注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge及Safari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。
// <nowiki>
(function($) {
*** friendlytag.js: Tag module
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("Tag")
* Active on: Existing articles and drafts; file pages with a corresponding file
* which is local (not on Commons); all redirects
var conv = require('ext.gadget.HanAssist').conv;
Twinkle.tag = function friendlytag() {
// redirect tagging
if (Morebits.isPageRedirect()) {
Twinkle.tag.mode = conv({ hans: '重定向', hant: '重新導向' });
Twinkle.tag.modeEn = 'redirect';
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.tag.callback, conv({ hans: '标记', hant: '標記' }), 'friendly-tag', conv({ hans: '标记重定向', hant: '標記重新導向' }));
// file tagging
} else if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && !document.getElementById('mw-sharedupload') && document.getElementById('mw-imagepage-section-filehistory')) {
Twinkle.tag.mode = conv({ hans: '文件', hant: '檔案' });
Twinkle.tag.modeEn = 'file';
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.tag.callback, conv({ hans: '标记', hant: '標記' }), 'friendly-tag', conv({ hans: '标记文件', hant: '標記檔案' }));
// article/draft tagging
} else if (([0, 118].indexOf(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) !== -1 && mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')) || (Morebits.pageNameNorm === Twinkle.getPref('sandboxPage'))) {
Twinkle.tag.mode = conv({ hans: '条目', hant: '條目' });
Twinkle.tag.modeEn = 'article';
// Can't remove tags when not viewing current version
Twinkle.tag.canRemove = (mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') === mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')) &&
// Disabled on latest diff because the diff slider could be used to slide
// away from the latest diff without causing the script to reload
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.tag.callback, conv({ hans: '标记', hant: '標記' }), 'friendly-tag', conv({ hans: '标记条目', hant: '標記條目' }));
Twinkle.tag.checkedTags = [];
Twinkle.tag.callback = function friendlytagCallback() {
var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(630, Twinkle.tag.modeEn === 'article' ? 500 : 400);
Window.addFooterLink(conv({ hans: '标记设置', hant: '標記設定' }), 'WP:TW/PREF#tag');
Window.addFooterLink(conv({ hans: 'Twinkle帮助', hant: 'Twinkle說明' }), 'WP:TW/DOC#tag');
var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.tag.callback.evaluate);
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '筛选标记列表:', hant: '篩選標記列表:' }),
name: 'quickfilter',
size: '30',
event: function twinkletagquickfilter() {
// flush the DOM of all existing underline spans
$allCheckboxDivs.find('.search-hit').each(function(i, e) {
var label_element = e.parentElement;
// This would convert <label>Hello <span class=search-hit>wo</span>rld</label>
// to <label>Hello world</label>
label_element.innerHTML = label_element.textContent;
if (this.value) {
var searchString = this.value;
var searchRegex = new RegExp(mw.util.escapeRegExp(searchString), 'i');
$allCheckboxDivs.find('label').each(function () {
var label_text = this.textContent;
var searchHit = searchRegex.exec(label_text);
if (searchHit) {
var range = document.createRange();
var textnode = this.childNodes[0];
range.setStart(textnode, searchHit.index);
range.setEnd(textnode, searchHit.index + searchString.length);
var underline_span = $('<span>').addClass('search-hit').css('text-decoration', 'underline')[0];
range.surroundContents(underline_span); = 'block'; // show
} else {
switch (Twinkle.tag.modeEn) {
case 'article':
Window.setTitle(conv({ hans: '条目维护标记', hant: '條目維護標記' }));
// Build sorting and lookup object flatObject, which is always
// needed but also used to generate the alphabetical list
// Would be infinitely better with Object.values, but, alas, IE 11
Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject = {};
Twinkle.tag.article.tagList.forEach(function(group) {
group.value.forEach(function(subgroup) {
if (subgroup.value) {
subgroup.value.forEach(function(item) {
Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[item.tag] = { description: item.description, excludeMI: !!item.excludeMI };
} else {
Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[subgroup.tag] = { description: subgroup.description, excludeMI: !!subgroup.excludeMI };
type: 'select',
name: 'sortorder',
label: conv({ hans: '查看列表:', hant: '檢視列表:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '您可以在Twinkle参数设置(WP:TWPREFS)中更改此项。', hant: '您可以在Twinkle偏好設定(WP:TWPREFS)中更改此項。' }),
event: Twinkle.tag.updateSortOrder,
list: [
{ type: 'option', value: 'cat', label: conv({ hans: '按类型', hant: '按類別' }), selected: Twinkle.getPref('tagArticleSortOrder') === 'cat' },
{ type: 'option', value: 'alpha', label: '按字母', selected: Twinkle.getPref('tagArticleSortOrder') === 'alpha' }
if (!Twinkle.tag.canRemove) {
var divElement = document.createElement('div');
divElement.innerHTML = conv({ hans: '要移除现有维护标记,请从当前条目版本中打开“标记”菜单', hant: '要移除現有維護標記,請從目前條目版本中打開「標記」選單' });
type: 'div',
name: 'untagnotice',
label: divElement
type: 'div',
id: 'tagWorkArea',
className: 'morebits-scrollbox',
style: 'max-height: 28em'
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: conv({ hans: '如可能,合并入{{multiple issues}}', hant: '如可能,合併入{{multiple issues}}' }),
value: 'group',
name: 'group',
tooltip: conv({
hans: '如果加入{{multiple issues}}支持的三个以上的模板,所有支持的模板都会被合并入{{multiple issues}}模板中。',
hant: '如果加入{{multiple issues}}支援的三個以上的模板,所有支援的模板都會被合併入{{multiple issues}}模板中。'
checked: Twinkle.getPref('groupByDefault')
type: 'input',
label: '理由:',
name: 'reason',
tooltip: conv({
hans: '附加于编辑摘要的可选理由,例如指出条目内容的哪些部分有问题或移除模板的理由,但如果理由很长则应该发表在讨论页。',
hant: '附加於編輯摘要的可選理由,例如指出條目內容的哪些部分有問題或移除模板的理由,但如果理由很長則應該發表在討論頁。'
size: '80'
case 'file':
Window.setTitle(conv({ hans: '文件维护标记', hant: '檔案維護標記' }));
Twinkle.tag.fileList.forEach(function(group) {
if (group.buildFilename) {
group.value.forEach(function(el) {
el.subgroup = {
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '替换的文件:', hant: '替換的檔案:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '输入替换此文件的文件名称(必填)', hant: '輸入替換此檔案的檔案名稱(必填)' }),
name: el.value.replace(/ /g, '_') + 'File'
form.append({ type: 'header', label: group.key });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'tags', list: group.value });
if (Twinkle.getPref('customFileTagList').length) {
form.append({ type: 'header', label: conv({ hans: '自定义模板', hant: '自訂模板' }) });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'tags', list: Twinkle.getPref('customFileTagList') });
case 'redirect':
Window.setTitle(conv({ hans: '重定向标记', hant: '重新導向標記' }));
var i = 1;
Twinkle.tag.redirectList.forEach(function(group) {
form.append({ type: 'header', id: 'tagHeader' + i, label: group.key });
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'tags',
list: (item) {
return { value: item.tag, label: '{{' + item.tag + '}}:' + item.description, subgroup: item.subgroup };
if (Twinkle.getPref('customRedirectTagList').length) {
form.append({ type: 'header', label: conv({ hans: '自定义模板', hant: '自訂模板' }) });
form.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'tags', list: Twinkle.getPref('customRedirectTagList') });
alert('Twinkle.tag:未知模式 ' + Twinkle.tag.mode);
if (document.getElementsByClassName('patrollink').length) {
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: conv({ hans: '标记页面为已巡查', hant: '標記頁面為已巡查' }),
value: 'patrol',
name: 'patrol',
checked: Twinkle.getPref('markTaggedPagesAsPatrolled')
