狄奥多尔二世·杜卡斯·拉斯卡里斯 Θεόδωρος Δούκας Λάσκαρις | |
罗马人的皇帝与独裁者 | |
尼西亚皇帝 自称流亡在外的拜占庭皇帝 | |
統治 | 1254年11月3日 – 1258年8月16日 |
前任 | 约翰三世 |
繼任 | 约翰四世 |
出生 | 1221或1222年 尼西亚 (今土耳其布尔萨省伊兹尼克) |
逝世 | 1258年8月16日 马格内西亚 (今土耳其艾登省特勤) |
配偶 | 保加利亚的埃莱娜·阿森尼娜 |
子嗣 更多 | 伊琳娜·杜卡伊娜·拉斯卡里娜 优多克西阿·拉斯卡里娜 约翰四世 |
王朝 | 拉斯卡里斯家族(母系) 瓦塔采斯家族(父系) |
父親 | 约翰三世·杜卡斯·瓦塔采斯 |
母親 | 伊琳娜·拉斯卡里娜 |
狄奥多尔二世·杜卡斯·拉斯卡里斯(希臘語:Θεόδωρος Δούκας Λάσκαρις,羅馬化:Theodōros Doukas Laskaris;1221或1222年 -1258年8月16日)是1254-1258年间在位的尼西亚皇帝。他是皇帝约翰三世与皇后伊琳娜·拉斯卡里娜的独子,他的母亲则是在1204年第四次十字军攻陷君士坦丁堡后,在小亚细亚创立尼西亚帝国的皇帝狄奥多尔一世之长女。狄奥多尔二世从小接受两位学者尼基弗鲁斯·弗莱米泽斯与乔治·阿克罗波利特斯的精心教导,并与一些年轻知识分子建立友谊,与出身低微的乔治·穆扎隆关系最好。狄奥多尔自年轻时就开始撰写神学、历史、哲学主题的论文。
[编辑]狄奥多尔与一群年轻的知识分子建立了亲密的友谊,他们都出生于拉丁人攻陷君士坦丁堡之后,不像他们的父辈,所谓“被羞辱的一代(普世牧首日耳曼努斯二世语)”经历了被迫流亡的惊愕。他的朋友们的陪伴帮助他度过了一段可能由焦虑于承担政治责任而引起的忧郁时期。他最亲近的朋友是他的童年玩伴乔治·穆扎隆,根据尼基弗鲁斯·弗莱米泽斯的说法,穆扎隆三兄弟——乔治与他的兄弟狄奥多尔、安德洛尼卡都“出身低微”,但他们都有歌唱与音乐的天赋。狄奥多尔的其他密友的出身则多与高阶世俗及教会官员有关,如约瑟夫·美索不达米特斯(Joseph Mesopotamites)、孔斯塔斯·阿吉欧塞欧多里特斯(Konstas Hagiotheodorites)[22]。
狄奥多尔经常取笑主教们的自我夸大、蛮族般的语言风格以及因无知造成的异端言论,甚至嘲笑他们的外表。但也有很多人对他发表了嘲讽言论,他的同学们在哲学讨论中取笑他的辩论风格,但贵族与教士们的批评则更加危险:以弗所的都主教尼基弗鲁斯谴责他犯了骄傲的罪,还不遵从禁食的规定;一位将领卡洛塞托斯(Kalothetos)对他发表了不敬的评论;他与塞萨洛尼基的总督狄奥多尔·菲莱斯关系十分紧张,后者散发了宣称狄奥多尔与某位女子有染的谤诗,狄奥多尔则指责他为杀害友人特里比德斯(Tribides)的幕后黑手(不过特里比德斯的死也表明,狄奥多尔在他父亲在世时就已能将自己的亲信派到新征服的欧洲领土)。菲莱斯的指责也传到了狄奥多尔的老师尼基弗鲁斯·弗莱米泽斯的耳朵里,他显然不会容忍性方面的越轨。1248年左右,弗莱米泽斯拒绝让约翰三世的情妇马尔凯西娜(Marchesina)及其随从进入他在以弗所的修道院,他还为狄奥多尔及他的父亲写了一本指导君王的书,题名《论王道》(Βασιλικὸς ἀνδριάς),告诫他们不要好色、浪费公共资金。狄奥多尔无法说服老师这是一场诬陷[23]。
1253年初,神圣罗马皇帝腓特烈二世的儿子与继承人康拉德迫使父亲的情妇比安卡·蓝齐亚的亲属们流亡,他们来到尼西亚,向比安卡的女儿,尼西亚皇后安娜(原名康斯坦扎)寻求庇护。但当时约翰三世在色雷斯,狄奥多尔接待了这批人。之后康拉德又回心转意,派蓝齐亚家族的姻亲、博学的霍恩堡的贝特霍尔德(Berthold of Hohenburg)到尼西亚与他们协商。等待父亲自色雷斯归来时,狄奥多尔与贝特霍尔德进行了哲学讨论,此时西欧对于研究古希腊哲学也越来越有兴趣,贝特霍尔德还向狄奥多尔索要古希腊哲学书籍。这一请求也加强了狄奥多尔对古希腊遗产的自豪感,他还决定出版自己的作品[26]。
[编辑]1254年11月4日,约翰三世在尼西亚去世,留给狄奥多尔一个强盛的帝国[3]。狄奥多尔被承认为皇帝,但由于普世牧首之位暂时空缺,没有立即加冕。狄奥多尔的老师乔治·阿克罗波利特斯在约翰三世的葬礼上致辞,表示希望狄奥多尔能带领尼西亚帝国驱逐君士坦丁堡的拉丁人,将他比作《出埃及记》中引导以色列人的“火柱”[28]。 但狄奥多尔实际并没有冒险进攻君士坦丁堡,因为他的帝国为敌对势力所环绕[29]。
狄奥多尔不信任贵族,1254年12月写给乔治·穆扎隆的信中,他写到“禁忌的桃色事件与非常不公正的阴谋”,但没有说明是谁在反对他。学者迈克尔·安戈尔德提出,神圣罗马皇帝腓特烈二世实行的类似政策可能启发狄奥多尔“对他手下的贵族采取更为专制的态度”[35]。狄奥多尔任命乔治·穆扎隆为“大统帅(μέγας δομέστικος)”,即野战军总司令,并任命乔治的兄弟安德洛尼卡为“首要国库卫队长官(πρωτοβεστιαρίτης)”,即皇宫卫队长官。他还起用了其他出身一般的将领,如君士坦丁·马尔加里特斯,还重新任用那些在他父亲时被忽视的贵族,如他召回了被流放的他外祖父老皇帝狄奥多尔一世的兄弟米海尔、曼努埃尔,并让曾叛乱的内斯同戈斯(Nestongos)家族的两个成员:乔治与伊萨克成为将领。这一系列任命冒犯了大多数贵族[36]。
[编辑]约翰三世死后,年轻的保加利亚沙皇米海尔二世·阿森想趁机收复1241年前保加利亚一度占有的领土,1254年12月或1255年1月,米海尔率军入侵马其顿与色雷斯[6][30][37]。尼西亚帝国在当地各要地的驻军普遍不多,当地的保加利亚人平民也支持敌军[37][38]。保加利亚军迅速夺取了色雷斯的多数堡垒,两座马其顿城市韦莱斯与斯科普里也宣布投降。仓促召集的军事会议决定采用乔治·穆扎隆提出的立即反击的战略,狄奥多尔决定亲自统帅军队,并于1255年2月命穆扎隆暂时管理小亚细亚事务。敌人没有预料到他的反击,撤出色雷斯,于是他命将领阿莱克修斯·斯特拉特戈普罗斯、季米特里俄斯·托尔尼克斯(Demetrios Tornikes)追击保加利亚军队。这两位将领率军穿越了罗多彼山脉的隘口,但一直害怕被伏击,某次偶然听到牧羊人、牧猪人吹起号角,他们就陷入了恐慌,抛下了全部辎重。狄奥多尔为此感到震怒,命令他们迅速回到他在阿德里安堡的大本营,但二人都不从命[39][40]。
1256年4月或5月,狄奥多尔决定恢复与罗马的教会联合谈判,并遣使教皇亚历山大四世。一直以来,对“和子说”的不同看法是正教会与天主教会分裂的重要原因。正教会神学坚持认为“圣灵由父而出”,而天主教会认为“圣灵由父和子而出”。Theodore commissioned Blemmydes to summarize the Orthodox position. Blemmydes adopted a conciliatory approach, concluding that a statement about the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father through the Son was fully in conformity with the Bible and the Church Fathers' works. Theodore did not accept his tutor's view and insisted on the traditional Orthodox doctrine.[43]
