取得二等上級榮譽英语British undergraduate degree classification[13][14]1988年他剛入學時,牛津學生報《Cherwell》已經給了他「咄咄逼人的新生」的稱謂,刊出一幀圖片說明為「我們還有什麼要說?」、里斯-莫格身穿西裝的照片。[15]在牛津就讀時,他曾是牛津大學保守黨協會英语Oxford University Conservative Association的主席,《Cherwell》形容為提倡「征服世界和社會適足性的競選活動」。他同時亦是牛津大學辯論社的會員,經常參與辯論,選舉社團幹事時他當選圖書館館員,但達米安·海因斯擊敗他當選主席。[16][17][15]他回憶起大學生活的時候,言道後悔沒研讀古典學[18]



1991年從牛津畢業後,里斯-莫格到羅斯柴爾德投資銀行英语Rothschild & Co跟從尼爾斯·塔布英语Nils Taube工作,其後於1993年轉到香港於「羅祖儒投資管理有限公司」(Lloyd George Management)供職。[19][20][21]據說留在香港期間,他成為了總督彭定康的好友,並經常到訪總督府。三年後,他返回倫敦,被調派掌管公司的新興市場基金。2003年左右,他開始負責管理「羅祖儒新興市場基金公司」。[22]2007年,里斯-莫格連同一些同事離開了「羅祖儒公司」,並一同開展了他們的新公司「森麻實資本管理有限公司」,受空頭對衝基金經理克里斯平·奧迪英语Crispin Odey支持。[23]隨著他2010年選舉中勝出,當選為東北薩默塞特選區國會議員,他便辭任「森麻實資本管理有限公司」行政總裁一職,但仍繼續以合夥人身份領取公司收入。[19]







里斯-莫格於2001年英國大選再次被選為保守黨國會議員參選人,這次是什罗普郡里金選區,但敗給了當時競逐連任的國會議員[30]2005年至2008年,他被推選為倫敦及西敏市保守黨協會英语Conservative Association的主席。[31]





2010年英國大選的競選期間,里斯-莫格被《星期日泰晤士報》編輯卡米拉·朗英语Camilla Long在候選人的人物簡介上評為「戴维·卡梅伦最糟的噩夢」。[33]那場選舉中,他成為了保守黨在新選區東北薩默塞特國會議員參選人,並最後成功當選,領先第二名4,914票。[34]他的妹妹新聞記者安農齊亞塔·里斯-莫格英语Annunziata Rees-Mogg同時在鄰近的薩默頓和弗羅姆選區參選,但以1,817票之差未能勝出。[13][35]衛報》撰稿人伊恩·傑克英语Ian Jack說挑選兩個富裕階層的人參選破壞了保守黨建立包容社會的訊息,這樣的參選人應被排除在外。[29]

委員會 日期
藝術作品顧問委員會英语Advisory Committee on Works of Art
  • 2010年11月18日 – 2015年3月30日
  • 2015年7月1日 – 2015年11月17日
歐洲監督委員會英语European Scrutiny Committee
  • 2010年7月26日 – 2015年3月30日
  • 2015年7月15日 – 2017年5月3日
西敏宮聯合委員會英语Joint Committee on the Palace of Westminster
  • 2015年7月16日 – 2017年5月3日
程序委員會英语Procedure Committee
  • 2010年7月26日 – 2015年3月30日
財政委員會英语Treasury Select Committee
  • 2015年7月8日 – 2017年5月3日
脫離歐盟事務專責委員會英语Exiting the European Union Select Committee
  • 2017年9月11日 – 2019年11月6日



2010年,保守黨之家英语ConservativeHome網誌列里斯-莫格其中一個最桀驁不馴的國會議員。[38]他曾違反黨鞭,對英國定期國會法案、2011年10月歐盟公投議案以及2012年上議院改革法案英语House of Lords Reform Bill 2012投下反對票。[39]

下議院內,里斯-莫格因其幽默的演說和「拉布」的能力而為人所知曉。[40][41][42]他在2010-12年日光節約法案英语Daylight Saving Bill 2010和2010-12年可持續家禽法案上「拉布」,成功阻止兩項法案在國會通過。他在可持續家禽法案的發言中,背誦了詩詞、談及了森麻實郡所出產的蛋有多優秀、講述在虛構故事中連續於史樂郡秀英语Shropshire County Show贏了三次的布蘭德女皇英语Empress of Blandings、又提述到污水處理系統還有阿金库尔战役[42][43][44][45]他亦同時對日光節約法案提出修正案,試圖讓森麻實郡有獨自比倫敦慢15分鐘的时区[46]



2013年5月,他在傳統英國英语Traditional Britain Group的年度晚宴上致辭,那是一個呼籲把所有非白人的英國市民驅逐出境的極右翼團體。反法西斯主義團體《探照燈英语Searchlight (magazine)》在他到席前已經通知他該團體的性質,但他仍然決定出席,在晚宴完結後他表示雖然他知道該團體的立場,但他「從來不是他們的成員或支持者」。[49][50][51][52]