form.append({ type: 'submit', className: 'tw-tag-submit' });
var result = form.render();
// for quick filter:
$allCheckboxDivs = $(result).find('[name$=tags]').parent();
$allHeaders = $(result).find('h5');
result.quickfilter.focus(); // place cursor in the quick filter field as soon as window is opened
result.quickfilter.autocomplete = 'off'; // disable browser suggestions
result.quickfilter.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // prevent enter key from accidentally submitting the form
return false;
if (Twinkle.tag.modeEn === 'article') {
Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags = [];
if (Twinkle.tag.canRemove) {
// Look for existing maintenance tags in the lead section and put them in array
// All tags are HTML table elements that are direct children of .mw-parser-output,
// except when they are within {{multiple issues}}
$('.mw-parser-output').children().each(function parsehtml(i, e) {
// break out on encountering the first heading, which means we are no
// longer in the lead section
if (e.tagName === 'H2') {
return false;
// The ability to remove tags depends on the template's {{ambox}} |name=
// parameter bearing the template's correct name (preferably) or a name that at
// least redirects to the actual name
// All tags have their first class name as "box-" + template name
if (e.className.indexOf('box-') === 0) {
if (e.classList[0] === 'box-问题条目') {
$(e).find('.ambox').each(function(idx, e) {
if (e.classList[0].indexOf('box-') === 0) {
var tag = e.classList[0].slice('box-'.length).replace(/_/g, ' ');
return true; // continue
var tag = e.classList[0].slice('box-'.length).replace(/_/g, ' ');
// {{Uncategorized}} and {{Improve categories}} are usually placed at the end
if ($('.box-Uncategorized').length) {
if ($('.box-Improve_categories').length) {
Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.push('Improve categories');
// Add status text node after Submit button
var statusNode = document.createElement('small'); = 'tw-tag-status';
Twinkle.tag.status = {
// initial state; defined like this because these need to be available for reference
// in the click event handler
numAdded: 0,
numRemoved: 0
// fake a change event on the sort dropdown, to initialize the tag list
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('change', true, true);
} else {
// Redirects and files: Add a link to each template's description page
Morebits.quickForm.getElements(result, 'tags').forEach(generateLinks);
// $allCheckboxDivs and $allHeaders are defined globally, rather than in the
// quickfilter event function, to avoid having to recompute them on every keydown
var $allCheckboxDivs, $allHeaders;
Twinkle.tag.updateSortOrder = function(e) {
var form =;
var sortorder =;
Twinkle.tag.checkedTags = form.getChecked('tags');
var container = new Morebits.quickForm.element({ type: 'fragment' });
// function to generate a checkbox, with appropriate subgroup if needed
var makeCheckbox = function(tag, description) {
var checkbox = { value: tag, label: '{{' + tag + '}}: ' + description };
if (Twinkle.tag.checkedTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
checkbox.checked = true;
switch (tag) {
case 'Expand language':
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'expandLanguage',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '外语版本语言代码(必填):', hant: '外語版本語言代碼(必填):' })
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
name: 'highQualityArticle',
label: conv({ hans: '高品质条目', hant: '高品質條目' })
name: 'expandLanguage2',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '外语版本语言代码:', hant: '外語版本語言代碼:' })
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
name: 'highQualityArticle2',
label: conv({ hans: '高品质条目', hant: '高品質條目' })
name: 'expandLanguage3',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '外语版本语言代码:', hant: '外語版本語言代碼:' })
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
name: 'highQualityArticle3',
label: conv({ hans: '高品质条目', hant: '高品質條目' })
case 'Expert needed':
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'expert',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '哪个领域的专家(必填):', hant: '哪個領域的專家(必填):' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '必填,可参考 Category:需要专业人士关注的页面 使用现存的分类。', hant: '必填,可參考 Category:需要專業人士關注的頁面 使用現存的分類。' })
name: 'expert2',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '哪个领域的专家:', hant: '哪個領域的專家:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选,可参考 Category:需要专业人士关注的页面 使用现存的分类。', hant: '可選,可參考 Category:需要專業人士關注的頁面 使用現存的分類。' })
name: 'expert3',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '哪个领域的专家:', hant: '哪個領域的專家:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选,可参考 Category:需要专业人士关注的页面 使用现存的分类。', hant: '可選,可參考 Category:需要專業人士關注的頁面 使用現存的分類。' })
case 'Merge':
case 'Merge from':
case 'Merge to':
var otherTagName = 'Merge';
switch (tag) {
case 'Merge from':
otherTagName = 'Merge to';
case 'Merge to':
otherTagName = 'Merge from';
// no default
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'mergeTarget',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '其他条目:', hant: '其他條目:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '如指定多个条目,请用管道符分隔:条目甲|条目乙', hant: '如指定多個條目,請用管道符分隔:條目甲|條目乙' })
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
name: 'mergeTagOther',
label: '用{{' + otherTagName + conv({ hans: '}}标记其他条目', hant: '}}標記其他條目' }),
checked: true,
tooltip: conv({ hans: '仅在只输入了一个条目名时可用', hant: '僅在只輸入了一個條目名時可用' })
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0) {
name: 'mergeReason',
type: 'textarea',
label: conv({
hans: '合并理由(会被贴上' + (tag === 'Merge to' ? '其他' : '这') + '条目的讨论页):',
hant: '合併理由(會被貼上' + (tag === 'Merge to' ? '其他' : '這') + '條目的討論頁):'
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选,但强烈推荐。如不需要请留空。仅在只输入了一个条目名时可用。', hant: '可選,但強烈推薦。如不需要請留空。僅在只輸入了一個條目名時可用。' })
case 'Missing information':
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'missingInformation',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '缺少的内容(必填):', hant: '缺少的內容(必填):' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '必填,显示为“缺少有关……的信息。”', hant: '必填,顯示為「缺少有關……的資訊。」' })
case 'Notability':
checkbox.subgroup = {
name: 'notability',
type: 'select',
list: [
{ label: '{{Notability}}:' + conv({ hans: '通用的关注度指引', hant: '通用的關注度指引' }), value: 'none' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Astro}}:' + conv({ hans: '天体', hant: '天體' }), value: 'Astro' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Biographies}}:' + conv({ hans: '人物传记', hant: '人物傳記' }), value: 'Biographies' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Book}}:' + conv({ hans: '书籍', hant: '書籍' }), value: 'Book' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Cyclone}}:' + conv({ hans: '气旋', hant: '氣旋' }), value: 'Cyclone' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Fiction}}:' + conv({ hans: '虚构事物', hant: '虛構事物' }), value: 'Fiction' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Geographic}}:' + conv({ hans: '地理特征', hant: '地理特徵' }), value: 'Geographic' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Geometry}}:' + conv({ hans: '几何图形', hant: '幾何圖形' }), value: 'Geometry' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Invention}}:' + conv({ hans: '发明、研究', hant: '發明、研究' }), value: 'Invention' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Music}}:' + conv({ hans: '音乐', hant: '音樂' }), value: 'Music' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Numbers}}:' + conv({ hans: '数字', hant: '數字' }), value: 'Numbers' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Organizations}}:' + conv({ hans: '组织', hant: '組織' }), value: 'Organizations' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Property}}:' + conv({ hans: '性质表', hant: '性質表' }), value: 'Property' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Traffic}}:' + '交通', value: 'Traffic' },