Michael II of Bulgaria dispatched Cuman raiders to plunder Thrace early in 1256. Although Theodore had instructed Laskaris and Margarites to adopt a defensive strategy, they pursued the Cumans, but the invaders inflicted a heavy defeat on their troops. Theodore assembled a new army, partially mustered among the Anatolian peasantry, and crossed the Hellespont. He sent troops, including Cuman horsemen in his service, against the invaders and they routed the enemy forces in two battles in Thrace.[44] He entered into peace negotiations with Michael II with the mediation of Rostislav Mikhailovich, Duke of Macsó. Michael II had recently married Rostislav's daughter and Rostislav's wife, Anna of Hungary, was Theodore's cousin. Rostislav came to Thrace to reach an agreement with Theodore. Akropolites drafted a treaty about the restoration of the prewar boundaries between Nicaea and Bulgaria. Rostislav accepted it and signed the peace treaty on Michael II's behalf on 29 June. The treaty prescribed that Michael II cede Tzepaina to the Nicaeans, but the Bulgarian garrison was not withdrawn immediately from the fortress. Theodore became convinced that Rostislav had deceived him and ordered the public whipping of Akropolites. His act proved imprudent, because the Bulgarians ceded the fortress in early September. Theodore sent George Mouzalon to Akropolites to seek a reconciliation.[37][45][46]
The peace treaty aroused much indignation in Bulgaria, enabling Michael II's cousin, Kaliman, to stage a plot and dethrone the Tzar. Kaliman seized the throne, but he never gained the support of the army. After he fell victim to a new plot, Rostislav Mikhailovich and Michael II's brother-in-law, Mitso, laid claim to the throne. Most boyars (noblemen) preferred a third candidate, one of their number, Konstantin Tih, although he was not related to the ruling Asen dynasty.[47][48][49]
[编辑]Theodore's war against Bulgaria brought about a rapprochement between Epirus and Serbia. Michael II of Epirus made a formal alliance with Stefan Uroš I, King of Serbia. He also sent gifts to the Albanian chiefs who had acknowledged Nicaean suzerainty to gain their support. Theodore's daughter, Maria, and Michael II's son and heir, Nikephoros, had been engaged during Vatatzes' reign. After making peace with the Bulgarians, Theodore ordered Michael II to send Nikephoros to Thessalonica to wed Maria. Nikephoros was accompanied by his mother, Theodora Petraliphaina. Theodore took her into custody, only allowing her to return to Epirus after Michael II ceded Servia and Dyrrachium to him. The possession of the two towns secured the Nicaean control of the Via Egnatia, but Michael II remained hostile to Theodore.[6][50]
Theodore received the papal legate, Bishop Constantine of Orvieto, in Thessalonica. Their negotiations proved fruitless, because the legate's authorization was limited and Theodore was unwilling to make concessions for the church union. He also preserved the right to convoke the Orthodox bishops to a synod to discuss the conditions of the union. Theodore maintained a correspondence with the Holy See, but he did not initiate new negotiations with it.[51]
