


纖而樂Sweet'n LowSweet'N Low)是一种糖替代品品牌,目前主要由颗粒糖精制成(加拿大除外,因为加拿大使用的是甜蜜素[1])。1958年纤而乐在美国推出时,是以甜蜜素为基础的,但在1969年被以糖精为基础的配方所取代。[2]它也是一个品牌名称,适用于一系列甜味剂和甜味产品,其中一些含有糖精或甜蜜素以外的甜味剂。[3]目前已生产了超过5000亿包纤而乐产品。[4]

在美国,纤而乐由坎伯兰包装公司生产和分销,该公司还生产紅糖和Stevia in the Raw;在英国,纤而乐由Dietary Foods Ltd生产和分销。纤而乐已授权伯纳德食品工业公司生产一系列低热量烘焙混合料。其专利是美國專利第3,625,711号



1878年,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学研究煤焦油衍生物的化学家康斯坦丁·法勒伯格发现了糖精。虽然糖精在发现后不久就实现了商业化,但直到几十年后才开始广泛使用。纤而乐由布魯克林造船廠自助餐厅前老板本杰明·艾森斯塔特(Benjamin Eisenstadt)和他的儿子马文·艾森斯塔特(Marvin Eisenstadt)于1957年首次推出。[5]年长的艾森斯塔特早先发明了糖包,但没有申请专利,而人造甜味剂包正是这项业务的衍生产品。他们两人率先在市场上销售粉末状的代糖。他们的分销公司坎伯兰包装公司至今仍控制着该产品。




纤而乐(Sweet'n Low)这个名字源于约瑟夫·巴恩比1863年创作的一首歌曲,其歌名和歌词均来自丁尼生的诗歌《The Princess: Sweet and Low》。[5][7][2]该产品的名称和五線譜标志在美国的商标注册号为3,317,421号。


到2010年,“粉红豹 ”的卡通形象已被一种让人联想起20世纪60和70年代的图案所取代(新聘用的广告代理公司Mother认为这种图案在2010年代已重新成为时尚),以扩大该品牌对传统45岁及以上女性人口之外的顾客的吸引力。[9][10]广告代理公司认为,之前使用雷吉斯·菲爾賓和“粉红豹 ”的广告借用了其他品牌的品牌资产,而不是声称自己的文化相关性。[9][10]


  1. ^ Comparing Sugar Substitutes, HealthLink BC website, 2023-01-18, (原始内容存档于2023-03-21), Cyclamate (Sucaryl, Sugar Twin, Sweet 'N Low). Cyclamate is sold as a sweetener in packet, tablet, liquid, and granulated form. Health Canada does not allow food manufacturers to sell foods or beverages that contain cyclamate. 
  2. ^ The Bittersweet History of Sugar Substitutes, The New York Times, 1987-03-29: 24, section 6, (原始内容存档于2023-07-06), The Cumberland Packing Corporation of Brooklyn, N.Y., markets cyclamate-based Sweet 'n Low as a sugar substitute. 
  3. ^ Our Products, Sweet'n Low website, [2023-07-06], (原始内容存档于2023-07-06) 
  4. ^ B'klyn-Based Sweet 'N Low Celebrates Milestone: 500 Billionth Pink Packet. Brooklyn Eagle. 2006-11-01 [2009-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Story of Sweet'N Low. Sweet'N Low. Cumberland Packing Corp. [April 11, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2024-07-21). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Hajela, Deepti, Sweet’N Low to end Brooklyn production after nearly 60 years, Associated Press website, 2016-01-17 [2023-07-12], (原始内容存档于2023-07-12), But the family-owned company told workers just over a week ago that manufacturing and packing work would stop in Brooklyn over the course of the year and shift entirely to other parts of the country, leaving only its headquarters in the borough. 
  7. ^ The Princess: Sweet and Low - Representative Poetry Online. rpo.library.utoronto.ca. [2024-09-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Pakulski, Gary T., Big pink guy achieves silver, Toledo Blade website, 2005-11-13 [2023-07-12], (原始内容存档于2023-07-12), And a few months ago, the character began showing up in TV spots and on packaging for Sweet'n Low sugar-substitute. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Elliott, Stuart, Trying to Get a Sweetener Back in the Pink, The New York Times website, 2010-08-23 [2023-07-12], (原始内容存档于2012-04-26), Sweet ’N Low “went a little astray” with the Philbin and Pink Panther ads, he adds, because they were of the “borrowed equity” approach to advertising. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Stanley, T. L., Sweet’N Low Ads Get Retro Look, Adweek website, 2010-09-03 [2023-07-12], (原始内容存档于2018-12-10), The campaign was created by Mother, New York, and print work for Sweet’N Low targets both the longtime fan of the sweetener and the potential (younger) consumer. The brand’s parent company, Cumberland Packing Corp., hopes to broaden its demographic beyond 45-year-old-plus women, who have been the traditional buyers of the product. 