{ label: '{{Notability|Web}}:' + conv({ hans: '网站、网络内容', hant: '網站、網路內容' }) + '(非正式指引)', value: 'Web' }
case 'Requested move':
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'moveTarget',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '新名称:', hant: '新名稱:' })
name: 'moveReason',
type: 'textarea',
label: conv({ hans: '移动理由(会被粘贴该条目的讨论页):', hant: '移動理由(會被貼上該條目的討論頁):' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选,但强烈推荐。如不需要请留空。', hant: '可選,但強烈推薦。如不需要請留空。' })
case 'Split':
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'target1',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '页面名1:', hant: '頁面名1:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选。', hant: '可選。' })
name: 'target2',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '页面名2:', hant: '頁面名2:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选。', hant: '可選。' })
name: 'target3',
type: 'input',
label: conv({ hans: '页面名3:', hant: '頁面名3:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选。', hant: '可選。' })
case 'Cleanup':
checkbox.subgroup = [
name: 'cleanupReason',
type: 'input',
label: '需要清理的理由',
tooltip: conv({ hans: '可选,但强烈推荐。如不需要请留空。', hant: '可選,但強烈推薦。如不需要請留空。' })
return checkbox;
var makeCheckboxesForAlreadyPresentTags = function() {
container.append({ type: 'header', id: 'tagHeader0', label: conv({ hans: '已放置的维护标记', hant: '已放置的維護標記' }) });
var subdiv = container.append({ type: 'div', id: 'tagSubdiv0' });
var checkboxes = [];
var unCheckedTags ='existingTags');
Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.forEach(function(tag) {
var checkbox =
value: tag,
label: '{{' + tag + '}}' + (Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[tag] ? ': ' + Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[tag].description : ''),
checked: unCheckedTags.indexOf(tag) === -1
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'existingTags',
list: checkboxes
if (sortorder === 'cat') { // categorical sort order
// function to iterate through the tags and create a checkbox for each one
var doCategoryCheckboxes = function(subdiv, subgroup) {
var checkboxes = [];
$.each(subgroup, function(k, item) {
if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.indexOf(item.tag) === -1) {
checkboxes.push(makeCheckbox(item.tag, item.description));
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'tags',
list: checkboxes
if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.length > 0) {
var i = 1;
// go through each category and sub-category and append lists of checkboxes
Twinkle.tag.article.tagList.forEach(function(group) {
container.append({ type: 'header', id: 'tagHeader' + i, label: group.key });
var subdiv = container.append({ type: 'div', id: 'tagSubdiv' + i++ });
if (group.value[0].tag) {
doCategoryCheckboxes(subdiv, group.value);
} else {
group.value.forEach(function(subgroup) {
subdiv.append({ type: 'div', label: [ Morebits.htmlNode('b', subgroup.key) ] });
doCategoryCheckboxes(subdiv, subgroup.value);
} else { // alphabetical sort order
if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.length > 0) {
container.append({ type: 'header', id: 'tagHeader1', label: conv({ hans: '可用的维护标记', hant: '可用的維護標記' }) });
// Avoid repeatedly resorting
Twinkle.tag.article.alphabeticalList = Twinkle.tag.article.alphabeticalList || Object.keys(Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject).sort();
var checkboxes = [];
Twinkle.tag.article.alphabeticalList.forEach(function(tag) {
if (Twinkle.tag.alreadyPresentTags.indexOf(tag) === -1) {
checkboxes.push(makeCheckbox(tag, Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[tag].description));
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'tags',
list: checkboxes
// append any custom tags
if (Twinkle.getPref('customTagList').length) {
container.append({ type: 'header', label: conv({ hans: '自定义模板', hant: '自訂模板' }) });
container.append({ type: 'checkbox', name: 'tags',
list: Twinkle.getPref('customTagList').map(function(el) {
el.checked = Twinkle.tag.checkedTags.indexOf(el.value) !== -1;
return el;
var $workarea = $(form).find('#tagWorkArea');
var rendered = container.render();
// for quick filter:
$allCheckboxDivs = $workarea.find('[name=tags], [name=existingTags]').parent();
$allHeaders = $workarea.find('h5, .quickformDescription');
form.quickfilter.value = ''; // clear search, because the search results are not preserved over mode change
// style adjustments
$workarea.find('h5').css({ 'font-size': '110%' });
$workarea.find('h5:not(:first-child)').css({ 'margin-top': '1em' });
$workarea.find('div').filter(':has(span.quickformDescription)').css({ 'margin-top': '0.4em' });
Morebits.quickForm.getElements(form, 'existingTags').forEach(generateLinks);
Morebits.quickForm.getElements(form, 'tags').forEach(generateLinks);
// tally tags added/removed, update statusNode text
var statusNode = document.getElementById('tw-tag-status');
$('[name=tags], [name=existingTags]').click(function() {
if ( === 'tags') {
Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded += this.checked ? 1 : -1;
} else if ( === 'existingTags') {
Twinkle.tag.status.numRemoved += this.checked ? -1 : 1;
var firstPart = '加入' + Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded + conv({ hans: '个标记', hant: '個標記' });
var secondPart = '移除' + Twinkle.tag.status.numRemoved + conv({ hans: '个标记', hant: '個標記' });
statusNode.textContent =
(Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded ? ' ' + firstPart : '') +
(Twinkle.tag.status.numRemoved ? (Twinkle.tag.status.numAdded ? ';' : ' ') + secondPart : '');
* Adds a link to each template's description page
* @param {Morebits.quickForm.element} checkbox associated with the template
var generateLinks = function(checkbox) {
var link = Morebits.htmlNode('a', '>');
link.setAttribute('class', 'tag-template-link');
var tagname = checkbox.values;
link.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(
(tagname.indexOf(':') === -1 ? 'Template:' : '') +
(tagname.indexOf('|') === -1 ? tagname : tagname.slice(0, tagname.indexOf('|')))
link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
$(checkbox).parent().append(['\u00A0', link]);
// Tags for ARTICLES start here
Twinkle.tag.article = {};
// Tags arranged by category; will be used to generate the alphabetical list,
// but tags should be in alphabetical order within the categories
// excludeMI: true indicate a tag that *does not* work inside {{multiple issues}}
// Add new categories with discretion - the list is long enough as is!
Twinkle.tag.article.tagList = [{
key: conv({ hans: '清理和维护模板', hant: '清理和維護模板' }),
value: [{
key: conv({ hans: '常规清理', hant: '常規清理' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Cleanup', description: conv({ hans: '可能需要进行清理,以符合维基百科的质量标准', hant: '可能需要進行清理,以符合維基百科的質量標準' }) },
{ tag: 'Cleanup rewrite', description: conv({ hans: '不符合维基百科的质量标准,需要完全重写', hant: '不符合維基百科的質量標準,需要完全重寫' }) },
{ tag: 'Cleanup-jargon', description: conv({ hans: '包含过多行话或专业术语,可能需要简化或提出进一步解释', hant: '包含過多行話或專業術語,可能需要簡化或提出進一步解釋' }) },