The Mongols invaded Asia Minor and defeated Kaykaus II on 14 October 1256. Theodore hurried back to Anatolia to oversee the preparations for the defense. Kaykaus sought asylum in Nicaea and the Mongols installed his brother, Kilij Arslan IV, as the new sultan of Rum. Theodore assembled his troops on the plains near Magnesia. The Mongol ruler of Persia, the Ilkhan Hülagü, sent a delegation to Theodore to begin negotiations about Kaykaus' future. Hülegü agreed to withdraw his army from Rum and ordered the division of the sultanate between Kaykaus and Kilij Arslan in the spring of 1257. Before leaving for Rum, Kaykaus ceded four fortresses in the valley of the river Lycus to Nicaea in return for a contingent of 300 auxiliary troops.[52][53] His achievements made Theodore self-confident. He proudly stated that his empire included territories as far as Dyrrachium on the Adriatic Sea and Cape Karambis on the Black Sea. His success during the war against Bulgaria had convinced him he should recruit soldiers from among Anatolian peasants. In a letter to Blemmydes, he stated that the native "Hellenes" were more reliable than foreign mercenaries.[54][55]
[编辑]1257年11月,狄奥多尔病重。当时年仅十六岁的史家乔治·帕希梅莱斯称他患的是癫痫,并记载他经常失去知觉,倒在地上;他还认为狄奥多尔不寻常的用人政策与促使贵庶家族联姻结盟的举措是由他的疾病引起的;乔治·阿克罗波利特斯只是记载狄奥多尔的体重极度降低,身体看起来像一具骷髅;尼基弗鲁斯·弗莱米泽斯则称狄奥多尔的疾病为“一种天灾,一种奇怪的疾病”,还提到了狄奥多尔的忧郁症与恐惧症。狄奥多尔在自己的作品中也写到他的手臂曾有难以忍受的疼痛与麻痹。现代疾病学者对他的病没有一致的意见,约翰·拉斯卡拉托斯(John Lascaratos)与帕纳格希欧提斯·V·齐斯(Panaghiotis V. Zis)认为帕希梅莱斯提到的癫痫是正确的,认为狄奥多尔在快三十岁时发展出了强直-阵挛性发作癫痫[56]。学者唐纳德·尼科尔认为狄奥多尔的疾病“使他成为自己情绪的牺牲品,为了缓解焦虑,他变得专断而固执”[34]。但医学史家吉奥尔吉奥斯·马克里斯(Georgios Makris)在其1995年发表的拜占庭帝国癫痫研究中认为狄奥多尔得的并不是癫痫。学者迪米特尔·安格洛夫(Dimiter Angelov)也不认可帕希梅莱斯的说法,认为狄奥多尔最可能是得了脑癌、脊柱肿瘤或肺癌[57]。
生病使得狄奥多尔无法亲自统帅军队,而他的大多出身低微、由他提拔的将领们无力阻止伊庇鲁斯、阿尔巴尼亚人、塞尔维亚人劫掠马其顿的尼西亚领地。 Stefan Uroš I defeated the Nicaean troops near Prilep. Michael II's sister-in-law, Maria Petraliphaina, entered into a correspondence with Theodore's commander, Constantine Chabaron, making him believe that she was eager to marry him, but Chabaron was captured during their meeting. Theodore's newly assembled army of Anatolian peasants was routed at Edessa. Michael Palaiologos, who had been allowed to return from his exile, lead a new army to Macedonia. He defeated the Epirotes, but Theodore ordered him to return instead of marching to Prilep. Palaiologos' withdrawal enabled Michael II to seize Prilep and capture Akropolites, who was its governor. Michael II was planning to launch an attack against Thessalonica, but Manfred of Sicily renewed his predecessors' claim to Byzantine territories and invaded Epirus from the west. Michael II, who did not want to abandon his plan, concluded an alliance with Manfred who expelled the Nicaean garrisons from Dyrrachium and other fortresses on the Adriatic by the end of February 1258.[30][58][59]
Konstantin Tih of Bulgaria repudiated his first wife and sued for the hand of Theodore's eldest daughter, Irene. He knew that his marriage to Irene, who was Tzar Ivan Asen II's granddaughter, could strengthen his claim to rule. Theodore wanted to confirm his peace treaty with Bulgaria and accepted Konstantin Tih's offer. Irene went to Bulgaria to marry Konstantin Tih.[60][61]