2014年1月,里斯-莫格形容25萬英鎊用作國會議員的肖像照為瑣碎的,稱:「我完全贊成節省金錢,任何時候也處處節省,但這不過是九牛一毛」。[53]同年12月,他被舉報至獨立國會標準局英语Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority,因為他就有關煙草、採礦、石油及天然氣的發言時,沒有預先口頭申報利益,表明他是「森麻實資本管理有限公司」的合夥創辦人兼董事,該公司管理在這些行業數以百萬英鎊計的投資。[54]時任國會標準事務專員英语Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards則裁定沒有違規,故而不用開展調查程序。[55]根據《每日电讯报》,里斯-莫格在2014年國會外的工作時數共有476小時,或每週9小時。[56]


2016年,里斯-莫格在一個索尼島學會英语Thorney Island (Westminster)的晚宴致辭


Initially a supporter of Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election,[59] he distanced himself from the then-Republican Party nominee after the Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape surfaced in October 2016.[60] He distanced himself from Trump's controversies on Twitter, saying the medium is "fundamentally trivial".[61] In November 2017, Rees-Mogg met Trump's former White House Chief Strategist and Breitbart News' executive chairman Steve Bannon to discuss how right-wing movements can succeed in the United Kingdom and the United States.[62] Rees-Mogg later defended the meeting when asked about it in an interview, stating, "I've talked to any number of people whose political views I do not share or fully endorse ... Inevitably politicians meet other politicians. Mr Bannon was the chief of staff to President Trump and is a senior figure in the Republican Party."[63]


2017年,他表示贊成保守黨與民主統一黨信任供给協議英语Conservative-DUP agreement[64]他更出席了一個民主統一黨的籌款活動,惹來北愛爾蘭保守黨英语Northern Ireland Conservatives的不滿和批評。[65][66]

里斯-莫格年時被廣泛認為是角逐黨魁的潛在參選人,而他自己也在2017曾考慮過。[67][68][69][70]然而於2017年8月13日,他說「這樣的臆測僅是傳媒的愚蠢季節」。[71] 兩名保守黨國會議員海蒂·艾琳英语Heidi Allen安娜·苏布里聲稱,如果里斯-莫格成為黨魁,她們將脫離保守黨,前內閣大臣簡意寧亦說可能會跟隨。[72][73][74]不過,有其他保守黨籍的國會議員,如傑西·諾曼還有丹尼爾·考辛斯基,表明如果里斯-莫格競逐黨魁,他們將會支持。[75][76]英國獨立黨黨魁和後來的英國脫歐黨黨魁奈杰尔·法拉奇都公開支持里斯-莫格參選。[77]

Following the 2017 general election, calls were made for Theresa May to step down as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party after failing to win an overall majority in the House of Commons.[78] This led news outlets to begin speculating on May's possible successor with Boris Johnson touted as the bookmakers' favourite and Rees-Mogg being given 50/1 odds.[68] A day after the election on 9 June, an online petition, titled Ready for Rees-Mogg, was set up urging Rees-Mogg to run for leader of the Conservative Party. Hoping to mirror the success of pro-Corbyn activist group Momentum, a 'play on words' hashtag of Moggmentum was created.[79][80] By 8 July 2017, the campaign had attracted over 13,000 signatures and raised £2,000 in donations with leadership odds being cut to 16/1, making him second favourite behind David Davis.[81] On 14 August, co-founder of Ready for Rees-Mogg Sam Frost announced the petition had gathered 22,000 registered supporters, 700 volunteers and £7,000 in donations, despite Rees-Mogg having said a day earlier that such speculation was "part of media's silly season" and that "no-body serious" believed he was a candidate.[82][83][84] On 5 September 2017, a poll conducted by ConservativeHome put Rees-Mogg as the favourite for next leader, with 23% of the votes based on 1,309 people surveyed.[85]

2018年1月,他當選為保守黨內的疑歐派議會黨團欧洲研究小组英语European Research Group主席。[86]一份《獨立報》的報道指出,這個身份令他能隨時有約50名保守黨國會議員的支持,足夠續發一場黨魁選舉。[87]自當選,里斯-莫格直接抨擊文翠珊和財相夏文達的領導,引起傳言說他正密謀策劃競逐黨魁一職,但他一直重申沒這樣的打算。[88]同年2月,他一場在西英格蘭大學的演說被打斷,因為有左翼示威者指罵他是一個種族主義者和偏執狂,最後該批示威者與里斯-莫格的支持者爆發暴力衝突。[89] 里斯-莫格贊成他喜歡叫作「徹底脫歐」(clean Brexit)的「硬脫歐」,他一直高調批評政府處理英國脫歐談判的手法,特別是他稱爲「沒有成員國投票權地留在歐盟」、文翠珊所主導的「契克斯計劃」:



In 2018, as part of a Sunday Times investigation into online abuse following controversial comments made by Boris Johnson regarding the niqab and media attention regarding alleged Islamophobia in the Conservative Party, it was reported that a number of Facebook groups supportive of Rees-Mogg and Johnson (some of which included Conservative councillors and officials) were leaving "widespread" Islamophobic and racist comments on Johnson's Facebook page. In response, Rees-Mogg said he was supporting a private member's bill put forward by Labour MP Lucy Powell to regulate social media, and added "people who have these types of views should take no solace in using [Johnson's] comments as an excuse to take this approach".[91] Rees-Mogg defended Johnson against accusations of Islamophobia and criticised the party for initiating disciplinary action against Johnson – in order, Rees-Mogg said, to weaken Johnson politically – calling it a "low-grade abuse of power"[90] as well as a "show trial" and a "witch hunt".[92]

On 15 November 2018, Rees-Mogg implied that he might submit a letter of no confidence in the Prime Minister over her draft Brexit proposal.[93] Later that day, he submitted such a letter to Sir Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs and told reporters "What Theresa May says and does no longer match" but added "... this is nothing to do with personal ambition".[94][95] Following May's announcement that she would call off the House of Commons vote on her Brexit deal due to widespread dislike of the deal, Rees-Mogg made a statement saying: "What has two years of Theresa May doing Brexit amounted to? An undeliverable deal Parliament would roundly reject, if the prime minister has the gumption to allow it to go before the House of Commons. This is not governing, it risks putting Jeremy Corbyn into government by failing to deliver Brexit. We cannot continue like this. The prime minister must either govern or quit."[96][97] In November 2018, Rees-Mogg suggested the party elect Boris Johnson as its new leader.[98]

Rees-Mogg was described as the leading figure within the unsuccessful effort for a vote of no confidence in Theresa May as party leader by the parliamentary Conservative Party on 12 December.[99] Despite losing the vote, Rees-Mogg continued his calls for May to resign as leader the following day, stating that the Prime Minister had "clearly lost the support of the back benches of the Conservative Party".[100] Rees-Mogg received criticism for his role in this effort from junior minister Tobias Ellwood, who called his actions "destructive", "divisive" and "selfish".[101] On 18 December, Rees-Mogg said: "Under Tory party rules the prime minister won, that is a mandate for the next year. I therefore fully support her, I lost the vote last week."[102] He later voted against the Labour Party's motion of no confidence on 16 January 2019, having stated earlier that day on Politics Live that he would support the Prime Minister.[103][104]

Rees-Mogg said on 22 February 2019 that he opposed Home Secretary Sajid Javid's decision to revoke the UK citizenship of Shamima Begum, one of the Bethnal Green trio, as she was eligible for Bangladeshi citizenship. On his Friday night show on LBC, he stated that he thought that "there is a fundamental equality in British citizens and if you can't take [his] passport away, then you shouldn't be able to take it away from anybody else" and argued that "Why on earth should Bangladeshis pick up a problem that's essentially our problem. We're trying to put our litter in our neighbour’s garden."[105]




2019年9月,里斯-莫格為曾將牽涉在政府《黃鵐行動報告英语Operation Yellowhammer》內的神經內科醫生大衛·尼古爾英语David Nicholl (neurologist),與名譽掃地的疫苗接種反對者安德魯·韋克菲爾德英语Andrew Wakefield相提並論致歉。[108]里斯-莫格支持未來研發疫苗對抗新型冠狀病毒 ,並稱反疫苗的人為「怪人」。[109]

2019年英國大選競選期間,里斯-莫格於尼克·法拉利英语Nick Ferrari主持的倫敦廣播公司英语LBC訪談節目說格伦费尔塔火灾的住客應該要有「常識」,不應理會消防人員英语London Fire Brigade留在原地的指示而馬上逃離現場,因而飽受抨擊。數小時後,他表明他為此等言論感到「極度抱歉」[110]在餘下的競選活動他很少公開露面,令傳媒懷疑他是否被唐寧街首相府勒令因該破壞保守黨形象的訪談而保持低調。[111]鮑里斯·約翰遜於後期曾接受尼克·法拉利訪問,被問到「Moggy在哪?[...]我到處也見不到他。」約翰遜回應指里斯-莫格正積極地參與全國各地的競選活動。[112]


里斯-莫格於2012年在劍橋大學辯論社英语The Cambridge Union辯論。

里斯-莫格的政治觀點被形容為至高托利派英语High Tory[113]反動主義[114]傳統保守主義[115][116]民族主義英语British nationalism[117]社会保守主义[118],以及右翼民粹主義[119],不過他不承認最後一項,強調他主張「受歡迎的政策,但不是民粹主義的政策」。[120]