{ tag: 'Copy edit', description: conv({ hans: '需要编修,以确保文法、用词、语气、格式、标点等使用恰当', hant: '需要編修,以確保文法、用詞、語氣、格式、標點等使用恰當' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '可能多余的内容', hant: '可能多餘的內容' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Copypaste', description: conv({ hans: '内容可能是从某个来源处拷贝后粘贴', hant: '內容可能是從某個來源處拷貝後貼上' }) },
{ tag: 'External links', description: conv({ hans: '使用外部链接的方式可能不符合维基百科的方针或指引', hant: '使用外部連結的方式可能不符合維基百科的方針或指引' }) },
{ tag: 'Non-free', description: conv({ hans: '可能过多或不当地使用了受著作权保护的文字、图像或多媒体文件', hant: '可能過多或不當地使用了受版權保護的文字、圖像或多媒體檔案' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '结构和导言', hant: '結構和導言' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Lead too long', description: conv({ hans: '导言部分也许过于冗长', hant: '導言部分也許過於冗長' }) },
{ tag: 'Lead too short', description: conv({ hans: '导言部分也许不足以概括其内容', hant: '導言部分也許不足以概括其內容' }) },
{ tag: 'Very long', description: conv({ hans: '可能过于冗长', hant: '可能過於冗長' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '虚构作品相关清理', hant: '虛構作品相關清理' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'In-universe', description: conv({ hans: '使用小说故事内的观点描述一个虚构事物', hant: '使用小說故事內的觀點描述一個虛構事物' }) },
{ tag: 'Long plot', description: conv({ hans: '可能包含过于详细的剧情摘要', hant: '可能包含過於詳細的劇情摘要' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '常规条目问题', hant: '常規條目問題' }),
value: [{
key: '重要性和知名度',
value: [
{ tag: 'Notability', description: conv({ hans: '可能不符合通用关注度指引', hant: '可能不符合通用關注度指引' }), excludeMI: true }, // has a subgroup with subcategories
{ tag: 'Notability Unreferenced', description: conv({ hans: '可能具备关注度,但需要来源加以彰显', hant: '可能具備關注度,但需要來源加以彰顯' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '写作风格', hant: '寫作風格' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Advert', description: conv({ hans: '类似广告或宣传性内容', hant: '類似廣告或宣傳性內容' }) },
{ tag: 'Fanpov', description: conv({ hans: '类似爱好者网页', hant: '類似愛好者網頁' }) },
{ tag: 'How-to', description: conv({ hans: '包含指南或教学内容', hant: '包含指南或教學內容' }) },
{ tag: 'Inappropriate person', description: conv({ hans: '使用不适当的第一人称和第二人称', hant: '使用不適當的第一人稱和第二人稱' }) },
{ tag: 'Newsrelease', description: conv({ hans: '阅读起来像是新闻稿及包含过度的宣传性语调', hant: '閱讀起來像是新聞稿及包含過度的宣傳性語調' }) },
{ tag: 'Prose', description: conv({ hans: '使用了日期或时间列表式记述,需要改写为连贯的叙述性文字', hant: '使用了日期或時間列表式記述,需要改寫為連貫的敘述性文字' }) },
{ tag: 'Review', description: conv({ hans: '阅读起来类似评论,需要清理', hant: '閱讀起來類似評論,需要清理' }) },
{ tag: 'Tone', description: conv({ hans: '语调或风格可能不适合百科全书的写作方式', hant: '語調或風格可能不適合百科全書的寫作方式' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '内容', hant: '內容' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Expand language', description: conv({ hans: '可以根据其他语言版本扩展', hant: '可以根據其他語言版本擴充' }) }, // these three have a subgroup with several options
{ tag: 'Missing information', description: '缺少必要的信息' }, // these three have a subgroup with several options
{ tag: 'Substub', description: conv({ hans: '过于短小', hant: '過於短小' }), excludeMI: true },
{ tag: 'Unencyclopedic', description: conv({ hans: '可能不适合写入百科全书', hant: '可能不適合寫入百科全書' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '信息和细节', hant: '資訊和細節' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Expert needed', description: conv({ hans: '需要精通或熟悉本主题的专业人士(专家)参与及协助编辑', hant: '需要精通或熟悉本主題的專業人士(專家)參與及協助編輯' }) },
{ tag: 'Overly detailed', description: conv({ hans: '包含太多过度细节内容', hant: '包含太多過度細節內容' }) },
{ tag: 'Trivia', description: conv({ hans: '应避免有陈列杂项、琐碎资料的部分', hant: '應避免有陳列雜項、瑣碎資料的部分' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '时间性', hant: '時間性' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Current', description: conv({ hans: '记述新闻动态', hant: '記述新聞動態' }), excludeMI: true }, // Works but not intended for use in MI
{ tag: 'Update', description: conv({ hans: '当前条目或章节需要更新', hant: '當前條目或章節需要更新' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '中立、偏见和事实准确性', hant: '中立、偏見和事實準確性' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Autobiography', description: conv({ hans: '类似一篇自传,或内容主要由条目描述的当事人或组织撰写、编辑', hant: '類似一篇自傳,或內容主要由條目描述的當事人或組織撰寫、編輯' }) },
{ tag: 'COI', description: conv({ hans: '主要贡献者与本条目所宣扬的内容可能存在利益冲突', hant: '主要貢獻者與本條目所宣揚的內容可能存在利益衝突' }) },
{ tag: 'Disputed', description: conv({ hans: '内容疑欠准确,有待查证', hant: '內容疑欠準確,有待查證' }) },
{ tag: 'Globalize', description: conv({ hans: '仅具有一部分地区的信息或观点', hant: '僅具有一部分地區的資訊或觀點' }) },
{ tag: 'Hoax', description: conv({ hans: '真实性被质疑', hant: '真實性被質疑' }) },
{ tag: 'POV', description: conv({ hans: '中立性有争议。内容、语调可能带有明显的个人观点或地方色彩', hant: '中立性有爭議。內容、語調可能帶有明顯的個人觀點或地方色彩' }) },
{ tag: 'Self-contradictory', description: conv({ hans: '内容自相矛盾', hant: '內容自相矛盾' }) },
{ tag: 'Weasel', description: conv({ hans: '语义模棱两可而损及其中立性或准确性', hant: '語意模棱兩可而損及其中立性或準確性' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '可供查证和来源', hant: '可供查證和來源' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'BLPdispute', description: conv({ hans: '可能违反了维基百科关于生者传记的方针', hant: '可能違反了維基百科關於生者傳記的方針' }) },
{ tag: 'BLPsources', description: conv({ hans: '生者传记需要补充更多可供查证的来源', hant: '生者傳記需要補充更多可供查證的來源' }) },
{ tag: 'BLP unsourced', description: conv({ hans: '生者传记没有列出任何参考或来源', hant: '生者傳記沒有列出任何參考或來源' }) },
{ tag: 'Citecheck', description: conv({ hans: '可能包含不适用或被曲解的引用资料,部分内容的准确性无法被证实', hant: '可能包含不適用或被曲解的引用資料,部分內容的準確性無法被證實' }) },
{ tag: 'More footnotes needed', description: conv({ hans: '因为文内引用不足,部分字句的来源仍然不明', hant: '因為文內引用不足,部分字句的來源仍然不明' }) },
{ tag: 'No footnotes', description: conv({ hans: '因为没有内文引用而来源仍然不明', hant: '因為沒有內文引用而來源仍然不明' }) },
{ tag: 'Onesource', description: conv({ hans: '极大或完全地依赖于某个单一的来源', hant: '極大或完全地依賴於某個單一的來源' }) },
{ tag: 'Original research', description: conv({ hans: '可能包含原创研究或未查证内容', hant: '可能包含原創研究或未查證內容' }) },
{ tag: 'Primarysources', description: conv({ hans: '依赖第一手来源', hant: '依賴第一手來源' }) },
{ tag: 'Refimprove', description: conv({ hans: '需要补充更多来源', hant: '需要補充更多來源' }) },
{ tag: 'Unreferenced', description: conv({ hans: '没有列出任何参考或来源', hant: '沒有列出任何參考或來源' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '具体内容问题', hant: '具體內容問題' }),
value: [{
key: conv({ hans: '语言', hant: '語言' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'NotMandarin', description: conv({ hans: '包含过多不是现代标准汉语的内容', hant: '包含過多不是現代標準漢語的內容' }), excludeMI: true },
{ tag: 'Rough translation', description: conv({ hans: '翻译品质不佳', hant: '翻譯品質不佳' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '链接', hant: '連結' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Dead end', description: conv({ hans: '需要加上内部链接以构筑百科全书的链接网络', hant: '需要加上內部連結以構築百科全書的連結網絡' }) },
{ tag: 'Orphan', description: conv({ hans: '没有或只有很少链入页面', hant: '沒有或只有很少連入頁面' }) },
{ tag: 'Overlinked', description: conv({ hans: '含有过多、重复、或不必要的内部链接', hant: '含有過多、重複、或不必要的內部連結' }) },
{ tag: 'Underlinked', description: conv({ hans: '需要更多内部链接以构筑百科全书的链接网络', hant: '需要更多內部連結以構築百科全書的連結網絡' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '参考技术', hant: '參考技術' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Citation style', description: conv({ hans: '引用需要进行清理', hant: '引用需要進行清理' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '分类', hant: '分類' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Improve categories', description: conv({ hans: '需要更多页面分类', hant: '需要更多頁面分類' }), excludeMI: true },
{ tag: 'Uncategorized', description: conv({ hans: '缺少页面分类', hant: '缺少頁面分類' }), excludeMI: true }
key: conv({ hans: '合并、拆分、移动', hant: '合併、拆分、移動' }),
value: [
{ tag: 'Merge from', description: conv({ hans: '建议将页面并入本页面', hant: '建議將頁面併入本頁面' }), excludeMI: true },
{ tag: 'Merge to', description: conv({ hans: '建议将此页面并入页面', hant: '建議將此頁面併入頁面' }), excludeMI: true },
{ tag: 'Merge', description: conv({ hans: '建议此页面与页面合并', hant: '建議此頁面與頁面合併' }), excludeMI: true },