Theodore rarely left his palace at Magnesia during the last months of his life. He was convinced that sorcery caused his illness and accused his courtiers of casting spells on him, sending many of them for trial. Michael Palaiologos's sister, Maria-Martha, was the most famous victim of Theodore's paranoia. Theodore had forced her daughter, Theodora, to marry the elderly Basil Kaballarios, but the marriage was never consummated. After Kaballarios had attributed his impotence to his mother-in-law's spells, Theodore had her put into a sack filled with cats that tore her flesh. She was only released because Theodore suddenly panicked, fearing her spells. Also fearing her brother's revenge, Theodore had Michael Palaiologos imprisoned on charges of poisoning, but soon set him free.[45] Theodore named his seven-year-old son, John, as his sole heir, appointing George Mouzalon regent until John came of age. He became a monk, but he kept his baptismal name. He summarized his sins in a treatise and asked the patriarchal synod to grant him absolution. He died in the imperial palace at Magnesia on 16 August 1258.[62] He was buried next to his father in the Sosandra monastery on Mount Sipylus. His grave and the monastery were destroyed after the Turkish conquest of the region in the 14th century.[63]
The aristocrats had taken an oath of loyalty to Mouzalon at Theodore's deathbed, but they soon began conspiring against him. In ten days, Mouzalon was murdered, and Michael Palaiologos assumed the regency for the child-emperor, John IV Laskaris. Palaiologos convinced the aristocrats that an empire ruled by a boy could not resist enemy attacks, and he was proclaimed co-emperor as Michael VIII before the end of the year. When Michael VIII and John IV were crowned together early in 1259, the Patriarch put the crown first on Michael VIII's head. After concluding an agreement with Genoa against the Latin Empire, he dispatched Alexios Strategopoulos to spy on the defences of Constantinople. Taking advantage of the absence of the bulk of the Latin army, Strategopoulos seized Constantinople by a surprise attack on 25 July 1261. Michael VIII was crowned for the second time, alone, in the Hagia Sophia.[59][47][64] The child John IV was blinded on 25 December 1261, which prevented him from ruling.[65] In order to emphasize that the Laskaris family had lost their imperial status, Michael VIII married off his three sisters to minor Italian and Bulgarian noblemen.[66]
[编辑]A man of letters devoted to philosophical and theological studies, Theodore transformed his court into a center for renowned scholars shortly after his ascension to the throne.[3] He ordered that books that he and his father had collected in urban libraries be available to all who wanted to read them.[34][67] He began to write treatises on philosophical, theological and historical subjects already during his father's lifetime, but he decided to prepare manuscript editions of his works only after his meeting with Berthold of Hohenburg in 1253. His works were collected in four codices, but only three survived.[68]