里斯-莫格也是一個忠實的君主主義者[121],亦是基石派英语Cornerstone Group的成員。[122]



Rees-Mogg's public statements on the European Union and referendum on membership have changed over time. In 2011, referring to the then proposed European Union membership referendum Rees-Mogg suggested a process with two referendums, saying: "Indeed, we could have two referendums. As it happens, it might make more sense to have the second referendum after the renegotiation is completed."[123][124] In his May 2012 lecture to the Centre for Policy Studies, in which he laid out his broad policy position on a range of issues, Rees-Mogg referred to the European Union saying: "I am not an advocate of withdrawal from it but instead I want a fundamental renegotiation of terms".[125][126]

Writing in The Daily Telegraph in May 2013, the Eurosceptic Rees-Mogg asked whether it was time to make a "big open and comprehensive offer" to the UK Independence Party (UKIP). He said collaboration would be straightforward as policies were similar on "many issues" and most Conservatives would prefer Nigel Farage to Nick Clegg as Deputy Prime Minister.[127] His remarks angered his party leadership, while UKIP said it was against any formal arrangements.[128] In January 2019, shortly after Farage left UKIP, Rees-Mogg expressed support for Farage potentially returning to the Conservative Party, stating, "personally I hold Nigel in the highest regard and think he was one of these people who was instrumental in delivering Brexit."[129]

里斯-莫格作為時常直言不諱的欧洲联盟反對者[130],他是脫歐公投中脫歐運動的領軍人物,曾出席於不少訪問在這議題上辯論。有一次在牛津大學辯論社發言時,他形容歐盟為對英國民主以及國會主權的威脅,並以幾個國家反對欧盟宪法但最後卻透過里斯本条约實施為例。[131][132]他還讚揚民主統一黨摧毀了當時政府和歐盟的協定,「拯救了」英國脫歐。[133]另外,他曾經在一次與德國另類選擇黨的代表會面後,批評該黨不夠疑歐,說「德國的疑歐派和英國的疑歐派相比,就像牛奶和白蘭地酒」。[134][135] In April 2019 Rees-Mogg was criticised online after he tweeted a video of a speech made by Alice Weidel, the co-leader of Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Then Labour MP for Tottenham Labour MP David Lammy said Mr Rees-Mogg was "promoting Germany's overtly racist party, AfD". Speaking later, Rees-Mogg said "I'm not supporting the AfD. But this is a speech in the Bundestag of real importance because it shows a German view of Brexit."[136] He replied to Lammy in a statement on LBC radio saying "Once again, Mr Lammy's reputation for under-statement is reinforced"[137]

UCL's modern Jewish history professor Michael Berkowitz accused Rees-Mogg of trafficking in antisemitic tropes when Rees-Mogg castigated his opponents in a Commons debate on 'no-deal' Brexit (specifically Oliver Letwin and John Bercow – both of whom are Jewish) as forming part of an "illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves".[138] In October 2019, Rees-Mogg faced similar criticism from Labour MPs when he suggested that George Soros was allegedly the "funder-in-chief" of the Remain campaign.[139]



里斯-莫格與保守黨在教育上180度改變相反,他支持資助學校英语Academy (English school)形式的教育,因為這樣可以給予學校更大決策自由度,不用再受制於地區教育部門和減低官僚主義。[140]在2005年為一些保守黨候選人站台時,他說取消就讀牛津大學或劍橋大學的候選人資格是不智的決定,還說國家由「盆栽植物」治理不會是最好。這被視為對沒上「牛劍」或公学的人的攻擊,不少英國傳媒指責他精英主义和勢利。[141][142][143]

In February 2018, police launched an investigation after Rees-Mogg was caught in the middle of an altercation at a university campus when left wing protesters disrupted a student event in Bristol.[144] The non-platforming and interference received cross party condemnation with Jo Swinson, then Leader of the Liberal Democrats, tweeting that she was "deeply worried by the violence" and Labour MP Angela Rayner also tweeted saying that she "utterly condemned the behaviour" of those who tried to attack Rees-Mogg and that she found the tactics "intimidating".[145]





In 2012, Rees-Mogg questioned climate science, saying that climate models are not accurate and predictions cannot be proved by controlled experiment, adding that the effect of carbon dioxide emissions "remains much debated".[146] He also suggested that it is not possible to change people's behaviour to mitigate climate change and that it is better to just adapt to it.[121] He described the views of the climate sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation as "attractive" in 2012.[146]

Rees-Mogg has been hostile to renewable energy and was one of 100 MPs who wrote to David Cameron successfully pressurising the government to withdraw subsidies and change planning rules for onshore wind.[148]

With regard to environmental regulations, Rees-Mogg has expressed opposition to regulations stating that: "We could say, if it's good enough in India, it's good enough for here. There's nothing to stop that. We could take it a very long way ... I accept that we're not going to allow dangerous toys to come in from China, we don't want to see those kind of risks. But there's a very long way you can go."[150]




