
File:Monoisotopic, mononuclidic, radioactive elements.svg


原始檔案 (SVG 檔案,表面大小:1,098 × 588 像素,檔案大小:26 KB)


English: Elements:
  •    Polyisotopic
  • Monoisotopic (mass number shown) with natural radionuclides
  •    Monoisotopic and mononuclidic (mass number shown)
  • Mononuclidic radioactive (mass number of the only natural radionuclide shown)
  •    Other radioactive

Natural radionuclides:

  • none
  • one isotope
  • more than one isotope
  • other: unclear or controversial

The choice of colors is actually not erratic. The presence of green (RGB), or absence of magenta (CMYK), indicates stability (existence of at least one stable isotope). 209Bi is practically stable, so it is made orange, i.e. placed midway. And all mononuclidic elements does not have a blue (RGB) component.

The orange color means practically stable nuclides (with half-life greater than 1012 years)
日期 – 2012-10-22
來源 自己的作品
作者 Incnis Mrsi
這個SVG 檔案使用了內置文字,可以輕鬆翻譯

Source code

<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">

  1. !/usr/bin/perl

my @elements = (

  1. sym, pe, g, RGB color, mass, natural radionuclide (0=no, "+"=many, undef=controversial or already stated)

["n", 0, 18, 0, 1, 0 ], ["H", 1, 1, "#FFF", 0, 3 ], ["He", 1, 18, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Li", 2, 1, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Be", 2, 2, "#0F0", 9], ["B", 2, 13, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["C", 2, 14, "#FFF", 0, 14 ], ["N", 2, 15, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["O", 2, 16, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["F", 2, 17, "#0F0", 19], ["Ne", 2, 18, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Na", 3, 1, "#0F0", 23], ["Mg", 3, 2, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Al", 3, 13, "#0F0", 27], ["Si", 3, 14, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["P", 3, 15, "#0F0", 31], ["S", 3, 16, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Cl", 3, 17, "#FFF", 0], ["Ar", 3, 18, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["K", 4, 1, "#FFF", 0, 40 ], ["Ca", 4, 2, "#FFF", 0, 48, "_" ], ["Sc", 4, 3, "#0F0", 45], ["Ti", 4, 4, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["V", 4, 5, "#9FF", 51, 50, "_" ], ["Cr", 4, 6, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Mn", 4, 7, "#0F0", 55], ["Fe", 4, 8, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Co", 4, 9, "#0F0", 59], ["Ni", 4, 10, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Cu", 4, 11, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Zn", 4, 12, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Ga", 4, 13, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Ge", 4, 14, "#FFF", 0, 76, "_" ], ["As", 4, 15, "#0F0", 75], ["Se", 4, 16, "#FFF", 0, 82, "_" ], ["Br", 4, 17, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Kr", 4, 18, "#FFF", 0, 78, "_" ], ["Rb", 5, 1, "#0FF", 85, 87 ], ["Sr", 5, 2, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Y", 5, 3, "#0F0", 89], ["Zr", 5, 4, "#FFF", 0, 96, "_" ], ["Nb", 5, 5, "#0F0", 93], ["Mo", 5, 6, "#FFF", 0, 100, "_" ], ["Tc", 5, 7, "#F0F", 0], ["Ru", 5, 8, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Rh", 5, 9, "#0F0", 103], ["Pd", 5, 10, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Ag", 5, 11, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Cd", 