{ tag: 'Requested move', description: conv({ hans: '建议将此页面移动到新名称', hant: '建議將此頁面移動到新名稱' }), excludeMI: true },
{ tag: 'Split', description: conv({ hans: '建议将此页面分割为多个页面', hant: '建議將此頁面分割為多個頁面' }), excludeMI: true }
// Tags for REDIRECTS start here
// Not by policy, but the list roughly approximates items with >500
// transclusions from Template:R template index
Twinkle.tag.redirectList = [{
key: '常用模板',
value: [
{ tag: conv({ hans: '合并重定向', hant: '合併重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '保持页面题名至相应主条目,令页面内容在合并后仍能保存其编辑历史', hant: '保持頁面題名至相應主條目,令頁面內容在合併後仍能儲存其編輯歷史' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '简繁重定向', hant: '簡繁重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '引导简体至繁体,或繁体至简体', hant: '引導簡體至繁體,或繁體至簡體' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '关注度重定向', hant: '關注度重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '缺乏关注度的子主题向有关注度的母主题的重定向', hant: '缺乏關注度的子主題向有關注度的母主題的重定向' }) },
{ tag: '模板重定向', description: conv({ hans: '指向模板的重定向页面', hant: '指向模板的重定向頁面' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '别名重定向', hant: '別名重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '标题的其他名称、笔名、绰号、同义字等', hant: '標題的其他名稱、筆名、綽號、同義字等' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '译名重定向', hant: '譯名重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '人物、作品等各项事物的其他翻译名称', hant: '人物、作品等各項事物的其他翻譯名稱' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '缩写重定向', hant: '縮寫重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '标题缩写', hant: '標題縮寫' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '拼写重定向', hant: '拼寫重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '标题的其他不同拼写', hant: '標題的其他不同拼寫' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '错字重定向', hant: '錯字重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '纠正标题的常见错误拼写或误植', hant: '糾正標題的常見錯誤拼寫或誤植' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '旧名重定向', hant: '舊名重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '将事物早前的名称引导至更改后的主题', hant: '將事物早前的名稱引導至更改後的主題' }) },
{ tag: '全名重定向', description: conv({ hans: '标题的完整或更完整名称', hant: '標題的完整或更完整名稱' }) },
{ tag: '短名重定向', description: conv({ hans: '完整标题名称或人物全名的部分、不完整的名称或简称', hant: '完整標題名稱或人物全名的部分、不完整的名稱或簡稱' }) },
{ tag: '姓氏重定向', description: '人物姓氏' },
{ tag: '名字重定向', description: '人物人名' },
{ tag: '本名重定向', description: '人物本名' },
tag: '非中文重定向',
description: conv({ hans: '非中文标题', hant: '非中文標題' }),
subgroup: [
name: 'altLangFrom',
type: 'input',
label: '本重新導向的語言(可選)',
tooltip: '輸入重新導向名稱所使用語言的ISO 639代碼,例如en代表英語,代碼可參見 Template:ISO_639_name'
{ tag: '日文重定向', description: conv({ hans: '日语名称', hant: '日語名稱' }) }
key: '偶用模板',
value: [
{ tag: '角色重定向', description: conv({ hans: '电视剧、电影、书籍等作品的角色', hant: '電視劇、電影、書籍等作品的角色' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '章节重定向', hant: '章節重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '导向至较高密度组织的页面', hant: '導向至較高密度組織的頁面' }) },
{ tag: '列表重定向', description: conv({ hans: '导向至低密度的列表', hant: '導向至低密度的列表' }) },
{ tag: '可能性重定向', description: conv({ hans: '导向至当前提供内容更为详尽的目标页面', hant: '導向至當前提供內容更為詳盡的目標頁面' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '关联字重定向', hant: '關聯字重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '标题名称关联字', hant: '標題名稱關聯字' }) },
tag: conv({ hans: '条目请求重定向', hant: '條目請求重定向' }),
description: conv({ hans: '需要独立条目的页面', hant: '需要獨立條目的頁面' }),
subgroup: [
name: 'reqArticleLang',
type: 'input',
label: '外語語言代碼:',
tooltip: '使用ISO 639代碼,可參見 Template:ISO_639_name'
name: 'reqArticleTitle',
type: 'input',
label: '外語頁面名稱:',
size: 60
{ tag: conv({ hans: '快捷方式重定向', hant: '捷徑重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '维基百科快捷方式', hant: '維基百科快捷方式' }) }
key: conv({ hans: '鲜用模板', hant: '鮮用模板' }),
value: [
{ tag: conv({ hans: '词组重定向', hant: '詞組重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '将词组/词组/成语指向切题的条目及恰当章节', hant: '將詞組/詞組/成語指向切題的條目及恰當章節' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '消歧义页重定向', hant: '消歧義頁重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '指向消歧义页', hant: '指向消歧義頁' }) },
{ tag: '域名重定向', description: conv({ hans: '域名', hant: '網域名稱' }) },
{ tag: '年代重定向', description: conv({ hans: '于年份条目导向至年代条目', hant: '於年份條目導向至年代條目' }) },
{ tag: conv({ hans: '用户框模板重定向', hant: '用戶框模板重定向' }), description: conv({ hans: '用户框模板', hant: '用戶框模板' }) },
{ tag: '重定向模板用重定向', description: conv({ hans: '导向至重定向模板', hant: '導向至重定向模板' }) },
{ tag: 'EXIF重定向', description: conv({ hans: 'JPEG图像文件包含EXIF信息', hant: 'JPEG圖檔包含EXIF資訊' }) }
// maintenance tags for FILES start here
Twinkle.tag.fileList = [{
key: conv({ hans: '著作权和来源问题标签', hant: '著作權和來源問題標籤' }),
value: [
label: '{{Non-free reduce}}:' + conv({ hans: '非低分辨率的合理使用图像(或过长的音频剪辑等)', hant: '非低解析度的合理使用圖像(或過長的音頻剪輯等)' }), value: 'Non-free reduce'
key: conv({ hans: '维基共享资源相关标签', hant: '維基共享資源相關標籤' }),
value: [
label: '{{Copy to Wikimedia Commons}}:' + conv({ hans: '自由著作权文件应该被移动至维基共享资源', hant: '自由版權檔案應該被移動至維基共享資源' }), value: 'Copy to Wikimedia Commons'
label: '{{Do not move to Commons}}:' + conv({ hans: '不要移动至维基共享资源', hant: '不要移動至維基共享資源' }),
value: 'Do not move to Commons',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'DoNotMoveToCommons_reason',
label: '原因:',
tooltip: conv({ hans: '输入不应该将该图像移动到维基共享资源的原因(必填)。', hant: '輸入不應該將該圖像移動到維基共享資源的原因(必填)。' })
label: '{{Keep local}}:' + conv({ hans: '请求在本地保留维基共享资源的文件副本', hant: '請求在本地保留維基共享資源的檔案副本' }),
value: 'Keep local',
subgroup: [
type: 'input',
name: 'keeplocalName',
label: conv({ hans: '共享资源的不同图像名称:', hant: '共享資源的不同圖像名稱:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '输入在共享资源的图像名称(如果不同于本地名称),不包括 File: 前缀', hant: '輸入在共享資源的圖像名稱(如果不同於本地名稱),不包括 File: 字首' })
type: 'input',
name: 'keeplocalReason',
label: '原因:',
tooltip: conv({ hans: '输入请求在本地保留文件副本的原因(可选):', hant: '輸入請求在本地保留檔案副本的原因(可選):' })
label: '{{Now Commons}}:' + conv({ hans: '文件已被复制到维基共享资源(CSD F7)', hant: '檔案已被複製到維基共享資源(CSD F7)' }),
value: 'Now Commons',
subgroup: {
type: 'input',
name: 'nowcommonsName',
label: conv({ hans: '共享资源的不同图像名称:', hant: '共享資源的不同圖像名稱:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '输入在共享资源的图像名称(如果不同于本地名称),不包括 File: 前缀', hant: '輸入在共享資源的圖像名稱(如果不同於本地名稱),不包括 File: 字首' })
key: conv({ hans: '清理标签', hant: '清理標籤' }),
value: [
{ label: '{{Watermark}}:' + conv({ hans: '图像包含了水印', hant: '圖像包含了浮水印' }), value: 'Watermark' },
label: '{{Rename media}}:' + conv({ hans: '文件应该根据文件名称指引被重命名', hant: '檔案應該根據檔案名稱指引被重新命名' }),
value: 'Rename media',
subgroup: [
type: 'input',
name: 'renamemediaNewname',
label: conv({ hans: '新名称:', hant: '新名稱:' }),
tooltip: conv({ hans: '输入图像的新名称(可选)', hant: '輸入圖像的新名稱(可選)' })
type: 'input',
name: 'renamemediaReason',
label: '原因:',
tooltip: conv({ hans: '输入重命名的原因(可选)', hant: '輸入重新命名的原因(可選)' })
{ label: '{{Should be SVG}}:' + conv({ hans: 'PNG、GIF、JPEG文件应该重制成矢量图形', hant: 'PNG、GIF、JPEG檔案應該重製成向量圖形' }), value: 'Should be SVG' }
key: conv({ hans: '文件取代标签', hant: '檔案取代標籤' }),
value: [
{ label: '{{Obsolete}}:' + conv({ hans: '有新版本可用的过时文件', hant: '有新版本可用的過時檔案' }), value: 'Obsolete' },
{ label: '{{Vector version available}}:' + conv({ hans: '有矢量图形可用的非矢量图形文件', hant: '有向量圖形可用的非向量圖形檔案' }), value: 'Vector version available' }
buildFilename: true
Twinkle.tag.callbacks = {
article: function articleCallback(pageobj) {
// Remove tags that become superfluous with this action
var pageText = pageobj.getPageText().replace(/\{\{\s*([Nn]ew unreviewed article|[Uu]nreviewed|[Uu]serspace draft)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/g, '');
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
* Saves the page following the removal of tags if any. The last step.
