

科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 热袍菌门 Thermotogota
纲: 热袍菌纲 Thermotogae
目: 栖热袍菌目 Thermotogales
科: 栖热袍菌科 Thermotogaceae
属: 栖热袍菌属 Thermotoga
海栖热袍菌 T. maritima
Thermotoga maritima
Huber et al., 1986

海栖热袍菌學名Thermotoga maritima)是熱袍菌屬的一種細菌,屬革蘭氏陰性桿菌[1],生存在海底熱泉[2],最適生長溫度為攝氏80度,在55度至90度的水中皆可生長,為少數在高溫生長的細菌之一[3]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Geothermal organisms. Montana State University. [January 14, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-21). 
  2. ^ Hyperthermophilic organism that shows extensive horizontal gene transfer from archaea. BioProject. National Center for Biotechnology Information. 2003 [January 14, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-21). 
  3. ^ Huber R, Langworthy TA, König H, Thomm M, Woese CR, Sleytr UB, Stetter KO. Thermotoga maritima sp. nov. represents a new genus of unique extremely thermophilic eubacteria growing up to 90°C. Archives of Microbiology. 1986, 144 (4): 324–333. S2CID 12709437. doi:10.1007/BF00409880. 
  4. ^ Singh R, White D, Demirel Y, Kelly R, Noll K, Blum P. Uncoupling Fermentative Synthesis of Molecular Hydrogen from Biomass Formation in Thermotoga maritima. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. September 2018, 84 (17). Bibcode:2018ApEnM..84E.998S. PMC 6102995可免费查阅. PMID 29959252. doi:10.1128/aem.00998-18. 
  5. ^ Merrill AH, Lingrell S, Wang E, Nikolova-Karakashian M, Vales TR, Vance DE. Sphingolipid biosynthesis de novo by rat hepatocytes in culture. Ceramide and sphingomyelin are associated with, but not required for, very low density lipoprotein secretion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. June 1995, 270 (23): 13834–13841. PMID 7775441. doi:10.1074/jbc.270.23.13834可免费查阅.