Theodore's Satire of the Tutor, written most likely in 1240, is his earliest extant work. The satire is dedicated to his principal tutor, portraying him as an under-educated and rude man, who learned magic while staying in Bulgaria. He also wrote encomia in praise of the citizens of Nicaea, his father and Akropolites. Theodore's theological works—including his First Oration against the Latins, or, on the Procession of the Holy Spirit, and his treatise On the Trinity—demonstrate his adherence to Orthodox theology.[69] Theodore's Great Supplicatory Canon to Our Lady, a hymn to the Virgin Mary, is his best known work. He composed it just months before his death and it is still sung in Orthodox ceremonies.[70]
[编辑]狄奥多尔与埃琳娜在结婚时都没有达到法定的最低结婚年龄——男性十四岁、女性十二岁,但这样的早婚在尼西亚的贵族与平民中并不罕见。他的妻子1224年出生,父母是保加利亚沙皇伊凡·阿森二世与匈牙利的玛利亚。两人的结婚典礼于1235年初在兰普萨库斯举行。两年后,伊凡·阿森二世准备进攻尼西亚在色雷斯的领地,于是强迫埃琳娜返回保加利亚,但同年末两国恢复和平后,她又回到狄奥多尔身边。 Years later, Theodore described Elena as the flower of his youth and stated that their "bond of incomparable love" made them "happier than all people". Her sudden death in the spring or summer of 1252 plunged Theodore into grief. She gave birth to four or five daughters, and one son.[71] Their children were:
- 伊琳娜,与保加利亚贵族、沙皇君士坦丁·提赫(1257-1277年在位)结婚,弟弟被篡位后成为米海尔八世的死敌,直到她于约1270年去世[72]。
- 玛利亚,与伊庇鲁斯统治者尼基弗鲁斯一世结婚,死于1257-1265年之间[73][74]。
- 狄奥多拉, was married off by Michael VIII to a Moreot nobleman, Maïos Débélikourtos, according to Pachymeres and Nicephorus Gregoras. Historian Albert Failler identifies him as Matthew of Mons who held the Barony of Veligosti in the Principality of Achaea.[75]
- 优多克西阿 first married Count William-Peter of Ventimiglia, who died around 1280. Her second husband, Roger Arnau, Count of Pallars, died in 1288. The widowed Eudoxia had a love affair with the Aragonese admiral Bernat de Serria. She died in 1309.[76]
- 一个姓名未知的女儿,A Bulgarian boyar, Despot Jacob Svetoslav, married Theodore's unnamed daughter, according to Pachymeres. She may have been Theodore's illegitimate daughter, because other Byzantine historians failed to mention her.[77]
- 独子[[约翰], survived his mutilation, but he spent the rest of his life in prison. He died around 1309.[78]
狄奥多尔的家系及他与其他拜占庭大族的亲戚关系示意图 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Angelov 2019,第57頁.
- ^ Nicol 1993,第10–11頁.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Lascaratos & Zis 1998,第296頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第32–34頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第57–59頁.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Treadgold 1997,第721頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第59–60, 257 (notes 21–22)頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第64–66頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第68–72, 75–77頁.
- ^ Angold 2017,第738頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第65, 73–75頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第79, 85, 117–118頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第88頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第90–91頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第61, 258 (notes 34 and 36)頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第98–101頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第92, 100頁.