* Called from removeTags()
var postRemoval = function() {
if (params.tagsToRemove.length) {
// Remove empty {{multiple issues}} if found
pageText = pageText.replace(/\{\{(multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi|ai|issues|多個問題|多个问题|問題條目|问题条目|數個問題|数个问题)\s*\|\s*\}\}\n?/im, '');
// Remove single-element {{multiple issues}} if found
pageText = pageText.replace(/\{\{(?:multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi|ai|issues|多個問題|多个问题|問題條目|问题条目|數個問題|数个问题)\s*\|\s*(\{\{(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])+\}\})\s*\}\}/im, '$1');
// Build edit summary
var makeSentence = function(array) {
if (array.length < 3) {
return array.join('和');
var last = array.pop();
return array.join('、') + '和' + last;
var makeTemplateLink = function(tag) {
var text = '{{[[';
// if it is a custom tag with a parameter
if (tag.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
tag = tag.slice(0, tag.indexOf('|'));
text += tag.indexOf(':') !== -1 ? tag : 'Template:' + tag + '|' + tag;
return text + ']]}}';
var summaryText;
var addedTags =;
var removedTags =;
if (addedTags.length) {
summaryText = '加入' + makeSentence(addedTags);
summaryText += removedTags.length ? '並移除' + makeSentence(removedTags) : '';
} else {
summaryText = '移除' + makeSentence(removedTags);
summaryText += conv({ hans: '标记', hant: '標記' });
if (params.reason) {
summaryText += ':' + params.reason;
// avoid truncated summaries
if (summaryText.length > 499) {
summaryText = summaryText.replace(/\[\[[^|]+\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1');
pageobj.setCreateOption('nocreate'); {
// special functions for merge tags
if (params.mergeReason) {
// post the rationale on the talk page (only operates in main namespace)
var talkpage = new'Talk:' + params.discussArticle, conv({ hans: '将理由贴进讨论页', hant: '將理由貼進討論頁' }));
talkpage.setNewSectionText(params.mergeReason.trim() + ' ~~~~');
talkpage.setNewSectionTitle('请求与[[' + params.nonDiscussArticle + ']]合并');
if (params.mergeTagOther) {
// tag the target page if requested
var otherTagName = 'Merge';
if (params.mergeTag === 'Merge from') {
otherTagName = 'Merge to';
} else if (params.mergeTag === 'Merge to') {
otherTagName = 'Merge from';
var newParams = {
tags: [otherTagName],
tagsToRemove: [],
tagsToRemain: [],
mergeTarget: Morebits.pageNameNorm,
discussArticle: params.discussArticle,
talkDiscussionTitle: params.talkDiscussionTitle,
talkDiscussionTitleLinked: params.talkDiscussionTitleLinked
var otherpage = new, conv({ hans: '标记其他页面(', hant: '標記其他頁面(' }) +
params.mergeTarget + ')');
// special functions for requested move tags
if (params.moveReason) {
// post the rationale on the talk page (only operates in main namespace)
var moveTalkpageText = '\n\n{{subst:RM|1=' + params.moveReason.trim();
if (params.moveTarget) {
moveTalkpageText += '|2=' + params.moveTarget;
moveTalkpageText += '}}';
var moveTalkpage = new'Talk:' + params.discussArticle, conv({ hans: '将理由贴进讨论页', hant: '將理由貼進討論頁' }));
moveTalkpage.setEditSummary(conv({ hans: '请求移动', hant: '請求移動' }) + (params.moveTarget ? '至[[' + params.moveTarget + ']]' : ''));
if (params.patrol) {
* Removes the existing tags that were deselected (if any)
* Calls postRemoval() when done
var removeTags = function removeTags() {
if (params.tagsToRemove.length === 0) {
}{ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '移除取消选择的已存在标记', hant: '移除取消選擇的已存在標記' }));
var getRedirectsFor = [];
// Remove the tags from the page text, if found in its proper name,
// otherwise moves it to `getRedirectsFor` array earmarking it for
// later removal
params.tagsToRemove.forEach(function removeTag(tag) {
var tag_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]+)?\\}\\}\\n?');
if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
} else {
getRedirectsFor.push('Template:' + tag);
if (!getRedirectsFor.length) {
// Remove tags which appear in page text as redirects
var api = new{ hans: '获取模板重定向', hant: '取得模板重新導向' }), {
action: 'query',
prop: 'linkshere',
titles: getRedirectsFor.join('|'),
redirects: 1, // follow redirect if the class name turns out to be a redirect page
lhnamespace: '10', // template namespace only
lhshow: 'redirect',
lhlimit: 'max' // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
}, function removeRedirectTag(apiobj) {
$(apiobj.responseXML).find('page').each(function(idx, page) {
var removed = false;
$(page).find('lh').each(function(idx, el) {
var tag = $(el).attr('title').slice(9);
var tag_re = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|(?:\\{\\{[^{}]*\\}\\}|[^{}])*)?\\}\\}\\n?');
if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
removed = true;
return false; // break out of $.each
if (!removed) {
Morebits.status.warn(conv({ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '无法在页面上找到{{', hant: '無法在頁面上找到{{' }) + $(page).attr('title').slice(9) + conv({ hans: '}}…跳过', hant: '}}…跳過' }));
if (!params.tags.length) {
var tagRe, tagText = '', tags = [], groupableTags = [], groupableExistingTags = [];
// Executes first: addition of selected tags
* Updates `tagText` with the syntax of `tagName` template with its parameters
* @param {number} tagIndex
* @param {string} tagName
var addTag = function articleAddTag(tagIndex, tagName) {
var currentTag = '';
if (tagName === 'Uncategorized' || tagName === 'Improve categories') {
pageText += '\n\n{{' + tagName + '|time={{subst:#time:c}}}}';
} else {
currentTag += '{{' + tagName;
// fill in other parameters, based on the tag
switch (tagName) {
case 'Expand language':
currentTag += '|1=' + params.expandLanguage;
if (params.highQualityArticle) {
currentTag += '|status=yes';
if (params.expandLanguage2) {
currentTag += '|2=' + params.expandLanguage2;
if (params.highQualityArticle2) {
currentTag += '|status2=yes';
if (params.expandLanguage3) {
currentTag += '|3=' + params.expandLanguage3;
if (params.highQualityArticle3) {
currentTag += '|status3=yes';
case 'Expert needed':
currentTag += '|subject=' +;
if (params.expert2) {
currentTag += '|subject2=' + params.expert2;
if (params.expert3) {
currentTag += '|subject3=' + params.expert3;
case 'Merge':
case 'Merge to':
case 'Merge from':
params.mergeTag = tagName;
if (params.mergeTarget) {
// normalize the merge target for now and later
params.mergeTarget = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(params.mergeTarget.replace(/_/g, ' '));
currentTag += '|' + params.mergeTarget;
// link to the correct section on the talk page, for article space only
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0 && (params.mergeReason || params.discussArticle)) {
if (!params.discussArticle) {
// discussArticle is the article whose talk page will contain the discussion
params.discussArticle = tagName === 'Merge to' ? params.mergeTarget : mw.config.get('wgTitle');
// nonDiscussArticle is the article which won't have the discussion
params.nonDiscussArticle = tagName === 'Merge to' ? mw.config.get('wgTitle') : params.mergeTarget;
