Talk:歌劇魅影 (音樂劇)
歌劇魅影 (音樂劇)属于维基百科藝術主题的基礎條目扩展。请勇于更新页面以及改進條目。 本条目属于下列维基专题范畴: |
目前看到的关于这部音乐剧的名字的翻译以“剧院魅影”和“歌剧院的幽灵”为多。--Yjh 15:59 2004年5月1日 (UTC)
- 臺灣稱「歌劇魅影」。Koika 09:50 2005年6月13日 (UTC)
According to the lyric sheet that comes with the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack, and the live New York performance, the two did not fight because Christine convinced Raoul to leave. I would not use the words 惱羞成怒 to describe "enraged", assuming that the bulk of the synopsis is based on the English version of the wikipedia article. Since Raoul was easily captured by the Phantom, saying that Phantom was no match to Raoul when being confronted at the graveyard is a bit hard to believe. Hope that this wasn't a mix-up with the plot from the film version.
The reason why I provided an English version of this text is that my Chinese is rather lousy. Sorry. Calyth 05:37 2007年3月2日 (UTC)
关于Lloyd Webber's Really Useful Group
[编辑]我不太熟悉Lloyd Webber's Really Useful Group,写成“音乐剧的制作团队由著名的音乐剧制作人卡麦隆·麦金托什担任,与en:Cameron Mackintosh和Lloyd Webber's Really Useful Group共同完成。”不知是否何事,请知情人补充纠正。—Smartneddy(Talk) 2007年5月21日 (一) 06:38 (UTC)
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