- ^ Korobeinikov 2017,第720–721頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第92–96頁.
- ^ Fine 1994,第156–157頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第92, 96–97頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第109–118頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第90, 118–125頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第92, 128–132頁.
- ^ Fine 1994,第158頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第140–145頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第147–148頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第148頁.
- ^ Treadgold 1997,第730頁.
- ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 Nicol 1993,第28頁.
- ^ Korobeinikov 2017,第721頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第149–150頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第150, 296 (note 25)頁.
- ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 Nicol 1993,第27頁.
- ^ Angold 2017,第748頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第151–152頁.
- ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 Fine 1994,第159頁.
- ^ Kanellopoulos & Lekea 2007,第56頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第151–154頁.
- ^ Kanellopoulos & Lekea 2007,第57–58頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第156–159頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第159–162, 169頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第162–163頁.
- ^ Kanellopoulos & Lekea 2007,第59–60頁.
- ^ 45.0 45.1 Lascaratos & Zis 1998,第297頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第164–166頁.
- ^ 47.0 47.1 Treadgold 1997,第722頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第166–167頁.
- ^ Fine 1994,第170–172頁.
- ^ Fine 1994,第160頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第168–169頁.
- ^ Korobeinikov 2017,第721–722頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第169–171頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第172–174頁.
- ^ Kanellopoulos & Lekea 2007,第68頁.
- ^ Lascaratos & Zis 1998,第297–298頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第381–383頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第175–176頁.
- ^ 59.0 59.1 Fine 1994,第161頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第67頁.
- ^ Fine 1994,第172頁.
- ^ ODB, p. 2039
- ^ Angelov 2019,第178–180頁.
- ^ Nicol 1993,第29–36頁.
- ^ Failler 1980,第65頁.
- ^ Nicol 1993,第44–45頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第106頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第145, 323–326, 329頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第70–71,329–342頁.
- ^ Kanellopoulos & Lekea 2007,第62頁.
- ^ Angelov 2019,第72–75頁.
- ^ Failler 1980,第67頁.
- ^ Failler 1980,第68頁.
- ^ Fine 1994,第169頁.
- ^ Failler 1980,第68–70頁.
- ^ Failler 1980,第70–72頁.
- ^ Failler 1980,第72–73頁.
- ^ Failler 1980,第76–77頁.
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- Angold, Michael. After the Fourth Crusade: the Greek rump states and the recovery of Byzantium. Shepard, Jonathan (编). The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire, c. 500–1492. Cambridge University Press. 2017: 731–758 [2008]. ISBN 978-0-521-83231-1.
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- Kanellopoulos, Nicholas S.; Lekea, Joanne K. The Struggle Between the Nicean Empire and the Bulgarian State (1254–1256): Towards a Revival of Byzantine Military Tactics under Theodore II Lascaris. Rogers, Clifford J.; DeVries, Kelly; France, John (编). The Journal of Medieval Military History V. The Boydell Press. 2007: 56–69. ISBN 978-1-84383-339-0.
- Korobeinikov, D. A. Raiders and neighbours: the Turks (1040–1304). Shepard, Jonathan (编). The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire, c. 500–1492. Cambridge University Press. 2017: 692–727 [2008]. ISBN 978-0-521-83231-1.
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- Treadgold, Warren. A History of the Byzantine State and Society. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0-8047-2630-2 (英语).
[编辑]- Angold, Michael. A Byzantine Government in Exile: Government and Society Under the Laskarids of Nicaea (1204–1261). Oxford University Press. 1975. ISBN 0-19-821854-0.
- Dimiter G. Angelov, "The 'Moral Pieces' by Theodore II Laskaris", Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 65/66 (2011-2012), pp. 237–269
Dkzzl/吕基亚与潘菲利亚 Laskarid dynasty 出生于:unknown1221逝世於:16 August1258
| ||
統治者頭銜 | ||
前任者: John III Doukas Vatatzes |
Emperor of Nicaea 1254–1258 |
繼任者: John IV Doukas Laskaris |
- 13th-century Byzantine emperors
- 13th-century Byzantine writers
- 13th-century Byzantine people
- 13th-century Greek people
- 13th-century Eastern Orthodox theologians
- Emperors of Nicaea
- Laskarid dynasty
- Eastern Orthodox monarchs
- Byzantine people of the Byzantine–Bulgarian Wars
- Vatatzes family
- People with epilepsy
- 1220s births
- 1258 deaths
- Sons of Byzantine emperors