params.talkDiscussionTitle = conv({ hans: '请求与', hant: '請求與' }) + params.nonDiscussArticle + conv({ hans: '合并', hant: '合併' });
currentTag += '|discuss=Talk:' + params.discussArticle + '#' + params.talkDiscussionTitle;
case 'Missing information':
currentTag += '|1=' + params.missingInformation;
case 'Notability':
if (params.notability !== 'none') {
currentTag += '|3=' + params.notability;
case 'Requested move':
if (params.moveTarget) {
// normalize the move target for now and later
params.moveTarget = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(params.moveTarget.replace(/_/g, ' '));
params.discussArticle = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
currentTag += '|' + params.moveTarget;
case 'Split':
if (params.target1) {
currentTag += '|1=' + params.target1;
if (params.target2) {
currentTag += '|2=' + params.target2;
if (params.target3) {
currentTag += '|3=' + params.target3;
case 'Cleanup':
if (params.cleanupReason) {
currentTag += '|reason=' + params.cleanupReason;
currentTag += '|time={{subst:#time:c}}}}\n';
tagText += currentTag;
* Adds the tags which go outside {{multiple issues}}, either because
* these tags aren't supported in {{multiple issues}} or because
* {{multiple issues}} is not being added to the page at all
var addUngroupedTags = function() {
$.each(tags, addTag);
// Insert tag after short description or any hatnotes,
// as well as deletion/protection-related templates
var wikipage = new;
var templatesAfter = Twinkle.hatnoteRegex +
// Protection templates
'pp|pp-.*?|' +
// CSD
'(?:Delete|Db-reason|D|Deletebecause|Db|速删|速刪|Speedy|SD|快删|快刪|CSD)|' +
// AfD
pageText = wikipage.insertAfterTemplates(tagText, templatesAfter).getText();
// Separate tags into groupable ones (`groupableTags`) and non-groupable ones (`tags`)
params.tags.forEach(function(tag) {
tagRe = new RegExp('\\{\\{' + tag + '(\\||\\}\\})', 'im');
// regex check for preexistence of tag can be skipped if in canRemove mode
if (Twinkle.tag.canRemove || !tagRe.exec(pageText)) {
if (tag === 'Notability' && (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0 || confirm(conv({ hans: '该页面不是条目,您仍要提报到关注度提报吗?', hant: '該頁面不是條目,您仍要提報到關注度提報嗎?' })))) {
var wikipedia_page = new'Wikipedia:关注度/提报', conv({ hans: '加入关注度记录项', hant: '加入關注度記錄項' }));
// condition Twinkle.tag.article.tags[tag] to ensure that its not a custom tag
// Custom tags are assumed non-groupable, since we don't know whether MI template supports them
if (Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[tag] && !Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[tag].excludeMI) {
} else {
} else {
if (tag === 'Merge from') {
} else {
Morebits.status.warn(conv({ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '在页面上找到{{', hant: '在頁面上找到{{' }) + tag + conv({ hans: '}}…跳过', hant: '}}…跳過' }));
// don't do anything else with merge tags
if (['Merge', 'Merge to'].indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
params.mergeTarget = params.mergeReason = params.mergeTagOther = null;
// To-be-retained existing tags that are groupable
params.tagsToRemain.forEach(function(tag) {
// If the tag is unknown to us, we consider it non-groupable
if (Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[tag] && !Twinkle.tag.article.flatObject[tag].excludeMI) {
var miTest = /\{\{(multiple ?issues|article ?issues|mi|ai|issues|多個問題|多个问题|問題條目|问题条目|數個問題|数个问题)\s*\|[^}]+\{/im.exec(pageText);
if (miTest && groupableTags.length > 0) {{ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '加入支持的标记入已存在的{{multiple issues}}', hant: '加入支援的標記入已存在的{{multiple issues}}' }));
tagText = '';
$.each(groupableTags, addTag);
var miRegex = new RegExp('(\\{\\{\\s*' + miTest[1] + '\\s*(?:\\|(?:\\{\\{[^{}]*\\}\\}|[^{}])*)?)\\}\\}\\s*', 'im');
pageText = pageText.replace(miRegex, '$1' + tagText + '}}\n');
tagText = '';
} else if ( && !miTest && (groupableExistingTags.length + groupableTags.length) >= 2) {{ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '加入支持的标记入{{multiple issues}}', hant: '加入支援的標記入{{multiple issues}}' }));
tagText += '{{Multiple issues|\n';
* Adds newly added tags to MI
var addNewTagsToMI = function() {
$.each(groupableTags, addTag);
tagText += '}}\n';
var getRedirectsFor = [];
// Reposition the tags on the page into {{multiple issues}}, if found with its
// proper name, else moves it to `getRedirectsFor` array to be handled later
groupableExistingTags.forEach(function repositionTagIntoMI(tag) {
var tag_re = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]+)?\\}\\}\\n?)');
if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
tagText += tag_re.exec(pageText)[1];
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
} else {
getRedirectsFor.push('Template:' + tag);
if (!getRedirectsFor.length) {
var api = new{ hans: '获取模板重定向', hant: '取得模板重新導向' }), {
action: 'query',
prop: 'linkshere',
titles: getRedirectsFor.join('|'),
redirects: 1,
lhnamespace: '10', // template namespace only
lhshow: 'redirect',
lhlimit: 'max' // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
}, function replaceRedirectTag(apiobj) {
$(apiobj.responseXML).find('page').each(function(idx, page) {
var found = false;
$(page).find('lh').each(function(idx, el) {
var tag = $(el).attr('title').slice(9);
var tag_re = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + Morebits.pageNameRegex(tag) + '\\s*(\\|[^}]*)?\\}\\}\\n?)');
if (tag_re.test(pageText)) {
tagText += tag_re.exec(pageText)[1];
pageText = pageText.replace(tag_re, '');
found = true;
return false; // break out of $.each
if (!found) {
Morebits.status.warn(conv({ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '无法在页面上找到{{', hant: '無法在頁面上找到{{' }) + $(page).attr('title').slice(9) + conv({ hans: '}}…跳过', hant: '}}…跳過' }));
} else {
tags = tags.concat(groupableTags);
notabilityList: function(pageobj) {
// var text = pageobj.getPageText();
// var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
pageobj.setAppendText('\n{{subst:Fameitem|title=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '}}');
pageobj.setEditSummary('加入' + '[[' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]');
redirect: function redirect(pageobj) {
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters(),
pageText = pageobj.getPageText(),
tagRe, tagText = '', summaryText = '加入',
tags = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < params.tags.length; i++) {
tagRe = new RegExp('(\\{\\{' + params.tags[i] + '(\\||\\}\\}))', 'im');
if (!tagRe.exec(pageText)) {
} else {
Morebits.status.warn(conv({ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '在重定向上找到{{', hant: '在重新導向上找到{{' }) + params.tags[i] + conv({ hans: '}}…跳过', hant: '}}…跳過' }));
var addTag = function redirectAddTag(tagIndex, tagName) {
tagText += '\n{{' + tagName;
if (tagName === '非中文重定向') {
if (params.altLangFrom) {
tagText += '|1=' + params.altLangFrom;
} else if (tagName === '条目请求重定向' || tagName === '條目請求重定向') {
if (params.reqArticleLang && params.reqArticleTitle) {
tagText += '|1=' + params.reqArticleLang;
tagText += '|2=' + params.reqArticleTitle;
tagText += '}}';