In 2013, Rees-Mogg expressed support for zero-hour contracts, arguing that they benefit employees, including students, by providing flexibility and could provide a route into more permanent employment.[152] He rejected criticism by Vince Cable and others that they were exploitative as "the standard response of the left".[152] In September 2017, Rees-Mogg suggested that food banks fulfil a vital function, and proceeded to argue that "to have charitable support given by people voluntarily to support their fellow citizens I think is rather uplifting and shows what a good, compassionate country we are". He went on to argue that "the real reason for the rise in numbers is that people know that they are there and Labour deliberately didn't tell them." During the same interview, Rees-Mogg conceded that people have "found life tough" but suggested the best way out of poverty was through employment.[153][82]








里斯-莫格曾投票支持一個更嚴厲的庇護系統和多加入境檢查的移民政策,以減低淨移民的數量。[161]奈杰尔·法拉奇所述,里斯-莫格相信脫歐派「贏得公投」的關鍵是,一幅印有「失控點」連同一列列敘利亞難民進入歐洲的海報。[162]里斯-莫格贊同停止人口自由流動英语Freedom of movement for workers in the European Union前往英國,但他希望非英國公民而居住在英國的欧盟公民得以「大致上享有與英國公民同等的權利,不較為好亦不較為差」,他們的權利亦不應有追溯性地被撤銷。[163]





Rees-Mogg is against abortion in all circumstances, stating: "life begins at the point of conception. With same-sex marriage, that is something that people are doing for themselves. With abortion, that is what people are doing to the unborn child."[170] In September 2017, he expressed "a great sadness" on hearing about how online retailers had reduced pricing of emergency contraception.[171][失效連結] Despite his stance, Rees-Mogg has said that he does not believe Britain's laws on same-sex marriage or abortion will change.[169][172]

In October 2017, it was reported that Somerset Capital Management, of which Rees-Mogg was a partner, had invested £5m in Kalbe Farma, a company that produces and markets misoprostol pills designed to treat stomach ulcers but widely used in illegal abortions in Indonesia. Rees-Mogg defended the investment by arguing that the company in question "obeys Indonesian law so it's a legitimate investment and there's no hypocrisy. The law in Indonesia would satisfy the Vatican".[173] Several days later, it was reported that the same company also held shares in FDC, a company that sold drugs used as part of legal abortions in India. Somerset Capital Management subsequently sold the shares it had held in FDC. Rees-Mogg said: "I am glad to say it's a stock that we no longer hold. I would not try to defend investing in companies that did things I believe are morally wrong".[174]

Rees-Mogg is opposed to capital punishment, and favours due process for British jihadists operating abroad.[175]



里斯-莫格是聖潘克拉斯自治市前市長英语List of mayors of St Pancras托馬斯·理查德·莫里斯(Thomas Richard Morris)的外孫,和英國奧運跨欄代表選手勞倫斯·克拉克爵士英语Sir Lawrence Clarke, 7th Baronet的姨夫。[176]

2006年,里斯-莫格與貿易雜誌專欄作家海倫娜·安妮·比阿特麗克斯·溫特沃斯·菲茨威廉·德切爾(Helena Anne Beatrix Wentworth Fitzwilliam de Chair)訂婚,她是薩默塞特·德切爾英语Somerset de Chair和其第四任妻子朱麗葉·塔德格爾女勳爵英语Lady Juliet Tadgell的獨生女,二人兒時已相識。里斯-莫格得到德切爾母親的祝福才開始約會,交往了一年便已訂婚。[177]二人於2007年在坎特伯雷座堂結成夫婦,他們的後梵二彌撒英语Mass of Paul VI儀式是以拉丁文舉行。[178]

2006年,里斯-莫格跟其妻子購買了古爾奈庭院英语Gournay Court,是一幢座落於西哈普特里英语West Harptree二級登錄建築,亦是里斯-莫格的大姨母以志願護士、護士長身份在第一次世界大战服務的前紅十字醫院,二人在這裡養育六名子女。[179][180][181][182]

自2010年起里斯-莫格居住的古爾奈庭院英语Gournay Court

2017年7月,里斯-莫格曾說:「我完全不會假裝我是一個現代男性,從來都不會」,並同時說自己沒有換過尿布,稱:「我不覺得保姆認可,因為我肯定她會認為我不能妥當地做好。」[8]維羅妮卡·克魯克(Veronica Crook)自1965年服務里斯-莫格的家族,從他4歲起便是他的保姆,現在亦是他六名孩子的保姆。[183]2017年7月,工黨國會議員夏雅雯認為「不換尿布的男性都是遊手好閒的爸爸,包括雅各·里斯-莫格」。[184]