5, 12, "#FFF", 0, "_" ], ["In", 5, 13, "#9FF", 113, 115, "_" ], ["Sn", 5, 14, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Sb", 5, 15, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Te", 5, 16, "#FFF", 0, "+" ], ["I", 5, 17, "#0F0", 127], ["Xe", 5, 18, "#FFF", 0, "+" ], ["Cs", 6, 1, "#0F0", 133], ["Ba", 6, 2, "#FFF", 0, 130, "_" ], ["La", 6, 0, "#0FF", 139, 138], ["Ce", 6, 0, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Pr", 6, 0, "#0F0", 141], ["Nd", 6, 0, "#FFF", 0, "_" ], ["Pm", 6, 0, "#F0F", 0], ["Sm", 6, 0, "#FFF", 0, "+" ], ["Eu", 6, 0, "#9FF", 153, 151, "_" ], ["Gd", 6, 0, "#FFF", 0, 152, "_" ], ["Tb", 6, 0, "#0F0", 159], ["Dy", 6, 0, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Ho", 6, 0, "#0F0", 165], ["Er", 6, 0, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Tm", 6, 0, "#0F0", 169], ["Yb", 6, 0, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Lu", 6, 0, "#0FF", 175, 176 ], ["Hf", 6, 4, "#FFF", 0, 174, "_" ], ["Ta", 6, 5, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["W", 6, 6, "#FFF", 0, 180, "_" ], ["Re", 6, 7, "#0FF", 185, 187 ], ["Os", 6, 8, "#FFF", 0, 186, "_" ], ["Ir", 6, 9, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Pt", 6, 10, "#FFF", 0, 190 ], ["Au", 6, 11, "#0F0", 197], ["Hg", 6, 12, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Tl", 6, 13, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Pb", 6, 14, "#FFF", 0, 0 ], ["Bi", 6, 15, "#F60", 209], ["Po", 6, 16, "#F0F", 0], ["At", 6, 17, "#F0F", 0], ["Rn", 6, 18, "#F0F", 0], ["Fr", 7, 1, "#F0F", 0], ["Ra", 7, 2, "#F0F", 0], ["Ac", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0], ["Th", 7, 0, "#F00", 0, "+" ], ["Pa", 7, 0, "#F00", 231], ["U", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, "+" ], ["Np", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0], ["Pu", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0], ["Am", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Cm", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Bk", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Cf", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Es", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Fm", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Md", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["No", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Lr", 7, 0, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Rf", 7, 4, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Db", 7, 5, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Sg", 7, 6, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Bh", 7, 7, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Hs", 7, 8, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Mt", 7, 9, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Ds", 7, 10, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Rg", 7, 11, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Cn", 7, 12, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Nh", 7, 13, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Fl", 7, 14, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Mc", 7, 15, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Lv", 7, 16, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Ts", 7, 17, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], ["Og", 7, 18, "#F0F", 0, 0 ], );

