原始檔案 (7,145 × 5,382 像素,檔案大小:5.03 MB,MIME 類型:image/jpeg )
English: South face of the Garrison Church, Dresden, Germany
Afrikaans : Suidaansig van die Garnisoenkerk in Dresden, Duitsland
Bosanski : Južna fasada Garnizonske crkve (Garnisonkirche St. Martin) u Drezdenu u Njemačkoj.
English : South face of the Garrison Church, Dresden, Germany
Español : Cara sur de la Iglesia Garrison, Dresde, Alemania
Italiano : La facciata sud della chiesa di S.Martino a
Dresda ,
Germania .
Nederlands : zuidaanzicht van de Garnizoenskerk Sint-Maarten in het
Dresdense stadsdeel Albertstadt
Polski : Południowa strona kościoła garnizonowego p.w. św. Marcina w
Dreźnie Română : Fața sudică a bisericii garnizoanei din Dresda, Germania
Suomi : Dresdenin varuskuntakirkon eteläinen julkisivu.
Українська : Південний
фасад гарнізонної церкви св. Мартина (
Garnisonkirche St. Martin ),
Дрезден ,
Німеччина 閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú : 德國德勒斯登的衛武教堂南爿面
العربية : كنيسة في درسدن بألمانيا
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Additional data
GigaPan Stitcher version 0.4.3510 (Windows)
Panorama size: 204 megapixels (16987 x 12061 pixels)
Input images: 36 (6 columns by 6 rows)
Field of view: 75.7 degrees wide by 53.7 degrees high (top=48.2, bottom=-5.6)
All default settings
Original image properties:
Camera make: SONY
Camera model: DSC-R1
Image size: 3888x2592 (10.1 megapixels)
Capture time: 2008-11-09 12:40:56 - 2008-11-09 12:47:45
Aperture: f/13
Exposure time: 0.01
ISO: 160
Focal length (35mm equiv.): 120mm
White balance: Fixed
Exposure mode: Manual
Horizontal overlap: 38.7 to 56.4 percent
Vertical overlap: 25.2 to 28.7 percent
Computer stats: 1023.48 MB RAM, 2 CPUs
Total time 1:03:38 (1:46 per picture)
Alignment: 3:34, Projection: 3:47, Blending: 56:16
英文 South face of the Garrison Church, Dresden, Germany.
德文 Rückseite der Garnisonskirche Dresden
法文 Face sud de l'Église de garnison Saint-Martin, à Dresde, en Allemagne.
越南文 Mặt sau nhà thờ Garnison St. Martin ở Dresden, Đức
日期/時間 縮圖 尺寸 用戶 備註
目前 2008年11月9日 (日) 19:50 7,145 × 5,382(5.03 MB) Kolossos {{Information |Description= |Source=own work |Date=09.11.2008 |Author=User:Kolossos |Permission=Own work, copyleft: Multi-license with GFDL and Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-2.5 and older versions (2.0 and 1.0) |other_versions= }} {{self2|GFDL|cc-by-s
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