作為國會跨黨派歷史車輛小組英语All-party parliamentary group成員,里斯-莫格對歷史車輛頗有興趣。23歲的時候,他買了一輛板球運動員古比·艾倫英语Gubby Allen先前擁有過的賓利T系列Bentley T-series英语1968年的賓利T系列。2005年,他添了一輛1936的賓利3.5升英语Bentley 3.5 Litre還有一輛作日常代步的凌志進他的收藏系列。[185]里斯-莫格還是一個板球愛好者,青年時期開始已經是森麻實郡板球俱樂部英语Somerset County Cricket Club的支持者。[186]



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  91. ^ Wheeler, Caroline; Walters, Tommy; Forbes, Felix. Boris Johnson's Facebook page mobbed by racists after burqa furore. The Sunday Times. 2018-08-19 [2018-08-25]. 
  92. ^ Swinford, Steven. May setting up Boris for 'show trial. The Daily Telegraph. 2018-08-11 [2018-08-25]. 
  93. ^ Mogg threatens May with no confidence letter. BBC News. 2018-11-15 [2018-11-15]. 
  94. ^ Hope, Christopher. Jacob Rees-Mogg to submit letter of no confidence today after he challenges Theresa May in Commons. The Telegraph. 2018-11-15 [2018-11-15]. ISSN 0307-1235. 
  95. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg: 'What Theresa May says and does no longer match' – video. The Guardian. 2018-11-15 [2018-11-15]. ISSN 0261-3077. 
  96. ^ May calls off MPs' vote on her Brexit deal. BBC News. 2018-12-10 [2018-12-10]. 
  97. ^ Brexit: PM makes statement to MPs. BBC News. [2018-12-10]. 
  98. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg: Why Boris Johnson would make a good leader (and I wouldn't). The Spectator. 2018-11-24. 
  99. ^ Theresa May survives confidence vote of Tory MPs. BBC. 2018-12-12. 
  100. ^ Theresa May should 'meet the Queen and resign', says Jacob Rees-Mogg despite PM winning confidence vote. Evening Standard. 2018-12-12. 
  101. ^ "Destructive, Divisive And Selfish": Defence Minister Slams Jacob Rees-Mogg. LBC. 2018-12-12. 
  102. ^ 'I was operating on an outdated understanding' – Jacob Rees-Mogg squirms as he says he now backs Theresa May. The New European. 2018-12-18. 
  103. ^ Rees-Mogg on no-confidence against May government. BBC News. 2019-01-16 [2019-01-29]. 
  104. ^ No-confidence motion: How did my MP vote?. BBC News. 2019-01-16 [2019-01-29]. 
  105. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg Says He's AGAINST Revoking Shamima Begum's Citizenship. LBC. 2019-02-22 [2019-02-23]. 
  106. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg handed cabinet role by Boris Johnson. The Independent. 2019-07-24 [2019-07-25]. 
  107. ^ Britain's arch-Brexiteer Rees-Mogg takes up a new seat in parliament. Reuters. 2019-07-25 [2019-07-25]. 
  108. ^ Hayes, Andy. Jacob Rees-Mogg apologises for comparing doctor to disgraced anti-vaxxer. Sky News. 2019-09-06 [2019-09-06]. 
  109. ^ Parker, Connor. Jacob Rees-Mogg calls anti-vaxxers 'nutters' as he defends government communications spending. Yahoo! News UK. 2020-11-12 [2020-11-12]. 
  110. ^ Grenfell Tower: Jacob Rees-Mogg criticised for 'insulting' comments. BBC News. 2019-11-05 [2019-11-05] (英国英语). 
  111. ^ Rees-Mogg no-show for Tory manifesto launch fuels sidelining claims. The Guardian. 2019-11-24 [2020-01-01]. 
  112. ^ Boris Johnson - Live on LBC with Nick Ferrari: Watch in full. LBC. 2019-12-09 [2020-01-01]. 
  113. ^ The Great Brexit Shambles. New York Times. 2017-09-08. (原始内容存档于2017-09-09). 
  114. ^ Artful Rees-Mogg is anything but a joke. The Times. 2017-08-12. 
  115. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nicky Morgan in Tory battle for top Westminster post. i News. 2017-07-04. (原始内容存档于2017-08-02). 
  116. ^ Tory members turn to David Davis in battle to succeed Theresa May. The Guardian. 2017-07-22. (原始内容存档于2017-08-01). 
  117. ^ Collins, Philip. Britain's new Gaullists. Prospect. 2017-09-14. 
  118. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg fails to rule out a future bid to be next Conservative Party leader. Business Insider. 2017-08-14. (原始内容存档于2017-09-09). 
  119. ^ Populism's Latest Twist: An Aristocrat Could Be Britain's Prime Minister. New York Observer. 2017-07-14. (原始内容存档于2017-08-12). 
  120. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg: What I'd do as UK Home Secretary. The Spectator. 2018-07-10. 
  121. ^ 121.0 121.1 121.2 Jacob Rees-Mogg on Downton Abbey, the Ukraine crisis, and taking famous women to a desert island. Chat Politics. 2014-03-28 [2014-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-09). 
  122. ^ Who we are. Cornerstone Group. (原始内容存档于2007-05-14). 
  123. ^ Rees-Mogg, Jacob. Hansard. www.parliament.uk. 2011-10-24 [2019-07-29]. 