sub start_box {

 my $fill="";
 $fill=' style="fill:'.$_[2].'"' if ($_[2]);
 print "<g> <rect$fill x=\"".(20*$_[1]-19)."\" width=\"18\" y=\"".($_[0]-19)."\" height=\"18\"/> ";


sub make_tria {

 my $fill="";
 $fill=' style="fill:'.$_[2].'"' if ($_[2]);
 print "<polyline$fill points=\""
   .(20*$_[1]-19).",".($_[0]-19)." "
   .(20*$_[1]-12).",".($_[0]-19)." "
   ."\"/> ";


sub make_text {

 my $cl="";
 $cl=' class="'.$_[3].'"' if ($_[3]);
 print "<text$cl x=\"".$_[0]."\" y=\"".$_[1]."\">".$_[2]."</text> ";


sub smart_symbol {

 make_text ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], (length($_[2])>2)?"smallsym":"sym");


sub smart_number {

 my $x = $_[0] - 3;
 my $cl = "num";
 if ( $_[2] >=100 ) { $cl = "smallnum"; $x -= 3; }
 elsif ( $_[2] >=10 ) { $x -= 3; };
 make_text ($x, $_[1], $_[2], $cl);


sub print_Z {

 my $ref = $elements[$_[0]];
 return unless $ref;
 my $intro;
 my $base_y = 20 * $ref->[1];
 my $group = $ref->[2];
 if ($group == 1) { # First element in a period
   $intro = $ref->[1];
 elsif (!$group) { 
   if ( $ref->[1] == 6) { # Lanthanoid
     if ($_[0] == 57) { # Lanthanum
       start_box($base_y, 3); make_text (45, $base_y-8, "*", "sym"); print "</g>";
       $intro = "* lanthanoids";
     $base_y = 168;
     $group = $_[0] - 54;
   elsif ( $ref->[1] == 7) { # Actinoid
     if ($_[0] == 89) { # Actinium
       start_box($base_y, 3); make_text (43, $base_y-8, "**", "sym"); print "</g>";
       $intro = "** actinoids";
     $base_y = 190;
     $group = $_[0] - 86;
   else { return; };
 if ($intro) {
   print "\n";
   make_text (($intro=~/^\*/)?3:-5, $base_y-10, $intro) if ($intro);
   print "\n";
 start_box ($base_y, $group, $ref->[3] # background (if defined)
 if (defined($ref->[5])) {
   if ($ref->[5] =~ /^[\+_]/) { # several radionuclides
     print '<rect class="rnm"'.(($ref->[5]=~/^_/)?' style="fill:#F96"':)
       .' x="'.(20*$group-19).'" width="5" y="'.($base_y-19).'" height="4"/> ';
   elsif ($ref->[5]) {
     make_tria ($base_y, $group,
     ($ref->[6])?"#F60" #several "radionuclides" are practically stable
   else { make_tria ($base_y, $group); }; # no radionuclides (the default style)
 smart_number (20*$group-11, $base_y-5, $_[0]); # Atomic number
 smart_symbol (20*$group-13, $base_y-9, $ref->[0]); # Symbol
 smart_number (20*$group-12, $base_y-11, $ref->[4]) if ($ref->[4]); # Mass number
 print "</g>\n"; # end box


print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\ <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\">\ <svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xml:space=\"preserve\" width=\"1098\" height=\"588\" viewBox=\"-5 -6 366 196\"\

   <style type=\"text/css\">\

rect {stroke:#666; stroke-width:1px; fill:none} /* for cells */\ text {fill:#000; font-family:sans; font-size:5px; stroke:none} /* periods and groups */\ .sym {font-family:serif; font-size:7px}\ .smallsym {font-family:serif; font-size:5.5px} /* Uu? */\ .num {font-size:4px} /* up to 99 */\ .smallnum {font-size:3px} /* 100 and greater */\ polyline {stroke:none; fill:#000} /* this default for \"no radionuclides\" */\ .rnm {fill:#7F00FF; stroke:none} /* several radionuclides */\


my $group;

 make_text ( 8, -1, 1);
 make_text (28, 18, 2);

for ( $group=3; $group<=12; $group++) { make_text(20*$group-12, 58, $group); }; for ($group=13; $group<=17; $group++) { make_text(20*$group-14, 18, $group); };

 make_text (346, -1, 18);

my $Z; for ($Z=1; $Z<=118; $Z++) { print_Z ($Z); }; print "</svg>\n"; }} }}


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地理座標:​37°2'22.920"N, 93°17'58.560"W

為一個 Chinese (Hong Kong) (已轉換拼寫)


地球觀測組織 中文 (已轉換拼寫)

創作作者 Chinese (Hong Kong) (已轉換拼寫)


作者姓名字串 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Incnis Mrsi
維基媒體使用者名稱 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Incnis Mrsi

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目前2019年7月15日 (一) 04:03於 2019年7月15日 (一) 04:03 版本的縮圖1,098 × 588(26 KB)Incnis Mrsiw:Isotopes of thorium // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
2016年11月30日 (三) 11:49於 2016年11月30日 (三) 11:49 版本的縮圖1,098 × 588(26 KB)Wiki LICIUPAC 2016/11/28 actualization
2012年10月22日 (一) 21:20於 2012年10月22日 (一) 21:20 版本的縮圖1,098 × 588(26 KB)Incnis Mrsifixing mistakes with cadmium and neodymium (thanks to w: Primordial nuclide), natural–synthetic distinction as in w: Synthetic element
2012年10月22日 (一) 16:50於 2012年10月22日 (一) 16:50 版本的縮圖1,098 × 588(26 KB)Incnis Mrsigreatly improved. correction of the description is upcoming
2012年10月21日 (日) 22:07於 2012年10月21日 (日) 22:07 版本的縮圖1,098 × 588(22 KB)Incnis Mrsi{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Elements: * <span style="background-color:FFFFFF; border-style:solid; border-color:#666666">  </span> Polyisotopic * <span style="background-color:#99FFFF; border-style:solid; border-color:#666666"> </span><s...



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