set term svg size 680,600 enhanced font 'Times,12'
#set term post eps enhanced color font 'Times,12' linewidth 2
set output 'TaylorCosPolSVG.svg'
set multiplot
set cntrparam levels 100
set contour base
set isosamples 60,60
set samples 60,60
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "y"
set zlabel "z"
set xrange [-2*pi:2*pi]
set yrange [-3:3]
set zrange [-40:30]
unset key
# Draw the surface
set pm3d
set hidd
set grid layerdefault linetype -1 linecolor rgb "gray" linewidth 0.200, linetype -1 linecolor rgb "gray" linewidth 0.200
set palette defined (-1 "yellow", 0 "orange", 1 "red")
i = {0.0,1.0}
splot real(1-(x+i*y)**2/2! + (x+i*y)**4/4! - (x+i*y)**6/6! +(x+i*y)**8/8!)
# Draw the lines
unset cntrparam
unset contour
unset pm3d
unset hidd
set isosamples 20,20
set samples 20,20
splot real(1-(x+i*y)**2/2! + (x+i*y)**4/4! - (x+i*y)**6/6! +(x+i*y)**8/8!) lt rgb "black"
set view 29,53
unset multiplot
set term x11
set output