  124. ^ Quoted in Kentish, Benjamin. Leading Tory Brexiteers told to explain speeches showing they supported second referendum on final EU deal #FinalSay. The Independent. 2018-08-04 [2019-11-14] (英语). 
  125. ^ 125.0 125.1 125.2 Rees-Mogg, Jacob. IS DISRAELI RIGHT: 'A SOUND CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT... TORY MEN AND WHIG MEASURES'?. Centre for Policy Studies. 2012-05-10 [2019-07-28]. 
  126. ^ Quoted in Ashcroft, Michael. Jacob's Ladder: The Unauthorised Biography of Jacob Rees-Mogg. Biteback Publishing. 2019-09-10: 157. ISBN 978-1-78590-531-5. 
  127. ^ Rees-Mogg, Jacob. Reunite the right: give Ukip jobs in a Conservative ministry. The Daily Telegraph. 2013-05-07 [2014-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-20). 
  128. ^ Helm, Toby. Ukip pact backed by nearly half of Conservative activists. The Guardian. 2014-02-01 [2014-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-04). 
  129. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg: Nigel Farage should be welcomed back into the Conservative party. PoliticsHome. 2018-01-21. 
  130. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg. UK Parliament. [2012-10-14]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-09). 
  131. ^ Waterfield, Bruno. EU Constitution author says referendums can be ignored. The Telegraph. 2008-06-26 [2017-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-07). 
  132. ^ When France 'ignored' the result of an EU referendum. The Local. 2016-06-28 [2017-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-07). 
  133. ^ As it happened: Govt wants UK-wide partial alignment. Sky News. 2017-12-05. 
  134. ^ An alternative Germany could well do without. CapX. 2017-09-05. 
  135. ^ The Mogg – a 'pale ale Nigel Farage' – in Germany. Channel 4 News. 2014-10-14. 
  136. ^ Rees-Mogg defends tweet of far-right AfD clip. 2019-04-01 [2019-04-01]. 
  137. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg Responds To Criticism Over Retweeting German Far-Right Leader. LBC. 
  138. ^ Berkowitz, Michael. Jacob Rees-Mogg's alarming cry of 'Illuminati'. UCL European Institute. 2019-09-17 [2020-11-15] (英语). 
  139. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg accused of antisemitism after George Soros comments. The Independent. 2019-10-04. 
  140. ^ Academisation. jacobreesmogg.com. 2016-05-03 [2017-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-07). 
  141. ^ Somerset MP fails in speech bid. BBC News. 2011-07-07 [2018-04-21]. 
  142. ^ 'Toff' shrugs off class jibes in Somerset battle. Channel 4 News. [2018-04-21]. 
  143. ^ State school pupils are 'potted plants', says Tory. The Independent. 2006-10-04 [2018-02-06]. 
  144. ^ Mason, Rowena; Gayle, Damien. Jacob Rees-Mogg involved in scuffle during university campus protest. The Guardian. 2018-02-03 [2018-04-13]. 
  145. ^ Mason, Rowena; Gayle, Damien. Jacob Rees-Mogg involved in scuffle during university campus protest. The Guardian. 2018-02-03. 
  146. ^ 146.0 146.1 146.2 Timsbury Environment Group. Carbon emissions and climate change: Report of a meeting with the Hon. Jacob Rees-Mogg (PDF). Timsbury our Community Website. 2012-10-01 [2019-08-15]. 
  147. ^ 147.0 147.1 Rees-Mogg, Jacob. Climate change alarmism caused our high energy prices. The Telegraph. 2013-10-23 [2019-08-15]. 
  148. ^ 148.0 148.1 Rees-Mogg, Jacob. Full letter from MPs to David Cameron on wind power subsidies. The Telegraph. 2012-01-30 [2019-08-15]. 
  149. ^ Delingpole, James. Delingpole interviews Jacob Rees-Mogg. Delingpole World. 2017-03-02 [2019-08-15]. 
  150. ^ Stone, Jon. Britain could slash environmental and safety standards 'a very long way' after Brexit, Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg says. The Independent. [2017-08-14]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-28). 
  151. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg: Tory Maoist. Politico. 2018-03-09. 
  152. ^ 152.0 152.1 Rees-Mogg, Jacob. Zero-hours contracts: why do Lefties always think they know best?. The Daily Telegraph. 2013-08-06 [2013-08-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-09). 
  153. ^ Proctor, Kate. Jacob Rees-Mogg claims food bank use is up because the Tories have told people they are there. 2017-09-14 [2017-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-14). 
  154. ^ Rees-Mogg, Jacob. War in Syria: what would Thomas Aquinas do?. The Daily Telegraph. 2013-06-18. (原始内容存档于2017-09-11). 
  155. ^ Division 70: held on Thursday 29 August 2013. 英国议会. 2013-08-29 (英语). 