if (tagIndex > 0) {
if (tagIndex === (tags.length - 1)) {
summaryText += '和';
} else if (tagIndex < (tags.length - 1)) {
summaryText += '、';
summaryText += '{{[[:' + (tagName.indexOf(':') !== -1 ? tagName : 'Template:' + tagName + '|' + tagName) + ']]}}';
if (!tags.length) {
Morebits.status.warn(conv({ hans: '信息', hant: '資訊' }), conv({ hans: '没有标签可供标记', hant: '沒有標籤可供標記' }));
$.each(tags, addTag);
// Check for all Rcat shell redirects (from #433)
if (pageText.match(/{{(?:redr|this is a redirect|r(?:edirect)?(?:.?cat.*)?[ _]?sh)/i)) {
// Regex inspired by [[User:Kephir/gadgets/sagittarius.js]] ([[Special:PermaLink/831402893]])
var oldTags = pageText.match(/(\s*{{[A-Za-z\s]+\|(?:\s*1=)?)((?:[^|{}]|{{[^}]+}})+)(}})\s*/i);
pageText = pageText.replace(oldTags[0], oldTags[1] + tagText + oldTags[2] + oldTags[3]);
} else {
// Fold any pre-existing Rcats into taglist and under Rcatshell
var pageTags = pageText.match(/\s*{{.+?重定向.*?}}/img);
var oldPageTags = '';
if (pageTags) {
pageTags.forEach(function(pageTag) {
var pageRe = new RegExp(Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(pageTag), 'img');
pageText = pageText.replace(pageRe, '');
pageTag = pageTag.trim();
oldPageTags += '\n' + pageTag;
pageText += '\n{{Redirect category shell|' + tagText + oldPageTags + '\n}}';
summaryText += (tags.length > 0 ? conv({ hans: '标记', hant: '標記' }) : '{{Redirect category shell}}') + conv({ hans: '到重定向', hant: '到重新導向' });
// avoid truncated summaries
if (summaryText.length > 499) {
summaryText = summaryText.replace(/\[\[[^|]+\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '$1');
if (params.patrol) {
file: function friendlytagCallbacksFile(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var summary = '加入';
// Add maintenance tags
if (params.tags.length) {
var tagtext = '', currentTag;
$.each(params.tags, function(k, tag) {
// when other commons-related tags are placed, remove "move to Commons" tag
if (['Keep local', 'Now Commons', 'Do not move to Commons'].indexOf(tag) !== -1) {
text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');
if (tag === 'Vector version available') {
text = text.replace(/\{\{((convert to |convertto|should be |shouldbe|to)?svg|badpng|vectorize)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');
currentTag = tag;
switch (tag) {
case 'Now Commons':
currentTag = 'subst:' + currentTag; // subst
if (params.nowcommonsName !== '') {
currentTag += '|1=' + params.nowcommonsName;
case 'Keep local':
if (params.keeplocalName !== '') {
currentTag += '|1=' + params.keeplocalName;
if (params.keeplocalReason !== '') {
currentTag += '|reason=' + params.keeplocalReason;
case 'Rename media':
if (params.renamemediaNewname !== '') {
currentTag += '|1=' + params.renamemediaNewname;
if (params.renamemediaReason !== '') {
currentTag += '|2=' + params.renamemediaReason;
case 'Vector version available':
/* falls through */
case 'Obsolete':
currentTag += '|1=' + params[tag.replace(/ /g, '_') + 'File'];
case 'Do not move to Commons':
currentTag += '|reason=' + params.DoNotMoveToCommons_reason;
case 'Copy to Wikimedia Commons':
currentTag += '|human=' + mw.config.get('wgUserName');
break; // don't care
currentTag = '{{' + currentTag + '}}\n';
tagtext += currentTag;
summary += '{{' + tag + '}}、';
if (!tagtext) {
pageobj.getStatusElement().warn(conv({ hans: '用户取消操作,没什么要做的', hant: '使用者取消操作,沒什麼要做的' }));
text = tagtext + text;
pageobj.setEditSummary(summary.substring(0, summary.length - 1));
if (params.patrol) {
Twinkle.tag.callback.evaluate = function friendlytagCallbackEvaluate(e) {
var form =;
var params = Morebits.quickForm.getInputData(form);
// Validation
// Given an array of incompatible tags, check if we have two or more selected
var checkIncompatible = function(conflicts, extra) {
var count = conflicts.reduce(function(sum, tag) {
return sum += params.tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1;
}, 0);
if (count > 1) {
var message = conv({ hans: '请在以下标签中择一使用', hant: '請在以下標籤中擇一使用' }) + ':{{' + conflicts.join('}}、{{') + '}}。';
message += extra ? extra : '';
return true;
// Given a tag, ensure an associate parameter is present
// Maybe just sock this away in each function???
var checkParameter = function(tag, parameter, description) {
description = description || '理由';
if (params.tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1 && params[parameter].trim() === '') {
alert(conv({ hans: '您必须指定', hant: '您必須指定' }) + '{{' + tag + '}}的' + description + '。');
return true;
// We could theoretically put them all checkIncompatible calls in a
// forEach loop, but it's probably clearer not to have [[array one],
// [array two]] devoid of context. Likewise, all the checkParameter
// calls could be in one if, but could be similarly confusing.
switch (Twinkle.tag.modeEn) {
case 'article':
params.tagsToRemove = form.getUnchecked('existingTags'); // not in `input`
params.tagsToRemain = params.existingTags || []; // container not created if none present
if ((params.tags.indexOf('Merge') !== -1) || (params.tags.indexOf('Merge from') !== -1) ||
(params.tags.indexOf('Merge to') !== -1)) {
if (checkIncompatible(['Merge', 'Merge from', 'Merge to'], conv({ hans: '如果需要多次合并,请使用{{Merge}}并用管道符分隔条目名(但在这种情形中Twinkle不能自动标记其他条目)。', hant: '如果需要多次合併,請使用{{Merge}}並用管道符分隔條目名(但在這種情形中Twinkle不能自動標記其他條目)。' }))) {
if (!params.mergeTarget) {
alert(conv({ hans: '请指定使用于merge模板中的另一个页面标题。', hant: '請指定使用於merge模板中的另一個頁面標題。' }));
if ((params.mergeTagOther || params.mergeReason) && params.mergeTarget.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
alert(conv({ hans: '当前还不支持在一次合并中标记多个条目,与开启关于多个条目的讨论。请不要勾选“标记其他条目”并清空“理由”框后再提交。', hant: '目前還不支援在一次合併中標記多個條目,與開啟關於多個條目的討論。請不要勾選「標記其他條目」並清空「理由」框後再提交。' }));
if (checkParameter('Expand language', 'expandLanguage', conv({ hans: '语言代码', hant: '語言代碼' }))) {
if (checkParameter('Missing information', 'missingInformation', conv({ hans: '缺少的内容', hant: '缺少的內容' }))) {
if (checkParameter('Expert needed', 'expert', conv({ hans: '专家领域', hant: '專家領域' }))) {
case 'file':
// Silly to provide the same string to each of these
if (checkParameter('Obsolete', 'ObsoleteFile', conv({ hans: '替换的文件名称', hant: '替換的檔案名稱' })) ||
checkParameter('Vector version available', 'Vector_version_availableFile', conv({ hans: '替换的文件名称', hant: '替換的檔案名稱' }))) {
if (checkParameter('Do not move to Commons', 'DoNotMoveToCommons_reason')) {
case 'redirect':
alert('Twinkle.tag:未知模式 ' + Twinkle.tag.mode);
// File/redirect: return if no tags selected
// Article: return if no tag is selected and no already present tag is deselected
if (params.tags.length === 0 && (Twinkle.tag.modeEn !== 'article' || params.tagsToRemove.length === 0)) {
alert(conv({ hans: '必须选择至少一个标记!', hant: '必須選擇至少一個標記!' }));
Morebits.status.init(form); = Morebits.pageNameNorm; = conv({ hans: '标记完成,将在几秒内刷新页面', hant: '標記完成,將在幾秒內重新整理頁面' });
if (Twinkle.tag.modeEn === 'redirect') { = false;
var wikipedia_page = new, conv({ hans: '正在标记', hant: '正在標記' }) + Twinkle.tag.mode);
Twinkle.addInitCallback(Twinkle.tag, 'tag');
// </nowiki>