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  157. ^ How your MP voted on Iraq strikes. BBC. 2014-09-27. 
  158. ^ Syria strikes: Find out how your MP voted. BBC. 2015-12-03. 
  159. ^ Foreign aid budget under threat with looming Tory leadership contest, warns Labour frontbencher. The Independent. 2019-04-20. 
  160. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg denies he is 'measuring the curtains' as he unexpectedly arrives at No 10. iNews. 2018-02-08. 
  161. ^ Immigration. jacobreesmogg.com. 2015-05-22 [2017-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-07). 
  162. ^ Nigel Farage: the arsonist in exile. New Statesman. 2017-12-08. 
  163. ^ Cowburn, Ashley. EU migrants 'to get right to remain' in UK in event of no-deal Brexit. The Independent. 2018-08-20 [2018-09-01]. 
  164. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg slams Theresa May's 'idiotic' 100,000 immigration target. PoliticsHome. 2018-05-22. 
  165. ^ Owen Jones talks to Jacob Rees-Mogg: 'I'm not in favour of this new-age drippiness'. The Guardian. [2016-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-16). 
  166. ^ Duffy, Nick; McCormick, Joseph Patrick. Jacob Rees-Mogg: The PM is 'rubbing in gay marriage'. Pink News. 2015-01-31 [2015-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-04). 
  167. ^ Merrick, Jane. MP Jacob Rees-Mogg tells Tory activists he is 'not proud' of gay marriage law. The Independent. 2015-02-01 [2015-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-07). 
  168. ^ Lusher, Adam. Saviour of the Tory party or 'reactionary poison'? Will Jacob Rees-Mogg run for Tory leader, and what would he do as PM?. Independent. 2017-08-13 [2017-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-09). 
  169. ^ 169.0 169.1 Sawer, Patrick. Jacob Rees-Mogg: 'I oppose same-sex marriage, but I'd go to a gay wedding'. The Telegraph. 2017-09-09 [2017-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-09). 
  170. ^ Horton, Helena. Jacob Rees-Mogg sets out anti-gay marriage and abortion beliefs – but won't rule out leadership bid. Daily Telegraph. 2017-09-06 [2017-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-06). 
  171. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg dismayed by online sale of cheap morning-after pill. 2017-09-14 [2018-10-19]. 
  172. ^ Rees-Mogg 'completely opposed' to abortion. BBC News. 2017-09-06 [2018-08-30]. 
  173. ^ Anti-abortion MP Jacob Rees-Mogg admits profiting from sale of abortion pills. The Independent. [2018-07-04]. 
  174. ^ Baber, Andrew. Anti-abortion Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg drops shares in abortion pill company. Bath Chronicle. 2017-10-09 [2018-08-05]. 
  175. ^ It's been another good week for Rees-Mogg. Conservative Home. [2019-07-26]. 
  176. ^ Hart, Simon. Charles Lawrence Somerset Clarke eyes next hurdle. The Daily Telegraph. 2010-09-28 [2020-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-26). 
  177. ^ The Innocent smoothies of politics are still the party of the rich. The Guardian. 2010-03-09 [2018-02-05]. 
  178. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg: I try to say the rosary every day. Catholic Herald. 2018-03-27 [2019-07-24]. 
  179. ^ Historic England. Gourney Court (1129581). National Heritage List for England英语National Heritage List for England. [2018-02-06]. 
  180. ^ World War One At Home – Gournay Court. BBC One. 2014-05-28 [2018-02-06]. 
  181. ^ Jacob Rees-Mogg announces baby Sixtus. BBC News Online. BBC. 2017-07-05 [2017-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-05). 
  182. ^ Gournay Court, Somerset: Remembering a Great Aunt. BBC. 2014-05-28 [2017-01-31]. 
  183. ^ Horton, Helena. Jacob Rees-Mogg puts nanny front and centre in family photograph. The Telegraph (telegraph.co.uk). 2017-08-15 [2019-03-26]. 
  184. ^ Asthana, Anushka. Jacob Rees-Mogg is a 'deadbeat dad', says Harriet Harman. The Guardian. [2017-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-09). 
  185. ^ Coates, Ashley. Jacob Rees-Mogg on his first Alfa, Bentleys and the joys of classic motoring. Evening Standard. 2016-10-06 [2017-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-06). 
  186. ^ Meet Jacob. www.jacobreesmogg.com. [2017-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-02). 
  187. ^ Kentish, Benjamin. Jacob Rees-Mogg takes aim at Theresa May over Brexit and Northern Ireland border. The Independent. 2018-05-27 [2018-06-02].